PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Watching Spurs' second goal against Arsenal reminded exactly of how keepers are on PES 2012 lol. They are pretty realistic then.
Don't agree with a few of your points like the Refs for example, as I think they're pretty good and give enough advantages, but they need fixing when knocking someone off the ball they do nothing about it. Definitely agree with the others and that's a good post.

Well at least for one match the ref certainly did something about getting knocked off the ball - on both sides :CONFUSE:

That's why there are multiple slider for multiple skill levels. You're for the exclusion of a optional feature just because it takes some work to find out what tweaks fit your playing style?

Again, unless you're coming up with your own sliders you are basing it off another person's style and skills. Look at half of the sliders for FIFA this year, they are "positionally oriented". Those shouldn't be sliders, those are really tactics. If you want to use them as a base to tweak to your style then I'm all for it but in my experience once you start tweaking you end over-analyzing the game.

Why would you need to make sliders for your team selection? They would be to make the game more realistic, like improving goalkeepers if you think they are too weak etc.

Unless you're a super realist which most people aren't you're going to get discouraged if you're a mid-to-low side club battling out 1-1 draws, finishing mid-table, and every once-in-a-while a deep Cup run. Chances are that if you're Barca you're not going to need to adjust user pass-error but if you're Norwich or a Championship side you might tweak it to put you in a better place to compete.
No, they are not crap. I said before anyone who expects them to be on FIFA's level is foolish! I know your referring that the animations are bad compared to FIFA. Yet you ignore, totally ignore that is all FIFA is about and the massive financial backing FIFA gets and puts into it's animations. PES dosen't have that. What they have now is good, could be substantially better but to say it's shit, is just plain foolish. Sorry, no other way to put it.

Question for you, do you play any other sports games? Im just asking because you seem to think im comparing pes only to fifa in terms of animations while im actually comparing pes to all other sports games for example the likes of madden, nba, nhl.. and yes, the animations deserve the word I used for the year 2012, even pes 6 had some better animations.

the commentary is shit, then again, when has commentary ever been good in PES? Does this really need mentioning, i mean for the last 10 years we have been banging on at Konami to improve it.

Good that you agree, but your lack of desire in future improvements in the game is quite frankly disturbing.
It seems that for you if something is bad and always been bad theres no need for it to be improved, interesting point of view might I say.

You really don't understand anything about how the team individuality works!

Does most teams play the same way in PES 2012 at the moment? Yes? Why is this? Well if you actually looked at the team tactics and understood how they work. you can see pretty much every team has the EXACT SAME TEAM STYLE SETTINGS :) . beachryan and sincover noticed every team playing the same way but they all have a good understanding how the game works, know at this moment the Database is a total mess, complete mess! They are all given generic tactics. I made a tactics thread, to develop strategies so teams play like they do in real life play. All i expect from Konami is to give us the tools which they have done. We as the community collectivity have a better understanding with how teams play so we can simply set teams up to play differently. Konami will only have rather basic knowledge of how most teams play. they leave it up to us to bring the personality fully out.

Again you are wrong and yet again you assume.
I spent quite some time with the tactics and formations and edited them, tested them throughly and I didn't say the teams still play the same or they have no individuality at all, I said the tools KONAMI gave us to edit the teams and make them play in an unique way are lacking.
For example you really can't make Barca play slow build up posession soccer and keep 60-70% posession with the tools at our disposal.

You request for sliders to be changed from 1-20 to 1-100 is laughable! It says it all about how little you know about this game. Not just that in PES 2010 this was the case but Konami realized that having 1-20 scale is just a powerful. Go to the PESCoach thread and JustPES threads and website and trying to understand how tactics work. So you can actually help rather than moan and cry broken with ignorence.

I guess you AGAIN assumed that I want the scale to be BIGGER which is untrue. I want the current scale to have more depth, but I could even live with what we have now tbh, the most important thing is to really bring something more which is either a few different styles of play or some new sliders that would determine this for us ( for example make the team build up play slowly like Barca, and hold posession for long aswell as not risk too much ) and you simply can't do this in either pes 12 or 11 and you as an expert you claim to be should know this.

