PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

It's very miserable around here of late, I think all the unhappy people have had a detrimental effect on those enjoying PES 12. It feels like the days of PES 2009 all over again in here ........ :(
It's very miserable around here of late, I think all the unhappy people have had a detrimental effect on those enjoying PES 12. It feels like the days of PES 2009 all over again in here ........ :(
2009 wasn't very good at all. 2012 is a decent game.
True the graphics are pretty bad for this day and age and the matches lack atmosphere. In terms of gameplay I honestly don't know what the problem is. Seabass said he was trying to replicate how a football match would play out and on this version they have done a very good job of simulating it. Much better than in previous versions and completely moving in the right direction.
I'll take hardcore game play over anything else all day long.
Btw I have a game mode setting on my T.V. that smoothes out the sharpness and the blockiness from the graphics. It definitely looks a lot better, even on the night games.
So your saying that the pitch markings slow it down, if so which one makes it slower, I'm using you're file on -1 and it still seems a bit quick

Any chance you can post the slowest stadium lighting and pitch conditions and I will try it.

You're def right I started a ml last night first home game at night and it was faster than normal, ps I use all edited prem league stadiums

I think that guy just sees things. There is a lot of randomness in the pace of games and there is no correlation with stadium lightning unless it is proven with some statistical analysis.
Chimps - don't touch your TV settings other than using a properly calibrated picture. E.g. a movie/cinema setting (as a starting point). Then go into PES and adjust the Green by -2. Leave the Red and Blue on Zero. I've found that is a good compromise for making day games look good and night games look decent.
In some aspects PES2012 is a step forward from PES2011, but overall i prefer PES2011.
But, this is far from a bad game.
I have the distinct impression that people who really hate it don't want to "master" the game. Gameplaywise 2012 is far from 2011. I really struggled. This weekend it suddenly went like i wanted it, suddenly i mastered the shooting which was my main issue...scoring goals is satisfying again and gives you that over the moon feeling that the other game never gives you...
Sunday afternoon, both my kids were not at home and i had a fantastic afternoon playing a league with WBA. Played a couple of fantastic games: a 3-2 loss against Man City, A 3-2 win against Blackburn and a 4-3 win in the Cup against Arsenal.

I have the distinct impression to lots of people give up to soon and then say the game is disastrously bad. It isn't. It's a very good and enjoyable game if you accept the obvious flaws. Now if Konami would be a litle bit more sure about itself and be less sloppy...

Fully agree!
2011/12 its a peak evolution - best creation by Seabass. But it requires a thorough comprehensive study.
Bravo Takatsuka, vivat Konami!
Took a two week break from all football games, decided last night to try a friendly match and actually thoroughly enjoyed it. PES2012 is the most two faced game I've ever played.

I removed all patches back to version 1.00, Professional, zero assistance, and put the camera to that broadcast live camera (the only camera where the game looks nice imo), -1 speed. Great match, finished 2-2.

I think rolling back to 1.00 is the only way forward for me with this game, that and the odd tournament here and there. FL still pisses me right off (no, Shimizu, you can't have the no. 10 shirt, so feck off!), so at least this way I'll get some enjoyment out of the game. Nice to play a game last night where the CPU attacked me and had a sensible number of men in their defence.

One word about the effects of atmosphere massively enhancing the experience - on my speakers, the sound on this is usually flat, commentators sound like they're speaking in a broom cupboard, and the bass makes the ball sound like a gun going off when kicked. Well, I can't use my speakers for the moment, so had to make so with the tinny sounding TV speakers instead. For some reason the crowd volume sounds way louder than the commentators, who now sound like they're struggling to be heard over the crowd. Crank up the volume and it all sounds x10 more authentic. Add to that the different crowd noises of the Spanish teams, and the audio sounds great. The sound of the ball being kicked is also drowned out by the crowd. It must have something to do with the lesser quality TV speakers not balancing out the sound properly, but either way, hooray for shitty TV speakers fixing a game's audio by accident!
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Yeah Prof!
FL still pisses me right off (no, Shimizu, you can't have the no. 10 shirt, so feck off!)
Haha, I gave my vacant No.10 to Shimizu after Aaron Lennon began pleading for it. :BOP: Does get rather annoying though, 9 months later he was still asking. So I put him up for transfer.
It's funny because a guy asked for it, I clicked to give it to him, and his reaction was something to the effect of, "That's not ideal, but I'll have to make do with it." I was like WTF. Lol
It's funny because a guy asked for it, I clicked to give it to him, and his reaction was something to the effect of, "That's not ideal, but I'll have to make do with it." I was like WTF. Lol

