PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

It would work alot better Zak if they always retreated back towards the halfway line when applauding, rather than, on some occasions, forward towards the opponents goal. I agree thats a bit silly. :CONFUSE:
It would work alot better Zak if they always retreated back towards the halfway line when applauding, rather than, on some occasions, forward towards the opponents goal. I agree thats a bit silly. :CONFUSE:

Definitely not what i was going for m8.

I only meant that whenever they applaud they shouldn't go forward towards or past the opposing keeper. Or in worst case, towards inside the goal.

They only need to be aware of their position afterwards or at least look like they are, definitely not jog back to the half-way line. :p

It's probably not important to most but since we're always talking about how KONAMI does the "little" things right, there's no reason why they can't be improving on them.

At any rate, I'll try to catch it on video just for showing sake.
I get that sense when your Keeper is holiding the ball, they become the most unresponsive aspect of the game, not to mention the amount of times iv'e haamered the pass button to roll the ball out to defender only for the CPU to dropkick the ball for me.

It's one thing if the game is trying to help me avoid making a mistake by throwing to a defender who has a chance at getting dispossed by the opposition, but this should be my choice, total freedom, remember?
Graphics appear top notch as usual.

Animations are not that bad as some make out. All the extra facial expressions and hand movements bring more realism and the off the pitch activity seems more engaging.

The atmosphere such as the England fans shouting 'who are you ?' might indicate a more immersive reality.

I hope the AI is up to scratch this time as they promise, as it was lacking last year in some situations. Collision system appears to be improved as well on this brief view.

One worry appears to be the keepers whose animations seem much the same. Why cannot they get a top class keeper and mo cap them ? I hope they are not as bad as some of the people there at E3 are making them out to be.

How hard can that be to mocap a keeper ? Hopefully some gameplay videos with decent PES players might be forthcoming soon.

Still the overall package looks very enticing. Cannot wait...:COOL:
My main hope for PES 2012 v CPU is the keepers.
On PES 2011, after a great move, your through one-on-one with the shoot close either side, and the keeeper doesn't even make a fecking effort. He's just standing still! :MAD:
At least dive, even if it is the wrong way, or come out towards the attacker, like Peter Schmeichel did.
If they can sort out the CPU keeper action/animations, I'll be happy.
Rant over.
I like the video and I suspect this years game will be far more atmospheric looking at the crowd and stuff happening around the pitch.

Love the square nets, helps with the emersion/authenticity and some good animation in there.

My main hope for PES 2012 v CPU is the keepers.
On PES 2011, after a great move, your through one-on-one with the shoot close either side, and the keeeper doesn't even make a fecking effort. He's just standing still! :MAD:
At least dive, even if it is the wrong way, or come out towards the attacker, like Peter Schmeichel did.
If they can sort out the CPU keeper action/animations, I'll be happy.
Rant over.

What difficulty are you playing on? On higher difficulties the keeper almost always comes out to narrow the angle. There is a glitch that makes them inactive sometimes though.
Just beacause im bored, here is piku:[/url]
We should set up a contest for this pic.

+1 lol , will be great

Pique moment is so funny

Resident evil reconversion in PES 2012 :

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Yeah I've seen that Zakov, but how many times do we see this happen in real-life ? The whole clapping or acknowledgement thing buys a lazy player time to catch his breath and amble back. I like it personally, and much prefer it to every player breaking his neck to get back onside after an attack breaks down. That isnt realistic. It's these little relevant touches that bring a smile to my face. You will never see the benefit of the defence 'pushing out' if there arent players from the opposing team getting left behind. It's how it is.

Just when it's 8 players staying offside and not even walking back that it takes the piss. I'm absolutely fine with the premise, and if we weren't shouting at certain players to put more effort in or make a run into space then it wouldn't be a realistic game. But plenty of times you'd find that practically the entire team would be not just offside, but actually matching the movement of the defensive line so they make little or no progress in getting back in play. That is what people have problems with. Hopefully that falls in the same category as players making more of these off the ball movements to open up play.

The fact that people clap while still moving forwards doesn't help either.
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Players definitely need to make more of an effort to get back onside - I know in some situations, and especially with certain players it's realistic for them to not bust a gut to get back, but currently every player is pretty dumb when it comes to being offside.

You can hardly even lay the ball off to your full-back to whip in first time because all of your strikers will stand still when the defensive line pushes up.

I hadn't noticed the clapping whilst running forwards before, but now you mention it, I know what you mean and remember it happening more than a few times!
It's damn funny, how "some" people have just started crying about the keepers over the boards, since We've been doing that for like years, but people tend not to listen.

