PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

See, I actually agree with a lot of the complaints about this game. The teammate AI does seem to have been dumbed down from the demos, and I think it's pretty obvious to all of us now that Konami have tried to "shield" the dodgy keepers by slightly nerfing the shots and massively increasing the AI shot blocking - that's OK in principle (shooting was too easy in the demo), but it's been overdone, I think. The pace of the game is all wrong: not just the game speed itself, but the balance between speed of the ball, speed of sprinting, speed of trapping, speed of closing down and speed of dribbling. No amount of tweaking to the overall speed settings will produce a realistic pace and flow, because of the huge disparity between those things. Lots of old PES 2011 crap that's sneaked back in for final code, too. Thanks. Pretty gutting to have these things removed at last, then promptly reinstated - what a tease.

BUT............ I reckon these things really only matter in single player, or (presumably) in MLO and general lobby matches. The last few nights I've been playing online against proper, grown-up players, with everyone using small-to-medium-sized teams and - crucially - zero pass assistance. It's a completely different game - I can still see plenty of small annoyances, but so far no major ones at all (which is incredible after PES2011, so often a nightmare online), and rather than being a sped-up "arcadey" disappointment, PES2012 is looking like the best and most brutally realistic football game I've ever played.

Online seems to play at something like -1 speed offline, for me - what makes it fast for others must be the ping-pong passing and the superstar teams. This is something else, a slow paced, tactical battle of wits where scoring more than 2 goals in a game means you've absolutely played your arse off. Suddenly, like real football, it's not just about what players are doing right, it's also about mistakes; not every pass comes off, moves often break down, and you find yourself feeding off errors, looking for weaknesses. It's the great thing about zero assistance, you can play incredible visionary passes way beyond anything possible on 1-bar assistance, let alone 5, but you also misplace as many passes as your team would in real life. (At least.) Anything other than a simple pass carries an element of risk, but you need a moment of real invention to create a scoring chance - and to win the game you have to balance those two factors. Occasionally you just get lucky, of course, but that's football.

So anyway, offline: good but horribly flawed. Online in the fully-assisted bear pit: Christ alone knows. Online on zero passing assistance, using sensibly-sized teams and attempting to play realistically: best PES ever, I'd say.

I played a friendly against someone last night online and I used 2 bar assistance but noticed I could not hold possession as well as him and asked him....he told me he was using full assistance because it helped with the lag in MLO. It makes a big difference I have to admit. Is there a way to lock the assistance settings in online friendlies/ranked matches, like a filter?

Don't really agree with the shooting and blocks though. I noticed a LOT more shots being blocked in the demo and now I think the shooting is better. Less shots on target but not unrealistically - just right.
Just had a brilliant game Liverpool (me) 1-1 Chelsea, 15 mins, Superstar, Assists on 2 bar (for superstar I feel works best, no assists for all other modes) and -2 game speed.

I had about 8(5) shots and Chelsea had 12(6), possession was 53-47% to me. In many ways, to the outsider at least this may seen like a nothing game and there wasn't many dramatic moments and the scoreline was low. BUT MAN WHAT A GAME OF SIMULATION FOOTBALL!!!!

I went one nil up and you could just feel throughout the game that Chelsea were always the slightly better team, more match winners, but I had great graft and defence in this one. Opted for 4-3-3 as previously I had been dominated in midfield against them with Lucas and my new lad (lol can't remember his name, but he's a DMF, with enforcer card, Zikora maybe!??!), and with Adam providing my midfield creativity. Up front I opted for Carroll, with Suarez and Henderson either side of him. Henderson in a CMF role though and Suarez with SS. Their defence was rock solid, but a lovely whipped corner from Adam saw a neat Suarez flick volley after around 7/8 minutes of pressure from me, one nil at half time.

I had been exceptional in defence, dropping back with my forward, covering angles and space with my work horse DMFs and being generally excellent with my defenders. But a lovely little midfield move on the halfway line just opened up my shape slightly, I made the tackle but panicked with Adam who gave it straight to Torres who drew my other DMF before giving it to Anelka, I tried to jockey but I found myself short of numbers for Chelsea to hit the equaliser, my ONLY lapse of concentration and a silly mis-placed pass which took half my team out of the game.

Okay so it wasn't a cracker, but these games make me smile a lot more than the 5-4 games etc, when you play a top team and you see their movement and for the best part you cover the avenues and work your arse off the game really opens up. BECAUSE of the way I defended from front to back, I forced Chelsea into making a lot of back passes and sideways passes, it was one of my best and most accomplished defensive displays to date, normally Chelsea are rampant, only a few days ago they went 4-0 up inside thirty minutes. But I got my shit together for this game!

Now this is my main point, if I can get this amped over a seemingly drab 1-1 affair then the game MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. I reckon it was the most complete game of football I've had since playing all the games for two months, it was pure simulation football. Carroll was in Terry's pocket all game, Torres and Mata were the main threats for them looking dangerous every time they got the ball, Anelka again had to be watched his languid slow style but solid to knock off the ball. My best chance of goals was from set plays and Downing who took on the right back successfully two or three times with whipped crosses.

