PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Gone back to playing demo 2, definitely not the same games as this final product, not quite sure how they have managed to fuck this one up, if only i still had demo 1 installed for a full range comparison. To be honest the game the final code reminds me of most is PES 2011.
Gone back to playing demo 2, definitely not the same games as this final product, not quite sure how they have managed to fuck this one up, if only i still had demo 1 installed for a full range comparison. To be honest the game the final code reminds me of most is PES 2011.

Demo1 with the Copa Libertadores teams is the best of the lot, if you have a PS3 I think its still available in the US store.

What's more, I NEVER thought I'd say this especially after PES2011 but with a few slider tweaks, I'm finding more individuality in FIFA12. Not in terms of first touch, which is not as pronounced player to player as it is in PES by far, but dribbling, defensive ability, and most notably, passing, sliders allow FIFA to have a much bigger variant from player to player.

I have been reading various PES forums over the last couple of days and this is something that keeps coming up. After playing Demo 1 I thought that this would be the game that brings the FIFA turncoats back to PES, but it looks like 2012 has just driven more people over to FIFA.

After seeing this video I wont be going anywhere near the full game.
PES2012å月份精彩进çƒé›†é”¦ - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
That is a total arcade game, what happened?

The only things that are good in PES are the off the ball player movement and first touch, everything else is done better in FIFA and done far better from what I have read.
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Kinda lost my motivation to play PES now and would rather play FIFA. Something has definitely gone wrong between the demos, which I hammered, and the full game. I prefer the pace of PES but FIFA just feels better in general this year.

I'll probably change my mind in a week though :D
I don't think it's that bad, and will inevitably grow on people. It's just frustrating that it's let down by some really poor decisions.

I'm giving it a break today however as last night made me want to smash my pad.
That is a shocking video. I went from a day one purchase to waiting for a patch because of X360 running bug but having played FIFA 12 online I will be getting that instead and see if Konami can pull their finger out and do something. I love PES but what I want from a football game is the feeling that it is at least like a football game and that it is fun. The demo gave that for the former but not enough the latter.

And reading all the comments it now sounds like it is giving neither. Such a shame...
I just noticed that Jimmy hasn't posted any of his impressions, but he promised he would be posting them throughout friday. Not a single post from him that day, I say this does not bode well...
Guys, don't resume the same old argument:"Demo is better than final code", because it isn't. In fact final code shows what Konami really wanted to do with Pes 2012. An arcade based game with some simulation elements. This is the only reason why they left 4 bars assistance and all assisted settings as default.
i am disappointed with the final result because this game without some stupid gameplay choices, such as super players return, too automated crossing and shooting, dumbed down goalkeepers (now they are even worse than in Pes 2011), speeded up pace of the game, could have been the best Pes yet. Right now it's absolutely not a garbage, but a huge missed opportunity.
They should have continued improving on Pes 2011, not changing it completely. Where is the lovely Pes 2011 default pace? Where is the great balance between different players? Where is the greater Pes 2011 sense of player individuality? All lost, gone, who knows why
This is a step back to arcade, while Pes 2011 was a great step towards simulation, even with all its flaws
One thing that video does show and something that has bothered me for a while in PES now is how powerful you can strike the ball whilst still keeping it so close to the ground. Yes it's possible but it happens so often in PES. If anybody saw my Miccolli video on the last page, that's an example of what i'm talking about. The ball never rises despite the excessive power, as if there is downward force on the ball. Likewise it's similar with the amount of hard and low daisy cutter goals from outside the box i'm seeing. Really i did have to stop and think before that about how many goals i really see in real life that are like that. Really not many.

Other than that this isn't 2008 again. It's a decent game with certain faults which can, like Anderson's post yesterday spoke about, take you out of the enjoyment at times.

Edit: I agree with Ameppe. I can't play PES 2011 now anyway, not after this. The defending on this game is just so much better. People shouldn't forget all those horrible player switching issues from 2011 which could ruin defending.
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I've had a good go now with both the PS3 and PC versions. They are different animals. PC version seems a more balanced game to me, however in online mode it is still way too fast.

