PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

In case anyone's in doubt, here's the animation I'm getting every time I get past a player and try and dart into space;

YouTube - 171011 0364

Every time.

Apart from that I've enjoyed the game immensely in parts, in other parts I want to put my controller through the screen it's that frustrating.

One tip I've found to alleviate a bit of AI pressure, on Professional anyways. If you don't move the direction stick at all, the AI seems to hold off a bit. Likewise, dribbling in short bursts of stick movements rather than long continuous movement seems to throw the AI a little bit. I have no idea why. Nothing makes sense with Konami anymore, if it ever did in the first place.
Yup also experiencing this at least twice or more in a match, can't believe konami did same mistake last year prior to the demo and full retail, quite a shame really
Quite right! This game stinks!

Bring the Demo playability back! Let attackers gain *something* from being ahead of the attacker!

Comment above is quite right, it isn't football - just a computer game which one must learn to exploit. Such a shame as I could have played the demo all year at least.

I still think that making it work online is what has compromised the brilliant game i played in demo 1.

90% of the games I play are 0-0, the new shooting is truly tame (passes and deflected passes are stronger than shots most of the time), the refs broken (far too lenient on the defenders coming through the back), first time passing and shooting has changed from responsive and reliable to rare and sludgy, clicking R3 makes my striker make a walk as opposed to the run in the first demo. And when you finally get a nice ball through, the keeper saves them from point blank range!

Switch to 4 bars pass assistance, get the crosses and cutbacks on the go and pretend your playing a really good megadrive game - thats the best hope for enjoying this turd in the punchbowl. That'll last 2 weeks. I was expecting better hence the postings. This is unbelievable.

If you liked PES 2011 you'll probably like the full game but if you thought the demo was much better and that the new features and playability is what was bringing you back, DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE I DID AND WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS. IT IS FAR FAR WORSE THAN THE DEMO!

I played on PS3, 0 speed, manual assist with Santos/America on demo 1/2 - tried these teams on the full game and it's like a sick joke.
Well apart from that stumble thing I'm gradually finding it as enjoyable as demo 2 (with the VERY big exception of that video), so I don't want to sound entirely one sided, but that animation is a total joke. It comes close to ruining the game for sure for me. Is there any point to having powerful wingers in the game now?

One unrelated thing I've noticed now that I've played the PS3 and 360 versions, are that for some bizarre reason the 360 one not only looks far, far nicer IMO but it also plays slower. I had been playing on the broadcast camera, on -2, and it looked and played amazingly realistic in terms of pace of the game. If only the stumble wasn't making me so angry!! :P

I was dissing the individuality, but I've decided to move away from zero assistance for the time being and try 1 bar. I personally feel a bit more individuality in the player passing now. Crap passers feel more likely to misdirect a pass now that it's that tiny bit more automated.

Oh, and playing as Juventus, I finally saw the value of having someone like Pirlo. His movement off the ball in midfield, as you can see perfectly on the broadcast cam, is much better than those around him. If you're attacking and the way ahead is blocked, you frequently see him taking up positions where he deliberately drops off the play and suddenly sits behind you. Countless times I used him as a backwards outlet, and he promptly sprayed passes around. Never seen a playmaker feel so prominent. But for me, passing feels better on 1 bar. Not as manual, but a little more stat related. I know others don't feel the same!

If only I could get over this animation, it's been ruining my fun all evening. Why, Konami, WHYYYY! :P
Well apart from that stumble thing I'm gradually finding it as enjoyable as demo 2 (with the VERY big exception of that video), so I don't want to sound entirely one sided, but that animation is a total joke. It comes close to ruining the game for sure for me. Is there any point to having powerful wingers in the game now?

One unrelated thing I've noticed now that I've played the PS3 and 360 versions, are that for some bizarre reason the 360 one not only looks far, far nicer IMO but it also plays slower. I had been playing on the broadcast camera, on -2, and it looked and played amazingly realistic in terms of pace of the game. If only the stumble wasn't making me so angry!! :P

I was dissing the individuality, but I've decided to move away from zero assistance for the time being and try 1 bar. I personally feel a bit more individuality in the player passing now. Crap passers feel more likely to misdirect a pass now that it's that tiny bit more automated.

