PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

OMF how dare I forget the legendary Cro...forgive me man......

I cant wait to get online. Played a few offline games with friends and family today. Its my day so I made them all play fully manual with no assistance they were moaning but in no time the lounge sounded like a Man United vs Liverpool match it was bags of fun...lotsa Fifa lovers and they could not get over how good it is

bloody awesome bro, what I'd give to live in England for a weekend at Jimmy's with some top PEELers :)
Can anyone tell me or show me a pic/vid of what the graphics are like in the PS3 version? are they better than the 360?

Can't manage a pic right now - but I'm massively disappointed by them. The replays/ close ups are fine - but in the full match mode it looks like last gen in my opinion. Lots of aliasing, limited detail and a real lack of polish.
Can't manage a pic right now - but I'm massively disappointed by them. The replays/ close ups are fine - but in the full match mode it looks like last gen in my opinion. Lots of aliasing, limited detail and a real lack of polish.

Thanks Bro. That's ok, I'll take your word for it. Graphics do look like hi-Def PS2 on my Xbox. Unacceptable.
I'll check them out.

In the game is it possible to play long, raking passes along the ground?

And I don't mean through balls.
Am I the only one here that gets absolutely FREAKING ANNOYED that the AI will choose where my shoot goes sometimes? I mean you aim for the left and sometimes you shoot directly towards the goal or even right wtf is that?
Oh man one of those videos above showing the United game in Broadcast camera looks awesome. I can't wait for this game. I've got FIFA and love that too, have no idea how I'll find the time to play both!
Broadcast looks great again this year. Maybe even better than last year. Had a game on PES 11 last night as Inter vs Bayern and tried comparing it then to a game of Inter v Bayern on the PES 12 demo. 10 min halves; Professional; random form, wide camera.

I noticed wide cam seems further out in PES 12. Maybe it's just that I couldn't use the same stadium for comparison's sake. In hindsight, the passing and shooting on PES 11 has a little bit too much power. Could be a sweet spot between PES 11 and PES 12 though.

One thing really annoying me though is that there is ALWAYS movement on PES 12. Apart from the AI stopping and doing the shimmy feint animation they never really put their foot on the ball and wait for an option. When they do pass it around it's normally a series of 3-4 rapid fire one touch passes.

So when people say the gameplay speed is too fast, it's not necessarily the speed of turns or passing as one off movements that's a problem, but the lack of micro pauses in ball movement.

Watch Barcelona play and there's often times someone steps on the ball and Messi takes over. Or in other games where someone basically stops or steps along, assessing the next option. I think THIS is what's needed to give the impression of a less frenetic pace to the game and give it more balance. Otherwise it truly becomes non stop on the move football. So you're either shooting or defending. Where is the pause and thinking?

Dribbling is a little bit less intuitive I think this year. With PES 11 I could do a single tap of the sprint button to get a mini knock on, hold down 2 buttons and direction and get a long knock on or just hold/tap sprint for a normal kind of sprint. In PES 12 the touches are a bit more erratic and I'm finding it more random than something I am expecting based on my button presses.

For example, sometimes they turn normally and other times they turn and knock the ball on 5 metres, normally losing it to an oncoming defender. Maybe it's just the stuttery frame rate on 360 demo but normal sprinting looks a bit odd too.

And has anyone hit a real curler yet with R2? There are still too many shots I find that do not curl. People call them curlers but they just are placed shots with a straight line of ball movement.

Was really really looking forward to PES 12 as an improvement over PES 11, which I loved. Now I'm having 2nd thoughts. Someone ease my mind LOL
I posted this yesterday but got no response - is it just me that's getting a bloody advert for the movie 'The Thing' popping up right and left during every match?!? Comes up after every goal, during all pauses, and whenever the score is shown at the bottom of the screen :CONFUSE:

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They're internet adboards. They will change in a month or so from now, depending on whatever entertainment medium is sponsoring PES 2012.
Fenerbahce shirts false & bad.Please make update with the next dlc

these are the official kits




fonts&numbers positions here
Am I the only one here that gets absolutely FREAKING ANNOYED that the AI will choose where my shoot goes sometimes? I mean you aim for the left and sometimes you shoot directly towards the goal or even right wtf is that?

