PES 2012 Discussion Thread ....... are doing PES12 on 360 for £24.85 already less than a month after release.

I popped into my local CEX store and they have more copies of PES12 than I could shake a stick at. I was talking to a guy who works there and when they get one more copy they will stop taking it in as they have so many of them. They can’t get rid of them.

One other little gripe and its (surprise surprise) Goalkeeper related. It’s about their kits. In every game Ive played my keeper has had the same colour shirt as the oppositions outfield players. It’s annoying and against the rules of the game. Sort it out Konami.
You can join the PC Evo-Web community, but I'm guessing since you mentioned Hamachi, you are not using the *ahem* orginal version? :D

No unfortunatly not :( if anybody can give me a online code for pc with username and password i would be very very very grateful.

somebody plz give me one :)
Today i played some great games and every game was fun to play. I win my CL Away game against Ajax 4-0, in the Bundesliga i draw 2-2 at home against Dortmund, win at home against Hamburg 4-0 again.

Defending become easier with every game i play. I'm switching between my players with L1 a lot faster then the first weeks. I'm now able to defend in space way better because of my faster player rotations. This is Key for me. Every time the AI make a pass i immediately switch to the next player. Now i almost never loose my shape / formation.

If i look back the first weeks my defending was terrible and the CPU scores 1 or 2 goals every game. I played 9 games in my new started Bundesliga Season and the CPU scored just 5 goals against me.

A lot of people says defending is not possible because the CPU will score at will. At least at professional and with a good Team like Bayern it's not true.
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Today i played some great games and every game was fun to play. I win my CL Away game against Ajax 4-0, in the Bundesliga i draw 2-2 at home against Dortmund, win at home against Hamburg 4-0 again.

Defending become easier with every game i play. I'm switching between my players with L1 a lot faster then the first weeks. I'm now able to defend in space way better because of my faster player rotations. This is Key for me. Every time the AI make a pass i immediately switch to the next player. Now i almost never loose my shape / formation.

If i look back the first weeks my defending was terrible and the CPU scores 1 or 2 goals every game. I played 9 games in my new started Bundesliga Season and the CPU scored just 5 goals against me.

A lot of people says defending is not possible because the CPU will score at will. At least at professional and with a good Team like Bayern it's not true.

Are you playing with the last 1.02 patch? Because Professional level is way more easy than all the other older version of the game (demo1, demo2, 1.00, 1.01)
Are you playing with the last 1.02 patch? Because Professional level is way more easy than all the other older version of the game (demo1, demo2, 1.00, 1.01)

Whether it's easier or not is subjective. There's nothing wrong with playing at Professional. I play at Professional too, even though I played at Top Player with previous PES. I guess some people feel its a blow to their ego to drop below Top Player. If you don't like the game, it's perfectly fine, but you don't have to put someone down and take away their enjoyment.
Whether it's easier or not is subjective. There's nothing wrong with playing at Professional. I play at Professional too, even though I played at Top Player with previous PES. I guess some people feel its a blow to their ego to drop below Top Player. If you don't like the game, it's perfectly fine, but you don't have to put someone down and take away their enjoyment.

Easy there, i just telling something that's is a fact, is not a subjective thing. Professional mode on 1.02 is easier.

And sorry, i didn't want to hurt you.
It is not a fact. It is just your opinion.

End of story.

P.S. And don't worry. I'm not hurt by a random poster online. I've got better things to do than that.
Yeah but speaking of not being able to beat the CPU... just been reminded of how awful offline can be.

PSN's down, so I returned to my offline league. Started the game up, conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes. "Bollocks to this," I thought, and restarted. Not usually a restarter, but I'm irritated at no PSN and I can't be arsed with this.

Restarted the game, conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes. Slightly irritated, I thought I'd restart again and see if I could get a better hand from the Konami dealer.

Next time, went close with a good shot after 40 seconds. Moments later... conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes. Oh dear. "I'll have to try a different approach," I thought.

