PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Daymos file for the 360 this year is immense.
One problem though. Its over 600 files and slows the game (not match) right down.
Flicking from Master League to say Exhibition takes forever.
Glad I didnt delete the 600 files when I got rid of the game.......just incase I bought it back.
As someone who spends months editing the game play on this game and notices any small changes to game play straight away, I can categorically state that 1.02 definitely changes the way the game plays and for the most part it’s a positive change.

Com AI has been increased. They pass the ball around more and sometimes now pass sideways and backwards instead of just playing a ball up to the forward. They will also defend better. There is now much more instances of the com controlled team playing a pass that puts someone completely through and there is far more running at you with players with good dribbling stats. In my view these last two cases happen too often on Top Player and against the very best teams this looks unrealistic and can lead to you conceding a lot of goals that you have no chance of defending against (though this is using my edited game play patch, which already has increased AI in conjunction with 1.02)

The game is very slightly slower and passing needs more concentration. Chipped through balls to the wings are no longer perfect each time and can go out or be over hit, something which rarely happened before. The com controlled teams have more of the ball.

As player dribbling and response have been slightly increased the game feels more fluid and you can work shots on goal easier, but defensive AI means the number of goals you score in kept at a realistic level.

I think dribbling speed of some of the very top players needs slightly decreased to stop players like Ronaldo beating 4 men and shooting every time he gets the ball and some of the passing speeds reduced slightly to stop 3 or 4 fast passes putting someone through with you with no chance of defending it and this game has increased potential to be a very good balanced and realistic game.
I played six games last night with you're gameplay patch on superstar difficulty using klashs tactics and I have to say the game plays brilliantly.

Some players maybe need a tweak here or there but overall you're patch works really well and provides a challenging game that rewards good play.

Also the ai is much better and the players you upped the stats on play
Ike their relief conterparts

I know you said you've finished editing but are there any plans to tweak the stats again

I will play some more tonight and report back,

Played Liverpool last night and andy Carroll dribbles to well
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As someone who spends months editing the game play on this game and notices any small changes to game play straight away, I can categorically state that 1.02 definitely changes the way the game plays and for the most part it’s a positive change.

Com AI has been increased. They pass the ball around more and sometimes now pass sideways and backwards instead of just playing a ball up to the forward. They will also defend better. There is now much more instances of the com controlled team playing a pass that puts someone completely through and there is far more running at you with players with good dribbling stats. In my view these last two cases happen too often on Top Player and against the very best teams this looks unrealistic and can lead to you conceding a lot of goals that you have no chance of defending against (though this is using my edited game play patch, which already has increased AI in conjunction with 1.02)

The game is very slightly slower and passing needs more concentration. Chipped through balls to the wings are no longer perfect each time and can go out or be over hit, something which rarely happened before. The com controlled teams have more of the ball.

As player dribbling and response have been slightly increased the game feels more fluid and you can work shots on goal easier, but defensive AI means the number of goals you score in kept at a realistic level.

I think dribbling speed of some of the very top players needs slightly decreased to stop players like Ronaldo beating 4 men and shooting every time he gets the ball and some of the passing speeds reduced slightly to stop 3 or 4 fast passes putting someone through with you with no chance of defending it and this game has increased potential to be a very good balanced and realistic game.

I've played around twelve games now, a combination of PC, out of the box game plus 1.02 patch, and PS3 out of the box plus 1.02 patch.

I can safely say, in my opinion, the gameplay has changed for the worst. MASSIVELY.

Before this patch I had configured the PS3 with a combination of settings including Chimps stuff, and the PC with version 1.01, PESEDIT and Jenkey's tools.

I deleted the PC stuff to give this a go fresh so to speak, and I really wish I hadn't. I reached a stage on the PC where I was 90% happy with the game, on Superstar mode with all assists off. On the PS3 it was the same.

The game is now near enough a mess. I don't know what people are smoking, but it's my opinion that on Top Player/Superstar the CPU is now just scripting far more stuff against you, and is far more rampant in surging forward like the red army. Teams like Newcastle are putting together stunning moves. I feel it's gone a bit like FIFA - the CPU will now try and manufacture a position normally in and around your eighteen yard box to give that killer pass that you just can't defend against. My personal favourite at the moment is the old through ball through the box with their striker hitting that kind of funny lobbed no power shot which still goes in as your defender runs alongside him.

On the top modes the CPU are insanely efficient in defence, I really haven't had a chance to test the shooting yet because in twelve games I simply haven't had the space to get off a proper shot. Although the times I have gotten off a shot it's been quite puny. Lucas hit one which floated, Suarez now can't score for toffee, there is definitely no oomph that Jenkey could create.

My keeper is like a fkin flid. Honestly, using the same defensive setup and patterns that say my go 10 games and concede 8 goals in the last version, I'm now regularly shipping in 3 goals a game. I feel for the first time since release that the CPU has engineered moves aka FIFA style. Their keeper is fine on the other hand, performing some great saves. I have seen too many deflected goals at funny angles go against me, I've seen me miss too many one on ones, I've seen the CPU have five shots with all of them going in (got creamed by Fulham 5-1, Danny Murphy scored a goal that Diego would have been proud of, I think he took three maybe four men on and scored).