It's currently my biggest gripe.I don't know how Konami can make such silly mistakes tbh
Am I the only one here that gets absolutely FREAKING ANNOYED that the AI will choose where my shoot goes sometimes? I mean you aim for the left and sometimes you shoot directly towards the goal or even right wtf is that?

No you are not alone, I had (and still have to some extent) the same problem, in fact I mentioned it in one of my previous posts.
However, I have now improved my shooting a great deal and I believe the key here is to select the direction of your shot when the power bar is visible. Also another interesting point worth mentioning is to pull the stick bacwards and to the side you want your shot to go to, this stops the floating and usually results in what you had in mind.

I say usually because I am still not feeling I have mastered the shooting mechanics 100%, there are occassion when the resulting shot has nothing to do with what I was trying to do.

The space between the ball and yourself, timing of pressing and releasing the button, if you are sprinting or not,
and the direction you choose after you released the button and just before you take the shot are the key, I think...
No you are not alone, I had (and still have to some extent) the same problem, in fact I mentioned it in one of my previous posts.
However, I have now improved my shooting a great deal and I believe the key here is to select the direction of your shot when the power bar is visible. Also another interesting point worth mentioning is to pull the stick bacwards and to the side you want your shot to go to, this stops the floating and usually results in what you had in mind.

I say usually because I am still not feeling I have mastered the shooting mechanics 100%, there are occassion when the resulting shot has nothing to do with what I was trying to do.

The space between the ball and yourself, timing of pressing and releasing the button, if you are sprinting or not,
and the direction you choose after you released the button and just before you take the shot are the key, I think...

Yes you are right. I learned the best way to shoot last year is to power up the shot and push upwards or downwards (assuming you play a side on camera view) when the power meter is up. And hold down the direction until the player makes contact otherwise sometimes it ends up going straight.

And yes if you can have the ball slightly in front of you it will generate more power. I found this easier last year as you could do a single tap of the sprint button to give you a slight knock on.
Okay, so I've been smashing this game for two/three days non stop, full retail (US Version). It's as full as I can make it so if you can't read long write ups this isn't for you!

Here's my verdict -

My God this game is SO close to perfection, that the glaring errors with it make me want to cry. I started with a lot of exhibition games to get the flow of it, it is ever so slightly different to the demos in that things are generally a touch smoother.

I then jumped into Master League, with Liverpool, Top Player, Semi Assisted, default passing assistance. I play on -1 speed, 15 min games, pitchside camera. I have played about half a season as Liverpool using the default players and I am 17th!

Half of me thinks this game is simply the best football game I've ever played. Here's why -

Every game I am learning something new. I have played well over two hundred games with the demo, and have played lots now with the full retail. I love the passing, I love the ways the players find space and I love that you have to look deeply at your tactics. I think the player individuality is absolutely brilliant. Get Gerrard on the ball and he's strong, marauding and is your archetypal English powerhouse in midfield. Then there's someone like Adam, what a left peg he has! I have scored some truly stunning efforts with him so far. Then you have Downing or couldn't hit a fly off the ball, but is decent when in one on one situations and who has a terrific cross. Carroll, good in the air and can hold play up. Individuality is all over the pitch. You can feel it.

My second point - and to people who say every game pans out the same - are you insane?!? I have had every match you can think of. I have had slow European ties that have petered out into draws and rip roaring end to end screamers. We all know about the AI etc, but I want to go into more detail about the way the game pans out AND I THINK THIS IS THE INCREDIBLE PART.

From my experience this is why I love the game so much (when it clicks). I played Wolves with a 4-4-1-1 formation and was winning 2-0. I then made a change a brought Carroll off, left Suarez on his own up top and shored up the midfield a bit bringing on Lucas to to a holding role, 4-1-4-1 now. I then lost the ball rashly in midfield and Wolves simply pounced on it to make it two-one. Looking back I made the sub too early as the last twenty minutes was ALL Wolves. They got back to 2-2 and the momentum was all with them. In the end I was lucky to escape with a draw, this was all after coasting at 2-0 with them not threatening my goal for 70 minutes.

I played Man Utd, went one-nil up, and then for the last twenty minutes I could feel the pressure. Suddenly they were closing down quicker, pressing higher, taking more risks. If you look throughout the game the CPU makes lots of changes to their formations that you have to keep up with. They inevitably scored on 85 to make it 1-1.