I don't like all the ratings either but I'm not too bothered since for the most part they are good and everyone has a different opinions on how good certain players are. also there's certain leagues paying more money that others so they get favorable ratings etc..

Im not too bothered either because they can be edited and PSD will make them more realistic aswell as there will be FM converters etc.. but still I was simply pointing out that they could at least show a bit of effort in knowing how good certain players in certain positions are for example knowing that most CB's don't really have 70-80 DA, specially not now when it seems to be better at this range as it was in pes 11.
Unless you're a super realist which most people aren't you're going to get discouraged if you're a mid-to-low side club battling out 1-1 draws, finishing mid-table, and every once-in-a-while a deep Cup run. Chances are that if you're Barca you're not going to need to adjust user pass-error but if you're Norwich or a Championship side you might tweak it to put you in a better place to compete.

I don't think you get it, have you ever played nba 2k?

You think that if you adjust pass accuracy in sliders to 70 that every player has 70 pass accuracy right? Thats not the way it works, the game takes into account player stats + slider settings.

So for example if A player has 80 rating in 1 stat and the B player has a 70 rating in that stat, if the slider is set to 50 they won't both have 50, but the one with 80 will still have a higher rating.

All the sliders do is improve all the individual ratings to more or less but they don't change the difference of the players.
top post, completely agree.
OMF how dare I forget the legendary Cro...forgive me man......

I cant wait to get online. Played a few offline games with friends and family today. Its my day so I made them all play fully manual with no assistance they were moaning but in no time the lounge sounded like a Man United vs Liverpool match it was bags of fun...lotsa Fifa lovers and they could not get over how good it is
Question for you, do you play any other sports games? Im just asking because you seem to think im comparing pes only to fifa in terms of animations while im actually comparing pes to all other sports games for example the likes of madden, nba, nhl.. and yes, the animations deserve the word I used for the year 2012, even pes 6 had some better animations.

Thing is, that's Basketball, that's hockey, that's a totally different sport, different animation sets, who knows how they would cope creating a football game. I mean NBA 2k is an amazing game, thing is the animations aesthetically doesn't look as good as FIFA sexy silky smooth ones, so, like i said. it's foolish to compare. Since there's not much to compare them to!

I like Top spin's animations also despite them looking rather robotic in their movement.

Good that you agree, but your lack of desire in future improvements in the game is quite frankly disturbing.
It seems that for you if something is bad and always been bad theres no need for it to be improved, interesting point of view might I say.

No, it's called being a realist, who dosen't want PES's commentary to improve? We been saying this for years! This will only change when Konami used a independent European company to handle the sound of the game.

Again you are wrong and yet again you assume.
I spent quite some time with the tactics and formations and edited them, tested them throughly and I didn't say the teams still play the same or they have no individuality at all, I said the tools KONAMI gave us to edit the teams and make them play in an unique way are lacking.
For example you really can't make Barca play slow build up posession soccer and keep 60-70% posession with the tools at our disposal.

Please stop lying to me, take that ego away! I proved this for PES 2012 a while ago, this is why i was interested in what you siad since i was worried the individuallity will be lost but it's not so. I showed the evidence in the tactics thread. It's still in development and even myself I'm not 100% sure how the CPU uses tactics 2, 3 and 4 but it's possible, easily possible to get Barca to play a clever passing game and dominating possession. It's actually slightly better than PES 2011 where they don't just pass the ball about for the sake of it. You need to set the away team up defensively, i mean all out defense 4-5-1 and sit very deep so Barca just play infront of them.

Did you see Espanoyl vs Barca last year? Barca thrashed them 5-0, but didn't dominate possession because Espanyol tried to take them on, if you try take Barca on, like in real life they will counter you to death. What teams try to take barca on? My Arsenal did at home, that was about it, every other team just pussies out and goes very deep playing 4-5-1.

They don't just pass it about for the sake of it. It's clever crisp passing, teams just sit back and let them play infront. If the team isn't sitting back Barca will just counter them to death.

