PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Got a sneaky suspicion responsiveness may be the key, as they seem to just react much faster to situations rather than fluff about as a striker nips in.

Yeah it's definitely a grower. I've got the hang of shooting now more or less, you can really hit some properly driven shots once it clicks. Head down, over the ball, hit with the laces type.

I agree and this is the reason why I looked at keeper's responsiveness stats when buying in MLO last year. As I would when buying for any position, I'd look at the key stats for that position rather than overalls or defence / attack ratings.

Where have you got the shooting clicking? On the pre-patched version?
What a joke the credibilty of this site has just been lost.

I wouldn't go that far but I wont lie - the constant shuffling of posts between threads is not only confusing when trying to follow a discussion, but for the most part completely unnecessary.

The 'unhappy' thread should be closed. There's no need to split the discussion between two threads. We're all mature and intelligent enough (for the most part) to discuss the good and the bad sensibly in one place.
Wow... :CONFUSE:

Credibility lost? I've opened a thread specially for venting all our unhappiness and complaints with the game. Isn't that a good thing? Consider it a complaint box. I'm actually giving you more freedom this way. And having all your complaints/issues/problems in one place instead of being scattered all over. It can be very useful when collecting feedback as well.

The "neutral" and "positive" posts moved because they were in response to the negative ones. I can't just separate them as they'll look out of place.

Also, why are you taking it as something negative? I'm not exactly deleting your posts. I've actually given them special treatment. Quite sad you took it the wrong way.

Maybe I should've been more clear about it.
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Lami, I still believe all general PES discussion should be in this thread, whether it be positive or negative. That's how it's always been done, with little issue over the last couple of years. As I said, we're a pretty mature and sensible bunch here and I don't see what purpose segregating the chat serves. (other than to confuse me :)) )

Just saying.
I've also played with and without the patch and honestly, it seems that Konami just shuffled a few difficulty settings rather than making any fundamental game changes. To me, standard on 1.01 feels very similar to professional on 1.00. Perhaps they should introduce a slider system for various aspects of AI difficulty and be done with it.

This. Remember how some people had realised Professional was the most balanced setting on demo 2 - even Jimmy if I remember correctly. For me regular on the demo removed a lot of the issues such as AI not building up their attacks properly and defence sitting deep, which is why I tried it on the full game and it's been sensational. I'm not sure why people haven't bothered to try a level down from what they play in the past and just scream the game is broken.

This extends to shooting as well. There's been that many people complain about it, whereas in my opinion, demo 2 had shooting that was way too assisted and accurate. Not much variation etc. If enough people complain, everyone else assume it's broken too. I think if people learned how to shoot, they'd see where they are going wrong and why the shot wasn't what they expected. If anything, there's a shot type that goes along the ground which moves too slowly given the animation of the player.

Also, the keepers in 1.01 are still atrocious. They really need to be tweaked.

Don't agree with this from my gameplay experience. They've saved all the ones they should and there's been very little wrong with the goals they've conceded.

But i wasnt being negative or complaining...instead we have the same one sentence posts left when there was a genuine intelligent discussion going on.

None of my posts were in answer to anybody i was just following the discussion thread with my posts being valid.

Do you really want people that work in this industry and can give a insight into its workings to walk away,i blow the whistle on patch 1.01....who do you really think i am lami? late forget it im gone.Enjoy my game
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Lami, I still believe all general PES discussion should be in this thread, whether it be positive or negative. That's how it's always been done, with little issue over the last couple of years. As I said, we're a pretty mature and sensible bunch here and I don't see what purpose segregating the chat serves. (other than to confuse me :)) )

Just saying.
Like I said Jamez, I've only done it to give yous more voice (if that makes any sense). A special thread for all yous to be heard and not have your posts lost in this one. Also having them all in one place for feedback. Like yours for example, you complained about the game being unfinished.

I thought I was doing the right thing here tbh..
But i wasnt being negative or complaining...instead we have the same one sentence posts left when there was a genuine intelligent discussion going on.

None of my posts were in answer to anybody i was just following the discussion thread with my posts being valid.

Do you really want people that work in this industry and can give a insight into its workings to walk away,i blow the whistle on patch 1.01....who do you really think i am lami? late forget it im gone.

Eh? You're acting funny.

Please read above. You're acting like your posts got deleted when in fact I've moved them to a thread that can be very useful to you and me in the near future.
Ah well. I'm most likely trading PES for FIFA later this week so I probably won't be contributing much to this section any more.

