PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

We don't have to go to extremes. Use a setting that offers some help in standard passing, but when it comes to elaborate through balls, risky one twos, etc make it more difficult, so timing, aim, positioning, pressure and player skill factor in.

It's not easy but all it really needs is time and playtesting to get it right.
i have problem with pes 2012 every 2 min it crash can sombody help me i am a big fan of pes 2012 pls help mee to fix pes 2012 :(
While sprinting straight ahead with RB hold down my Player seems to make some kind of "Autofeint" to the Side after a few Seconds, anyony noticed that? Kinda annoying. Any way to turn this off?
While sprinting straight ahead with RB hold down my Player seems to make some kind of "Autofeint" to the Side after a few Seconds, anyony noticed that? Kinda annoying. Any way to turn this off?

You on the 360? If so, this is a bug that is 'being looked into' atm... doesn't happen on PC or PS3.

Only known work around is to plug in a second controller and use that one, just make sure you're signed into the 2nd controller slot and you can play the game as usual.
You on the 360? If so, this is a bug that is 'being looked into' atm... doesn't happen on PC or PS3.

Only known work around is to plug in a second controller and use that one, just make sure you're signed into the 2nd controller slot and you can play the game as usual.
Yeah, im on the 360. Hopefully they change it soon.
Scripting just got to me big time on Master League. First time I've had to load a save back up because I'd quit a match for being that scripted. Then it happened again. Lost 4-3 to Liverpool at home twice in a row. Same goal pattern - them, me, them, me, them.

It's been getting bad for a while. I noticed in PES 2011 that from the second season of ML onwards, whoever I played would be capable of more let's say, unstoppable sequences. It happened the more that the stats went up. It's still happening now, although I'm not sure whether it's doing it more or just the same.

I've lost 8 matches in a row with Spurs, losing by the odd goal every game against sides like Wolves, West Brom and THREE of the fake PES League sides. It's been the same story practically every match. They get an unstoppable first goal early, I battle to equalise. Then after this little quest is done with or it's near full time, they instantly get the winning goal and the rest of the match is me playing against 10 defenders who all have the rough & tough of Grant Mitchell. When they attack and score, it really is a case of man versus mouse with the latter being my defenders. I position fine, player-switch fine. It's the fact that whatever move I try when they're in warp mode, I cannot stop them breezing through me. Headers, I'm fine with.

It's not so noticeable in exhibition matches but after getting deeper into a ML, a strong pattern appears and I'm suddenly not wanting to play half as much as I did say last week.
I'm kinda regretting putting myself forward for this feedback thread now, I can see there being a lot to put in lol... as every year :/ at least there should be less things wrong than previous instalments but still!
Regarding this passing assistance issue... it only dawned on me the other day that this is why reviewers, FIFA fans etc have been calling PES 2012 an "arcade game". They're playing on default - 3 bars - and on 3 bars it IS a bloody arcade game. It's hard to see how anyone could play on zero bars and not think of that as a hardcore simulation - at least in terms of passing. It's equally hard to see how anyone could play on 3 bars and not think of that as an arcade game. It doesn't take a lot of skill, does it? Defending does, but attacking... no.

On zero bars it's the true sequel to PES2011, with the free passing system refined and (almost) perfected. But it's hard. So of course, Konami stuck in optional passing assistance - sensible move in a way. I'm just not sure they've handled it well.

If Konami were really in tune with the thinking of football-game snobs, they'd have given names to the pass assistance settings: instead of going from 0 to 4 it would go from Simulation Mode to Arcade Mode. I mean, I can see why they didn't, but if they're looking to take sim players back from FIFA it could have been a good decision. I've lost count of the number of times I've read comments elsewhere from people who just pick up the game and play on default, and come away sniggering that there's no skill involved, it's just a ping-pongy PS1 game. On 3-bar pass assistance, they've got a point.
Regarding this passing assistance issue... it only dawned on me the other day that this is why reviewers, FIFA fans etc have been calling PES 2012 an "arcade game". They're playing on default - 3 bars - and on 3 bars it IS a bloody arcade game. It's hard to see how anyone could play on zero bars and not think of that as a hardcore simulation - at least in terms of passing. It's equally hard to see how anyone could play on 3 bars and not think of that as an arcade game. It doesn't take a lot of skill, does it? Defending does, but attacking... no.