I guess you AGAIN assumed that I want the scale to be BIGGER which is untrue. I want the current scale to have more depth, but I could even live with what we have now tbh, the most important thing is to really bring something more which is either a few different styles of play or some new sliders that would determine this for us ( for example make the team build up play slowly like Barca, and hold posession for long aswell as not risk too much ) and you simply can't do this in either pes 12 or 11 and you as an expert you claim to be should know this.

Don't take me on when it comes to arguing whats possible and not possible with PES 2011 tactics, if i state something is possible i will provide proof, here it is, here's is the proof what you said was a lie! I am a man of my word and i do not talk rubbish to please my ego.

YouTube - PES 2011 tactics deomstration

Why lie? Why is your ego so huge and so deluded it think it can win any argument, look there. Watch CPU Barca dominate the first half, look at the possession stats.

Seriously, why bother, do you think I'm some obscure weirdo?

Life is all about making mistake, we live in a babylon in which the false ego rules peoples minds. Rules by fear and lust for power, we enjoy bullshit, enjoy belittling others and being over cynical for the sake of it.

I'm trying to help. I want you to identify the real issues rather than state the fucking obvious with commentary and cry bugs which aren't bugs.

We are all one, we all need to help each over. I'm here to destroy that ego of yours so you can help us all in a more constructive way.

Im not too bothered either because they can be edited and PSD will make them more realistic aswell as there will be FM converters etc.. but still I was simply pointing out that they could at least show a bit of effort in knowing how good certain players in certain positions are for example knowing that most CB's don't really have 70-80 DA, specially not now when it seems to be better at this range as it was in pes 11.

Who are these center backs how have high dribbling accuracy? Lucio. That guy is very good on the ball if you didn't know, along with Pique, Puyol is ok on the ball, certainly not hopeless. Which players have too high dribbling stats for center backs?

I'm not in the best mood losing to the scum today 2-1 so don't lie to me! I mean it!
Thx for the tips to mix and match the defensive options. It's not like I'm getting crushed on Professional and I'm actually winning most of my games 3-2,1-0,2-1 and losing 0-1,1-2,2-3. I actually like to lose a legitimate game otherwise ML would get boring really damn fast. The biggest problems I have with PES is the scripted garbage that sometimes takes over the game but I know yair can and did solve that for the demo. Maybe I'll just wait for his updates :P

There's cheating, but not as bad as people make out! Cheating is necessary as we are playing a computer game, computers are stupid, they are simply programs which follow commands, they cannot think! They only think what they are programmed which isn't very sophisticated perceptually so they need some help in some areas. :)

The cheating certainly isn't as blatant as in the PS2 versions for me!
I don't think you get it, have you ever played nba 2k?

You think that if you adjust pass accuracy in sliders to 70 that every player has 70 pass accuracy right? Thats not the way it works, the game takes into account player stats + slider settings.

So for example if A player has 80 rating in 1 stat and the B player has a 70 rating in that stat, if the slider is set to 50 they won't both have 50, but the one with 80 will still have a higher rating.

All the sliders do is improve all the individual ratings to more or less but they don't change the difference of the players.

Yes I have and I know 2K games quite well. College Hoops 2K8 is my favorite game of all time but 2K is also the king of sliders. They're depth in sliders as well as sensitivity (moving a slider just 2-3 points will result in a noticeable difference) is unparallelled.

The bolded part makes no sense. That's what editing individual ratings/global edits are for.
Topplayer is so easy i can't believe people say they lose 5-0. TO be honest i think the cpu is pretty shit. the goalkeepers make it even worse. Thankgod there is superstar difficulty. hope it makes it more challenging
Klashman, I don't frequent these parts a great deal due to me representing a site that isn't liked a great deal round here it would appear (I'm Alan from WENB) but you don't half make some superb points on the games tactical options. Kudos sir! It is guys like yourself, Jimmy G Force, Rom and Rod that keep me at least lurking these boards for your comment.

Many seem to forget that the game is trying to simulate 90mins into 10 and for that to happen a degree of license has to be taken over reality. I should say this discussion is not exclusive to these parts.