Restarted, went into game plan and made my number 4 tactic (All Out Defence) even more defensive. Pulled everyone back into the box, set man-marking on the opposition's 4 attacking players, leaving myself a spare man at the back. Total lockdown. If I can just stop that early goal, I'll feel a lot more comfortable, I thought. Kicked off, set tactic to number 4. Lost the ball on my first attack, booming through-ball down the pitch - man marking not working very well, as I notice my right back (who's marking the left winger) is on the left side of the pitch for some reason. Ball goes to unmarked left winger. Cutback. Conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes.

Started the fixture for a fifth time. Did the whole defensive tactic thing again. Conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes.

"Now I'm just letting this get to me," I thought. "I'm so irritated by this shit, my concentration's gone. I'm psyched out. Let's have a break." Get up, make a cup of tea. Browse some stuff on the internet while it's brewing. Come back, sit down, sip of tea, restart the game. Conceded a totally-scripted, impossible-to-stop goal in the first 5 minutes.

Now, I'm shit at PES2012 offline. I admit it. 1v1 no problem - I'm no PES superhero, but I'm unbeaten so far in this PEEL season, and we're not talking about a bunch of dreadful players there. I'm OK. But offline? Lousy, lousy, 85% possession and lose 3-1, that kind of thing. Alright, I use small teams, but I'm often playing against small teams too. Maybe I just haven't played enough offline? Whatever, I don't have a great record against the computer, so maybe it's just me conceding all those early goals against the mighty attacking force that is CD Feirense. Maybe I just can't handle their 68-rated striker. Maybe it's my fault that for every one of those goals my defenders left two men in acres of space after less than 5 minutes' play, despite (the last four times) having strict instructions to man-mark them. Maybe.

About to start my seventh attempt at this tricky away fixture. This time I'm just going to plough on regardless. Wish me luck.
And you have the audacity to call other people out Roman?

It is OPINION, not fact. Stop being an arrogant jerk.

I switch between Professional and Superstar (and Top Player against friends) and sometimes it's easy and sometimes even on Professional it's hard.

I laugh when people say it's too easy on a certain level because I wonder how they play. Do they use cheap exploits to beat the CPU? Because if you try to play proper football and pass the ball around, you can cop a real beating sometimes lol.
Hmm, it's not so much the speed of the game, or getting men behind the ball. The problem for me with Demo 2, and with the original unpatched game, was more the speed of the player movements, and how quickly and manically the action shifted from end to end. You had players like Richard Dunne shimmying around with the ball like John Travolta, and endless up-and-down movement of the ball which pretty much bypassed the midfield. It was all-action, singing and dancing arcade football.

Now, I take your point that football right now is more "arcade" than it used to be (although that's really something that's sprung up this season, and may well be a fad that will pass before too long - top coaches will think "hmm, this is all a bit harum-scarum for me" and the pendulum will swing again... it's also partly to do with the fact that a number of top teams - especially in England - currently have aging, injured or half-arsed defences, which again will be rectified soon). But there are still loads of nil-nils, still plenty of slow and patient games, and the WAY in which football is currently so attacking is not really reflected in PES2012. In real life, we're not seeing millions of crazy dribbles, 100mph counter attacks consisting of three or four passes, goalies falling over their own feet. Central defenders haven't suddenly become superbly agile, lumpen holding midfielders haven't suddenly discovered a first touch that would put Andres Iniesta to shame. Look at that abominable England-Sweden game the other night: it was just a load of large clumsy men bumping into each other for 90 minutes, occasionally propelling the ball in the vague direction they intended. A realistic computer football game should at least find some sort of balance.

That's why I'm pleased they toned down the super-slick movements of the early versions, slowed the game a little (0 speed is STILL too fast when you look at how much ground is covered in a short time), made the counter-attacking just a little bit less frantic and slightly more containable. When the game is moving too fast, strategy and thought go out of the window; even in a high-speed match, there's still room for tactics. When both sides are pushing forward like they were a goal down in the last minute of the Champions League final, again, there's no time to think or plan or do anything other than mash buttons. That's what I think of as arcade football, and there's less of it in PES 1.02 than there was in PES 1.0 - which is not to say that it's better, just that it's slightly more to my taste... despite the very obvious faults in how the game now plays out.