I am absolutely gutted to be honest lol, as I had the best setup I could muster. I was playing on Superstar had half a season under my belt and was 8th, games very were realistic, I had to put the hard yards in to win, but rarely felt cheated in defeat.

This game is different. I feel literally buggered every time I play.

So, that's my take on things. This patch is off, and Jenkey's stuff is back on on the PC, and I'm just hoping Chimps can make his patch a bit harder on the PS3.

From what I could gather, from 1.01 people complained about

1) Keepers - I don't think they've been fixed at all
2) Shooting - I honestly can't see a difference
3) CPU more potent in attack - hmm yeah, they've that alright now!

The only thing I have liked is the fact that the CPU keep the ball more around the box, but I feel that is just a pre-requisite for the CPU getting into positions to play in balls into the six yard box that are just undefendable.

It's my two cents guys, take it or leave it.
Fifa has everything you need in the game but if you are long term PES fan something is missing from Fifa. Cant quite put my finger on it.

I share your opinion 100%.
I have the same feeling for years now. Sure, FIFA caught up gameplay wise and PES has lost so much of it's PS2 magic on PS3, but I still stick to PES because somehow FIFA doesn't feel right for me.
I was pretty enthralled by FIFA12. Then i bought PES12 and after a week and a halve i more or less gave up on that game and decided that FIFA was my game this year. I started to play it and immediately i sensed something wrong. I can't put my finger on it either, maybe i'm subjective...but with all the flaws in PES12, i still prefer it to FIFA...maybe it is because FIFA feels a litle bit too floaty...
Haven't tried PES with this latest update...i hope this gives me more satisfaction...
I think I’ll trade Fifa for Pes but if after a few weeks I’m finding (once again) I don’t like it, Ill trade it for MW3 and go without both new footie games and back to PES10 – Which I really enjoyed.
I lose my enthusiasm for Fifa after about 3 weeks. I don’t want to play it as much as PES.
I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!
Once a PES Fan always a PES Fan!
Yesterday i play FIFA 12 three matches than Pes 2012 three matches. Of course difference is visible in technically apsect of the game but......i don't think so that PES 2012 is much worse in animations than FIFA 12. It's not fair to say that FIFA smash Pes in this area. I will say something more...... For me Pes on this engine can make really good animations and can catch FIFA next year. The problem in Pes 2012 about animations is something different. Some animations looks very good but some look ugly and rigid. All animations in Pes 2012 are not in the same level. I think this is main problem. I can find a lot of animations in Pes 2012 like i see in FIFA 12.
But it is also a matter of quantity. FIFA has a lot more animations, little things, nice touches and so on. Konami need to build much more animations, more different shooting styles for example. Not to beat FIFA, because they won't beat them anymore. The hole FIFA package is just to strong. But to give the PES Fans a better experience. That has to be the goal.
I have the camera set so far away that I dont see that many animation errors.
The same with Fifa. They look the same to me. I never pan in.
I think you should try chimps gameplay patch on ps3 with 1.2 patch
I played fulham last night 3 times Won one 1 drew1 lost 1 with spurs.

Danny murphy was about right in terms of skill etc
Yes it's hard to break them down but in all games I had over 6shots on target on superstar difficulty

I play -2 game speed
As I've said a few tweaks and this could be quality
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I think you should try chimps gameplay patch on ps3 with 1.2 patch
I played fulham last night 3 times Won one 1 drew1 lost 1 with spurs.

Danny murphy was about right in terms of skill etc
Yes it's hard to break them down but in all games I had over 6shots on target on superstar difficulty

I play -2 game speed
As I've said a few tweaks and this could be quality

I will defintitely be editing a new version of my game play patch for 1.02.

I have ideas of what needs done and I think there is a great deal of potential for it. Konami has changed some things for the better with this patch that would be difficult to do with stat changes alone. The things that now need sorted out (from having my first patch on with it) are only small subtle things.

Some players need toned down a bit, as does some passing. Keepers can be improved further and the speed and balance of game play refined for all teams and we should be getting to the best game in the PES series.
1.02 patch definitely changed the game for good. Like much of you say, is a mix between demo2 and 1.00.

But something bothers me. Now i feel the game more easy than previous patchs, included the demos. I have the ball a lot during the game. The CPU only has it when keepers pass the ball after a Goal Kick and makes an attack directly to my goal, it doesn't play the ball looking for spaces, touching and hiding the ball to me.

Is like every patch konami take out, the difficulty levels are easiers. Is like that now Proffessional is now the Regular and SuperStar is now Professional from previous patch.
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If your using the last game play patch I put out, Newcastle where slightly overated for speed, I have already toned this down for the next version.

Anyway, you not seen the league table?

This was on PC, not PS3.

And yes, seen the league table, but I can't quite remember them playing like a steroided Ajax Amsterdam circa 1972....
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This is my first post as a new member of Evo Web. I have played PES (and FIFA) since the early days (though not religiously and not so much in recent years) and have had my share of ups and downs with both titles.