Playing my PS3 version of the full game I can safely say that there is some variety that manifests thanks to what I feel is the impact of player individuality and player condition playing a huge part in performance more than it has in recent memory. Also, I think it was yourself who said that the stamina system in place is pretty decent and this is something I also agree with as games can stretch and overall there is a great level of play pattern variance and ebb and flow to proceedings. It's not perfect from the default set-ups but it is very good in it's own right imo.

All that said, the real differences will manifest through the community over time and PES2012 still has much of the tactical sand box in place which I am sure will be utilised fully by users such as yourself, bluechamp and chimps (amongst others) over time.

The sad fact of the matter is, some people actively look to break the game or are on personal little crusades to become internet heroes. Instead of just playing the game, competing and tinkering with tactics as they see fit and seeing what emerges over time (not less than 24hrs in), they are keen to make snap judgements and essentially look to score points against community folks/playtesters who have had early access to the game or worse, look to destroy others enjoyment of the videogame. Let's not rule out, of course, that some folk just plain suck at the game and will look to blame the game instead of take responsibility for them lacking the required skill. Thankfully, these parasites soon disappear into the background when they realise that those that are enjoying the game, no matter what it's faults may well be, simply don't care that much and would sooner look to make a measured assessment and look to articulate their points for consideration in feedback minus the passive aggressive tone and calls for people to lose their jobs etc., etc. and so on...

pes2012gonbegood's posts read (even his name smacks of short term plan) like those of an ''EA bot'' out to discredit the game amongst it's communities. Believe it or not this does in fact happen. It has happened continually in the run up to BF3/MW3 and also has roots post-PES2008 when EA used an honest Seabass interview with PSM3 to persuade gaming sites and more shockingly some national federations and leagues that going the Konami way is the wrong way. It should be said however that this is not an EA exclusive trait but they will look to discredit another product, or support the discrediting of a product if it is a direct rival to one of their own. Just take a peak at some of these alleged FIFA community legends and their wee videos and tweets to see what I mean.

Make no mistake there are issues with the game both technically and in some gameplay areas but even then I do feel they get blown completely out of proportion. It doesn't mean they don't require looking at for potential future patching on moving onwards to PES2013 but, I dunno, sometimes folk expect too much.
Topplayer is so easy i can't believe people say they lose 5-0. TO be honest i think the cpu is pretty shit. the goalkeepers make it even worse. Thankgod there is superstar difficulty. hope it makes it more challenging

Hmm, probably differs depending on what team you use.

I've been using Braga and Fluminese and I'm getting eaten alive at time son professional :|

I can take top player but Professional is fine for me at the moment.

So what team are you using?


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Thats a different situation I was talking about ai vs ai but ok you have some points however pes 2011 offered those types of play that was posession, posession def etc..
I didn't notice that in pes 12, but we'll see, im no expert in tactics or anything I just think it won't be so easy replicating different tactics this time around as Barca still play very weird ( long balls and crosses ) if I set them up to play posession type but im not going to claim you can't do it, just speaking from my experience.
Im going to wait for experts like you or maybe some others who make tactics for pes games to figure it out and then we will see for sure what is or isn't possible, I hope it is.

Who are these center backs how have high dribbling accuracy? Lucio. That guy is very good on the ball if you didn't know, along with Pique, Puyol is ok on the ball, certainly not hopeless. Which players have too high dribbling stats for center backs?

Many of them even the ones you mentioned, its not individualy its global, the DA is too good, try holding sprint button and run with them, the way they keep the ball so close to their feet while sprinting is overrated and unrealistic of how it is in real life.

I dunno, sometimes folk expect too much.

After many years on next gen for sure we do.
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@Alan :)

You know my thoughts on this already in regards to companies tactics with the press.

It's a double edged sword, if a reviewer came out and said "you know what, this is not a bad game by any means but the fact that players do not use their correct foot and all control the same apart from if they can be knocked off the ball and how quick they can sprint then it is clearly missing some authenticity and deserves to be scored down" but the sad fact is they cannot afford to have EA cut them loose, especially in today's climate.

