PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

That's why there are still a heap of PES fansites and forums, the PES leagues, millions of ML Online players, and a huge option file and gameplay editing community. And even you, yourself, keep talking about it.

But apart from that the franchise is apparently on it's way out.....

Most importantly, PES still makes a nice profit for Konami, enough to justify their investment. For as long as that's the case, PES is going nowhere.

Having said that...

I got this at Tesco midnight and i was the only one there buying it. Couldn't believe it.

Same here. Actually, no - there were two Russian guys there as well. But last year there was a queue of 15 or 20 people. When I rang to check they were selling it at midnight, the bloke warned me there might be a queue: "it was right out the door for FIFA." I told him that I didn't think it would be a problem :(
Looking at my rants and some of the posts here.

I think the two biggest points really are:

1. PES is still suffering the effects of PES 2008.

No matter how good they make the game, people will always bash it. Simply on reputation.

2. PES 'as a package' is ineffective in this generation. It dosen't have EA's financial muscle. I mean if it could complete financially and with tech it would, but it's simply hasn't the same budget. It's online is 'ok' compared to EA's monster and other top games like COD, battlefield halo etc.. which are pretty much all about online modes. Licenses have become even more important, casuals in the PS2 where online was non existent where partial to patching, it was all about master league and having mates round. Nowadays, casuals want to play out of the box and play mostly online for clubs, UT, social activity. People don't care much about gameplay these days, i think the majority of people know games lie COD are.. well.. shit really but do it because everyone else is.

Also people these days consider aesthetic realsim such as graphics, licenses etc.. more than actually core gameplay :)
Is that right this Controller 2 fixes the sprint bug? If so what is the procedure?

Got afew mates having the issue on 360

Plug in two controllers, when the game asks you to press start when you run the game, press it on second controller, leave first controller alone. Fine unless you don't have enough controllers/need to play 2v2.

The other fix is 1080p/60Hz.
If every PES forum on the internet united and protested to Konami demanding a quality game, Konami would have no other option but to do just that and please the fans. But as long as we have fans saying the game is GOAT esp PES12 then we deserve what we get.
Sorry to bump but pretty pretty please with sugar on top;

IS the ML still 2 divions? Cant figure it out
Want to start D2 with lower tier European teams and D1 with all big teams...IS it editable like recent years?
Any guests who read this forum. I hope you do understand iluvnintes has been obsessed with bashing PES 2012, a game he's hardly played and is still annoyed that he can't master the CPU.

I've given up with him, as like many others have done he's going on ignore as from today.
Sorry to bump but pretty pretty please with sugar on top;

IS the ML still 2 divions? Cant figure it out
Want to start D2 with lower tier European teams and D1 with all big teams...IS it editable like recent years?

yes, but I'm not sure which division 1 you move into.
Plug in two controllers, when the game asks you to press start when you run the game, press it on second controller, leave first controller alone. Fine unless you don't have enough controllers/need to play 2v2.

The other fix is 1080p/60Hz.

Cheers, that sorts out the full game too?

Pretty horrific error this by Konami, feel sorry for those with the problem.
Player passing isn't individual at all, doesn't even feel stat related really. I can probably live with that that on 0 pass assistance though as i do make mistakes. Darren Bent was probably the best passer in the aforementioned England game.

I thought this in the demo but I'm definitely feeling it so far. Ettori is a cut above the rest of the defaults for picking out a pass. I think the problem occurs the higher the quality of the team, to a point where the players are either brilliant or Godlike, rather than having clear weaknesses.

I use 1 out of 4 on assistance, so that may be why as well...
@ iluvnineties

I kind of agree with what you are saying. PES is in the doldrums both as a game, and in the public conscience, which is really sad given the proud history of the ISS & PES series. I do wonder how they can ever get back to the days when PES was considered the undisputed number one football game. FIFA has improved markedly in all areas, pushing the tech boundaries for football games, while retaining it's licensing stronghold. It moves and animates smoothly and realistically, looks great, sounds great, works well online and has loads of licences and content. The all-important gameplay is the only area slightly lacking for me, but even so you could say it's the all-round product.

Having said that, PES2012 is the best PES game on this gen (not hard really) and the series is moving forward, just nowhere near as quickly as it should be. In many ways PES2012 is still a PS2 game underneath, no matter what anyone says about engine re-writes. Animations are simply not good enough, and look jarring all too often, with a lack of variety. PES5 had a much bigger variety of animations, particularly player-specific, which is a sad state of affairs. Collision detection is another area still in the PS2 age. While FIFA's impact engine is not perfect, it is at least what I expect of a football game in 2011. Ball physics still don't feel 100% free, and a little pre-ordained in places.