It's a shame really. The Fifa section doesn't need an 'unhappy' thread but perhaps that's more indicative of the state of the two games.
I think it does. Actually, I think all games do need one. I know where you are coming from with the confusion, and easier having everything in one place for a discussion. But think of it more of a thread for feedback purposes, or a thread where you can be heard when talking about negatives and not having it lost in the rubble.

I'm really not moving your posts to the bin here as some of you may be imagining. I think some are very genuine and need special treatment.

EDIT: I know we don't have an official konami feedback section. That's why I'm trying to do something at least til then, if ever.
Ah well. I'm most likely trading PES for FIFA later this week so I probably won't be contributing much to this section any more.

It's a shame really. The Fifa section doesn't need an 'unhappy' thread but perhaps that's more indicative of the state of the two games.

I thought you were enjoying it mate pre patch?
Having played both games now for enough hours to make an assessment, I actually prefer PES. There's a lot FIFA does well and for friend vs friend, it's a great game. Well polished etc but the gameplay on PES has so much footballing brain behind it that it really is for footballers or for people who can live without the things that FIFA takes for granted.

I think one of the main issues for PES is that they almost apply too much error to certain things, making the fun of FIFA less easy to spot. On FIFA you can press shoot and aim and know what the outcome will be, more or less. There's not the same predictability on PES, which is a double edged sword.

Eh, both games are good this year but for nuance and football gameplay, PES is ahead so far...
I thought you were enjoying it mate pre patch?

It's a much better experience but the truth is I have very little inclination to play PES any more. The game just fails to grab me. If I'm not wanting play it only 10 days after release I don't see the point in keeping it and may as well get rid while it still has some trade-in value.

Call me shallow but I think I've got to the stage where I can no longer overlook the archaic aspects of PES. It's not just about the gameplay for me. I want an all-round immersive experience worthy of current-gen consoles. I don't really play career/manager modes in football games any more, so all I want is a slick, smooth, good-looking and most importantly fun kickabout - and I think FIFA ticks those boxes.
Having played both games now for enough hours to make an assessment, I actually prefer PES. There's a lot FIFA does well and for friend vs friend, it's a great game. Well polished etc but the gameplay on PES has so much footballing brain behind it that it really is for footballers or for people who can live without the things that FIFA takes for granted.

I think one of the main issues for PES is that they almost apply too much error to certain things, making the fun of FIFA less easy to spot. On FIFA you can press shoot and aim and know what the outcome will be, more or less. There's not the same predictability on PES, which is a double edged sword.

Eh, both games are good this year but for nuance and football gameplay, PES is ahead so far...

Not played Fifa 12 but Fifa 08-11 was my game of choice, this year i went back to PES and it almost certainly feels more like football as you say and i do enjoy it.

The worrying thing for me is i feel as if im getting bored of PES 2012 already even though i prefer the gameplay this year yet the Fifa games from 08-11 lasted me a full year. :SHOCK:
I was FIFA all the way until FIFA 11 (never had even played PES apart from 1 day 5 years ago when I hired it from a shop and didn't know what the control scheme was and didn't like the fake names). FIFA 11 really grated on me online and vs the CPU so I traded it in for PES 11, which I really liked. Had a few issues but I played it right through until the PES 12 demo came out.

FIFA 12 is good fun especially vs friends and it's very playable against the AI for once. Give it a try.

I am playing champions league on PES for now until an option file I like is fully sorted, then I'll start up a BAL and Master League. I also have a couple of mates I play against online and we have some cracking games. Normally 15-20 min matches. So I get my longevity that way.

To be honest, after playing demo 2 on professional and finding a lot of niggles, I was adamant I wouldn't buy the full version but am so glad I did.
The things which aggravates me while playing are the stumbling animations, its now like 3/4 a match easily and lose the ball mostly unless i cut back, also the defending system just isn't right, when cpu attack, you never really feel in control of your players and you can never slide which in when you do pull of a great slide, you get called for a foul half the time. i give kudos to konami in the way they have improved in every other way although crossing could be toned down a bit but it's not game breaking, i guess it's the same theory with a pes fan these days, always next year.
I really don't understand how a great game like PES 2012 can just eat away at the PES community. I mean I'm just getting sick and tired of arguing, of seeing arguments of people getting frustrated very easily. People coming in with negativity, i question bits of their post and they just fuck off and leave their half baked point (You know who your are ).

I ask now, is there really any point me posting here anymore. This place is making me want to shoot myself it's so negative. It's a great game with flaws i understand but seriously it's as if the good parts to this game do not exist and people go on as if it's the worst thing ever released.