Oh, and playing as Juventus, I finally saw the value of having someone like Pirlo. His movement off the ball in midfield, as you can see perfectly on the broadcast cam, is much better than those around him. If you're attacking and the way ahead is blocked, you frequently see him taking up positions where he deliberately drops off the play and suddenly sits behind you. Countless times I used him as a backwards outlet, and he promptly sprayed passes around. Never seen a playmaker feel so prominent. But for me, passing feels better on 1 bar. Not as manual, but a little more stat related. I know others don't feel the same!

If only I could get over this animation, it's been ruining my fun all evening. Why, Konami, WHYYYY! :P

try using rt to shield the ball away from the defender, and also use super sprint too get away, this stumble animation rarelye happens to me
What's this Murphy guys address?

If he hadn't said that the 2nd demo was final code I would have never bought this junk!

I'm gonna whip some geeks together and make pro revolution soccer 2013!

- You can kick the ball hard!
- You can run fast!
- If you get fouled the referee will punish the defender with a free kick, and maybe a yellow or even a red card!
- There are goals and action every game!
- Even bad players can run quite fast!
- Even bad players have the strength to hold off another player!
- Even bad players can kick the ball hard!
- Even bad players can attempt first time passes and shots!

It's basically demo 1 with slightly improved goalkeepers!
What's this Murphy guys address?

If he hadn't said that the 2nd demo was final code I would have never bought this junk!

I'm gonna whip some geeks together and make pro revolution soccer 2013!

- You can kick the ball hard!
- You can run fast!
- If you get fouled the referee will punish the defender with a free kick, and maybe a yellow or even a red card!
- There are goals and action every game!
- Even bad players can run quite fast!
- Even bad players have the strength to hold off another player!
- Even bad players can kick the ball hard!
- Even bad players can attempt first time passes and shots!

It's basically demo 1 with slightly improved goalkeepers!

Your mouth is all brown mate, what's up with that?
Konami made a big deal of the player AI this year and the demo game play saw players making impressive diagonal runs into the box etc.

So can someone please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or if I have to implement something in the options menu as I've seen little or no evidence of player AI.

Here's an example. I take my winger on a run down the side of the pitch, he beats the defender cleanly(rare in this game)and sends a perfect cross into the box only for my "forward" to be outside the 18 yard box and not even attempting to go for the ball!

Very annoying and frustrating.
Your mouth is all brown mate, what's up with that?
On the contrary, it's your nose that's brown - this isn't the game I played on demo and I wish this was made clear as it's the same demo-fullgame expectation-disappointment we saw last year.

If it's so good why aren't you playing it? I would be if it was like the demos...
On the contrary, it's your nose that's brown - this isn't the game I played on demo and I wish this was made clear as it's the same demo-fullgame expectation-disappointment we saw last year.

If it's so good why aren't you playing it? I would be if it was like the demos...

Why I'm not playing? Is that an actual question lol? The reason I am defending it is because I have indeed been playing it.
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Newcastle need done as well as they have loads of new players.

Just tried to record a game on my iPhone and got loads of flickering on the image.

Took 10 minutes to position my phone on a chair and it ran out of battery halfbway through

ive a nokia N8,does the job in hd and the battery never dies:BOP:

and heres more ive made

plan is to have this ready by the end of the week,want to start playing the damn thing:TTTH:
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Finally starting to enjoy the single player but still feels poor compared to Demo 2 however at least im enjoying it now, so i thought i'd hop online........


Im not a manual guy so no issue's there, my issue is online plays NOTHING like offline, it is awful so awful infact that it reminds me so much of Codemasters Club Football, so unresponsive and im 99% sure the graphics have been downgraded as it seems more blurry which it really shouldnt need to be downgraded as graphics are poor to start with. Another issue i had was my players kept forgotten the ball which i thought must be to do with myself but nope it was happening to the other guy also. Really disappointing...How can online play so different? In the last 3 years of Fifa online felt the same as offline!