It's all crazy to be honest. I dont let it bother me though, I take it all for it's comedic element. I have no other option, but at least that way it doesnt piss me off. I quite like telling a player that he will play in the next game. Then completely dimiss him again, and he seemingly forgets my initial promise. Madness.
It's funny, Konami try to implement these things, yet they can't manage to do it properly. I sometimes miss the simplicity of earlier MLs where my imagination filled in the gaps and it was more about the action on the pitch. These days i feel i can't just get on and play without some trivial message or sub menu demanding my attention.
In some aspects PES2012 is a step forward from PES2011, but overall i prefer PES2011.
But, this is far from a bad game.
I have the distinct impression that people who really hate it don't want to "master" the game. Gameplaywise 2012 is far from 2011. I really struggled. This weekend it suddenly went like i wanted it, suddenly i mastered the shooting which was my main issue...scoring goals is satisfying again and gives you that over the moon feeling that the other game never gives you...
Sunday afternoon, both my kids were not at home and i had a fantastic afternoon playing a league with WBA. Played a couple of fantastic games: a 3-2 loss against Man City, A 3-2 win against Blackburn and a 4-3 win in the Cup against Arsenal.

I have the distinct impression to lots of people give up to soon and then say the game is disastrously bad. It isn't. It's a very good and enjoyable game if you accept the obvious flaws. Now if Konami would be a litle bit more sure about itself and be less sloppy...

well, this is exactly whay i think
even if i still prefer pes 2011 default to pes 2012 default settings, it's still a good game, and when you manage to score a late equalizer against the cheating cpu it gives you a great feeling

what i miss more though is online master league,and online in general, they managed to ruin it. Online is still too fast and all about ping pong passing for me
Have you started a ML Prof? With what team?
I will buy a PS3 ("for my son, my daughter and me", but my wife had a good laugh at that...she's a nice person though and we will have one) and then use a good option file (Goalgerd's i think) and start a ML with an English club...might go for Boro since i happen to have met Faris Haroun professionaly and he is a very nice person...since then i follow his carreer a litle bit...
i started like 10 master league seasons in d2 with default master league players, top player difficulty and the cpu is obviously cheating going into super players mode right after you score the first goal

this is why i was so happy yesterday when i managed to score a late equalizer, for once it was the opposite situation :BOP:
Hey gerd. I've only just started a 'tester' ML, if you like, to check it out and see how it plays, so that i can learn from it. However, i may well enjoy it and continue, if it plays out well.

I decided to start with the default ML players, as i have an affinity with them, after all these years. So i thought, a motley crew of varied nationalities, not very good, likely to struggle. So i went for Wigan, which i think suits them very well.

I grabbed my first goal in my first and so far, only game, a friendly against Dynamo Kiev. Jaric equalised (1-1) with a sweet FK. However, Kiev saw fit to score in the last minute, to run out 2-1 winners.
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Took a two week break from all football games, decided last night to try a friendly match and actually thoroughly enjoyed it. PES2012 is the most two faced game I've ever played.

I removed all patches back to version 1.00, Professional, zero assistance, and put the camera to that broadcast live camera (the only camera where the game looks nice imo), -1 speed. Great match, finished 2-2.

I think rolling back to 1.00 is the only way forward for me with this game, that and the odd tournament here and there. FL still pisses me right off (no, Shimizu, you can't have the no. 10 shirt, so feck off!), so at least this way I'll get some enjoyment out of the game. Nice to play a game last night where the CPU attacked me and had a sensible number of men in their defence.

One word about the effects of atmosphere massively enhancing the experience - on my speakers, the sound on this is usually flat, commentators sound like they're speaking in a broom cupboard, and the bass makes the ball sound like a gun going off when kicked. Well, I can't use my speakers for the moment, so had to make so with the tinny sounding TV speakers instead. For some reason the crowd volume sounds way louder than the commentators, who now sound like they're struggling to be heard over the crowd. Crank up the volume and it all sounds x10 more authentic. Add to that the different crowd noises of the Spanish teams, and the audio sounds great. The sound of the ball being kicked is also drowned out by the crowd. It must have something to do with the lesser quality TV speakers not balancing out the sound properly, but either way, hooray for shitty TV speakers fixing a game's audio by accident!

Are you using chimps edit file on 1.0, I might give it a go but worried I will lose all my edits,stadiums etc
I sometimes miss the simplicity of earlier MLs where my imagination filled in the gaps and it was more about the action on the pitch.

Agree with this, old ML was better because of the simplicity. All you had to do was buy and sell players,manage your funds and train your players in the off season it was perfect. All the rubbish they have added over the years takes away the enjoyment for me, if I wanted to play an in depth management game I would play Football Manager.
As a FM fan...i fully agree.
It's good that Konami tries to make the ML experience deeper, but once again this mode should be more customizable. You should be able to determine how deep you wanna play. But in ML Konami also have taken a step back since i read today that it's the game that decides in which division you start a ML...
Just like in BAL you can't choose between a couple of clubs...but have to play with the club the CPU chooses for you...this is weird. Not necessarily a bad thing (i would never have gone for Bologna and now i quite nejoy playing for them apart from my shenanigans with the manager) but once again, players should get both options: choose one club among for 3 or 4 interested ones, or no choice at all...The lack of customization is IMO through the years one of the biggest flaws in the series. Not essential, but it can make the game less fun.

