PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

We've been saying that all along :P

lol i was thinking that many people here were playing in top player, but now i see i was wrong. I've been unfair judging the game from what it is in top player, i kmow.


I actually alwasy played in -2 and 0 bar assistance. Many people advise playing the game in -2 speed for a more realistic game, but recomending people to play in professional dificulty is as important as -2 speed if not more important.

I'm playing with Barcelona in CL and i am really loving it, and now i'm excited to have an extra challenge when playing with worse teams.

I'm looking forward to adjust teams tatics. The game is promising now, i think i'll have a lot of fun.
So you said changing difficulty has more effect than changing gamespeed but then you changed gamespeed as well?

I said that the other week and no one responded lol. I could pull out a few posts of mine that people ignore but then harp on about later after having made miraculous discoveries :P

Said it once and I'll say it again. Bunch of fucking looneys :LOL: should change this places name to evo-asylum.

I'm not believing this remove the patch nonsense though. I'm loving it on BLES0407 but don't delve onto top player unless I'm really in the mood.
How many people here use the offside trap? I am very dependent on it else the CPU cuts me to pieces. When I get that RB I'm going to kick his arse.
Those who have a good PC, stop saying placebo sensations like without the update the game is better and do you guys a favor, please try jenkey gameplay patch (v1.41 by now). All i have to say that this guy is a freaking pes magician! :WORSHIP:
And he's just started.

Booyah, he's amazing
Fair enough Dudu. I actually found regular on the demo to be good for time on the ball but they could still come at you and score goals. So it wasn't super easy for me anyway.

Zeemeister...haha - make sure they don't take away your belt (Seinfeld joke :P)
Holy crap it works. PC digital download here. Removed the patch and, boom, demo gameplay is back.

Instantly noticed: Shots are more powerful, can avoid stumbling, more misplaced passes both from me and CPU, defending is harder as CBs are less responsive, keepers are somewhat worse, CPU more intelligent on Professional (just lost 4 in a row in ML), easier (for me) to score from crosses...

Is this the game Jimmy's playing? :P
How do you remove the patch on PC digital download sattan_hussein? I have the digital download too, and the game comes as 1.01 exe.
Glad other's have had the same experience as me after deleting the patch, it does feel a little easier yes, but i think this is because the game is 'free-er' and the cpu doesnt camp.
Any idea how to get the transfers in there for the ps3? I have the uk version. If I can get them in a the kits i'll be a happy camper.
Sorry if this is a numpty question, how do I remove the patch on the PS3 version?

Go to Game Data Utility

Delete file names Pro Evo 2012

- this deletes everything so if you have a formation you like, best make a note of it somewhere else mate.
How many people here use the offside trap? I am very dependent on it else the CPU cuts me to pieces. When I get that RB I'm going to kick his arse.

I use it with Bayern but not with Benifca. With Bayern i play with a very hight defensive line (Slider 16), so it makes sense to use it.

With Benfica it is different. With this team i play very defensive and my defensive line slider is down to 0-2.

Using it with Bayern is very dangerous. I use to play van Buyten as CB (and Badstuber) and both are very slow. If offside trap don't work (and it happens way to often that it dont work and your RB or LB fall to sleep) you now the end. It is very, very risky and i think i will rather set my defensive line a lot deeper in future games.
Said it once and I'll say it again. Bunch of fucking looneys :LOL: should change this places name to evo-asylum.

I'm not believing this remove the patch nonsense though. I'm loving it on BLES0407 but don't delve onto top player unless I'm really in the mood.
How many people here use the offside trap? I am very dependent on it else the CPU cuts me to pieces. When I get that RB I'm going to kick his arse.

All I can say to that is give it a try. You won't lose any saved data. If you see no difference then fair enough :)

Gonna try it again tonight but I compared a game with and without the patch as version 1.0 (xbox, UK) and the AI was a lot different. Skilful players can do what they could do in the demo, and somehow everything feels weighter, from the players to the ball, again like the demo.

But two definite, certain changes are that the AI defends like the demo. It gives you a little more time, and you can ride challenges beautifully again. Second, it doesn't seem to be camping with 9 men deep in it's own half.

It's all a little bizarre given it's only a 2mb update though.
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What does removing the patch do with the transfers?

Nothing. If you remove the patch file (ps3 - you should be able to remove the update specifically without deleting other stuff) or delete system cache (360) then your 30mb data pack will still be there. At worst your game will simply detect it and ask if you'd like to reapply the data pack on your hard drive back into the game, but that shouldn't happen as it's already installed.
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Nothing. If you remove the patch file (ps3) or delete system cache (360) then your 30mb data pack will still be there. At worst your game will simply detect it and ask if you'd like to reapply the data pack on your hard drive back into the game, but that shouldn't happen as it's already installed.

Yeah, i deleted my data pack as well then re installed it but i don't think you have to.