Playing with passing assistance is a big yawn, but the kiddies love it. I'm finding the PS3 games really unsatisfying. Lots of niggles and utterly ridiculous goals.

Dunno, will it grow on me? Will have to see.
I've had a good go now with both the PS3 and PC versions. They are different animals. PC version seems a more balanced game to me, however in online mode it is still way too fast.

Playing with passing assistance is a big yawn, but the kiddies love it. I'm finding the PS3 games really unsatisfying. Lots of niggles and utterly ridiculous goals.

Dunno, will it grow on me? Will have to see.

Hi Jaboy, are PC online matches slower than PS3 online?
My games hates me now. I bet it's on a forum calling me a cheat.

2-0 down and not long left on the clock. If I lose I'm out of the champions League, a draw gets me through on away goals. I threw everything forward, changed my formation to overload their box... Took a corner, headed at the keeper who parried it right to my man near the post, easy tap in 2-1.

They kick off and I charge forward. The 90 minutes are now up. I intercept a pass, through ball it to Berbatov as the ai team pushed up for offside, one on one with the keeper... i shoot... he gets a foot to it... but here comes Nani sprinting forward to tap it in.

Love Offline, Hate Online.

Simple as that for me. Once you take away the speed modification and the put passing assistance on, it's not the same game.
Despite the flaws I'm finding in this game, don't watch that video as it's bullshit. The GK's are so bad in that it must be set to amateur level or something. I haven't seen anything like that.

I really can't put my finger on what's wrong with this. Zero passing assistance is beautiful in terms of placing the ball where you want to, but I really notice negligible difference from player to player. That said, I do love how the long ball game can be used if you have a big striker, lob it up to Gomis (Lyon) and he barges his marker around before chesting it down.

Though I find myself constantly trying to slow the game down, it is getting annoying how fast the AI attacks even on -2. One goal they scored was a passing move like high speed pinball.

Is anyone learning to cope with AI pressure yet? With no hesitation the AI is still putting it's foot into tackles, but I'm gonna try using top teams with top dribblers to see if they still have that lovely animation from the demos where you skip over challenges and stumble through with the ball. Bale did this beautifully in the demo on the left wing, now he seems as weak as a lamb. Maybe players like Sneider and Messi can do it? Was my favourite thing in the demos :(
I just noticed that Jimmy hasn't posted any of his impressions, but he promised he would be posting them throughout friday. Not a single post from him that day, I say this does not bode well...

Sorry about yesterday. I lied. :CONFUSE:

I'm over at PEEL at the moment arguing quite strongly with regards to this whole Pass Assistance Online debate, and I've never been so angry with regards PES in all my life.

I'll post what I've written with regards the online side of it via copy and paste. Also, what the fuck is the matter with the speed online ? It's a disgrace, far too quick in my book. :(

Right firstly, I make no apologies for what I have said, I stand by it 100%. Certain members love to play the activist role, whinging like little girls without even having or even offering an explanation as to why they are even against the proposal. They just simply love to argue, mainly because they feel they are being told what to do, regardless if that is actually the better option or not. And that's pathetic and petty in my book.

Secondly, I'll start from the end and work back over. I finally switched off my PS3 for good last after playing PES 12 all-day. A good 17 hour play-test. The final straw was an MLO match against a Division 1 player with all the Assists on. The guy I had had 6 ML default players in his side, the rest were made of of average players, with Roger Guerrero (sp) being his most noted player. At half-time the game was 6-0 to him. He took that score-line with the most ridiculous and horribly assisted play I have ever had the mis-fortune to experience. Whilst I was struggling to create the chances, he was ping-ponging the ball from his defence to attack. With 5 presses of X he was in on goal and scoring with the new glitch goal, but I'll come back to that. His team played better than Brazil of the 70's, and he was using default players for the most part. It sickened me to my stomach. It was fucking horrific. The worst excuse for PES I have ever seen. This was more like Fifa Assisted at it's very worst.

I dont mind getting beat, but I want to be beaten fairly and with skill. Not like this. I can honestly say that I've never been beaten on PES like that in my life, and it's the only game I ever play. I could hold my own in MLO on PES 11 against true Superstar teams. This wasnt a Superstar team, this was a bunch of no-hopers playing like Barcelona at their very very best. In fact, no, not even Barcelona with their players can even dream to play that.