I'm not trying to put a downer on PES2012 as it's a fine football game, with great AI, and still maintains the sense of player individuality the series is known for. It's a refined PES2011, nothing more. Which is all I was expecting from Konami given their track record. But I can't lie, PES2012 is so far behind where I thought we would be six years on from PES5. It still feels like the same game, using the same tech and engine. Not a bad thing, but not what I was hoping for. The fact is some parts of the game are still not as good as six years ago.

I've seen enough to know that PES2012 will be keeping me entertained for many months, and with the lack of choice in the football game market I should be grateful for that.

Also, we should remember that while PES is given short-shrift in the UK, US and many other European countries, in other parts of the world the game is still king and outsells FIFA comfortably. I think the best thing Konami can do is keep refining what they've got for the next couple of years but in the background make a real concerted effort to push the boundaries and hit the PS4 & NeXtBox with a bang.
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Looking at my rants and some of the posts here.

I think the two biggest points really are:

1. PES is still suffering the effects of PES 2008.

No matter how good they make the game, people will always bash it. Simply on reputation.

2. PES 'as a package' is ineffective in this generation. .... Nowadays, casuals want to play out of the box and play mostly online for clubs, UT, social activity. People don't care much about gameplay these days, i think the majority of people know games lie COD are.. well.. shit really but do it because everyone else is.

Also people these days consider aesthetic realsim such as graphics, licenses etc.. more than actually core gameplay :)

Don't despair. I've had the game from day 1 here in the states and it is a slow grind, definitely not "play out of the box" and is growing on me immensely. Love playing around with the tactics and player editor and other stuff like that and appreciate the work that you and others do. Being in the States, you can imagine how lonely it is as a PES fan! Sitting around for hours, fixing a non-licensed soccer video game is almost grounds for admittance to a mental institution in these parts.

But I haven't given up. Not when PES08 or 09 were shit. Not when PES10 promised so much, but delivered so little. Now I feel my patience has been rewarded. This game IS AWESOME and what you start to notice after a week or 2 is that the game punishes you for not playing proper soccer. Yes, the stumble animation is there, but it's meant to keep you from barreling through defenders, just like real life. Would it be better if Konami could find another solution? Yes, but if you stay with it and learn when this might happen and avoid these situations, you'll be rewarded with amazing, flowing gameplay.

I've been playing mostly BAL, but last night I decided to take a break and edit Classic Italy, adding in what I consider to be the true "Classic" guys. I thought I'd have a fun kickabout (30 min match, -2 speed, 0 pass assistance). I picked Canada as my victim. Started up, and right away noticed that Canada wasn't going to try and go toe-to-toe with me. One lone striker, everyone else in their box, defending. I lost that 1st match 3-1. I thought, "this game is shit". But no, it's me that was shit. I didn't actually play soccer. I played a video game trying to barrel through a wall defense thinking that 4 or 5 nil would come easy (as I'm 100% sure it would had this been FIFA after 2 weeks because I would have mastered the controls and found all the scoring sweet spots and the soccer part wouldn't matter). I replayed the game, and played patiently, never forcing the issue. If I was 35 yards out and noone was open, I passed the ball back to Baresi or Cannavaro in CD and started all over again. I won 4-0. It took me more than 2 weeks to get to this point.

Every time I play, I still uncover something new and subtle that makes me appreciate this title even more. To those who say that Konami is killing soccer gaming for us, I say, no freaking way. I had given up on soccer gaming this gen. PES sucked, and I have no time for FIFA and anyone who thinks EA's title is a true soccer sim, is a complete moron. Call me a fanboy, but that doesn't change the fact that you wouldn't know a true soccer sim if it hit you in the balls! For those of you in the UK who just started playing - I implore you to give it time. Play for a while. If it gets frustrating, walk away and think about how you would approach the situation from a soccer standpoint, not a video game perspective. It will click, as it has for me and others, and when it does, you will be hooked on PES (again).

Sorry for the ramble, but had to get that off my chest. It's quitting time here on the East Coast and I need to get a couple of BAL matches in before the wife and I go out to dinner.
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If every PES forum on the internet united and protested to Konami demanding a quality game, Konami would have no other option but to do just that and please the fans. But as long as we have fans saying the game is GOAT esp PES12 then we deserve what we get.

That's just really vague. 'Quality game', what does that even mean? Why don't you talk about the elements of PES 2012 you find unrealistic, and as such mean the game isn't quality, for a change.
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and I have no time for FIFA and anyone who thinks EA's title is a true soccer sim, is a complete moron. Call me a fanboy, but that doesn't change the fact that you wouldn't know a true soccer sim if it hit you in the balls! For those of you in the UK who just started playing - I implore you to give it time.