Man, that game was sooo good. With five minutes left on the clock you're literally almost quivering as Chelsea mount another surge that all your good work could be undone. This is the depth of PES this year, I'm thinking about it all day, every day, I've been dying for the transfer window so I could get another DMF to play alongside Lucas who stays put in front of the back four. I have been dying to get some quality height at the back to which I've brought in. Doni is coming on nicely and will surely replace Reina at the end of the season, and I've brought Shizu (I think) in from the youth an exciting pacy winger.

It's not bashing FIFA time, but I couldn't really care about all this in FIFA, I've hardly ever made a transfer or cared about tactics so much.

I'm also noticing much much more now how my players play. Buy that I mean before my new DMF signing I was playing Gerrard sometimes in the DMF role, but because of his style of play he would often still look to join attacks and generally get forward, by having two holding DMF,s of the style I want, they are rock solid stay in front of the back four players. Even if I trigger a one two run, they don't bomb forward, they run a bit then hold then go back, it's just the little things like that.
Props to Pere Ubu who had made the most intelligent posts on this thread. Thank you.

PES2012 so far has been a pendulum of emotions for me - from the sublime outfield passing play to the many frustrations.

I still don't like playing against the CPU - the games do feel somewhat scripted to me. Human opponents FTW! But I sincerely hope they improve the online, especially by tweaking the speed.

If you feel the same way, please send a tweet to #pesqs. Even if we could just filter opponents by their passing assistance levels it would make a huge difference.
Props to Pere Ubu who had made the most intelligent posts on this thread. Thank you.

PES2012 so far has been a pendulum of emotions for me - from the sublime outfield passing play to the many frustrations.

I still don't like playing against the CPU - the games do feel somewhat scripted to me. Human opponents FTW! But I sincerely hope they improve the online, especially by tweaking the speed.

If you feel the same way, please send a tweet to #pesqs. Even if we could just filter opponents by their passing assistance levels it would make a huge difference.

they should give us filters to search opponents with low passing assistance, that's all
online played versus random people with full assisted passing is horrible, worse than pes 2011
This is going to be long guys, so it's not for the feint hearted!

Okay as many of you know this is my background - played demo one til my fingers bled, so to demo 2. Bought the US retail so had a few weeks before the UK masses because I couldn't resist it.

So -

1) I bought US retail for PS3
2) Bought PC version on the 14th October, here are my findings.

My current setup on the PS3, is a 50" LG plasma, I thoroughly enjoyed the demo games but constantly alternated between lots of settings. I find that if you want to play a fast and furious bit of fun thrash, then something like gamespeed 0 is fine with perhaps wide cam. I had tumps of fun with Inter and Bayern and Spurs using these settings, but the game just went into counter attack overdrive.

For some reason then I started potching with camera angles etc etc and just lost sight of trying to perfect one angle at one speed and started to get frustrated with the game. It was around this time that I enjoyed the game the least, and there was some weird shit going on. I think this is just another of these quirks that KONAMI have probably unwittingly introduced, although each person will have a different take of what fits their game and how they play it. Across the two platforms (PC and PS3) I think there are some quite startling results.

It was only yesterday that I re-discovered my passion for the PS3 PES after sticking the settings on Pitchside cam and -2. This is with Professional mode and 15 minute match time. I honestly believe that this may be the BEST mode on the PS3, which is both visually good and responsive enough to get the most out of it. Wide cam for me is too far out and whilst there is a trade off in passing lanes angles etc in pitchside the reduced game speed gives you that bit of extra time to reposition players. The problem with anything faster or anything better on the PS3 (like Top Player) is that a) the CPU response is just too great and b) especially on Top Player v better teams there is undoubtedly cheating of the highest order going down. So in conclusion for my PS3 points, I really loved the game starting off, then went off it a bit, now back to really liking it, I'd say now, right at this minute after a 0-0 v Man City and a 1-0 v Bolton, the PS3 version, using pitchside, professional, 15 mins and -2 gamespeed is where it is at for simulation minus the cheating. MY ONLY QUIBBLE is that I get slightly too high possession for my liking somewhere around the 58/59/60 mark, but it's no great shakes. At the moment, the offline game for me with these settings is an 8 maybe an 8.5.

Now onto the PC version. I must confess to being intrigued about this version, with MANY people saying that it was like a different game. And to a degree they are right.

With my rather basic AMD Athlon X2, 2GB Ram, and Radeon HD 2600 XT card, 22" LG monitor, combined with kits, scoreboards and Jenkey's patch I think I am in football heaven.

This version is OFF THE CHARTS FOR ME!!!!