On zero bars it's the true sequel to PES2011, with the free passing system refined and (almost) perfected. But it's hard. So of course, Konami stuck in optional passing assistance - sensible move in a way. I'm just not sure they've handled it well.

If Konami were really in tune with the thinking of football-game snobs, they'd have given names to the pass assistance settings: instead of going from 0 to 4 it would go from Simulation Mode to Arcade Mode. I mean, I can see why they didn't, but if they're looking to take sim players back from FIFA it could have been a good decision. I've lost count of the number of times I've read comments elsewhere from people who just pick up the game and play on default, and come away sniggering that there's no skill involved, it's just a ping-pongy PS1 game. On 3-bar pass assistance, they've got a point.


Konami screwed up big-time here.
Also, does Evo-web make dlc for PES? Pretty sure that's not the case.
Well they do actually. It's just for the DLC Requests sub-forum here you need to duplicate the same query 15 times in 15 days, using 15 slight variations.

Seems it ain't common knowledge? I thought that dev guy Simcut would have given it away before now, he's been lead designer on the upcoming bow ties pack.
Re: Re: PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

rofl dude, tell me about it.

I only just noticed you sent me 2 PM's, I'll reply to them later today, my graphics card is pretty much dead now, waiting for my GeForce GTX 560 to arrive from Mr. Courier \o/
No worries sir, I've sorted it now anyway. There's actually a 3rd PM, with those proposed bow tie designs. Cheers!
Regarding this passing assistance issue... it only dawned on me the other day that this is why reviewers, FIFA fans etc have been calling PES 2012 an "arcade game". They're playing on default - 3 bars - and on 3 bars it IS a bloody arcade game. It's hard to see how anyone could play on zero bars and not think of that as a hardcore simulation - at least in terms of passing. It's equally hard to see how anyone could play on 3 bars and not think of that as an arcade game. It doesn't take a lot of skill, does it? Defending does, but attacking... no.

On zero bars it's the true sequel to PES2011, with the free passing system refined and (almost) perfected. But it's hard. So of course, Konami stuck in optional passing assistance - sensible move in a way. I'm just not sure they've handled it well.

If Konami were really in tune with the thinking of football-game snobs, they'd have given names to the pass assistance settings: instead of going from 0 to 4 it would go from Simulation Mode to Arcade Mode. I mean, I can see why they didn't, but if they're looking to take sim players back from FIFA it could have been a good decision. I've lost count of the number of times I've read comments elsewhere from people who just pick up the game and play on default, and come away sniggering that there's no skill involved, it's just a ping-pongy PS1 game. On 3-bar pass assistance, they've got a point.

Regarding this passing assistance issue... it only dawned on me the other day that this is why reviewers, FIFA fans etc have been calling PES 2012 an "arcade game". They're playing on default - 3 bars - and on 3 bars it IS a bloody arcade game.

Good post, +4 and all that, and I could see why Fifa fans would play it on that, since I play the Fifa demo without really going into any deep settings. But reviewers with some credibility must be at least trying the game on zero or 1 passing. It's a big difference, as you said, and not doing it would be like reviewing Fifa 2012 without even trying the new defensive system.
But reviewers with some credibility must be at least trying the game on zero or 1 passing. It's a big difference, as you said, and not doing it would be like reviewing Fifa 2012 without even trying the new defensive system.

Yeah, it's like playing FIFA 12 on "legacy defending" or whatever it's called, and moaning that it's just the same as FIFA 11. No one reviewed that game and said "ah, FIFA 12 is crap, you just hold down the pressure button and win the ball back", because they used tactical defending... because it's the main selling point of the new game (despite the fact that it's actually quite primitive compared to PES' more varied and context-specific defending... but that's another issue).