It's quick, and one mistake can finish you, but it's far from a mindless thrash. The fact that both players have to concentrate on their shape, and the weight and direction of their passing, regulates the gameplay, and that makes all the difference (the CPU has no such worries, because that's all handled in a split-second by a computer brain which can predict nearly all possible outcomes, and move the ball around at ludicrously high speeds without error, which is why playing against it can seem so unrealistic).

Dude,lay off the pot,ive got testers that could rip your post into tiny little pieces chew it and then spit it back at you.

Again, I'd say that online 1v1 - with all assistance off, and a sympathetic opponent - really does capture the knife-edge speed and skill of modern football.

Now correct me if im wrong(actually dont)but this is a massive over-statement.Skill,your kidding right,my nine year old neighbour thats got about as much hand eye co-ordination as my granny can play arresting football with the assistance off,because its not un-assisted.Now youve either got a very good imagination,or,you some how believe what is happening in front of yours eyes is your doing.

Theres no consistency to the passing,the shootings pot luck,and the games playing out irrespective of your frenzied control of the protagonists the are fielding the pitch.

Look at that abominable England-Sweden game the other night: it was just a load of large clumsy men bumping into each other for 90 minutes, occasionally propelling the ball in the vague direction they intended. A realistic computer football game should at least find some sort of balance.

No,it was 22 men who dont normally play together every week trying to find some kind of cohesion and rythm.The game lacked atmosphere and there wasnt anything to play for.Bad analogy.

Conclusion,you sound great on paper but your talking a lot of BS.Back it up with some videos or hard facts.

Guys no offence but you all need to get laid and get out more,stop gushing over this pile of turd,or trying to make yourselfs out to be SUPERIOR FOOTBALLING MINDS,who understand the footballing greatness that is pes2012.Theres more fun to be had turning the light off,taking your button off your shirt,throwing it on the floor,and searching for it in the dark.....just saying.
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Dude,lay off the pot,ive got testers that could rip your post into tiny little pieces chew it and then spit it back at you.

Again, I'd say that online 1v1 - with all assistance off, and a sympathetic opponent - really does capture the knife-edge speed and skill of modern football.

Now correct me if im wrong(actually dont)but this is a massive over-statement.Skill,your kidding right,my nine year old neighbour thats got about as much hand eye co-ordination as my granny can play arresting football with the assistance off,because its not un-assisted.Now youve either got a very good imagination,or,you some how believe what is happening in front of yours eyes is your doing.

Theres no consistency to the passing,the shootings pot luck,and the games playing out irrespective of your frenzied control of the protagonists the are fielding the pitch.

Look at that abominable England-Sweden game the other night: it was just a load of large clumsy men bumping into each other for 90 minutes, occasionally propelling the ball in the vague direction they intended. A realistic computer football game should at least find some sort of balance.

No,it was 22 men who dont normally play together every week trying to find some kind of cohesion and rythm.The game lacked atmosphere and there wasnt anything to play for.Bad analogy.

Conclusion,you sound great on paper but your talking a lot of BS.Back it up with some videos or hard facts.

Guys no offence but you all need to get laid and get out more,stop gushing over this pile of turd,or trying to make yourselfs out to be SUPERIOR FOOTBALLING MINDS,who understand the footballing greatness that is pes2012.Theres more fun to be had turning the light off,taking your button off your shirt,throwing it on the floor,and searching for it in the dark.....just saying.

Seriously dude? You undertake a pointless excercise to illustrate how pointless our discussion is. You need to have your head examined.

Skill,your kidding right,my nine year old neighbour thats got about as much hand eye co-ordination as my granny can play arresting football with the assistance off,because its not un-assisted
Your granny is one crafty old geezer if that really is the case. lol

You really undermine any credibility that you might have and nullify any valid points by stating certain things are not as they really are. I'm sure searching for your shirt button in the dark is fun for you, so instead of posting a whole lot of non-sense why don't you do us all a favour and go entertain yourself!
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Dude,lay off the pot,ive got testers that could rip your post into tiny little pieces chew it and then spit it back at you...