Firstly, the graphics are stunning. Secondly you seem to have that ounce more control with is vital when facing trickier players. The players seem to have more weight about them. Top Player cheats like hell, but here is the really interesting part. Professional is too easy on the PC version, and Top Player is a joy at times but cheats. BUT, SUPERSTAR is where it is at. I play on Wide Cam, gameplay speed -2, pass assist bar at 2 (on superstar I feel you need that little bit of extra help as it is hard, but fair) and on 15 minutes. I don't use Jenkey's gameplay patch but I have altered the shot speed so that it is harder and cranked the ball weight up a notch, this kind of negates the floaty feel and you can really hit some rasping low drives with these settings.

You can disable the blur too and get rid of the annoying replays for everything as well as specifying scoreboard settings and the assignment of many more replay slots to save.

On the pitch, with these settings THIS GAME IS THE BEST footy game I've ever touched. Superstar is such a great setting because as of yet I have yet to feel cheated, instead the CPU looks to play you with football, but will slaughter you if you are lapse in your defence. It is truly the simulation mode together will the settings I mentioned. The CPU will have more possession so you get that old gen feel that if you lose possession it may be a while before you get it back. I had an earlier game v Sunderland where I swear I felt I didn't have possession for about 10 minutes game time, they put some great sustained pressure against me, won the ball back and worked me over again. To see out such a passage of play when the CPU is in control is truly satisfying.


I've got the intricacies out of the way, I just want to touch on the great strengths of PES. This PES more than ever relies on precision defending in terms of positioning and you must know your players inside out. Player individuality shines all over the place. Carroll is the beast in the air, Downing has the strength of a gnat but you really skin a player and whip a ball in, Gerrard is strong, physical, with great passing, Adam for example has a dynamite left peg etc etc.

It is really a game that you have to learn and learn and learn. I have clocked probably a few hundred hours on it by now and only now do I know how to defend properly, and I obviously still get beat. It has a great balance of being able to slow the pace right down, or speed the game up. You can play slow considerate football, or get involved in an attack and counter fest. The range of scores have been amazing personally, I have had a 5-1 for me and against me, I have had a 4-3 and a few three three's when I was playing an open, attractive style of play that I threw caution to the wind. Lately I have adopted a more conservative approach and through a combination of tactics, getting the right players in their positions and a slight change in the way I approach and play the game I'm now getting a lot more 0-0, 1-0, 1-1 scores.

The simple things make this game great. Suarez was having a blue arrow day, and nothing was going right but I picked him anyway as he's a match winner. Chelsea were all over him. I subbed him on 30 minutes and brought on Downing and suddenly he was causing problems. Another game, Carroll was having one of his clumsy games and I felt that they were winning possession too easily between my midfield and their defence, so I switched him for Kuyt who's work rate meant that he was always an option to start joining up the play. ONE BIG THING I've noticed is the value of having players in their right positions. For example although some players may have the ability to play as a holding DMF player, if his cards are stacked for attacking play and joining attacks then they will. I was trying Gerrard in this role, and it simply backfired. Now I have Lucas and my new signing who has specific defence cards.

Another thing that many may be doing is playing too many creative players in a team, remember if you're Man City for example it may not be wise to have all the creative players in the same line-up, a team full of Aguero's and Tevez's may look dazzling on paper, but why do Man Utd choose the unfancied duo of Carrick and Fletcher in the middle? In this years PES it is about striking a balance with individual players and their attributes and cards together with the assigned tactic that you desire.

There are some issues of course, it is a computer game after all, but on the PC, I really, honestly would give this game nothing other than a 9 or maybe even a 9.5, it is THAT GOOD.

Now this next point may be contentious, but it's only what I think and I urge you to at least think about it. I do think that certain variables when mixed together break the game somewhat. I may be talking totally out of my arse here, but I have tried almost every variable on the PS3 from changing the display resolution, to changing speeds, camera angles etc etc and the game seems to play different all the time.

An example would be that I wanted to use my PS3 game, but I wanted to zoom in so that Wide cam would be magnified, so I changed the settings on my tv and it just didn't sit right with the game. In fact two goalie errors where the shots went around one mile and hour and he just missed the ball, and jumped away. I really, really do believe that with a certain mixture of settings the game behaves really really weirdly.

So just to recap, for me anyway

PS3, 50" plasma, - Pitchside cam, -2 speed, professional, no assists, 15 mins

PC, 22" LCD - Wide Cam, -2 speed, superstar, 2 bar assists (although still experimenting with this), 15 mins, Jenkeys patch to cut out blur, disable annoying replays, make shots harder by two notches, ball weight may need to be increased one notch (depending on your pass assist level, I personally don't use the eradication of game cheat or his gameplay tool)

The two platforms have their respective pros and cons, although the PC version has very, very little cons I must confess.

The PS3 version is slow enough for you to enjoy the game with full visual pleasure of the pitchside mode without getting raped by cheating Top Player cheating, and both you and the CPU can build attacks, also the ball physics feel better and generally I rarely see a goalkeeper blunder. Downsides is that it isn't quite as responsive as the PC, the players feel a little floaty at times, but the game pans out lovely.