But you got loads of reviews saying "PES is great fun if you just want a fun arcade kickabout, instead of the hardcore simulation of FIFA". Which is basically a clear signal that these reviewers stuck with 3-bar passing, or at least didn't go down to zero bars. No one could call a game on zero bars a "kickabout" - a "kick into the middle of nowhere" maybe, until you get used to it. But that's what it's like for reviewers: they're reviewing the game out of the box, and playing it the way most people do. If you don't wave a massive great flag about certain options within the game - which Konami don't - they just won't notice them. Don't forget, there are still thousands of people who try PES without knowing the intricacies of the R2 button (which are not properly explained anywhere in the manual), and complain that the game is "robotic"... which it probably is if you don't use R2.

And the passing assistance bars are tucked away in Personal Data, so most people won't give them too much thought. Would have worked better if Konami had stuck a splash screen at the start, where you have to choose all your settings, with a brief explanation of what this is all about.

You can imagine the kind of thing: "Please choose your passing assistance level. There are five settings. The lower numbers provide very little passing assistance and are suitable for simulation gameplay. The higher numbers provide a great deal of passing assistance and are suitable for beginners, or for arcade-style gameplay. You can alter these settings at any time by entering Personal Data."

Not hard, is it? Sometimes those little keywords (in this case "arcade" and "simulation") can go a long way. Casual players might not give a toss, but this is the major issue right now for serious football gamers - at least in Europe. Konami already screwed up (in my opinion) by making 0 speed gameplay too fast, which - combined with the poor animations - gives the game a slightly arcadey look. When every pass homes in on its target, you get extreme ping-pong and an even faster game speed, which just completes the effect. It's no surprise that the highly technical football sim which lies beneath the surface has been totally ignored, outside of hardcore forums like Evo-Web or WENB.
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I dont know how anyone could call PES2012's passing "free". One example and possibly the worst is from yesterday when I was launching a counter, I got the ball to the half way line with my wide man and I wanted to play it down to the middle of the pitch, so I turned him inside and hit the pass with the stick pressed in the direction of the intended recipient and guess what? He hit the ball straight forward up the pitch with the outside of his boot nearly 90 degrees from where I played the pass!!!!! I went into replay and was able to see a player making a diagonal run who could of got on the end of the ball if it had been played harder, admittedly this would of been a better pass but thats not the point. It doesnt happen too often to this extreme but it will pick out its own targets more than it should, which is NEVER!!!
This and the way balls played into space confound the player switching logic really spoil the game for me and it was the same last year too, sort it out Seabass!
And the passing assistance bars are tucked away in Personal Data, so most people won't give them too much thought. Would have worked better if Konami had stuck a splash screen at the start, where you have to choose all your settings, with a brief explanation of what this is all about.

You can imagine the kind of thing: "Please choose your passing assistance level. There are five settings. The lower numbers provide very little passing assistance and are suitable for simulation gameplay. The higher numbers provide a great deal of passing assistance and are suitable for beginners, or for arcade-style gameplay. You can alter these settings at any time by entering Personal Data."

Not hard, is it? Sometimes those little keywords (in this case "arcade" and "simulation") can go a long way. Casual players might not give a toss, but this is the major issue right now for serious football gamers - at least in Europe. Konami already screwed up (in my opinion) by making 0 speed gameplay too fast, which - combined with the poor animations - gives the game a slightly arcadey look. When every pass homes in on its target, you get extreme ping-pong and an even faster game speed, which just completes the effect. It's no surprise that the highly technical football sim which lies beneath the surface has been totally ignored, outside of hardcore forums like Evo-Web or WENB.

Excellent, excellent post. Konami can add a passing assistance splash screen and tweak gamespeed options (especially for online) via a patch can't they!? Must we always have to look to next year's iteration as soon as PES is released :RANT:
And the passing assistance bars are tucked away in Personal Data, so most people won't give them too much thought. Would have worked better if Konami had stuck a splash screen at the start, where you have to choose all your settings, with a brief explanation of what this is all about.

I'm almost positive that this is the case for the PC version. Is it not the same for its console counterpart? (clearly not) Agree with everything else you've stated, as a lot of the complaints of PES have been that the passing requires zero effort. At which point I prompt them to change the passing assistance to 0 or 1 and then come back.
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