On top of that, he scored two goals direct from FK's. These FK's were from 50 yards out. And this is where the Pass Assistance gets even worse because it carries over to the new Set-Piece R3 cursor-switch system. This guy basically drilled a ball at 100mph, straight to his strikers head who sat on the PK spot both times. He did this pass with Stromer as well. Twice.

So, not only now do we have an over-powered crossing system, we have the Assistance in the passing to ensure that everyone that takes a Set-Piece or swings in a cross has it with Beckham style accuracy. Absolutely fucking shocking.

I have never been so pissed off and angry at Konami in all my life. I'm there biggest fan, but I've never ever felt so sold out in all my life as I do now. Online is truly ruined. And if people cannot see this already, then it will hit home very shortly. Also, it will be a case for alot players to adopt the old 'if you can beat them, join them' philosophy. I wont. I never play with Premium teams against those who choose them, and I wont be selling out my principles now.

I joined PEEL because of a mentality, it's a mentality of football, a challenge, and fair-play. Thankfully the members and players that I respect the most on this site still all follow that very same mentality. Unfortunately others dont. Fifa is designed primarily for casual gamers, it's a pick-up-and-play game. It's easy. PES has always offered something different. It still does, but it's also given us this new bullshit Passing Assistance to appease the Fifa players. It's the biggest mistake Konami have ever made, it's beyond horrific.

And for those who state they cannot see the difference when playing Online, then you need your eyes testing. It's blatantly obvious. Passing Assistance, on any level, ensures that the pass meets it's intended target with perfect weight. The passing is also laser-accurate, it hones in straight to the player. I watched Stein hit 4, 50 yard high passes last night straight to the chest of his team-mate. The ball traveled straight to the player, it didnt arc, the recipient didnt have to move. It was just gifted. When playing on Zero Assistance the ball doesnt move like that, it's more organic. The pass will fall just behind or in-front on the recipient. Sometimes it will be underhit, sometimes over-hit, but very rarely in a straight line. You will also notice that the players using Assistance will very rarely, if ever, make a stray pass. Sure you can read the game and intercept on occasions, but having every pass 100% is game-breaking.

This is the bottom-line, I love PES due to it's realism, that's where my fub derives. There is nothing realistic at all about ML players playing like 1970's Brazil. Jeez, I'm not sure why these players are even playing MLO, they dont need Xavi, they have Burchet.

The reason I'm so angry and pissed off this that I found certain members on here completely ignorant. And completely un-PEEL. This Assistance could be the death of PES and PEEL. Konami can't match EA for what EA does right, and vice-versa. And I dont give a shit what anyone says, I know PES inside and out, and I know it better than arguably anybody here. If those who cannot see this HUGE issue, then trust me, in time you will. If you still cant see it, then you havent a clue as to what your even looking for.

As for the game, I love it offline. The graphics are sharper than the demo's, the lighting is better, everything for the most part feels better for me. I didn't get chance much to play offline yesterday, I started a Copa, but that was it. It was mainly online against PEEL members playing with Zero Assistance, which was incredible. It was flawless, 10/10, just like offline. Playing MLO though was a different story altogether, that is ruined.

The keepers are so much better after the patch, they hold onto so many shots that they previously wouldnt. I'm very happy with them.
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I think the keepers are perfectly acceptable myself. In the demos I thought they were gamebreakers in what was otherwise a brilliant game potentially. Come release they're not even an issue for me, unfortunately new issues have taken centre stage.
I'm still playing it (I spent £30 on it) but I feel ripped off. Releasing a demo and then releasing a totally different final product is absolutely unacceptable. I'm beating it but with crappy goals, the shootings gone back to pathetic mode, the player with the ball is always wimped off by the player without, the ref doesnt give a shit anymore (like last year).

Last year, the demo was better than the final game - same deal this year, the first demo was exciting, 2nd demo was decent but definitely compromised and the final code is almost unplayable for me.

Played it in BAL mode and it is so apparent that the 'freedom' is fabricated. even had players warp about in offline mode trying to follow a script! Had great fun on the demos though! Just shouldnt have bought this game AGAIN!