The PC version - for my money the best footy game ever. Graphics sharp, wide cam gives a great view and ball physics are believable. On Superstar at -2 the game is full on sim. Haven't seen one goaly blunder that I would class as game-breaking, CPU doesn't cheat.

SO FINALLY, I have found my optimum settings for both platforms. The PS3 will get my time if I'm in a chill out mood in the living room and want to kick back on the sofa, the PC version will get my time if I want as near as simulation mode as possible with full on concentration with my nose right up to the monitor. It's all good here.


I cannot leave this thread without mentioning FIFA. I bought this and it's going back. I'm not going to bash it or anything it has many outstanding features. The gameplay tries to be realistic and yeah okay, for a few days it had me, but the repetitive nature of the games and the at first subtle CPU cheating becomes intolerable. The contain function is just an illusion and gives you much less control than if you don't use it. By locking onto a player and mirroring the man you'll already giving your less responsive defender even less response time than otherwise. I see the came CPU goal over and over, I played it on World Class mode by the way.

The simulation and the way the game pans out is also, I believe mostly illusionary. I tampered with the sliders to give me the best possible game and it is indeed a solid effort from EA, I don't think they can be faulted for what they have tried to implement this year by trying to make it more hardcore. Unfortunately the more you play it the more things grate, and for all it's graphics, snazzy menus etc etc, I'm afraid on the pitch, which for me personally is 80% of the game, it just wasn't doing it for me.

A final note to all the bashers and haters - each to their own guys. I've undoubtedly had my moments and I still do where I want to smash the controller. Top Player especially really really frustrates me, not so the difficulty level of it as I think it is balanced okay in gameplay it's just that the AI cheating is through the roof, thus rendering it a 'plasma smashing mode'.

The GAME NEEDS TIME - I highlighted in another post, that this game needs lots of time. You will get hammered, I still do with all the knowledge that I have accrued. But that's what I want. Never before have I had to pay this much attention to opposition tactics, my players form stamina and fatigue, the formation I will set myelf and the TYPE of game I want to play. If I'm playing Swansea for example I'll free up my players and have a right ding dong with the CPU backing myself in a 4/5 goal thriller. If I'm playing Chelsea that is honestly the worst thing you can do, it's a 4-3-3 job with three covering defensive midfielders.

Also quickly assess how the CPU are playing, are they exploiting your wings? Is your full back too far in, have you compactness set too far closed is that why they are hitting the long ball down the wing? Why are Arsenal pouring through my midfield, do I have enough players in there? Can I press the game a bit forcing more congestion and stopping them having time on the ball? The game is getting a bit stagnant they are playing too deep, let's get my CF right up top with a couple of guys off him for the knock down and play long ball for a bit. There's no gaps ion the middle of their defence? Then work the channels, get player range close and keep it tight and slow on the flank working a cross.

All these things can influence a game.

The greatest emphasis I would WORK OUT first and foremost though is how to defend properly. It is really not advisable to charge into players as that just opens up a passing lane and takes one of your players out of the game. Try and funnel them into closed avenues, always get a man goal side and track runners, the greater the mode and the better the team the harder this is because they will have many runners off the ball, this is where it gets trickier and you just have to learn by trial and error which guy to follow if you are outnumbered.

It's a hell of a game guys. It really is. Just persevere with it, by Christmas you'll have it cracked lol!! Over and out.
This is going to be long guys, so it's not for the feint hearted!

Okay as many of you know this is my background - played demo one til my fingers bled, so to demo 2. Bought the US retail so had a few weeks before the UK masses because I couldn't resist it.

So -

1) I bought US retail for PS3
2) Bought PC version on the 14th October, here are my findings.

My current setup on the PS3, is a 50" LG plasma, I thoroughly enjoyed the demo games but constantly alternated between lots of settings. I find that if you want to play a fast and furious bit of fun thrash, then something like gamespeed 0 is fine with perhaps wide cam. I had tumps of fun with Inter and Bayern and Spurs using these settings, but the game just went into counter attack overdrive.

For some reason then I started potching with camera angles etc etc and just lost sight of trying to perfect one angle at one speed and started to get frustrated with the game. It was around this time that I enjoyed the game the least, and there was some weird shit going on. I think this is just another of these quirks that KONAMI have probably unwittingly introduced, although each person will have a different take of what fits their game and how they play it. Across the two platforms (PC and PS3) I think there are some quite startling results.

