PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Nope, i asked before on the other page, if you meant the catch up bug or not, and since people have been calling it the run bug i assumed you were talking about he same thing.

I not sure of this 'run bug' the way you describe it, maybe just your not used to how sensitive the left stick is. I mean, you can stop and change direction but very, Very lightly touching or brushing it, it's very very sensitive so a very slight input change will stop your player. Maybe it's just that or could you provide a video if it's something more malicious

Klash to be fair to him, others have also reported this issue with the xbox360 from the demos, where the controller has got issues.
I'm not having a go, to be honest I'll leave it until i can see the issue for myself. My fault for getting involved assuming the bug was something else.

I can't say much more till i experience it. Could be just a xbox thing or i dunno...
Maybe there's a conflict with the controller buttons, when you press move + run + switch? That used to happen when you played with the keyboard and hit too many keys... I'm playing with the PS3 controller, no problems.

Could you try to change the player switch button to any other button, just for testing purposes?



That's probably right actually, as the second kick taker option doesn't work for me either. I do change the shoulder buttons around, so maybe ill just have to play with them as default.
Nope, i asked before on the other page, if you meant the catch up bug or not, and since people have been calling it the run bug i assumed you were talking about he same thing.

I not sure of this 'run bug' the way you describe it, maybe just your not used to how sensitive the left stick is. I mean, you can stop and change direction but very, Very lightly touching or brushing it, it's very very sensitive so a very slight input change will stop your player. Maybe it's just that or could you provide a video if it's something more malicious

So you want every team to play like that then???? There is no 'magic formula', just settings which make teams play in certain ways, and depending on the individuals will determine how they play.

Gerd watched the 1970 world cup on TV Live. So he's OLD! :))

No, I want the option to set up tactics for some teams. Where is the short pass, long ball, tempo tactical options? How are we supposed to create specific styles of football for the teams? These are basic instructions.
No, I want the option to set up tactics for some teams. Where is the short pass, long ball, tempo tactical options? How are we supposed to create specific styles of football for the teams? These are basic instructions.

I replied to your post regarding this.
No, I want the option to set up tactics for some teams. Where is the short pass, long ball, tempo tactical options? How are we supposed to create specific styles of football for the teams? These are basic instructions.


In time i will find out, stop getting so wound up over a video game, or as we call it PES, go have some good, hard sex with your wife and later on today I'll hopefully have some info on what is possible and what isn't.

the game at the moment is set up so most teams play similar but differ with their individuality.

Thing is you can give Stoke Barcelona's tactic, but they don't have the individuals to pull it off! So we need to look into it.

Konami just give us the tools really, they have an engine and functions to create, rather than try create perfect tactics from everyone.
It's been mentioned that there's a way to combat this. Select your keeper using L1 + R3. Move him slightly to the centre of the goal and de-select him before the kick is taken. He should save a lot more shots. In fact this method may be too effective, I haven't conceded a free-kick since using it. Hopefully it's still possible to concede to extremely well placed shots.

I shall give that a try, thanks... just got knocked out of the Champions League via a deflected free-kick, somehow my controller survived this incident.

In time i will find out, stop getting so wound up over a video game, or as we call it PES, go have some good, hard sex with your wife and later on today I'll hopefully have some info on what is possible and what isn't.

the game at the moment is set up so most teams play similar but differ with their individuality.

Thing is you can give Stoke Barcelona's tactic, but they don't have the individuals to pull it off! So we need to look into it.

Konami just give us the tools really, they have an engine and functions to create, rather than try create perfect tactics from everyone.

Thanks for the offer mate, but Konami doesn't give us the tools, since there are no such instructions.

Making experiments in a vague, trial and error system is not my idea of a proper tactical engine.

Another thing, in Master League Online, how much of the edits are used? I mean obviously you can't have an edited option file about squads but will the official shirts or corrected team names appear?
Mini review, after about a dozen matches with the full, NTSC PS3 version:
Firstly, I need to say that Konami definitely get some things about football. There's so much right about this game:

- Dribbling is nailed on. With skilled players you feel empowered, with unskilled you feel silly. It doesn't require 'fireball' esque button combinations to beat a man with a good dribbler, as it shouldn't.

- Shooting is solid, though occasionally seems to ignore where you tell it to shoot (left/right side of goal). But it is satisfying and you can score from anywhere (my biggest gripe about FIFA is that saves seem pre-determined).

- Player individuality for your team is great. I can 'feel' the difference between players easily, and even with the crap graphics tell who is who by their movements

- Randomness is beautiful. I missed a penalty that hit the cross bar twice, without going over the line (a la Bryan Ruiz against Chelsea). Had an own goal where the cross deflected off two players into another defenders standing leg and in. It looked perfect

- As always, Konami have nailed the faces, some staggeringly correct ones in there.

- ML is going to be crazy addictive, with one caveat as below. And generally, there are enough modes in here to keep me happy.

Now the bad bits

- The vs. CPU game has been broken for years, and is still broken. Just as an exercise, I counted, in 3 matches, the number of ‘loose’ headers that went to one of my players, or when my player was ‘allowed’ to get to a loose ball first. In 3, 15 minute matches there were 5 such moments. Probably upwards of 50 went to the CPU. It is scripted, it’s that simple. A 50/50 ball that is equidistant from your lightning quick striker and their lumbering defender will be reached by the big defender first.