I just don't get KONAMI, why on earth do they keep on doing small absolutely useless stuff, like adding veins on players models, overexaggerated facial expressions and such nonsense, while the game as a hole suffers from far more important stuff, like SOOOO... dated goalkeeper animations and AI, defensive brainfreeze while there is an undergoing through pass, A.I.F.T.- Artificial Intelligence Future Telling, the A.I. knows exactly what u gonna do and it reacts ASAP to it, you make a move and the damn A.I. has already blocked you... Crappy ball physics, pes 2011 ball physics are just atrocious, there is no footy game with such bad ball physics, they are just pathetic....
"we've worked tirelessly on the A.I." and??? what now we gonna have a good A.I. on a broken game??? well good job KONAMI you've just set your level to EA's... the fukin years goes my damn hair has turned white and I'm still playing PES6 and WE9LE, whats with that KONAMI??? We've wanted an impact engine such as Euphoria and look what happens, EA obviously are reading the damn PRO boards and what are you doing? The damn keepers are a pain the our asses for what like 4-5 years now and we have cried about that for that long too, but nooooooooooo... there is no one to listen, or maybe its easier to do nothing and release the damn excrement again and again like what EA've been doing for the past like 20 years....

Please don't come in again with a statement that you want to bring the old true pes fans back, I'm just shocked that there are still people buying the damn game after so many years of disappointments. If you really want to improve the game and bring back the Series crown, then START READING THE DAMN BOARDS AND LOOK WHAT THE DAMN CROWD WANTS!

.... releasing a trailer with bits of broken gk action, KONAMI you are a fucking geniuses...:SHAKE:
It's damn funny, how "some" people have just started crying about the keepers over the boards, since We've been doing that for like years, but people tend not to listen.

I just don't get KONAMI, why on earth do they keep on doing small absolutely useless stuff, like adding veins on players models, overexaggerated facial expressions and such nonsense, while the game as a hole suffers from far more important stuff, like SOOOO... dated goalkeeper animations and AI, defensive brainfreeze while there is an undergoing through pass, A.I.F.T.- Artificial Intelligence Future Telling, the A.I. knows exactly what u gonna do and it reacts ASAP to it, you make a move and the damn A.I. has already blocked you... Crappy ball physics, pes 2011 ball physics are just atrocious, there is no footy game with such bad ball physics, they are just pathetic....
"we've worked tirelessly on the A.I." and??? what now we gonna have a good A.I. on a broken game??? well good job KONAMI you've just set your level to EA's... the fukin years goes my damn hair has turned white and I'm still playing PES6 and WE9LE, whats with that KONAMI??? We've wanted an impact engine such as Euphoria and look what happens, EA obviously are reading the damn PRO boards and what are you doing? The damn keepers are a pain the our asses for what like 4-5 years now and we have cried about that for that long too, but nooooooooooo... there is no one to listen, or maybe its easier to do nothing and release the damn excrement again and again like what EA've been doing for the past like 20 years....

Please don't come in again with a statement that you want to bring the old true pes fans back, I'm just shocked that there are still people buying the damn game after so many years of disappointments. If you really want to improve the game and bring back the Series crown, then START READING THE DAMN BOARDS AND LOOK WHAT THE DAMN CROWD WANTS!

.... releasing a trailer with bits of broken gk action, KONAMI you are a fucking geniuses...:SHAKE:

I agree with some of your concerns, but I think after pes 2011 Konami has earned my trust again (I didn't buy 2009 or 2010). AI is something that they should focus 100% of their gameplay programming attention to. However I think you need to understand that the development process of a game is not black and white. The added graphical touches were most likely handled by a couple artists and a single programmer. In all likelihood they had little to no effect at all on the gameplay.
I agree with some of your concerns, but I think after pes 2011 Konami has earned my trust again (I didn't buy 2009 or 2010). AI is something that they should focus 100% of their gameplay programming attention to. However I think you need to understand that the development process of a game is not black and white. The added graphical touches were most likely handled by a couple artists and a single programmer. In all likelihood they had little to no effect at all on the gameplay.

I really dont get you guys, you are still defending them for what reason? That's the same attitude that brought us here, "it's an early build, there are still many months to go, it is on lower difficulty, etc" and in the end, what do we get? a broken game with some graphical touches noticeable only on replay!

In the end the only thing that matters is the gameplay and the gameplay consists many things - A.I., Animations, General response and fluidity of play and tech! PRO evo is lacking all those things, but KONAMI keeps on doing graphical "improvements"... PES6/WE9LE have dated graphics, but the gameplay is solid... PES 2011 has what????

