PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Another reason too is that I think people are too hasty to give feedback, back in early to mid 200's I was on the old pesgaming site slaughtering PES 1-5 including the winning eleven games when they first came out, two weeks later yturns out it was just me being shit, same principles apply here too, not just with this game but all sports games, delighted I stuck with NHL and NBA games a few years back now and got over the steep learning curves and lack of knowledge of those games.

You know why I think the older games were so well received? Because the lack of demos and quality games around that time, people had to pay their money and also play the damn thing to death to get their money's worth, gamers have changed the gaming industry for good in terms of popular titles earn billions but have become lazy snobs too.
I think they should just accept feedback on things relating to the game, ie animations, online etc and bin off these ridiculous ideas of 5 different settings for passing, 5 game speeds.

I sort of agree with this - but at the same time, if they made it one-size-fits-all, you can bet the passing would be fixed at 2 bars or something like that. Which would mean we couldn't play unassisted v unassisted, which is where this PES really shines for me.

Once you add these things you open Pandora's Box, because someone will always find an option they love, and won't take kindly to it being removed.
Just had a (very) quick go on PES.

I really like FIFA (this year) and a long term PES fan (even the crap ones). FIFA looks better, flows better, has all the bells and whistles, so why is it that PES has me purring over some of the build up play within minutes?

Just chucked on a random friendly (turned out Swansea v Spurs) and some of my long balls to Danny Graham, hold up play and lay offs to Dyer, Sinclair and Gower were really nice - the likes of which I just havent seen in weeks of FIFA. Really weird.

I'm hoping there is room for both games in my library, but not sure thats financially viable. Tough choice, but will play more PES later and see if that good feeling continues.

Totally agree.
Look at my first few posts on here (if you are bored!) they say that I’m a long time PES fan (since ISS on Snes) but this year PES12 is poor and Fifa12 is my game of choice. I had fifa traded it for PES and traded it back for Fifa. Mad I know.
I had Fifa12 for 3 weeks. Yes it has everything you want. Real kits, names, online play, great graphics, animations, loads of game modules, challenges, great menus – everything’s perfect but……..
…after those 3 weeks and me raking up some serious game time…..I got bored of it.
I was longing for PES again. So I traded Fifa again....
I shouldn’t be as PES12 out of the box is awful. I’ve had to phaff around with option files that slow the game down so much (not during the match) you think its broke, muck around with colours, settings and 100s of other things.
But PES for me for some stupid reason is the game I prefer.
However, if after a few weeks I get really annoyed with the game and lose all faith then Ill trade it for MW3 and go back to PES10 which I really liked.
Don't agree:TTTH: Pes animations are acceptable. Some of them are really nice but some of them are ugly. Average is acceptable. People make one big mistake. They mix animations and technically aspect of the game with pure game play.

Maybe some do, and maybe some of them are right.


If i defend an attacker away off the goal, he has the ball on the wrong foot, so its not dangerous.

Then his legs and hips make a very nasty movement and he shoots the ball wrong footed with the inside of the foot and the ball swerves in a way thats not possible in real life and goes into the goal as if he hit the ball with the outside of his boot.

These kind of bugs/failures are animation AND gameplay related.

Just like the clipping, when the ball goes through legs and chests and players ghost each other.

That is a technical problem, but it has MAYOR influence on gameplay.

Just my opninion.
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petr cech is a beast..just flying on line with my 637 rating d1 118 ranking point out: constantly hammering th usual suspects barcarunner ahahahah it's a joy to make them cry!!!they run run run with an opposite vision of what football meant to be played..i love this game.

pc version of course.
Had the day off work today, the girlfriend wasn't around for the day, so I gave PES a jolly good going over...:P

I don't know if anyone else has noticed but there's a massive difference in the way the AI plays from Professional to Top Player. I was enjoying Pro level until I started to find it too easy, and the games weren't flowing like they should do. There was far too much empty space in midfield, I pretty much had free reign over the middle of the park which made for some really one sided games. I started to win games 2, 3 and 4-0 pretty consistently (which is bizarre because prior to patch 1.02 I was getting my backside handed to me on a silver platter) so I tried increasing the difficulty to Top Player....

Well, Top Player gives a massively improved sense of a 'proper' match. None of this constant counter attacking nonsense, it's been hard but great. I've drawn all my games played so far on Top Player, but the most notable thing is that the AI packs out the midfield a LOT more than on Professional. Most of my games have been more methodical midfield battles which is exactly what I've been after. Both sides would barely carve out many chances, but a lot of the improvements with tackling etc are still there meaning they still weren't slaloming through my defence like they were before.