It was only yesterday that I re-discovered my passion for the PS3 PES after sticking the settings on Pitchside cam and -2. This is with Professional mode and 15 minute match time. I honestly believe that this may be the BEST mode on the PS3, which is both visually good and responsive enough to get the most out of it. Wide cam for me is too far out and whilst there is a trade off in passing lanes angles etc in pitchside the reduced game speed gives you that bit of extra time to reposition players. The problem with anything faster or anything better on the PS3 (like Top Player) is that a) the CPU response is just too great and b) especially on Top Player v better teams there is undoubtedly cheating of the highest order going down. So in conclusion for my PS3 points, I really loved the game starting off, then went off it a bit, now back to really liking it, I'd say now, right at this minute after a 0-0 v Man City and a 1-0 v Bolton, the PS3 version, using pitchside, professional, 15 mins and -2 gamespeed is where it is at for simulation minus the cheating. MY ONLY QUIBBLE is that I get slightly too high possession for my liking somewhere around the 58/59/60 mark, but it's no great shakes. At the moment, the offline game for me with these settings is an 8 maybe an 8.5.

Now onto the PC version. I must confess to being intrigued about this version, with MANY people saying that it was like a different game. And to a degree they are right.

With my rather basic AMD Athlon X2, 2GB Ram, and Radeon HD 2600 XT card, 22" LG monitor, combined with kits, scoreboards and Jenkey's patch I think I am in football heaven.

This version is OFF THE CHARTS FOR ME!!!!

Firstly, the graphics are stunning. Secondly you seem to have that ounce more control with is vital when facing trickier players. The players seem to have more weight about them. Top Player cheats like hell, but here is the really interesting part. Professional is too easy on the PC version, and Top Player is a joy at times but cheats. BUT, SUPERSTAR is where it is at. I play on Wide Cam, gameplay speed -2, pass assist bar at 2 (on superstar I feel you need that little bit of extra help as it is hard, but fair) and on 15 minutes. I don't use Jenkey's gameplay patch but I have altered the shot speed so that it is harder and cranked the ball weight up a notch, this kind of negates the floaty feel and you can really hit some rasping low drives with these settings.

You can disable the blur too and get rid of the annoying replays for everything as well as specifying scoreboard settings and the assignment of many more replay slots to save.

On the pitch, with these settings THIS GAME IS THE BEST footy game I've ever touched. Superstar is such a great setting because as of yet I have yet to feel cheated, instead the CPU looks to play you with football, but will slaughter you if you are lapse in your defence. It is truly the simulation mode together will the settings I mentioned. The CPU will have more possession so you get that old gen feel that if you lose possession it may be a while before you get it back. I had an earlier game v Sunderland where I swear I felt I didn't have possession for about 10 minutes game time, they put some great sustained pressure against me, won the ball back and worked me over again. To see out such a passage of play when the CPU is in control is truly satisfying.


I've got the intricacies out of the way, I just want to touch on the great strengths of PES. This PES more than ever relies on precision defending in terms of positioning and you must know your players inside out. Player individuality shines all over the place. Carroll is the beast in the air, Downing has the strength of a gnat but you really skin a player and whip a ball in, Gerrard is strong, physical, with great passing, Adam for example has a dynamite left peg etc etc.

It is really a game that you have to learn and learn and learn. I have clocked probably a few hundred hours on it by now and only now do I know how to defend properly, and I obviously still get beat. It has a great balance of being able to slow the pace right down, or speed the game up. You can play slow considerate football, or get involved in an attack and counter fest. The range of scores have been amazing personally, I have had a 5-1 for me and against me, I have had a 4-3 and a few three three's when I was playing an open, attractive style of play that I threw caution to the wind. Lately I have adopted a more conservative approach and through a combination of tactics, getting the right players in their positions and a slight change in the way I approach and play the game I'm now getting a lot more 0-0, 1-0, 1-1 scores.

The simple things make this game great. Suarez was having a blue arrow day, and nothing was going right but I picked him anyway as he's a match winner. Chelsea were all over him. I subbed him on 30 minutes and brought on Downing and suddenly he was causing problems. Another game, Carroll was having one of his clumsy games and I felt that they were winning possession too easily between my midfield and their defence, so I switched him for Kuyt who's work rate meant that he was always an option to start joining up the play. ONE BIG THING I've noticed is the value of having players in their right positions. For example although some players may have the ability to play as a holding DMF player, if his cards are stacked for attacking play and joining attacks then they will. I was trying Gerrard in this role, and it simply backfired. Now I have Lucas and my new signing who has specific defence cards.

Another thing that many may be doing is playing too many creative players in a team, remember if you're Man City for example it may not be wise to have all the creative players in the same line-up, a team full of Aguero's and Tevez's may look dazzling on paper, but why do Man Utd choose the unfancied duo of Carrick and Fletcher in the middle? In this years PES it is about striking a balance with individual players and their attributes and cards together with the assigned tactic that you desire.

There are some issues of course, it is a computer game after all, but on the PC, I really, honestly would give this game nothing other than a 9 or maybe even a 9.5, it is THAT GOOD.