How the fansites gave this a 9 i'l never know in a million years and surly its sending Konami the wrong message? No wonder they are getting thanked in the manual!
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Online needs ALOT of work, currently been sitting two minutes with timer still and everyone just running around the ball, he switched FK taker and boom, its just stayed like that, also experiencing lag now and again

EDIT: matched now finished as the other guy just backed out, which is to another point, apparently my DNF has decreased due to such manner.

can't say i'm overly whelmed with what i've seen from the xbox 360 retail version as of yet
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In case anyone's in doubt, here's the animation I'm getting every time I get past a player and try and dart into space;

YouTube - 171011 0364

Every time.

Apart from that I've enjoyed the game immensely in parts, in other parts I want to put my controller through the screen it's that frustrating.

One tip I've found to alleviate a bit of AI pressure, on Professional anyways. If you don't move the direction stick at all, the AI seems to hold off a bit. Likewise, dribbling in short bursts of stick movements rather than long continuous movement seems to throw the AI a little bit. I have no idea why. Nothing makes sense with Konami anymore, if it ever did in the first place.

I mentioned this weeks ago and was told that it was my imagination. Notice how the defender also stumbles but miraculously recovers a second before you do. I have seen tiny CMs do this as well so don't tell me it's individuality either.

Simply put, it is a mechanic that they've reintroduced to probably balance ATT VS DEF. The problem is that the rule only applies against the player. If you run into the back of the CPU it will most likely result in a foul. Also this doesn't happen at all when playing against a human opponent.
But attack v defence didn't need balancing from the demos. That's what I don't understand. A good number on here, including myself, regularly took a beating from the AI in demo 2 so why they make it harder is baffling.

@gerd, those video clips look awesome. Are these gameplay changes made in an option file? If so, is this PS3 only or will the changes be made available for 360 too?
This fuckin stumble bug bollocks is ruining the experience for me and it needs fixing urgently.

When I'm tracking an attacker my selected defender continously stutters a little bit which gives the attacker an unfair advantage.

I get the same thing while I'm attacking too and it's far more prominent. You can beat a player and create space only for your player to stutter which allows the defender to catch you up! It's pissing me right off!

I though it might have been my pad but nope I get the same problem on all the pads I use. Does anyone know of a quick fix?

I'm on the 360.
while i was tempted to get my money back i'm going to stick with it, pes games have been known to be unlocked in the enjoyment area the more you play. after a couple of days of the 360 version my thoughts are:

*the game does not feel as enjoyable as the demo (i felt this last year, i thought the pes 2011 demo was great and all it lacked was a bit more of a fluid touch)

*games feel boring, usually i use the replay feature in many games, even a.i goals (demo 2 especially) and i havent bothered yet

*the game compared to demo 2 seems more brutish and chugs along although higher rated players seem more fluid than those around the 60-70 mark.

*the online is just ping pong, rush and scrap. a lot of the modes have not got many people playing either.

there is a feeling of tiredness with this series for me, i also think the word "amazing" is used far too often with people but having said that i respect peoples difference of opinion. with previous gen editions you felt there was something really special to be unlocked, thats why i kept playing despite initial frustrations, this gens entries dont make me feel that way much.

its not a bad game so far but i still dont think the product is good enough to warrant strong critical appraisal or huge success in the sales department. pro evo needs time, investment and perhaps a european or other football heavy region development team to work alongside seabass and co to maybe implement some things better.
In case anyone's in doubt, here's the animation I'm getting every time I get past a player and try and dart into space;

I thought you meant that animation. That is not the stumble animation from PES2011, which saw players take about 8 steps then pause bent over for a second. That PES2012 stagger-stumble is extremely short by comparison. It was present in both demos. Not that that's any real comfort, I suppose.
I have been playing this game for more than two weeks now and I really like it. I mostly play offline matches against the CPU and against my friends. I have both the PC and the PS3 versions and I did not notice any difference in game play between them as people mentioned here.