Only problem is it's extremely hard to break the AI down, despite packing out the midfield more, they still somehow manage to get back and drown you out with players when you get near their penalty area. Dribbling is a lot harder, but not impossible, so I guess I'll just have to improve at breaking down the defence. I can't go back to Professional, there is so much space that most games consist of players sprinting 30 or so yards with the ball unopposed, which isn't very realistic at all.

At least Top Player offers a far slower, midfield battle, and the AI keeps the ball a lot better too. Played on -2 it feels great. Sprinting is now only an option if you have some space, which isn't that often, but it's still better than the Professional level AI that seems to vacate the midfield almost entirely.
So I still can't find a happy medium I that I enjoy.

Professional is too easy, there's acres of space in the middle of the pitch and even offline is like a sprint fest.

Top Player plays a far more balanced game, were it not for the fact that the AI pressing is INSANE. Control the ball and you can guarantee that within two seconds you'll be surrounded by up to three to four defending players, all sprinting, cutting off passing lanes double pressing you with two players in the tackle. Five games on Top Player and I think I've had three shots on target and failed to score a single goal.

And, like everyone else complains, the scripting is awful. I just conceded this goal, and it follows every rule of the PES script.

1. It's in the last ten minutes of the game.
2. Look at my defender at the bottom of the screen. Now, the ball is played across the box, and the cursor switches to one of the other defenders. I'm tracking the ball with my eyes and look in disbelief as the AI makes this guy, who was tracking the attacker, do a momentary backwards 'hover' and basically, deliberately lets the guy in for a shot on goal.
3. My keeper saves it, but of all the possible angles that ball could possibly have rebounded, with all my surrounding defenders, it falls straight to the AI attacker's foot.

Absolute bollocks.

YouTube - ??

Call me paranoid but that's not the first time this type of thing has happened, where the AI just makes a defender off the ball run away from his marker, and it's either an awful defensive bug or it's plain cheating.

So, the option is to play the game where it's too easy, the matches are stretched out with no midfield but plays otherwise very nicely indeed, or play a more tight, difficult game that cheats.
I just posted in the other thread too, but I do stand by the improvements made, I can still defend well on Top Player for example, but many other annoyances are creeping into Top Player. It's a shame because Pro is perfeclty balanced, but somehow the AI is too easy.

Like I just posted in another thread, the AI pressuring is so bad on TP that even Ashley Young, with his pace, can't get a cross in when played in behind their defence and has a 20 yard head start. By the time I knocked the ball on and flat out sprinted down the line, FOUR AI defenders had eaten up 20 yards on the guy and he got blocked before he could even play it across the box. In fact, he got slammed into by four players simultaneously. Even if I try fast, pacey passing to bypass the AI, it still manages to surround me and tackle every player with at least two defenders at the same time, making dribbling seem impossible when you do choose to try it. And passing into the box so far is a no-no, if I try to thread a ball in, you get instantly closed down by up to five or six players at once. Crazy stuff.

I counted the number of times I managed to get Nani away down the right wing, and all eight times he was caught before he could get into a dangerous crossing position, and in fact had two or three players leaning into him, with all eight occasions resulting in the stumble animation and him losing the ball.

Sigh. So frustrating. Might just cut my losses with this after all. It's a brilliantly playable game on Professional in many ways, but too easy, and the AI seems to love leaving huge holes in the midfield making for a faster, unrealistic flow to the game. Yet Top Player does have some great midfield play, it's more realistically paced, but seriously, the moments of scripting and constant AI pressure renders it impossible for me at any rate. Maybe others don't have my problem with the game on Top Player, but I fail to see how it's possible to dribble past players when you're constantly tackled by multiple defenders simultaneously.
Patch 1.02 is definitely an improvement.
Ball mechanics are better. I can now hit shots harder because the ball has a weightier feel to it. Shots seem to have more zip on them as a result.
Goalkeepers agility, anticipation and awareness are all better, thank god. I have seen them literally flying through the air to save a goalbound effort.
When I score now I feel like I have earned it.
The AI (both human and cpu), have considerably changed. They are both better offensively and defensively. The end result is that the game is now squeezed more into the midfield area, where retaining ball possession now becomes priority. Very realistic.
On version 1.01, I was able to play the Hollywood ball on Professional level quite frequently, or hit one over the top to my striker, take it round the keeper and invariably score. Not anymore.
Like in Demo 2, I now have to think about my moves. I have to play patiently, with plenty of passing to seek out a route to goal, which is brilliant.
Have they listened, or was the final game rushed? We will probably never know (i'd like to think it was the former).
All in all, much improved game reminiscent of both demos, which is what we all wanted, myself included.
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Fuck this, can't be arsed with it anymore. The game is still a shambles. Too easy to the point of being boring on one difficulty, then move up a level and it's so scripted I can't see how anyone gets any enjoyment out of it. The game on the higher difficulties actively seeks to basically kick you in the teeth at every opportunity.