Now this next point may be contentious, but it's only what I think and I urge you to at least think about it. I do think that certain variables when mixed together break the game somewhat. I may be talking totally out of my arse here, but I have tried almost every variable on the PS3 from changing the display resolution, to changing speeds, camera angles etc etc and the game seems to play different all the time.

An example would be that I wanted to use my PS3 game, but I wanted to zoom in so that Wide cam would be magnified, so I changed the settings on my tv and it just didn't sit right with the game. In fact two goalie errors where the shots went around one mile and hour and he just missed the ball, and jumped away. I really, really do believe that with a certain mixture of settings the game behaves really really weirdly.

So just to recap, for me anyway

PS3, 50" plasma, - Pitchside cam, -2 speed, professional, no assists, 15 mins

PC, 22" LCD - Wide Cam, -2 speed, superstar, 2 bar assists (although still experimenting with this), 15 mins, Jenkeys patch to cut out blur, disable annoying replays, make shots harder by two notches, ball weight may need to be increased one notch (depending on your pass assist level, I personally don't use the eradication of game cheat or his gameplay tool)

The two platforms have their respective pros and cons, although the PC version has very, very little cons I must confess.

The PS3 version is slow enough for you to enjoy the game with full visual pleasure of the pitchside mode without getting raped by cheating Top Player cheating, and both you and the CPU can build attacks, also the ball physics feel better and generally I rarely see a goalkeeper blunder. Downsides is that it isn't quite as responsive as the PC, the players feel a little floaty at times, but the game pans out lovely.

The PC version - for my money the best footy game ever. Graphics sharp, wide cam gives a great view and ball physics are believable. On Superstar at -2 the game is full on sim. Haven't seen one goaly blunder that I would class as game-breaking, CPU doesn't cheat.

SO FINALLY, I have found my optimum settings for both platforms. The PS3 will get my time if I'm in a chill out mood in the living room and want to kick back on the sofa, the PC version will get my time if I want as near as simulation mode as possible with full on concentration with my nose right up to the monitor. It's all good here.


I cannot leave this thread without mentioning FIFA. I bought this and it's going back. I'm not going to bash it or anything it has many outstanding features. The gameplay tries to be realistic and yeah okay, for a few days it had me, but the repetitive nature of the games and the at first subtle CPU cheating becomes intolerable. The contain function is just an illusion and gives you much less control than if you don't use it. By locking onto a player and mirroring the man you'll already giving your less responsive defender even less response time than otherwise. I see the came CPU goal over and over, I played it on World Class mode by the way.

The simulation and the way the game pans out is also, I believe mostly illusionary. I tampered with the sliders to give me the best possible game and it is indeed a solid effort from EA, I don't think they can be faulted for what they have tried to implement this year by trying to make it more hardcore. Unfortunately the more you play it the more things grate, and for all it's graphics, snazzy menus etc etc, I'm afraid on the pitch, which for me personally is 80% of the game, it just wasn't doing it for me.

A final note to all the bashers and haters - each to their own guys. I've undoubtedly had my moments and I still do where I want to smash the controller. Top Player especially really really frustrates me, not so the difficulty level of it as I think it is balanced okay in gameplay it's just that the AI cheating is through the roof, thus rendering it a 'plasma smashing mode'.

The GAME NEEDS TIME - I highlighted in another post, that this game needs lots of time. You will get hammered, I still do with all the knowledge that I have accrued. But that's what I want. Never before have I had to pay this much attention to opposition tactics, my players form stamina and fatigue, the formation I will set myelf and the TYPE of game I want to play. If I'm playing Swansea for example I'll free up my players and have a right ding dong with the CPU backing myself in a 4/5 goal thriller. If I'm playing Chelsea that is honestly the worst thing you can do, it's a 4-3-3 job with three covering defensive midfielders.

Also quickly assess how the CPU are playing, are they exploiting your wings? Is your full back too far in, have you compactness set too far closed is that why they are hitting the long ball down the wing? Why are Arsenal pouring through my midfield, do I have enough players in there? Can I press the game a bit forcing more congestion and stopping them having time on the ball? The game is getting a bit stagnant they are playing too deep, let's get my CF right up top with a couple of guys off him for the knock down and play long ball for a bit. There's no gaps ion the middle of their defence? Then work the channels, get player range close and keep it tight and slow on the flank working a cross.

All these things can influence a game.

The greatest emphasis I would WORK OUT first and foremost though is how to defend properly. It is really not advisable to charge into players as that just opens up a passing lane and takes one of your players out of the game. Try and funnel them into closed avenues, always get a man goal side and track runners, the greater the mode and the better the team the harder this is because they will have many runners off the ball, this is where it gets trickier and you just have to learn by trial and error which guy to follow if you are outnumbered.

It's a hell of a game guys. It really is. Just persevere with it, by Christmas you'll have it cracked lol!! Over and out.

So it's safe to say Seabass n Co are still really struggling with PS3? I was going to ditch the 360 version and try the PS3 one but from what i have read it seems to have the exact same issue's minus the run bug.
This is the first football game to get me celebrating goals for a very long time.