My point is with these two examples is that the CPU changes lots during a game. If they score then you can expect them to adopt a more conservative approach with a deep line. Some games I seem to have all the time in the world to pass, look up and pass again. Other times they close down the midfield area with some great individual pressure.

You'd think I'd be really pissed off with the game that I'm seventeenth? I used to win Master League all the time on the old PES, but there has definitely got that one more game feel. I could have cried when Wolves equalised yesterday. I had come off two bad defeats where Wigan and especially Rodellega caused havoc with me beating me 4-1. And then I was beaten by Arsenal. So to go two-nil up and have them come back to 2-2 was a dagger through the heart.

I love the way you can use momentum in this game, I can glide past players provided I see the CPU angle of closing down and get my body position right, it's this type of subtlety that FIFA will never match. The amount of intricate things that I find on a daily basis blows my mind.

A word of advice - this is NOT a game where you can play with screaming kids and your missus keeping on at you. It requires full concentration, and total focus. To shut out Chelsea or Man City on Top Player, well you deserve a fucking gaming Oscar. It was no coincidence that when I moved the PS3 upstairs out of the way I started playing better.

The range of goals is awesome. And when you implement something 'out of the box' like a little chipped ball for Carroll to flick on then Suarez volleys, it looks simply amazing. The more I play it, the more I love it when I have possession. So, so far so good then aye?!?

Which brings me onto why the other half of me thinks the game is either partially broken, or that the CPU has some of the biggest nastiest scripts ever!

For every game that I think KONAMI have cracked it, and for every game where I think that was awesome win, lose or draw, there's that niggling game round the corner that drives me insane.

I came off the Wolves game and although I drew, it was a blast. I knew where I went wrong, I made a defensive formation switch too early, gave away a sloppy goal and was ultimately punished for it. I then played QPR and it was a dull 0-0 stalemate. They parked the bus and I couldn't break them down. Again, I was just lacking that bit of creativity but had no complaints.

THEN, Chelsea. And before this it happened with a couple of other teams too. THEY WERE SIMPLY UNSTOPPABLE. Any CPU team that plays an attacking formation, like Chelsea's 4-3-3 you know you're in for a hiding. You can play whatever formation, with whatever sliders, it really doesn't matter. You can have all your defenders on red, with two holding DMF's and a defensive midfield line, THEY WILL STILL RIP YOU UP.

Some of the goals they scored were truly ping pong astounding, but in a really bad way.

Which brings me on to the defending this year.

The defenders this year are clearly way underpowered. Carragher v Torres v example is like watching Usain Bolt v my 6 year old daughter.


It simply isn't fair. To all the defender kings - I try everything, cutting down passing lanes, following runners, RT+x, RT+O. You can try press you can try secondary press, the simple result is that the CPU will play some magic football that only Barce are truly capable of. You can try man marking people or not, you can try what you like, if the CPU decides it is going to maul you it will. You can use contain and get everyone behind the ball, this only works for so long. Once they get a free kick in or around the eighteen yard box it's a goal. Someone said they score 11 times out of 10, I think it's more 37 times out of 10! Van der Vaart scored three consecutive free kicks from the same distance (around 25 yards) two days ago, I has laughing to myself.

Chelsea were four nil up inside twenty minutes.

The game is just way too lopsided. A patch needs to be brought out ASAP to balance the game.

For all the fun I have, there's always this type of game that ruins the whole experience. The game seemed to go from -1 speed, to +34 speed too. Everyone of Chelsea was playing like they were on speed, my defenders suddenly became mongs, I watched the replays and I had left backs wandering, central defenders trying to play offfside on their 18 yard box to let Torres saunter through.

I tried to have a look at the tactics boars for all the teams and try and make two teams Man Utd and Stoke play like they do IRL. Klash over at evo-web is trying to experiment also. To watch a cpu v cpu game is a hideous affair. I put Man Utd on possession football changed their tactics, and put things like player support to 0, to MAKE them pass them ball. They couldn't. Stoke, who I set to Long Ball played more football. Which brings me onto my next point. I don't think it's a problem with tactics, sliders, they may be next to useless. What makes the players super human and not pass the ball is their cards and stats. Regardless if you set a team up to PLAY A CERTAIN WAY, they simply won't if their individual stats determine that they have all the turning cards, trickster shit, direct play etc etc. No wonder Nani never passes the ball, he is literally pre-programmed to run at every opportunity. He's got like a million TAKE THE FUCKING DEFENDER ON CARDS.