Whys the Ref broken?
Whys the passing broken again?
Why dont players move well off the ball anymore?
Why when i click r3 and release a through ball is the attacker already offside?
Why are chipped throughballs ALWAYS stopped and long balls have overspin which send it through to the keeper?
And tidy passing moves are ruined when a simple through ball down the flank results in the player forgetting to collect the ball, wasting valuable seconds and letting the defense reorganize (back to square one).

It's crap, it's time for Pro Revolution Soccer!

Look at it guys, look at it - it's terrible, we need to make our voice heard before it's FIFA and nowt else...

Absolutely fuming and disappointed - gonna play demo 1 again with a pen and some paper and make a league up!

J to the O to the K to the motherfucking E
I'm still playing it (I spent £30 on it) but I feel ripped off. Releasing a demo and then releasing a totally different final product is absolutely unacceptable. I'm beating it but with crappy goals, the shootings gone back to pathetic mode, the player with the ball is always wimped off by the player without, the ref doesnt give a shit anymore (like last year).

Last year, the demo was better than the final game - same deal this year, the first demo was exciting, 2nd demo was decent but definitely compromised and the final code is almost unplayable for me.

Played it in BAL mode and it is so apparent that the 'freedom' is fabricated. even had players warp about in offline mode trying to follow a script! Had great fun on the demos though! Just shouldnt have bought this game AGAIN!


Whys the Ref broken?
Whys the passing broken again?
Why dont players move well off the ball anymore?
Why when i click r3 and release a through ball is the attacker already offside?
Why are chipped throughballs ALWAYS stopped and long balls have overspin which send it through to the keeper?
And tidy passing moves are ruined when a simple through ball down the flank results in the player forgetting to collect the ball, wasting valuable seconds and letting the defense reorganize (back to square one).

It's crap, it's time for Pro Revolution Soccer!

Look at it guys, look at it - it's terrible, we need to make our voice heard before it's FIFA and nowt else...

Absolutely fuming and disappointed - gonna play demo 1 again with a pen and some paper and make a league up!

J to the O to the K to the motherfucking E
Hi folks time to have my piece. Not posted a lot or for while but this year seems to have broken the camels back for this pes fan (maybe) I say maybe as I played the first demo on pc and honestly Thot this is the year, pes is back to greatness. Super smooth on my 4 year old laptop and very reminiscent of pes 6 (pc version still best footy game by a mile) anyway I get FIFA 12 2 weeks ago and really do enjoy it especially online, AI can still be very unrealistic tho, then the big day 3 days ago PES12 for PS3 and i have never been so dissapointed (since pes08) it didn't seem half the game the first demo on pc was. I have played it non stop test and today but still can't get around my disappointment. The animations are really idrking me now (side step thing is frightening) maybe I have finally been blinded by FIFA but went back to the pc demo and what a difference, less frantic, felt more in control, could get a sense of weight, momentum and animations were a lot better,

Never Thot about returning a pes game in my life but when tomo comes think ill trade for the pc version.

Anyone else have this view comparing the ps3 and pc versions?
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I think it is an improvement over 2011 definitely, but for some reason to me the retail code feels like a patch for that game, just fixing some of the issues that shouldn't have been there to begin with. The difference with the demo's is they felt like they had fixed the broken stuff from 2011 and added more to the game play. Now that stuff seems to have been taken away, being able to ride tackles, better off the ball movement, better positional play from my back line, however the cpu is still capable of these things.
Another couple of points. The passing is just wrong, pes on ps2 was all assisted with a difference for player ability, pes 11 was fine altho the ball physics for the thru balls acted a little strange but pesc12 assisted is murder, hardly any diff between settings and hard to tell what u did when a pass doesn't go as u intended. 0 pass assistance is the best by miles but it's annoying if ur up against the assisted setting online.

Love the defending tho and the difficulty it's about time as well, first pes to truly be a challenge in a while!

Nuckle free kicks what a mess as well, go straight over keepers heads or thru their arms.

I find it sad having to post my grievances on here, I normally just check for the news but its a sign of being soooo disappointed that I have to vent it all out somewhere and my missus just Wont do!
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