There's a true sense of achievement when moving the ball around then suddenly finding the space to create an opportunity.
Just had a belting 2-2 in the copa libertadores, the computer broke through the centre with 4 men on his tail and he poked it through the keepers legs, the ball trickling in off the post. Then, just before halftime it was 2, Aguar played it into their forward who found the bottom corner just inside the box.

Out for the second half, and after much huffing and puffing I found space in the penalty area and found the bottom corner. With 20 minutes to go, Penarol's backs were against the wall and after a long clearance was whipped straight back in, Kerrison first time lay off (using triangle) found Elano free on the edge of the area and he blasted it in the top corner to save an unlikely point! A fantastic game! On demo 1
So it's safe to say Seabass n Co are still really struggling with PS3? I was going to ditch the 360 version and try the PS3 one but from what i have read it seems to have the exact same issue's minus the run bug.

I've played both, they're identical in every way except the PS3's graphics are worse (run bug aside, which I've never seen anyways due to my TV settings).

On another note, I've not played this very much at all so far, but it is HARD. Even on Professional.

Anyone have any tips for cutting out lofted through balls? And can anyone play on broadcast tv camera, it's impossible!
I've played both, they're identical in every way except the PS3's graphics are worse (run bug aside, which I've never seen anyways due to my TV settings).

On another note, I've not played this very much at all so far, but it is HARD. Even on Professional.

Anyone have any tips for cutting out lofted through balls? And can anyone play on broadcast tv camera, it's impossible!

try running the offside trap, and master super cancel...
Just had a belting 2-2 in the copa libertadores, the computer broke through the centre with 4 men on his tail and he poked it through the keepers legs, the ball trickling in off the post. Then, just before halftime it was 2, Aguar played it into their forward who found the bottom corner just inside the box.

Out for the second half, and after much huffing and puffing I found space in the penalty area and found the bottom corner. With 20 minutes to go, Penarol's backs were against the wall and after a long clearance was whipped straight back in, Kerrison first time lay off (using triangle) found Elano free on the edge of the area and he blasted it in the top corner to save an unlikely point! A fantastic game! On demo 1

IMO you are a wind-up merchant. But maybe i'm wrong. Could you give me one good reason why you posted this? I don't want to condemn, just want to try to understand you...but posts like the above make it very, very difficult.

I know you will say that i only want a good news show. That isn't true. IMO you just keep on saying the same things in different ways...mostly without arguments and just to annoy other people. Why? Is it because you feel superior? Or do you have problems? Maybe you should just go out now and then and try to seduce a nice girl...i think you are in desperate need of affection and sex... no matter, i haven't got the faintest clue...but there is something wrong with you. I have the distinct impression that you are unhappy and frustrated and try to compensate by annoying people on the internet. Don't you think this is a litle bit sad? Are you lonely? Maybe you should try and contact help lines for unhappy childeren (in that case forget the sex, just go for affection) or adolescents (in that case go for sex, but don't forget affection). You seem lonely and the way you are posting here you are going to get banned and will be even more lonely...

Just trying to help and understand you...good luck.
gotta say i imported all of klansmans tactics for the premeire league last night and used pesedit with jenkeys gameplay patch. i started a master league with newcastle and played spurs and they did not defend the whole game, it was very exciting and fast paced like the prem should be. It was very enjoyable. I have had enjoyable games on the 360 with auxerre in the league 1 as well. This friday i will be getting in some 2 v 2 with mates locally, so i shall report on that. This game is def a very good game.
IMO you are a wind-up merchant. But maybe i'm wrong. Could you give me one good reason why you posted this? I don't want to condemn, just want to try to understand you...but posts like the above make it very, very difficult.

I know you will say that i only want a good news show. That isn't true. IMO you just keep on saying the same things in different ways...mostly without arguments and just to annoy other people. Why? Is it because you feel superior? Or do you have problems? Maybe you should just go out now and then and try to seduce a nice girl...i think you are in desperate need of affection and sex... no matter, i haven't got the faintest clue...but there is something wrong with you. I have the distinct impression that you are unhappy and frustrated and try to compensate by annoying people on the internet. Don't you think this is a litle bit sad? Are you lonely? Maybe you should try and contact help lines for unhappy childeren (in that case forget the sex, just go for affection) or adolescents (in that case go for sex, but don't forget affection). You seem lonely and the way you are posting here you are going to get banned and will be even more lonely...

Just trying to help and understand you...good luck.
The only person you truly know is yourself, I really didn't need that insight!

What a goal by Elano...
I believe this game will be better the more you play it. So much things to learn so many little details. But for me the most important thing is to start with the right difficulty level. A lot of people start with Topplayer because they always do. But this time the AI is a real challenge and every mistake you make is crucial.

If you play with first class teams Topplayer maybe is the right choice. If you play with some weaker teams i think you better start with professional. With weaker teams it is still challenging but you probably will find it more satisfying because you are able to stop the AI and to score some nice goals too.