What a stupid, ignorant, rude post by a complete tool, no offense.
See how I've totally offended you even though I added no offense. Well it's exactly what you did, so adding no offense is not an excuse to then be totally rude and belittling.

Seeing as you tried to rip the guy's post to pieces, how about we do it to you:

I love how you complain that people are "trying to make yourselfs out to be SUPERIOR FOOTBALLING MINDS" when it's exactly what you do almost every single post. It's always "I'm a tester, I've been in this industry for ages, what I know will shock you, I've got a team of testers..." If that's not trying to make yourself sound superior and trying to gain respect, I don't know what is. Funny thing is, it does completely the opposite.

You say there is no skill and that a 9 year old could play as well as anyone. I doubt it. They would sprint too much in situations you shouldn't sprint, shoot with a player's weak foot and have no clue about defending or general positing and shape of the team, just three things a skillful player can use to their advantage.

Theres no consistency to the passing,the shootings pot luck,and the games playing out irrespective of your frenzied control of the protagonists the are fielding the pitch.

I see this argument about passing, shooting etc so many times. It's called stats and player consistency/form. If every time you wanted to do something it worked out exactly how you intended, you would win every game 10-0. In real life has any defender ever meant to score an own goal, do midfielders intentionally misplace a pass or strikers decide that they want to shoot straight at the goaly. Of course not, that's just the nature, unpredictability and drama of football. I think it's replicated fairly well on PES, sure it means you're gonna sometimes get annoyed and not always have fun, but just ask a real manager if they have fun every weekend.
As for the game playing out irrespective of my control, maybe I'll put my controller down next game and see if you actually have a valid point here.

As we're ripping things to pieces; referring to England Sweden you say, "The game lacked atmosphere and there wasnt anything to play for." Finally correct on the atmosphere but there was the small matter of plenty of players playing for a place in the EURO 2012 squad and I thought because of this, it was better and more competitive than a lot of friendlies. But I guess there was only 1 goal so let's just label it a crap game.

Conclusion,you sound great on paper but your talking a lot of BS.Back it up with some videos or hard facts.
About 9 year olds.
It happens that i have a son who is almost 9 year old.
He loves PES and plays it very good (to be fair, he only plays with Barcelona, Man City, Spain or Argentina). You know why he is good? Because he plays PES like real football, with a patient build-up, with good passing, using the sprint button when it really makes a difference.

My son plays football IRL too. He is playing since he was five and after a year to my astonishment i noticed that he is very, very talented. Of course as his father, i'm prejudiced, but other people have also noticed that, and soon we got (rather crazy) offers from different clubs (which we declined). In summer i spend a week with him at "de Toekomst" Ajax' youth academy where he was tested (Ajax proposed that, we live in Belgium not in Holland) and afterwards the people who tested him (with GPS-systems and computers) told me that he is technically very, very good but that he has exceptional vista and awareness...

Conclusion: there are 9 year olds how are good at PES, because they have the ability to know how to play football.

PS: my son still plays with his friends in our neighbourhood team and i'm not saying that he will be the new Messi...i just want him to enjoy himself. He is hardly aware of all the fuzz around him and when we ask him now about Amsterdam, the thing he remembers most fondly is our visit to Artis, the Amsterdam Zoo... I posted this not to brag about my son (which would be rather stupid) but to make a point about football intelligence and the prejudice that childeren don't have footballe intelligence. When i watch football with my son, he sees things i don't see...
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I rest my case,i just wanted to prove that some of you guys can make anything sound more then what it is,including my post.

Brilliany,absolutely,brilliant.Theres essays about my post.

Respect and credibility is earned in the real world,not on internet forums.I GET IT IN ROYALTIES.
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Nice to hear your son is doing well by the Gerd, keep us posted on his progression.. ;)

As for that Expander fella......., well, lads, lads, lads, dont even give him the time of day. How on earth he is still able to show his face on these forums after years of completely humiliating himself is beyond me. The man's arrogance and ignorance holds no bounds. Surely everyone remembers his after-touch post that we are still waiting for videos of. Or maybe his schizophrenia, the post's condemning PES 11 as the worst game ever produced, only for it to be the greatest triumph merely two days later.