Although that I like the game, I feel that there are few improvements that needs to be done:
- Goal keepers need more improvement. They noticeably improved after the 1.01 patch, but sometimes they still make some silly mistakes and let easy shots in.
- Shooting is kinda weak and automated.
- Crosses and header goals are somewhat easy to score as defenders do not mark the attackers correctly.
- Game modifiers needs to be reduced. I mean the game speeds options should be reduced to something like three levels instead of five. The same applies to the passing assistance level.
- Various Bug fixing like sidesteps, goalkeepers participation in an attacking corner kick ..........

All these fixes can be done in a patch. Maybe people should contact John Murphy or anyone else related to PES and demand these fixes to be done. I just checked John Murphy's twitter account and he has not answered any question since Oct 7. Maybe he was sick of people nagging him or maybe he does not care anymore since we bought the game anyway :D
I've been playing roughly a dozen matches. At first i was specacularly underwhelmed. The fisrst match i played was together with my daughter: Ghan (we)-Spain (CPU). This is our big challenge, we played this match dozens of time in PES2011 and truly enjoyed it. This first in the new edition was a catastrophe...i know Richard Kingson (GK Ghana) isn't exactly Yashin, but we lost 7-0 and most of the time he did not even bother to try to catch balls...

Then i played a match alone, my beloved Genk against Standard. I totally dominated them (possession of a litle less than 70%), but was not able to score (my mistake) and their two shots were goal (my GK's mistake) that moment i felt frustrated.

Next was Palermo-Atalanta: i managed a 1-1 draw and scored my first draw. Then Academica Coïmbra (me) against Porto (CPU): a 0-0 draw, and my first clean sheet.

And then i had my first aha-erlebnis: Lille (me)- Ajaccio: 4-1. Hazard, Sow and Cole tore them apart (Hazard is fantastic in the game...IMO he is too good, but i don't mind a bit...).

Still, i find it hard to win matches: the shooting is totally different and IMO the ball kind of floats...maybe i'm doing something wrong. I also have the impression that GK's are not that bad as i first thought (it turned out that the GK's in my first two matches had purple arrows down..extremely bad form).

I'm slowly starting to like it. But it's weird that the game is so different from the second demo.
In case anyone's in doubt, here's the animation I'm getting every time I get past a player and try and dart into space;

YouTube - 171011 0364

Every time.

Apart from that I've enjoyed the game immensely in parts, in other parts I want to put my controller through the screen it's that frustrating.

One tip I've found to alleviate a bit of AI pressure, on Professional anyways. If you don't move the direction stick at all, the AI seems to hold off a bit. Likewise, dribbling in short bursts of stick movements rather than long continuous movement seems to throw the AI a little bit. I have no idea why. Nothing makes sense with Konami anymore, if it ever did in the first place.

I couldn't view the video at work and just presumed that you was having the same stuttering issue I'm getting. My issue is far worse than this one.

I'll have a couple of games tonight and upload it. Your issue, albeit annoying, is something I could live with. My issue is game breaking.
Is tackling in real football not a skill?
Seabass doesnt seem think so, why is it soo damn easy?
Last year we had the ridiculous hold down X and O to win the ball. This year all we have to do is position a player close to the ball and he will take it. Also you can still run into someone and win the ball, I dont remember that being in the demo.
Does anyone use the contain mechanic? I find it, yet again, completely redundant.
I'm feeling kind of underwhelmed by the game. What's with all the rubbush you had to wade through at the beginning, to get to the main menu - choose this, choose that - Next! And why do i have to endure Ronaldo in the background, i really hate those screens (and any screen with a Konami "shouty player face".

As for the game, meh. It still feels odd, clunky, not right, perhaps not even as fun as demo 2. I'm hating the fact that a sprinting player will jerk every few paces, slowing him down. You'd think i'd know better than shelling out for this, while i again am expected to rename all fake teams and players. ie the game is most certainly not finished on many levels. The game is simply not fun/good enough to overlook the annoyances, as you once were able to do. Frankly, the more complex Konami try to make the game, the more it suffers.
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