I've counted today I've played 15 Top Player matches. Of those 15 games, I've won 4, drawn 11, lost none. Of those 11 draws, 9, YES NINE, were as a result of an equaliser in the 80th minute or later. Might be my imagination but the game is absolutely programmed to do this. You can see it coming even when you defend perfectly well for the other 80 minutes without much bother. The goal always arrives via one of three ways; first, a slalom style dribble through several players when that same player had previously been incapable of doing this for the rest of the game, or, secondly, from a header via a corner, free kick, whatever, and several of those have happened because the game seems to freak out and cause my defenders off the ball to go temporarily insane and run away from the play, changing their direction for a slit second, which allows the AI player the space for a free header. Nothing I can do about it if the game makes players I'm not controlling run away from the ball. And it always happens in the last few minutes....

The only real option is to play this on Professional where the game is balanced, the AI doesn't really cheat, and AI defending isn't ludicrously overpowered in its favour. But then after a while you get better at the game and it's suddenly too easy, because in reality, the entire game mechanic is based around the AI using cheap and nasty ways of getting around losing. It has nothing it its locker to do otherwise.

And while I'm at it, what the hell is this? It never happens on Professional level, but move up to Top Player and I keep seeing this happen. Nani runs with the ball, then something bizarre happens and the game seems to 'detach' the player from the ball. Nani runs past it, then it hits his heel. I didn't do anything other than just jog with the ball. Is this a case of the animations screwing up or something?

YouTube - ???

Well that's enough moaning from me, I've given it enough chances even when the patch vastly improves the game. I can't play something that's too easy, nor something that purports to be more difficult on higher settings from bullshit cheating and irregular, overpowered challenges. I mean does the game take stamina into any account at all? Even in the 90th minute the game will still be sprinting relentlessly after every ball in packs of two or three players. That for me shatters any allusion to realism in this game.

Can't even sell this online, no-one seems to want to buy it unless I sell it for under £20, which is a massive waste of money given only a few weeks ago I shelled out £40 for it. Thanks for my money Konami, I didn't at any point get my money's worth.
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Only chimps can save this game.......any news on a new file mate

Cheers for the optimism!

Anyway, had a much better couple of hours editing and playing and can start to see things coming together. Played a lot of games between villa and Chelsea and kept slightly tweaking certain players stats to see what looked realistic. After doing this for some time it started looking right and I moved onto the rest of the premier league.

Hardest thing is getting player speed and dribbling right with fast players as literally a difference of 1 or 2 in dribbling and speed each will make them look too fast or slow. I have slowed the game down and hopefully it is getting close to how my first patch was but harder and with the opposition having the ball more.

I should have the premier league done in the next few days and have that out for feedback soon. I am aiming for this being playable on speed 0 and on top player
Great news chimps...I'm forever the optimist lol

I find 0 too fast I'm even struggling on -2 tbh

If you could get the prem done for a start that would be great work, would it be worth uploading a few teams at a time
Can't even sell this online, no-one seems to want to buy it unless I sell it for under £20, which is a massive waste of money given only a few weeks ago I shelled out £40 for it. Thanks for my money Konami, I didn't at any point get my money's worth.

I traded mine today for a measly £18 at GAME, HMV offered me £16 and while Tesco offered me £20 they had completely sold out of Fifa 12 :CONFUSE:
Yeah im not a fan of this feedback carry on, Konami made amazing games without fan feedback and now with WENB and PESfan constantly talking to them the past few years the games are no where near as good as the PS2 games, and because of this intereaction with Konami both sites are forced to give out 9 reviews.

Let Seabass and co do there job properly, Do you really need your names in the PES manual? :BYE:

That really got to you, eh?