In fact, let's have a closer look at Expander, it's Friday, and it's worth giggle....

Well,let me say im home again and in total NIRVANA.

Apologies for my rants and anyone ive upset,especially curdstar,but im willing to man up and eat a bit of humble pie.

Playing in top player with zero pass assistance and no teamate assists and i couldnt be happier,this is the promised land and total football!!!!!,just like the second we2012 demo was.

Im so unhappy about it im not coming back,if it wasnt for me youd all be playing post patch pes2012 and the moaning would be worse.

Hail Brian ......

Do you really want people that work in this industry and can give a insight into its workings to walk away,i blow the whistle on patch 1.01....who do you really think i am lami? late forget it im gone.Enjoy my game

Hail the Messiah ....

Solace for myself and others that were so sure the game wasnt right compared to demo2 ie flaw3d Genius,prispink and many more,got there in the end boys and if you ever want jobs as testers you can join my firm.

One of my personal favourites that. :)

And finally, the classic Expander Whopper ....

Push over the ball with your thumbstick to hit low and pull back on your thumbstick to elevate,you can also add top,back and side spin to the ball with the left thumbstick and put backspin on the ball when you hit long balls so the ball stops dead and doesnt overrun,this also applies to short passing,through passing and heading.


When you shoot or hit a long ball you can put backspin and side as well as top on the ball by pulling the left stick back,forward or to the side just after the ball leaves your foot.Its affected by the players curl stat and you can even put it on ground passes if your quick,its subtle doesnt ruin the realism and allows you to take the power off of long balls hit into space so they dont over run.Get used to the power ratio first and then play with this dynamic.It adds alot and gives the game another layer.



That cross is a manual cross using l2 and i make it dip and spin,and yes you can put manual spin on the ball with your thumbstick,be it shooting,through passing,short passing,long passing and heading.Each player has a curl stat so it varies the amount from player to player.

Your talking to a konami vet of twenty years who played the Iss series on the n64(a game built around the analog stick)which had a similiar dynamic so it feels quite natural and easy for me as its hardwired the timing point in my brain.

Also have a little respect and dont call me a lier,im sharing this with the community for there benefit and yours when i could quite easily keep it to myself.

Take a closer look at the video its intentional as the balls travelling away from goal,i spin it inside on the far post.

Spin is added at the point that the power bar powers up and just before the ball leaves your foot and you hold the desired direction of the spin you want while the ball is in flight or travellig across the ground,you can also hit over and under the ball by pushing forward or back relative to the direction your facing and your body and foot position..

I love that one, 20 years ? ISS ? Really ? :CONFUSE:

Oh dear, it gets worse ....
You can add spin to the ball be it back,side or top by clever foot placement of your players and using the angles of the pitch just like real life and by pushing and holding your left stick in the required direction just as the ball leaves your players foot(relative to the direction your player is facing,and how a real pro would use his boot and foot to add swerve,dip and curl).It takes practise and timing but is a welcome addition and adds another layer.Everythings super subtle in this new game and i can let the ball bounce up with a hard pass from another player off my players feet and hit a instant long pass when the ball is in the air that elevates then dips,real clever shit.Theres also a multitude of contact points with the ball that creates different results based on how you time the execution,how your player is planted on the pitch and his foot and body position.You have the option whether you hit a instant header,chest trap or let the ball drop to feet,its all in the timing.Dont stab at buttons and time the connection you want with the ball perfectly,this is paramount in mastering the depth of shooting which is all ball,player and foot position.This is nothing like previous pes games that were totally automated and stat driven.

You dont have to use the l2 or manual modifier this can be done with any short,long or through pass as well as shooting.I use backspin on long balls and long passes so the ball slows down when it lands so it doesnt over run.