The fans don't help either, if someone did score it less than a 9 they wuldnt even read the review never mind buy the mag, so to have 10/10 Footballing Perfection as a tagline benefits EA, your magazine with the sales from fans who NEED positivity, think I am being paranoid? Read about Geoff Gerstmann from Gamespot when he video reviewed Kane and Lynch with a justifiably negative review then got fired, because Eidos had just paid Gamespot a load of advertising money for the game.

To make this relevant to Konami is they have to now rely on good old fashioned word of mouth, there will be no tv adverts this year so fingers crossed people give it a chance to help Konami with a bigger budget for the coming years to include everything we want.
goalgerd - which version will your OF be for, UK, Euro or US?

Also I've heard many people say PSD is shite... are there any other sites to get better stats from?
Not lucky enough to have the full game yet, but i have been hammering the demo and mostly enjoying it. Decided to play a few games online on pes 2011 this afternoon. Out of five games i suffered two disconnects, one game where the other guy decided to stop playing when i was winning 5-0. The other two games were actually quite enjoyable, one i lost 5-4 and the other an absorbing encounter where i was beaten by a deflection which rolled slow motion into the goal. I really hope 2012 is better than this online, back on the demo now and happy again.:))
@Alan :)

You know my thoughts on this already in regards to companies tactics with the press.

It's a double edged sword, if a reviewer came out and said "you know what, this is not a bad game by any means but the fact that players do not use their correct foot and all control the same apart from if they can be knocked off the ball and how quick they can sprint then it is clearly missing some authenticity and deserves to be scored down" but the sad fact is they cannot afford to have EA cut them loose, especially in today's climate.

The fans don't help either, if someone did score it less than a 9 they wuldnt even read the review never mind buy the mag, so to have 10/10 Footballing Perfection as a tagline benefits EA, your magazine with the sales from fans who NEED positivity, think I am being paranoid? Read about Geoff Gerstmann from Gamespot when he video reviewed Kane and Lynch with a justifiably negative review then got fired, because Eidos had just paid Gamespot a load of advertising money for the game.

To make this relevant to Konami is they have to now rely on good old fashioned word of mouth, there will be no tv adverts this year so fingers crossed people give it a chance to help Konami with a bigger budget for the coming years to include everything we want.

No doubt about this.
Hmm, probably differs depending on what team you use.

I've been using Braga and Fluminese and I'm getting eaten alive at time son professional :|

I can take top player but Professional is fine for me at the moment.

So what team are you using?



Typical Konami here, on the Portuguese league, every new player in the game has a face and hair at least resembling the actual player. I must say they did a very good job on that. But like I said, this applies to new players in the database only. Players that were there already that had a generic face and hair (Alan is one of the examples) have been left that way...

Why does this happen? So you create several new players from scratch and try to get them as close as possible to the real deal (considering it's a fake league with fake teams, It was a surprise that they were bothered with it), but then you leave a very small number of players out of that "treatment"?
goalgerd - which version will your OF be for, UK, Euro or US?

Also I've heard many people say PSD is shite... are there any other sites to get better stats from?

its UK Ps3 mate,and the stats this year will be done by klash and chimps,watch klash's pes 2011 video above to see what our new file will be like:)) some people use the FM converter for the stats but i prefer the lads who know how the game works inside and out
its UK Ps3 mate,and the stats this year will be done by klash and chimps,watch klash's pes 2011 video above to see what our new file will be like:)) some people use the FM converter for the stats but i prefer the lads who know how the game works inside and out

just curious if you will be using Jackwho's templates, mate? The guy's attention to detail is quite astounding. Adam was speaking to him recently and he was talking about what white he feel looks better and all sorts. Liking the sounds of the export feature as well it has to be said which will result in less files as an entire teams kit, faces, tactics and formation data compresses into one team file I hear.
just curious if you will be using Jackwho's templates, mate? The guy's attention to detail is quite astounding. Adam was speaking to him recently and he was talking about what white he feel looks better and all sorts. Liking the sounds of the export feature as well it has to be said which will result in less files as an entire teams kit, faces, tactics and formation data compresses into one team file I hear.

ive already got mine done from the lads over on pesgaming but will check Jackwho's out,i used Jacks for last years game and they were fantastic,the import/export feature will be a godsend for all of us as we will be able to tailor our files to what we like,say you want the Spl but also want the champions league teams it will be possible to have both providing you have 2 pes 2012 files with each of them available. as an editor im over the moon with this new feature ,it means what took me a month to do with pes 2011 will now take me a week tops with pes 2012:APPLAUD:
I finally have the game. On xbox, and it shines beyond anything i´ve ever played to date. U people on UK are missing something very special, even with the trademark Konaminian database and tactic fuckups. Phenomenal representation of the real thing. Kudos Konami. Up to option file makers, now.
After many years on next gen for sure we do.