At the moment i really enjoy playing with Benfica on professional level. Maybe it is a little bit to easy, but i'm still learning this game and so i take my time. It is fun.

My second game was against Twente. I put it on youtube again and you may take a look. I win 3-1, so you will see 4 goals. My playing style is a little bit boring at times, so don't watch if you are tired. :YAWN:

First Half

YouTube - FC Twente vs SL Benfica - Halbzeit 1 - PES 2012

Second Half

YouTube - FC Twente vs SL Benfica - Halbzeit 2 - PES 2012
Does anybody else not play with the radar or the power bar? Personally i find them far too distracting. I don't even play with players names because i find that they get in the way too much about their heads.

Plus Konami really need to introduce a less annoying cursor bar. A bright blue line is completely unecessary as opposed to a dot or something smaller. I really don't need a bar that big. I really am nitpicking here but it's a small thing that baffles me a bit. I'm surprised there's no community mods available for that kind of thing.
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For me, -2 speed is awesome. However, on my PC, the ball speed is a bit too slow. Ball moves better on -1, but players are a bit too fast. The perfect balance would be -1 ball speed, -2 player speed, on my PC at least.

My sentiments exactly. A patch that would bring -1 ball pace into -2 games would be perfect.
Does anybody else not play with the radar or the power bar? Personally i find them far too distracting. I don't even play with players names because i find that they get in the way too much about their heads.

Plus Konami really need to introduce a less annoying cursor bar. A bright blue line is completely unecessary as opposed to a dot or something smaller. I really don't need a bar that big. I really am nitpicking here but it's a small thing that baffles me a bit. I'm surprised there's no community mods available for that kind of thing.

I leave the radar on but turn off player names. I hate all the clutter on screen now. An option to bring back the old name bars at the bottom of the screen would be preferable.
Can't imagine playing without a radar and player names.

Need the radar to spot free players or player runs off-screen and like to know who I'm controlling so that I know what my current player is capable of.
So is there still not an option file which just has kits and team names? I want to start a Portuguese league, but I can't find them anywhere... might go for a file which tweaks stats at a later date, but right now I just want the proper kits.
our file is out,its in the option file section
Sorry for rookie Question,

when you press select + L1 to go attacking/defensive, how do you do it when you change your settings under player movement to left stick ONLY. I want to be able to change tactics with D pad in game but I cant seem to change attacking/defensive with select L1 anymore??


Stop that first video at 5:13 and look what a mess is our defenders position compared to cpu. :TTTH:

No offence at all, from what i saw so far (5:13) you play a good and reslitic style, but it's very evident how limited is the attacking options, you just go throgh the wings and it's notn your fault.

If i do it i would have better results, but i've been playing with barcelona for God's sake.:TTTH:

With spurs on the secound demo i really did go through the wings a bit often, i had that "barl" (i forgot his name) who has a so good burst speed, but i also attacked down in the middle at times becase of the AI movement (much better than the final version), i loved Van der vah and lenny (don't know how to spell thei names).

I'll try it. thanks!
YouTube - FC Twente vs SL Benfica - Halbzeit 1 - PES 2012

look at 5:54, no option in the central midfield to pass the ball aroung, positioning and movement are far from bing ralistic, no options, no logic.

Teams don't play as a team like before. I loved the collective game in defending i needed to have in demo 1 and 2.

EDIT: look at 5:59 when the midfielder recieves the pass, turn to his right side and the only option is a teamate who's far awa on the right side of the pitch, look at that amount of space not occupied with a midfielder, wtf is that...

EDIT 2: 6:17. LOOK at the amount of space at the left of the ball carrier and no other midfielder coming close to make possible to pass the ball around. THATS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT PEOLE, having options to pass the ball around is the nature of football when planning your attackying plays, and it's simplly LACKING in this game now.
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Can't imagine playing without a radar and player names.

Need the radar to spot free players or player runs off-screen and like to know who I'm controlling so that I know what my current player is capable of.

agreed. My mates hardly use a radar, gives me a huge advantage. I was a bit bothered by the names above the heads at first, but I just got used to them.
our file is out,its in the option file section

Cheers mate. Can we just take bits from an option file this year? I might well use the whole thing when the stat updates are ready, but for now I really just want the kits for the Portuguese league and the international teams.
Sorry for rookie Question,

when you press select + L1 to go attacking/defensive, how do you do it when you change your settings under player movement to left stick ONLY. I want to be able to change tactics with D pad in game but I cant seem to change attacking/defensive with select L1 anymore??


Go to system settings and find the setting that allows you to select manual or automatic player runs with the right stick. The first option allows you to choose left stick or d-pad. When you're using the left stick and d-pad control, the tactics change command is select+(B/circle).

I don't know about attack or defense settings that were in 2011 and earlier, those seem to have been removed from 2012.
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