Which makes it even more difficult than first thought to make the game enjoyable as editing team styles has little effect on how the team plays.

I also feel scripting is prevalent in the game. For example I was one nil up yesterday when the CPU decided to start raping me with through balls down the wing by passing my right back. Fine I thought, my defensive line is a little high and he is positioned on the tactics screen high too. Let's drop defensive line to 3 and pull him back a bit. But it made no difference whatsoever. The through ball was getting by my full back every time. It was like the CPU decided that they were going to cross the ball in regardless.

Man, this has got to be the single most frustrating game ever.

If KONAMI just shored up the defensive side and made the defenders stronger in a challenge or at least tone down the directness of the CPU then this game would be the BEST FOOTBALL GAME EVER.

However, as it is not balanced my score goes from a 9, 9.5/10, to around an 8. It is so frustrating, but if Konami don't do anything about it I'm, going to have to spend about two weeks doing things myself.

Hand in hand with all the problems I've mentioned are the GK's. Okay fine they've been patched, but they are still shit especially if you play a certain way of trying to restrict the CPU to shots outside the box. I have literally no confidence in Reina at all. Every shot from the CPU I have my heart in my mouth. I don't think its the hard shots that are pissing people off. It's that slow rolling one. Someone like Berbatov for example has outside curve to his game, and he can literally pass the ball 5mph into the net without the keeper getting near. Also why do keepers still come out at a dreadful angle when I call them out with triangle at an angle. They never go for the ball, that is obviously broken. And why can't I have total control of the keeper once he has possession of it, it makes quick counters impossible. THE KEEPERS NEED MUCH MORE ATTENTION.

So these are my findings, agree or disagree, give me some feedback guys!

All my hopes and fears nailed in one superb post.

On a different note, I love the shooting, it works exactly as I would hope. I have no issue at all trying to hit the areas I choose. There seems to be alot more scope for error, but directions are not a problem at all.

And Satnik, I would love you over for a weekend. If your ever in the country, just holla. ;)
Am I the only one here that gets absolutely FREAKING ANNOYED that the AI will choose where my shoot goes sometimes? I mean you aim for the left and sometimes you shoot directly towards the goal or even right wtf is that?

Its very annoying when the CPU overrides anything that you do whether its shooting, passing or movement. Its something that needs to be completely removed.

I posted this yesterday but got no response - is it just me that's getting a bloody advert for the movie 'The Thing' popping up right and left during every match?!? Comes up after every goal, during all pauses, and whenever the score is shown at the bottom of the screen :CONFUSE:

I dont like this, I find it intrusive and it annoyed me in PES2011. I pay Konami for their game and then they get paid on top of that for me playing it. They should sell a version of the game at a reduced price with ads enabled or you pay full price and get none. Im going to find out where Seabass lives, go round his house and stick my business cards all over his TV, See how he likes it!
Am I the only one here that gets absolutely FREAKING ANNOYED that the AI will choose where my shoot goes sometimes? I mean you aim for the left and sometimes you shoot directly towards the goal or even right wtf is that?

I stopped playing he demo because of this. On zero assissted passing the AI overrided my pass about 6 or 7 times in as many games. Aimed to pass it to my striker about 10 yards infront of me in space and it overrided me and passed to the winger. So frustrating.
Yes you are right. I learned the best way to shoot last year is to power up the shot and push upwards or downwards (assuming you play a side on camera view) when the power meter is up. And hold down the direction until the player makes contact otherwise sometimes it ends up going straight.

And yes if you can have the ball slightly in front of you it will generate more power. I found this easier last year as you could do a single tap of the sprint button to give you a slight knock on.

I still think shooting is sometimes automated no matter what you do.

I mean I was running from the side of the field towards the other side, like this :

................................. <--------------------

And I keept holding the analog stick in the direction I was running all the time, and YET my guy shoot towards the right of the goal even tho I was running towards the left and holding my stick all the time towards the left.

This is my biggest gripe so far with the game and i SIMPLY CAN't understand why KONAMI does this shit when they promised us more freedom this year..
For me, the worst pes after pes 2008.

AI cheats, animations are the worst in any sport games of this generation (i buy NHL, NBA2k and 2 days ago rugby challenge from internet), On Line is unbelieveble bad, no words to describe. I played a lot of old pes and i notice than in current pes the basic are wrong: space between players, tempo, pace.