So you are admitting that you expect too much then? Quality. It was all I wanted to hear.

@Alan :)

You know my thoughts on this already in regards to companies tactics with the press.

It's a double edged sword, if a reviewer came out and said "you know what, this is not a bad game by any means but the fact that players do not use their correct foot and all control the same apart from if they can be knocked off the ball and how quick they can sprint then it is clearly missing some authenticity and deserves to be scored down" but the sad fact is they cannot afford to have EA cut them loose, especially in today's climate.

The fans don't help either, if someone did score it less than a 9 they wuldnt even read the review never mind buy the mag, so to have 10/10 Footballing Perfection as a tagline benefits EA, your magazine with the sales from fans who NEED positivity, think I am being paranoid? Read about Geoff Gerstmann from Gamespot when he video reviewed Kane and Lynch with a justifiably negative review then got fired, because Eidos had just paid Gamespot a load of advertising money for the game.

To make this relevant to Konami is they have to now rely on good old fashioned word of mouth, there will be no tv adverts this year so fingers crossed people give it a chance to help Konami with a bigger budget for the coming years to include everything we want.

Yep, it is a sad fact that this is how it is in gaming. I am actually sort of glad PES is back to relying on word of mouth. It just irks me the way some of these admittedly fine scoring reviews look to justify their scores by inferring that it is a great ''arcadey alternative'' to FIFA. Complete balls of course.

ive already got mine done from the lads over on pesgaming but will check Jackwho's out,i used Jacks for last years game and they were fantastic,the import/export feature will be a godsend for all of us as we will be able to tailor our files to what we like,say you want the Spl but also want the champions league teams it will be possible to have both providing you have 2 pes 2012 files with each of them available. as an editor im over the moon with this new feature ,it means what took me a month to do with pes 2011 will now take me a week tops with pes 2012:APPLAUD:

Aye, that ability to tailor your own experience via taking what you want from a selection of Option Files is a rather fine addition.
Thats a different situation I was talking about ai vs ai but ok you have some points however pes 2011 offered those types of play that was posession, posession def etc..
I didn't notice that in pes 12, but we'll see, im no expert in tactics or anything I just think it won't be so easy replicating different tactics this time around as Barca still play very weird ( long balls and crosses ) if I set them up to play posession type but im not going to claim you can't do it, just speaking from my experience.
Im going to wait for experts like you or maybe some others who make tactics for pes games to figure it out and then we will see for sure what is or isn't possible, I hope it is.

Good to see you've calmed down now. in time we will see whats truly wrong with the the game, i've seen some animation bugs by the way :|

Many of them even the ones you mentioned, its not individualy its global, the DA is too good, try holding sprint button and run with them, the way they keep the ball so close to their feet while sprinting is overrated and unrealistic of how it is in real life.

I've been playing with Braga and my center backs have 70, 68 for technique, and dribble accuracy, they are rubbish on the ball, i don't even bother trying to sprint with them since they will lose it. I don't think it's global at all. Lucio, Puyol, Pique, Rio Ferdinand, Vermaelen, Pepe, Carvahlo, etc.. are decent on the ball, they are the old style English center back stereotype who can't control a ball for shit.

All the top teams should have center backs who are 'ok', average on the ball. I mean, if your able to stat dribbling perfectly with Barga's center backs, or someone like Michael Dawson I'll see you point but the top team center backs aren't a good example.

Especially Lucio, you know know he's a notorious ball playing center back.
YouTube - LUCIO goals !! [HD] - christinayan
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