Its there to a degree in the pes2011 demo but is fully implemented in the we2011 demo and another example of the differences between the two demos.On the previous page of this thread theres a video of me doing a long ball with backspin and you can see how the ball slows and spins back.

Me and a old friend spent years playing majorAs games by konami,so it hasnt taken me long to master or click with the depth and layers of this game.Konami should shout about this stuff more but they want the end user to discover these things in there own time,its what the magic of discovery is all about.Those games by majorA are often percieved as arcade like and shallow compared to pes on the ps2 but the reality was there control mechanics and ai was light years ahead of anything that has preluded pes2011.

Ok, now I've had enough..... :YAWN:
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Nice to hear your son is doing well by the Gerd, keep us posted on his progression.. ;)

As for that Expander fella......., well, lads, lads, lads, dont even give him the time of day. How on earth he is still able to show his face on these forums after years of completely humiliating himself is beyond me. The man's arrogance and ignorance holds no bounds. Surely everyone remembers his after-touch post that we are still waiting for videos of. Or maybe his schizophrenia, the post's condemning PES 11 as the worst game ever produced, only for it to be the greatest triumph merely two days later.

In fact, let's have a closer look at Expander, it's Friday, and it's worth giggle....

Hail Brian ......

Hail the Messiah ....

One of my personal favourites that. :)

And finally, the classic Expander Whopper ....



I love that one, 20 years ? ISS ? Really ? :CONFUSE:

Oh dear, it gets worse ....

Ok, now I've had enough..... :YAWN:

Oh,my hearts broken and my whole worlds fallen apart,and didnt you play under the BRIAN CLOUGH once,or was that before you woke up from your fantasies of grandure.

Thanks for plucking these from the vault for me,what a great read they are.

Jimmy im bullet proof(sorry,thats one of yours).Is this the best you can do,and wasnt it you a year ago claiming the powers that be at evo web were trying push you out,and it was all a big conspiracy against poor old jimmy.Self deluded springs to mind,your not that important.

What do i care,pes is dead and your one of the remaining few desperately clinging on,clutching at straws because your life lacks any real substance and pes is all you have.It was all a bit of fun,while it lasted,but back to my day job and my real life.....making football games.

You see,i know everything about you,you know everything about me,we know everything about are lifes.Who am i?,well the answers in your last post,work out the subtext inspector morse!,or arent you clever enough.
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On a different note, finally I've managed to stop conceding goals in my ML with Bolton. I was propping up the EPL after a run of consecutive losses and draws if I was lucky. I got hit for six by Spurs, and after that I decided to get my thinking head on, as this is nothing I've experienced before in any PES. I've always played PES offline with smaller teams, and up until this year, I held my own against the big boys. This year is a different story, so with that, my mind-set had to change. No longer could I fight fire with fire. I can no longer enter a shoot-out against the likes of Liverpool et al, and expect to compete man-for-man. The indiviuality and subsequent team indiviuality of this new PES has raised the bench-mark considerably, which means that on Zero Assistance, I truly needed to adapt if I was to succeed.

I started by completely altering my life-long 4-4-2 formation. I changed my tactics from a less gung-ho variety, to a more considered defensive set-up. I basically decided to play the CPU at its own game. I went for a 4-2-3-1 formation. Two fullbacks, retracted, two CB's, two DMF's, one CMF, one LMF, one RMF and Davies up top as an out-an-out CF. I then ensured that my two DMF's had Man-Marking jobs on either my CPU opponents two CF's or a CF and there most dangerous attacking midfielder. This worked a treat, and I no longer shipped goals for fun. Muamba (sp) is a beast of a DMF for Bolton. He wasnt born with the ability to play great football, but he can stop great players from playing football. And that's his gift. And what a gift by the way.

I've also loaded my 4-Presets with differing options. Preset 2 is an All-Out Attack based formation. It's a 4-1-2-3 'Kitchen Sink' option, with Long Ball as the tactic. A bug hoof from Zat Knight clears the midfield and seeks out big Kev or Klasnic to hold it up. I then have a 5-4-1, All out Defence for Preset 3. And finally a 4-4-2 formation set to the Quick Counter. The real benefit of this, is I can quickly switch to Preset 2 if I have a thrown in-deep inside my opponents half. This gets players forward quick with alot of options at the flick of a button. It really works well to upset the CPU.