Konami, why? I think pes3 or pes5 with HD visuals would be great.

The online is still rubbish? Might have to cross this off the shopping list then.

Also when was the last time you played PES3 or 5? They are horribly dated, if Konami released one of them with HD graphics they would get slaughtered.

I still think shooting is sometimes automated no matter what you do.

I mean I was running from the side of the field towards the other side, like this :

................................. <--------------------

And I keept holding the analog stick in the direction I was running all the time, and YET my guy shoot towards the right of the goal even tho I was running towards the left and holding my stick all the time towards the left.

This is my biggest gripe so far with the game and i SIMPLY CAN't understand why KONAMI does this shit when they promised us more freedom this year..

Why would you want to shoot in that direction? Was it just to test out the automation? I would guess the shot you got was the player opening his body up and side footing it, which would make sense but there really should not be this level of assistance.

I am not soo bothered by the shooting, like Jimmy my shots will pretty much always go in the direction I want. One thing that I find strange about it though is that the ball always seems to go far too close to the keeper.
I am more annoyed by the assistance in passing, especially the "manual" passes.
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no, online lag and stability is the best from pes 6
it has improved a lot, lag is almost disappeared, what makes it worse is the users who play full assisted
Rearding game speed.

I've noticed the AI cheats less on -2, i expect the AI to cheat btw but on -1, i don't think the balance is very good on PC. I mean on +1, +2 etc... who cares since it's frantic fun and fast. 0 is just the standard mix between fun and beliverbillity. I'm not sure about -1, the AI cheats are very unecessary on that speed and there's a bit too much warping and crazy ball control at times.

-2 is great, i've not seen any bad cheating at all on this speed! The individuallity comes to the full front on this. It's certianly not too slow either, you have to like in real life build up momentum with the ball or get a quick player in space for him to move and really shift.

Game speed is huge this year offline, absolutley huge

Also stamina is having a huge effect in matches this year!
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After playing the game much more in the past few days I have come to the conclusion which my biggest gripes are with the game. There are many other small one but IMO these are the ones that really ANNOY me and make me enjoy this game MUCH MUCH less than I would if they were gone. These are :

*1* Lack of Freedom /// from shooting being automated at times, to automated crosses, to wrong teammates something running after the ball when some other teammate is much closer and much more logical to run after the ball, to the game forcing you into things at times like you can't sprint when using off the ball during set pieces or when the opponent GK has the ball. The game simply LACKS any sort of freedom, I feel like im trapped in a cell surrounded by 4 walls and I can't escape, it feels very bad and very suffocating. I will never understand why KONAMI choose to made these things, even made some of them like shooting worse from last year in terms of freedom when they got FEEDBACK from us from last year that we want more freedom and that the game forces you into things at times. And im not sure anyone even jenkey can fix this issue.

*2* Stats of players /// some might not even agree with me but the fact remains that some stats are overpowered, this is one of the main reasons why almost every match is a high scoring match. Mainly accuracy stats are the ones that are overpowered, dribbling acc, shooting acc, passing acc, set piece acc... etc As a result the attackers have an advantage compared to defenders because they can dribble easier , they can hit the target easier , they can pass around easier hence the defence vs attack balance is broken and its currently about 40:60 imo. Luckly this can all be fixed by stat changing which will happen in the future by various people so this balance will be corrected a bit so im sure this point will disapear in the future. One thing that can't be corrected tho is the deleting of acceleration, I have no clue why KONAMI choose to do this but its the WORST DECISION I have ever seen from KONAMI or PES series. Acceleration is ONE of THE most important attributes a player can have. How are we now to have a difference between a player who is FAST ( Walcott ) and between a player who just has a QUICK BURST OF PACE ( Iniesta ) ? We cant.. Really disapointing.. Also you guys can check how unrealistic NO ACCELERATION in the game is, try doing the RT+RB burst pace with someone who doesn't have good acceleration in real life but is just agile ( since explosive power seems to affect the burst pace ) like Xavi, he explodes with the ball forward really fast and explosive like he would NEVER EVER be able to do in real life.