As good as the early PES/ISS/WE where in their day and they were amazing (i bought them all from being 16-17) in their time the above statement ia just wrong. You may need to give to FIFA and the sliders. It is far better experience then any previous years. I've played PES now and it is anything but a simulation of football
Am i the only one struggling to enjoy PES 2012 after an extended time playing fifa??

Funnily enough i am the opposite. I intended to play Fifa this year because i deemed it to be a more complete package and sliders sounded VERY promising. After a week or so with Fifa i realised it was so unbalanced in favour of attacking that it pushed me to buy PES.

Yeah i changed the sliders and stuff but passing error just means more bounce, rather than affecting accuracy and toning down speed/acceleration just meant that attackers had an easier time attacking because defenders suddenly can't accelerate (attackers dribbling are already at full acceleration whilst defenders don't react fast enough because they aren't running and as such have to get up to speed). I found myself running through the computer's defence and vice-versa, especially with the right stick too. Such a slider change affects core gameplay mechanics in a way that i don't like. If i put acceleration up, so the aforementioned defending issue isn't there, then the game becomes too fast for my liking in general. I might go back to it but those balance issues are still there.
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Yep. That stumble animation wasn't in the demo surely. I never saw it. That awesome animation where you'd stumble past a tackle but retain the ball seems to have been taken out too. Why? It had nothing but praise. But that animation is happening 99% of the time I try to beat the full back with Aaron Lennon. Really annoying. I genuinely think some people at Konami are insane.

Thought i was going crazy, its really annoying actually cause it changes how you can attack the cpu, forces you to pass it of rather then be able to hold onto the ball with skillful smaller players, its happened now with Modric, Lennon and now Robinho, they just get brushed off. Even with Bale in the demo he would go shoulder to shoulder, bounce off the full back and keep going, now he just stumbles while they take the ball.
Thought i was going crazy, its really annoying actually cause it changes how you can attack the cpu, forces you to pass it of rather then be able to hold onto the ball with skillful smaller players, its happened now with Modric, Lennon and now Robinho, they just get brushed off. Even with Bale in the demo he would go shoulder to shoulder, bounce off the full back and keep going, now he just stumbles while they take the ball.

It's such a huge thing as well. With it's inclusion you can never settle on the ball, it's constantly pass-pass-pass as any physical contact will result in lost possession. Hugely frustrating. I've had to knock it down to Professional now just to have that extra bit of time.

As far as I know Konami acknowledged the issue after PES 2011, removed it, hence it's disappearance in the demos. Now suddenly it's back? And for what? It's just a really cheap way of upping the difficulty of the CPU.
It's such a huge thing as well. With it's inclusion you can never settle on the ball, it's constantly pass-pass-pass as any physical contact will result in lost possession. Hugely frustrating. I've had to knock it down to Professional now just to have that extra bit of time.

As far as I know Konami acknowledged the issue after PES 2011, removed it, hence it's disappearance in the demos. Now suddenly it's back? And for what? It's just a really cheap way of upping the difficulty of the CPU.

Yeah on top player and superstar the cpu can just run through your players, is really annoying to the point where i'm downloading the demo again for comparison. Not just in defence either, on superstar when i defend the cpu just bull dozes past me, which totally makes the defending system redundant.

Seems so much different from the demo, and it just seems to be a dumbing down of features rather then 1 major thing its like lots of small changes. What happened to all those runs my players used to make off the ball, and why can my back 4 no longer stay in position, the amount of times my cb's have been 20 yards apart...i'm not man marking so stay as a proper line...or my full backs deeper then my cb's...or my dm playing the last man it's getting silly now. When i attack the cpu does a pretty good job of staying in shape, closing the lanes etc however when i attack my defence is just all over the place, and i'm not talking about the tackling system, i'm on -2, pass setting zero etc that's all fine, its just more difficult now to play proper tactical football then it should be, to play in more then 1 style.
Is it just me or does the close control button seem to cause some horrible animation lock-ups? Just going to upload a clip of me trying to use close control a few seconds ago and it's something I experience more often than not, where my player will just seem to sidestep with or without the ball and be locked into the animation no matter but buttons or directions I press.

In this particular case, the ball gets completely left behind, my player is still side-stepping away, the CPU comes to get the ball but it seems to struggle to even get close to controlling it before sliding and knocking the ball with its knee.

I'm sure it was fine in the demos, it was certainly fine in 2011 but it seems to be really buggy now.

YouTube - PES
Is it just me or does the close control button seem to cause some horrible animation lock-ups? Just going to upload a clip of me trying to use close control a few seconds ago and it's something I experience more often than not, where my player will just seem to sidestep with or without the ball and be locked into the animation no matter but buttons or directions I press.