Since my changes, I've gone from losing games to winning them, more often than not. A 2-0 win at Newcastle, 3-1 at Everton and 1-0 against Wigan is testament to my new system. This is the first PES ever where I've had to really pick players for a role, and play such a strategic game. And I love that to be honest. It's so much more realistic, as Bolton for the most part, should be looking to nick whatever points they can against the bigger fish.

I still feel the A.I. pressure is a little too much, and they do get men behind the ball, set-up their stall and defend in numbers more than I'd like. But maybe I'm just saying that because it's hard. I can break them down, and can catch them napping on the counter, so when I truly think long and hard about it, maybe, just maybe, it's not a million miles away from real-life in that regard. It does take alot of getting used to though, especially compared to all PES games of the past. One thing is certain though, I've never had such a challenge, been so immersed, or cheered so loud when I craft that all important goal. And for me that says everything.
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On a different note, finally I've managed to stop conceding goals in my ML with Bolton. I was propping up the EPL after a run of consecutive losses and draws if I was lucky. I got hit for six by Spurs, and after that I decided to get my thinking head on, as this is nothing I've experienced before in any PES. I've always played PES offline with smaller teams, and up until this year, I held my own against the big boys. This year is a different story, so with that, my mind-set had to change. No longer could I fight fire with fire. I can no longer enter a shoot-out against the likes of Liverpool et al, and expect to compete man-for-man. The indiviuality and subsequent team indiviuality of this new PES has raised the bench-mark considerably, which means that on Zero Assistance, I truly needed to adapt if I was to succeed.

I started by completely altering my life-long 4-4-2 formation. I changed my tactics from a less gung-ho variety, to a more considered defensive set-up. I basically decided to play the CPU at its own game. I went for a 4-2-3-1 formation. Two fullbacks, retracted, two CB's, two DMF's, one CMF, one LMF, one RMF and Davies up top as an out-an-out CF. I then ensured that my two DMF's had Man-Marking jobs on either my CPU opponents two CF's or a CF and there most dangerous attacking midfielder. This worked a treat, and I no longer shipped goals for fun. Muamba (sp) is a beast of a DMF for Bolton. He wasnt born with the ability to play great football, but he can stop great players from playing football. And that's his gift. And what a gift by the way.

I've also loaded my 4-Presets with differing options. Preset 2 is an All-Out Attack based formation. It's a 4-1-2-3 'Kitchen Sink' option, with Long Ball as the tactic. A bug hoof from Zat Knight clears the midfield and seeks out big Kev or Klasnic to hold it up. I then have a 5-4-1, All out Defence for Preset 3. And finally a 4-4-2 formation set to the Quick Counter. The real benefit of this, is I can quickly switch to Preset 2 if I have a thrown in-deep inside my opponents half. This gets players forward quick with alot of options at the flick of a button. It really works well to upset the CPU.

Since my changes, I've gone from losing games to winning them, more often than not. A 2-0 win at Newcastle, 3-1 at Everton and 1-0 against Wigan is testament to my new system. This is the first PES ever where I've had to really pick players for a role, and play such a strategic game. And I love that to be honest. It's so much more realistic, as Bolton for the most part, should be looking to nick whatever points they can against the bigger fish.

I still feel the A.I. pressure is a little too much, and they do get men behind the ball, set-up their stall and defend in numbers more than I'd like. But maybe I'm just saying that because it's hard. I can break them down, and can catch them napping on the counter, so when I truly think long and hard about it, maybe, just maybe, it's not a million miles away from real-life in that regard. It does take alot of getting used to though, especially compared to all PES games of the past. One thing is certain though, I've never had such a challenge, been so immersed, or cheered so loud when I craft that all important goal. And for me that says everything.

Do you just have the same post saved in your windows notepad,and every year just edit it a little for each new pes.

Anyway moving on....
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