I found the site after banging the question into Google “How much scripting is in PES 2012?” and came across this very thread. I asked the question as for the first time I looked more intently at what was happening in what is ostensibly a game to be enjoyed. I thought there seemed an inordinate amount of created scenarios to put me in my place. I do realise however there has to be a measure of such moments to maintain some sort of balance overall.

I have found in reading through this thread from Jimmy G-Force’s original post to date a depth of examination I’m not used to. Needless to say it has been educational and helpful. I’ve experienced myself the action of loading 1.01 and seeing a perfect AI 4-4-2 on the radar parked between the 6 yard box and the outer reaches of the D. Following what seemed a consensus by the contributors I removed the patch and returned to the original game.

I’ve continued to carry out my own tweaks to change things around and have chosen to follow the philosophy described by Chimps-with-quiffs on November 11. Overall I found that particular post informative and offered further insight into the need not to treat the retail product as near to a finished (or correct) article. With apologies to Chimps but I have had to further refine his suggestions (downwards unfortunately) when addressing the question of ‘lesser teams’. My ML is based on a Scottish 1st and 2nd Division and being honest our lesser lights need a further distinction if they are to interact with the rest of game and not just the ML set up.

Flawed though a number of people think the 2012 version of the game to be I am continuing to enjoy it immensely though there are still moments of frustration when the AI takes over.

Can I ask what is the best way to access the game play patches (Chimps again) referred to in this thread? To then transfer that to a PS3 and will that have a knock on effect for the Scots populating Divisions 1 and 2? (I’ve also had to swap in couple teams to those divisions for editing).

I’m currently going with version 1.00 at -2 on professional (haven’t tried 1.02 as yet). Once I’ve got to grips with the game a bit more I can hopefully contribute to the discussion.
I haven't had the chance to try the 1.02 yet, but i'm wondering if the buggy linking running animation is fixed. Can anyone answer to this, please?
Quick question...if I install v1.02, will the changes be incorporated into my existing ML, or do I need to re-start ML to see the difference? I'm sure they would, I just wanted to double check!!
FIFA has a lot more animations, little things, nice touches and so on. Konami need to build much more animations, more different shooting styles for example. Not to beat FIFA, because they won't beat them anymore. The hole FIFA package is just to strong. But to give the PES Fans a better experience. That has to be the goal.

Think so too - back to PS2 strenghts which always was gameplay!

And apart from all the gameplay aspects, I really think that PES has to find a better design for it's franchise. If you compare the menu designs and user friendlyness of FIFA to PES, Konami really sucks. I really find all those "saving boxes" very ugly and online is not very sexy too. I takes ages to x away all this info screens, server select pages etc. until you finally able to play a online game.
Jon Murphy explains the changes of yesterday 1.02 patch:

Hello PES fans, I just got back from Japan and I’m happy to reveal the details of the second free update for PES2012 on PS3, Xbox360 and Windows PC which went live yesterday.

After our day-one patch and the first DLC for PES 2012, the current update allows us to revise some aspects detected in the game, and of course also reported by you guys via the official website, our PES facebook page, my twitter and our trusted forums.

On the Gameplay side, we’ve enhanced some aspects we consider very important at this moment, and which will result in a more challenging and realistic interactive football experience:

- The structure of GamePlan menu is changed for better usability. This will allow you to set-up your usual options and GamePlan changes quicker, with more time to play matches.

- GK actions are improved in general. You’ll feel this from the very beginning, the movements and reactions of the goalkeepers will be enhanced and now scoring, particularly from certain areas will be more challenging.

- The grounder Free Kick used to easily go through the wall. Now, it’s been made less successful, so you cannot count on this anymore. So, step up your free kick game and I suggest you watch this great Free Kick Tutorial for PES 2012:

- Success ratio of penalties has been properly adjusted. I know this might not please everyone, but the chances are now more realistic as we aim to be the best soccer simulation we really had no choice on this.

We’ve also addressed some technical issues and hope you’ll see the benefit of a more fluent gaming experience. Follow me on twitter at and tag your tweets with the #LLI hashtag in order to allow me to monitor your comments and suggestions, which are always welcome!

Personally speaking, I’m really happy the team changed all these points so quickly, as they really want to deliver you the best possible product! Many thanks again to all our supporters and their feedback!

I’ll now get back to my Jetlag.


He doesn't tell so much..

Adam on Wenb hinted that another gameplay patch is coming...

Really pleased that you guys are enjoying the game post patch :)

But we're still not finished ;)


Just saying Konami are still focused on improving. Thats all I can say.

PES 2012 is still a key focus.
But it is also a matter of quantity. FIFA has a lot more animations, little things, nice touches and so on. Konami need to build much more animations, more different shooting styles for example. Not to beat FIFA, because they won't beat them anymore. The hole FIFA package is just to strong. But to give the PES Fans a better experience. That has to be the goal.

I think the whole FIFA animations thing is overrated. PES has always had more realistic player models and the animations are fine. Gameplay is king.
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