In this particular case, the ball gets completely left behind, my player is still side-stepping away, the CPU comes to get the ball but it seems to struggle to even get close to controlling it before sliding and knocking the ball with its knee.

I'm sure it was fine in the demos, it was certainly fine in 2011 but it seems to be really buggy now.

YouTube - PES

Had this as well mate.
Is it me or is this game completely broken on the 360?

When running the player stops himself starts stops starts stops, When running the player chooses to run in a different direction than what you are pressing. Shooting i feel i have no control over and just seems completely random 75% of the time. All in all i dont feel in control and to me it's the CPU who decides what i do?

Defence AI is non existent, when controlling a full back my 2 CB's which are AI start running towards the ball or wonder off aimlessly leaving a simple pass to a player to be through one on one. (After having to put up with Fifa's terrible defence AI im gutted PES is just as bad)

Then the issue of own goals, in two days play i must of seen at least 25 own goals which is probably more than i have seen from PES + Fifa combined in the last 3 years.

Oddly i really enjoyed the demo but disappointed in the final game, Sure it was more fluid this feels robotic like PES 2011. Thinking to myself where on earth did WENB get their 9 from?

Should i get rid of it for the PS3 version, any issues with that?
Is it just me or does the close control button seem to cause some horrible animation lock-ups? Just going to upload a clip of me trying to use close control a few seconds ago and it's something I experience more often than not, where my player will just seem to sidestep with or without the ball and be locked into the animation no matter but buttons or directions I press.

In this particular case, the ball gets completely left behind, my player is still side-stepping away, the CPU comes to get the ball but it seems to struggle to even get close to controlling it before sliding and knocking the ball with its knee.

I'm sure it was fine in the demos, it was certainly fine in 2011 but it seems to be really buggy now.

YouTube - PES


That has happened to me as well. It happens when you hold the L-Stick perpendicular to the movement of the player while holding R2. To get out of the animation let go of R2 then tap it again.
Should i get rid of it for the PS3 version, any issues with that?

I've got an unpleasantly choppy framerate in cutscenes and replays. Gameplay itself is fine, but the jerky cutscenes and replays can be a bit off-putting. I don't know if it's a general problem or specific to my PS3 or settings. Anyone else?
Am i the only one struggling to enjoy PES 2012 after an extended time playing fifa??

I have to agree with you there mate. I was getting a bit bored with FIFA and looking forward to playing PES but struggling to enjoy it. The animation in FIFA is really smooth compared to PES, what with the collision detection thing and the injuries it makes FIFA seem more realistic.

I really want to persevere with it but just played a world cup game as England v Hungary, i was 2-0 up at half time but Hungary got 2 goals back which is fine but i just knew that they were gonna score a winner. Then in injury time they got a couple of deflections and their guy did some kinda back heel through pass to their striker who scored. It just felt like it was scripted.

I've been reading about this a lot on PES forums but i tried to ignore it but it is in the back of my mind that the CPU can just score if he wants to. I haven't noticed it in FIFA. I will keep playing it for a couple of weeks then go back to FIFA and decide what is the best for me.

Also, it doesn't seem to play as smooth as the second demo.

I'm wondering wether i should buy it on PC aswell and download a patch to fix the gameplay.

Every year i seem to waste so much money trying to get the perfect footy game. Last year i got FIFA on PS3, PES on PS2, PS3, and PC. This year i'm gonna do the same. Another £150 spent. Next year i'm gonna buy myself a football and go to the park.
I have to agree with you there mate. I was getting a bit bored with FIFA and looking forward to playing PES but struggling to enjoy it. The animation in FIFA is really smooth compared to PES, what with the collision detection thing and the injuries it makes FIFA seem more realistic.

I really want to persevere with it but just played a world cup game as England v Hungary, i was 2-0 up at half time but Hungary got 2 goals back which is fine but i just knew that they were gonna score a winner. Then in injury time they got a couple of deflections and their guy did some kinda back heel through pass to their striker who scored. It just felt like it was scripted.

I've been reading about this a lot on PES forums but i tried to ignore it but it is in the back of my mind that the CPU can just score if he wants to. I haven't noticed it in FIFA. I will keep playing it for a couple of weeks then go back to FIFA and decide what is the best for me.

Also, it doesn't seem to play as smooth as the second demo.

I'm wondering wether i should buy it on PC aswell and download a patch to fix the gameplay.

Every year i seem to waste so much money trying to get the perfect footy game. Last year i got FIFA on PS3, PES on PS2, PS3, and PC. This year i'm gonna do the same. Another £150 spent. Next year i'm gonna buy myself a football and go to the park.

Mate i bought both fifa and PES on pc for less then the price of the console version of just fifa
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