Ffs people who don't like the game should go to the unhappy thread, or whatever it's called. People who want to sell the game should just sell it, or trade and move on. I don't really want to know what you got for it, or why you even traded it in.
If you don't like it don't play it, simple as.
Brilliant mate cheers will test tomorrow

I have had a few games tonight and I have found also that the tactics greatly affect the opposition

For the top teams I have not put in the long ball option and this seems to be working well

Thanks again
Ffs people who don't like the game should go to the unhappy thread, or whatever it's called. People who want to sell the game should just sell it, or trade and move on. I don't really want to know what you got for it, or why you even traded it in.
If you don't like it don't play it, simple as.

Totally agree:WORSHIP: Some people here all the time writting how they don't like PES. Ok sell this game if you don't like or play FIFA. It's simple.
I'd keep hold of the game LT and just dip in and out of it as and when you feel like it. I'm looking to buy back PES2012 at some point as I think it's worth having in my collection as a football fan. The thing is I can't devote the hours to PES that I used to in the PS2 days, mainly down to the amount of the flaws and irritations in the game these days.

Stick to playing short sessions and only a few hours a week in total and you'll get your money's worth out of it.

Also, there was a hint at a further patch to come so maybe it's worth hanging on for that.
too much overreacting in this topic, imo
reading some people impressions like ltfc and others the game goes from being a great game to a poor game in two-three hours of playtesting :CONFUSE:
Yes. I am definitely up for discussions about this game, which is what the thread essentially is. What's annoying me most are the constant posts which are one minute loving it, the next i'm trading it in for the dark side. Go and do it I hope you have fun playing it.
Revolution not Evolution.TM. If your heads are turned then just go with it, but do we all want to hear about it?
I'd like to hear about what amazing goals you've scored, what thrilling games we've had and what tactical strategies that people are using etc.
PES has depth. A proper discussion is now needed.
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So I still can't find a happy medium I that I enjoy.

Professional is too easy, there's acres of space in the middle of the pitch and even offline is like a sprint fest.

Top Player plays a far more balanced game, were it not for the fact that the AI pressing is INSANE. Control the ball and you can guarantee that within two seconds you'll be surrounded by up to three to four defending players, all sprinting, cutting off passing lanes double pressing you with two players in the tackle. Five games on Top Player and I think I've had three shots on target and failed to score a single goal.

And, like everyone else complains, the scripting is awful. I just conceded this goal, and it follows every rule of the PES script.

1. It's in the last ten minutes of the game.
2. Look at my defender at the bottom of the screen. Now, the ball is played across the box, and the cursor switches to one of the other defenders. I'm tracking the ball with my eyes and look in disbelief as the AI makes this guy, who was tracking the attacker, do a momentary backwards 'hover' and basically, deliberately lets the guy in for a shot on goal.
3. My keeper saves it, but of all the possible angles that ball could possibly have rebounded, with all my surrounding defenders, it falls straight to the AI attacker's foot.

Absolute bollocks.

YouTube - ??

Call me paranoid but that's not the first time this type of thing has happened, where the AI just makes a defender off the ball run away from his marker, and it's either an awful defensive bug or it's plain cheating.

So, the option is to play the game where it's too easy, the matches are stretched out with no midfield but plays otherwise very nicely indeed, or play a more tight, difficult game that cheats.

This isnt conicneidnce?

You really think that the CPU has a fix in it to take control of your players and move them and to make rebound balls fall to CPU in later stages of games to give them goals?
This isnt conicneidnce?

You really think that the CPU has a fix in it to take control of your players and move them and to make rebound balls fall to CPU in later stages of games to give them goals?

I would call that proper shit defending myself. Sorry mate, but your indecision cost you there bigtime. You didn't quite know who to push, or which defender to track back, or even who would make the decisive tackle/block.
I'm not saying that you don't know how to defend, but that split second moment of hesitation cost you.
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They should rename this thread to "thinking out loud". People can't post a positive one minute then come out 10 minutes later blasting the game, then 20 minutes later say they found the perfect blend then change again. Farrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

It's good when people do post video's though with major gripes only for the majority to point out that it's not a flaw with the game ;)

Not saying the game is 100% perfect but I think some of these forums should be vetted for genuine faults vs things you don't quite understand but still whinge about.

Sorry lads but some of these conversations are so circular and draining it does nothing to improve anyone's gameplay or enjoyment. Instead of complaining about defenders camped out, let's help chimps and klash with some edits but relating to tactic settings/formations.
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