Really is a completely different game. Madness
Glad other's have had the same experience as me after deleting the patch, it does feel a little easier yes, but i think this is because the game is 'free-er' and the cpu doesnt camp.
Any idea how to get the transfers in there for the ps3? I have the uk version. If I can get them in a the kits i'll be a happy camper.

Like I said above, you can find on PS3 the specific patch file (might be called 'update' or something similar. Redownload the patch, download data pack, exit, delete game patch in utilities I think, sorted.
@LTFC but that means no online and my games against zero assistance peeps is my bread and butter.

Can't wait to get a competitive game going. I don't have issues scoring its defending that still gives me issues because online you defend one way and offline you defend another way. Also I do not experience the PES 2011 stumble. When I see that the player is struggling to balance I press R2 and fight to hold the ball. Which works if I am not too close to the touch line.

Played a match against a fully assisted boy using Gala and he was Madrid ( so surprising as that never happens) I'm not sure who the left wing is for Gala because I put off all screen indicators but I cut in ran along the goal line from around the outside of the box. Got past PEPE as he lunged which I stumbled over but regained control to get to the edge of the small box second defender closed down but I stepped ouside of him as the defender ran past and laid off the ball (yes I did a cutback.....the shame) but because casilas was in my face I had little other option and stuck it in with Elmander. Was schweeeeeet goal that even he enjoyed :LOL:
Well, I've caught back up after reading through the last few pages. Glad to see people are now buying into the whole Professional level as being by far the most realistic. Hated Top Player this year, right back from Demo 1. So highly unbalanced.

Interesting to read about the 1.1 Patch deletion and it's effects. To be honest, I've not played offline yet on this PES, I've had one match in the Copa but that was it. I've been waiting for an OF before I start my ML.

Online is so broken due to these Assist levels and the new glitch goals. It's the worst I've ever seen it. It's horrific.

On the other hand, like Pere quite rightly says, playing with medium-range teams on Zero Assistance is truly quite incredible. I'm absolutely blown-away with how realistic these matches play out. The balance is just pure perfection.

I've set up my own Zero Assistance Community due to the fact PEEL refuse to have a Zero Assistance League for those who will only play that way. I've now left the PEEL Leagues, along with a few other members. I can no longer buy into an Assisted philosophy, and that's what they offer. It's still a fantastic Community to be part of if you play Assisted, but it's just not for me anymore.
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Jimmy, i was one of the people complaining about the floaty shots...i must say that apparently i got the hang of it...the shots seem less floaty you were right, i probably did something wrong...but to be honest i don't know what i did wrong before and right now...

Conclusion: it seems you were right...
It's good to see people coming around to the manual/less assisted philosophy, i remember a lot of pes fans that hadnt switched to FIFA were reluctant to have any manual settings in PES but i dont think anyone can deny now that the game is so much more enjoyable (and realistic) when you have more control.

I hope con army add shooting/crossing to the assistance settings next year because playing on 0 assistance does seem odd when you can ping crosses in without thought from any angle.
Well I'll see if it plays differently like you say, didn't have a clue what you were all talking about deleting patches, but I deleted everything off my PS3 when applying GoalGerds patch, so guess I did it without knowing.

One thing I'm always confused about people talking about are the difficulty levels. How can making it professional mean it's better than Top Player? Is anyone trying it under the 'Superstar' rating yet? I always prefer to play at top level, but I've never understood people taking it down a level to make it supposedly better.

I have always played Top Player as well Frank, every year without fail. Unfortunately, this year Top Player is just too unbalanced. It's too hectic and very unforgiving. It just feels very unrealistic. On Professional the game is still very challenging, especially on Zero Assistance, but much better balanced because of it.

My own personal thoughts are that Top Player has been massively ramped up this year to compensate for the huge Assistance levels that are now default. The problem is though, if you dont play with all this Assistance, Top Player becomes stupidly hard and very unrealistic in my opinion. Professional level is more than hard enough, but the A.I plays a totally different, composed level of football.
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Well this is interesting. Hopefully Konami takes note of this patch business and reverts the game back to being good again.

I'll try deleting later today and see what happens.
It's good to see people coming around to the manual/less assisted philosophy, i remember a lot of pes fans that hadnt switched to FIFA were reluctant to have any manual settings in PES but i dont think anyone can deny now that the game is so much more enjoyable (and realistic) when you have more control.

I hope con army add shooting/crossing to the assistance settings next year because playing on 0 assistance does seem odd when you can ping crosses in without thought from any angle.

I disagree. As a former FIFA 09 manual player (even played in an all manual league) once the novelty of the freedom wore off I realized that stats weren't being taken into account, except for shooting. Zero assistance is PES 2012 is a balance of being free manual but also stat relevant. The better passes like D'Alessandro feel amazing with it.

Also I don't really have problems with shooting, but agree on the crossing, that's too good/accurate and needs to be worked on.
Yeah but its contextual. Running onto a rolling ball requires less time on the button press and if its rolling from the front a light touch well send it cutting daisies.

True, but that's striking fundamentals for me bud. A rolling ball always requires less power in real-life to strike it cleaner. It's just technique.
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