*3* CPU difficulty /// it frustrates me because its so unrealistic at times. How it should be is that the better the difficulty the better the AI intelligence is, not their reactions and accuracy. For example a good top player difficulty after professional would be:
-an AI that knows how to pressure well and make you do mistakes
-hold the ball and build up play and outplay you after they get the ball
-with no overpowered dribbling skills from non skilled dribblers in game
The AI that is in PES in top player does this:
-the AI doesn't know how to pressure well and make you do mistakes
-the AI doesn't know how to properly hold the ball and build up play and outplay you
-the AI has overpowered dribblers all over the pitch even if they are some average technique players simply because the AI has perfect timing and angles and positioning every single time
As a result you can outplay the AI easily no matter what difficulty, their pressure is harder on higher difficulty but its not smart and effective at all. The AI also won't bother to outplay you because they will simply rush forward and try to dribble and get past your players since they are overpowered in this aspect. Now you can stop or limit them of course by double teaming and using the defensive system that pes uses but how realistic is that I ask you? Sure using 2 players on Messi might seem realistic but when you have to do that on every single player of every single club even the likes of Osasuna then thats just not realistic at all sorry. But the good thing is that most of these issues from point 3 will most likely be fixed aswell by jenkey or someone else in the future.

*4* Football life issues /// I didn't yet play throughout the mods extensively but I did play more than 1 season in each and there are still issues in the modes that we all hate and which KONAMI got feedback about and yet still they are not fixed. To be honest I don't even see why KONAMI would add another mode Club Boss, while the mode offers something different and is interesting no doubt I see no point adding new things if the existing things are still broken and have issues. The biggest issues still remain crazy transfers, so far I didn't see Messi to Granada or something like that yet but I did see a fair share of very doubtful transfers. Another issue is new players appearing in game way overpowered, 16 year olds with 96 overall, what the hell? The training and developement is changed aswell and while I applaud something different the system feels very weird, why would we lose stats in every other area like physical etc if we train speed? That makes no sense or realism. The club boss mode seems broken in development even more it seems, your players keep losing overall stat really fast, like 2-3 points in half a season and its every player even youngsters. I just hope they at least fixed the retired players appearing as young ones but to be honest I SERIOUSLY doubt it, like 99%. Overall im disappointed with the lack of effort KONAMI has shown in many areas that are easily fixable and that the community is frustrated with for years now, its not like they don't get feedback from us, it just seems they ignore it for the most part.

So overall I feel that the game is very fundamentaly sound and has great potential and most of these points will probably be fixed by several OF's and Patches made by the community and we will be able to really enjoy a great game, but im disapointed with so many obvious issues from which they are getting feedback for a long time now are still here and not fixed ( some by rushing the game, some by not really understanding some parts of football I guess idk what else to say ) and that KONAMI is so incompetent that we, the community have to fix all these frustrating things about the game. They should really put more effort into the game next year, first and foremost LISTEN to the community more and use our advice better and I don't even mind if they release it in december as long as its complete and polished.
I've read the discussion about a football game by 2KSports and i want to make a late reaction.

I would love them to give it a try. After a few years they would outclass both Konami and EA Sports.

The only gripe that i have about NBA2K11 is that i don't understand basketball enough to play this game like it should be played. This game is sooo deep i only buy it once every two years...

After 3 or 4 years 90% of the evo-web members would only play the 2K football game.
So overall I feel that the game is very fundamentaly sound and has great potential and most of these points will probably be fixed by several OF's and Patches made by the community and we will be able to really enjoy a great game, but im disapointed with so many obvious issues from which they are getting feedback for a long time now are still here and not fixed ( some by rushing the game, some by not really understanding some parts of football I guess idk what else to say ) and that KONAMI is so incompetent that we, the community have to fix all these frustrating things about the game. They should really put more effort into the game next year, first and foremost LISTEN to the community more and use our advice better and I don't even mind if they release it in december as long as its complete and polished.

Without having played the full game i completely agree with you. I' m pretty sure one could draw the same conclusion next year and the year after that...good post. First i took you for a troll or a WUM, but people like you are good for the game.

Good post. I misjudged you, sorry.
First i took you for a troll or a WUM, but people like you are good for the game.

Good post. I misjudged you, sorry.

Im a perfectionist, so even little things piss me off alot and then I rage and rant about it in a very primitive way so I can see why some might have misjudged me for that :))
I agree with pretty much all of that. I think acceleration is explosive power.

explosive power is agility, but it affects the speed burst since its a change in direction which is a bit unrealistic since acceleration should determine that aswell, Xavi shouldn't be able to burst fast at all and yet he does.
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