Should i just go, i ask everyone? Is there any point me posting anything since because i do not hate this game with a passion i know nothing.
I really don't understand how a great game like PES 2012 can just eat away at the PES community. I mean I'm just getting sick and tired of arguing, of seeing arguments of people getting frustrated very easily. People coming in with negativity, i question bits of their post and they just fuck off and leave their half baked point (You know who your are ).

I ask now, is there really any point me posting here anymore. This place is making me want to shoot myself it's so negative. It's a great game with flaws i understand but seriously it's as if the good parts to this game do not exist and people go on as if it's the worst thing ever released.

Should i just go, i ask everyone? Is there any point me posting anything since because i do not hate this game with a passion i know nothing.

How can this place be negative when all the negative posts are getting moved?

because you express an opinion and your displeasure about a game which you paid with your own money, you don't have a right to express that? people in this thread need to get a grip. last time i checked it was titled discussion thread.
I do agree though. There's been 90% complaining and 10% stories about what people are loving from the game. I literally skimmed over about 10 pages because all it saw was venting and frustration and to be honest, I think half of it comes from not having mastered the changes to the game.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
How can this place be negative when all the negative posts are getting moved?

because you express an opinion and your displeasure about a game which you paid with your own money, you don't have a right to express that? people in this thread need to get a grip. last time i checked it was titled discussion thread.

There's a difference between genuine criticism and people quite literally who get kicks out of any bug they see. There are people here who couldn't fucking care less about how everyone is playing the game and just want everyone to be as miserable as them.
There's a difference between genuine criticism and people quite literally who get kicks out of any bug they see. There are people here who couldn't fucking care less about how everyone is playing the game and just want everyone to be as miserable as them.

Of course there is, from my perspective i'm just expressing my opinion and the things that nags me, but people have to also look at to which your playing it on, as mines is xbox so therefore we (xbox players) have the buggiest pes so it's only right i complain, where as if your a ps3 owner or pc exclusively, you wouldn't fully understand the problems.

I'm saving up to get an upgraded pc to play pes on so its not like i hate this game, i just don't get enjoyment out of the 360 version that much
Of course there is, from my perspective i'm just expressing my opinion and the things that nags me, but people have to also look at to which your playing it on, as mines is xbox so therefore we (xbox players) have the buggiest pes so it's only right i complain, where as if your a ps3 owner or pc exclusively, you wouldn't fully understand the problems.

I'm saving up to get an upgraded pc to play pes on so its not like i hate this game, i just don't get enjoyment out of the 360 version that much

Keep that cash for something else bro. There's a patch coming in November I believe which hopefully fixes some (hopefully all) of the immediate bugs for Xbox.
How can this place be negative when all the negative posts are getting moved?

because you express an opinion and your displeasure about a game which you paid with your own money, you don't have a right to express that? people in this thread need to get a grip. last time i checked it was titled discussion thread.

Fgs people, why do you insist on thinking "moved" means it went to the dump? I've actually moved it to the appropriate thread so you can have your say in there all you want. It's not like this thread is the special one and the other one is no man's land. What's with all this all of a sudden? Other places you can't be negative. You get banned and labelled a troll. In here I've even given you special treatment and a thread ONLY for that!

If you want to keep thinking as if you're being "exiled" or "quarantined" then you're so wrong. That thread will be very useful to me whenever I'll need to pass feedback. No one ever thought of that? Did negativity swallow you up to the extent you're blinded by negativity?

I won't be repeating myself anymore. If you seriously want to be heard when complaining about PES, please post in there, until some sort of feedback thread/forum is opened.

Thank you.
if any you guys wanna play a game like old pes on ps2 but modern and better I recommend fifa 12...with these sliders:

Sprint Speed - 51/51
Acceleration - 51/51
Shot Error - 50/50
Pass Error - 50/50
Shot Speed - 52/50
Pass Speed - 60/50
Injury Frequency - 50/50
Injury Severity - 50/50
Goalkeeper Ability - 50/50
Positioning:Marking - 55/48
Positioning:Run Frequency - 80/70
Positioning: Line Height - 50/50
Positioning: Line Length - 60/50
Positioning: Line Width - 60/55
Positioning: Fullback Positioning - 60/55
Power Bar - 50/50


Fifa 12 out the box, dull and crap..with these sliders :) like old PES.

Tbh I aint got full game PEs 2012 though so cant compare...YET. But im loving this cant stop playing

I played 16.5 hours the other day lmao 2pm until 630am. I am PES on ps2 addict. This game with these sliders I have adjusted WOW....just please try it and tell me what you think!?!?
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