When you ppl realize that nothings gonna change, if you dont have yourself first, then we might see changes in the franchise.
Look at Call of Duty, the game has been a total bullcrap for the past 2 years but ppl continue to buy for god knows what reason and this years they will release the same horse shit. Same thing with Fifa, if you continue to buy a product despite the small "improvements", then the developers have no urge to improve the product, since it is being sold in millions....:MAD:
I don't think Konami's effort in the gameplay department can be questioned after the (imo) huge leap from PES 2010 to 2011.

They have plenty of room for improvement (as mentioned by Seabass himself) but the direction they're taking it in is one that I like.
I don't think Konami's effort in the gameplay department can be questioned after the (imo) huge leap from PES 2010 to 2011.

They have plenty of room for improvement (as mentioned by Seabass himself) but the direction they're taking it in is one that I like.

I agree completely, but still there are some very strong parts of the game which are broken and by broken i mean, BROKEN!
The keepers must be fixed ASAP and not only better A.I., they need animations, lots of em. The GK position in football is what decides if there is going to be a goal or not. The GK is half the team, by himself and in PES the keeper is just an object standing in the way of the ball. If you shoo the ball at the "object" then you might see a save or smth clunky and awful, otherwise you gonna see a goal 100% goal.
According to Adam at WENB there is no power bar for crossing.

Such a shame. Its really needed. I hope that once the Twitter feedback is open we can pass this onto Jon Murphy.
I hate the automated approach to the crosses when just using the Circle button.

I also hate the automated kick-offs. Just remove all the automated crap. Give us full control.
I agree completely, but still there are some very strong parts of the game which are broken and by broken i mean, BROKEN!
The keepers must be fixed ASAP and not only better A.I., they need animations, lots of em. The GK position in football is what decides if there is going to be a goal or not. The GK is half the team, by himself and in PES the keeper is just an object standing in the way of the ball. If you shoo the ball at the "object" then you might see a save or smth clunky and awful, otherwise you gonna see a goal 100% goal.

I agree that the keeper animations are ugly, but I think their reactions and ability to stop shots is quite accurate.

I'd like to see them come out for crosses a bit more though and punch the ball to safety, and also push more shots wide/over rather than into open play.

According to Adam at WENB there is no power bar for crossing.

Such a shame. Its really needed. I hope that once the Twitter feedback is open we can pass this onto Jon Murphy.
I hate the automated approach to the crosses when just using the Circle button.

I also hate the automated kick-offs. Just remove all the automated crap. Give us full control.
You can use LT+B (L2+Circle) to do a manual cross, for those you can see the power bar.

With the current crossing system you still choose where to aim and whether you want it to the front or back post, as well as all the combinations for different cross types - I think the control system is good, it's just that they need to make it more error-prone than it is in PES 2011, especially on low crosses.
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According to Adam at WENB there is no power bar for crossing.

Such a shame. Its really needed. I hope that once the Twitter feedback is open we can pass this onto Jon Murphy.
I hate the automated approach to the crosses when just using the Circle button.

I also hate the automated kick-offs. Just remove all the automated crap. Give us full control.

Bring back the old crossing system where you had 9 areas of the penalty area to aim for.
Animations are not that bad as some make out.

PES have a hard job on their hands really. PES 2011 was NOT a robotic looking game hardly, i did have some rather shit keeper animations and a few bugs ere and there but the majority of the animations were solid. they where good, rather basic in areas but good.

People compare them to FIFAs though and the big issue is that FIFA's that they glide they are over responsive and unrealistically silky looking.

The new ones in the trailer looked. Good, very good. Thing is in a technological aspect they look more robotic compared to FIFA. So, in that respect they are but they are NOT shit robotic animations as like PES 2008-2010! For me they are good. So whats so unfair is that even if PES animations look very solid. fluid and lifelike they would looks as silky smooth and unrealistically responsive as FIFA's.

People bash PES too much unfairly on this! I mean fine, criticize the crap collisions, the keeper animations but the general player movements are good.
WHat i hate in pes 2011 is how slowly the Ai reacts (specialy online in regular level) when possession changes.

When you're attacking you can see some midfielders going forward, but then if you loose the ball they (midfied temmates) keep going forward,it takes too much time for them to break and get back.

But thinking about it, that's a very important area that fatigue must have a big impact. Payers with high staminia should react better and faster to ball possession changes.

Currently, reaction times for all players are bad imo.
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Wow, if they at least fixed the shooting this game would be halfway into being a gem.. or not.
off thread: Brazil vs holland today here in Brazil.

I'm more excited to see Roben, Sneijer and Ribery in action then the current new Brazil squad.
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