Why for example not give the option to start a ML halfway through a season? This could be fun: starting a ML with a club in the relegation zone (or midtable, or higher) and build the team up from there...
I actually like the way the ML has progressed, even with these silly little player tantrums. Football Manager is a completely different type of game, it's nothing like an ML, and therefore should not even compared. One game you actually play football, the other is basically a screen full of text.

Club Boss and FM yes, FM and ML, no chance. In my opinon.
Is there anything you dont like in PES?

Jeez, hell yeah, alot of stuff. Last night's session though, was by far, the worst I have ever seen PES in a long time, and in so many areas. Not good.

I love the new ML, loved it since it upgraded in PES 10. So much better and more realistic than the bullshit points system from way back when. In my opinion.
I actually like the way the ML has progressed, even with these silly little player tantrums. Football Manager is a completely different type of game, it's nothing like an ML, and therefore should not even compared. One game you actually play football, the other is basically a screen full of text.

Club Boss and FM yes, FM and ML, no chance. In my opinon.

Jimmy, i actually think this years Master League is the worst iteration weve possibly ever had.
I applaud Konami for trying new things and trying to make the mode more immersive but what they've done by the way they have implemented it, has had the opposite effect.

- Ridiculous player talks system whereby its as thoughtless as a button press, may as well be "Press A to make player happy, Press B to leave him unhappy"
Even 16yr old spotty youths that you have just signed pro moan about not playhing every game like they are the best player in the world, the idea of bedding in young promising players means giving them 20 mins here and there, build experience, slowly develop them, this system is null and void in PES as every player moans about not playing regardless of who they are.
- Training system, abysmal, increase one discipline by a point, decreazse others by 3 ... and no individial player training anymore, why remove something that worked well?!
- Chairman missions - completely unrealistic and annoying, dont get a single man booked, dont let such and such score.... pointless.
- Players becoming unhappy and leaving on a free and giving you no chance at all to negotiate with them... again unrealistic and annoying.

Im not saying ML should mimic Football manager, as you say they are 2 different entities but if Konami are going to implement new systems, a) explain how they work, ie training and b) make sure they work properly, it just all feels unfinished.
Jeez, hell yeah, alot of stuff. Last night's session though, was by far, the worst I have ever seen PES in a long time, and in so many areas. Not good.

I love the new ML, loved it since it upgraded in PES 10. So much better and more realistic than the bullshit points system from way back when. In my opinion.


Gameplay issues aside, as we've already had that debate elsewhere, do you really enjoy players constantly bitching at you for no reason or the form arrows randomly switching to purple even though the player has just scored a hat-trick and is clearly in the form of his life? Players that constantly want to tell you they're pleased because they played the full 90? WHO CARES? The overly simple transfer system that means you can no longer do swap deals? The utterly SHIT training system? Players who are 2 minutes out of the youth team bitching about their squad number? Chairmen telling you not to get any players booked or setting other such nonsense tasks for your team? The broken schedule system that has your players playing international matches all over the place? Etc. etc. etc!

Yeah they changed the points system to real money and that's a good thing but all that other pointless shit they've added has made the Master League a total grind in my opinion.
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Gameplay issues aside, as we've already had that debate elsewhere, do you really enjoy players constantly bitching at you for no reason or the form arrows randomly switching to purple even though the player has just scored a hat-trick and is clearly in the form of his life? Players that constantly want to tell me they're pleased because they played the full 90? WHO CARES? The overly simple transfer system that means you can no longer do swap deals? The utterly SHIT training system? Players who are 2 minutes out of the youth team bitching about their squad number? Chairmen telling you not to get any players booked or setting other such nonsense tasks for your team? The broken schedule system that has your players playing international matches all over the place? Etc. etc. etc!

Yeah they changed the points system to real money and that's a good thing but all that other pointless shit they've added has made the Master League a total grind in my opinion.

^^^ Couldnt agree more!!! I still enjoy playing master league, im in my 4th season, BUT, the time between games now is a chore, rather than being the immersive joy it was previously.
To be honest I take very little notice of that side of it. It hasnt been implemented properly, and it doesnt really bother me. It's half-arsed and I take very little notice. The individual training for players was a nice touch and a bit of fun, but was it realistic ? Not really. Can you make any player a perfect playmaker in 8 weeks? Not you cant. You either have that in your natural make-up or you dont. And that can be said for almost all of the Player Cards. So with that in mind, I can deal with it. Especially as the whole group training is closer to real-life, even with it's flaws.

The day I start getting pissed off with what's happening in silly cut-scenes is the day I'll stop playing. I play ML for the football and the building of the squad. And bearing in mind MLO is also totally screwed this year, that's where I get my kicks. I honestly just find it comical.

There are far greater issues that are worrying me right now, namely, balance.

Edit - What I will say, and I'm not sure if this is pure coincidence or not, but structuring my days correctly has certainly had a more beneficial effect on my results. Working on Technique, then Condition, then Strategy has certainly reaped rewards. Now that I do like.
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