- I’m actually quite good at defending now, but my tactic is to turn ‘auto’ tackle for your teammates, and block lanes. Because I can’t tackle the CPU. My CPU controlled teammates are good at it though. So I let them do it. It’s not the least bit satisfying, but hey, it works.

- Every team might as well be a random set of individuals wearing different kits. I’ve played all 12 matches against different teams, and every single one, regardless of player, position, skill level whatever – they all attack the same way. There are 2 strategies:
1. Pick up ball, run towards goal. If stopped, either perform unstoppable close control skill to skin defender (sometimes with the ball going THROUGH the defenders foot) or exploit the space left by the uncontrolled, idiotic CB who runs forward, leaving a man behind him.
2. Run down the wing. If challenged, 9/10 tackles result in a throw in to the CPU, who then keeps going down the wing. Eventually they isolate your full back, and they will get their cross in. It may take a few tries, but with bobbles always going to them, it will come.

Now yes, you can tell who their ‘fast’ players are, and from some of the misses I can tell who their ‘strikers’ are. But if I go in to tackle a centre back, he can just as easily ‘hop’ away from me as anyone else. This leads to another thing that pisses me off:

- The CPU knows it’s not going to lose the ball. Hence, the majority of time, the keeper/ defender will just pass to another CPU player in their box. Regardless of the conditions of the match, how much pressure they, how close one of my players is etc. Because they know that I will not be allowed to make a tackle.

- And overall, that’s my problem with the game. It feels on rails. Not all the time, not like 8 way directional rails or something. But it feels like there are 1 in 10 interactions with the game that are pre-determined a few steps in advance.


- I’ll keep playing it because I can’t stand FIFA 10 or 11. I’d imagine that around Christmas I’ll give 12 a try, but this is still the best way to get your footie fix.
- If the community can make CPU controlled teams feel different, then I’ll start to like it. At the moment the ML is useless to me because not only do you feel like every match is the same, but Wigan are sometimes harder to play against then City.
- Konami need to take a year out or something. This game isn’t finished, it’s sloppy, buggy and while some will find that endearing video games are big business now. It’s irresponsible to release something that requires a few patches to make it playable. Especially something that, ironically, has evolved so little in the last 10 years.
For any guys having trouble with the 'run bug' (it's only on xbox), if you have two controllers you can solve it by signing in a second controller, and making sure that when the game loads you press start on that controller. You can then use this controller as the main controller and you won't get the bug. It's really one of the strangest bugs I've ever seen... in the demo, playing games with my brother we luckily have 3 controllers, so we had to sign in all three controllers and just not use first player. I have the full PS3 version now so no longer have to worry about it.

For anyone worried about getting the game because it is 'unfinished' I would implore you not to worry, the game is absolutely fantastic barring an issue here or there that you would expect most games to have. I have played several 20 min matches with my brother and the variety in the games, and the individuality of the players has just been fantastic - we had one match (inter v. juve) got to extra time 0 - 0, only for me to lose when Julio Cesar (realistically) spilled a really tough corner kick, save the shot off the rebound, and then concede when the final looped shot was just barely too high for my 3 sprinting players to head off the line. I should have saved the replay ive never seen anything like it. The next game was a wild one, 3 - 3 AC Milan v Man city, again only to lose in extra time.. Pato is a bloody terror esp with a red arrow. Anyway if you don't get this game you will be doing yourself a disservice!
- The CPU knows it’s not going to lose the ball. Hence, the majority of time, the keeper/ defender will just pass to another CPU player in their box. Regardless of the conditions of the match, how much pressure they, how close one of my players is etc. Because they know that I will not be allowed to make a tackle.

I've actually noticed that whenever the defenders pass the ball to their GK, he 9 out of 10 times passes the ball to another defender, instead of clearing it, even if under tight pressure. I was wondering if it was just me, but it appears you're experiencing it as well. I haven't been able to intercept one yet - but I trust I will, or I can at least keep hoping :)

You hit some points on the head, to be honest, but if we are going to be honest about it, I believe that most of them are seen as "not so positives" only because we had so many high hopes for the game.

I believe that, if we step out of that zone, we will be able to appreciate the game for what it is: a good game, with obvious areas of improvements (as most if not all games), but with the ability to make us scream of joy when we pull off those magical moves, score a last-minute comeback goal, or finding out new things months down the line that show how deep and rewarding the game really is, if you give it time.

That's PES for me, and it has always been :)


Paulo Tavares
guys, pes2012gonbegood is not trolling with the result he posted up. I hate to say it but as I mentioned a few pages back I watched a 20min cpu vs cpu game with Barca vs Rubin Kazan and the result was poor. Fair enough Barca won 5-0 which is to be expected, but the way they played and the stats at the end were not correct. Throughout the whole game they just played long balls and crosses into the box which should not be happening. The stats were 50-50 possesion, 16 shots to 14 in favour of Barca. Barca should be way more dominant than that despite the scoreline.

Overall though, I still love the game. Its fantastic to play against another human but the cpu side is very disappointing. I'll give it another go tonight with teams like Arsenal against Stoke to see what happens there.

In my game and the results I posted all they did was play short passes, Barca style. Never long balls. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but I'm playing the full UK PS3 version. Used the exact settings he posted too.

is it already possible to play online on ps3?
i tried yesterday, but the game said (incompatible version) - so I guess online servers are not running or do they already?

Same thing for me. I think their servers for the UK version are still not ready.
High praise for doing that Lami :) We have some proof for what we basically already knew... though obviously it still won't shut the guy up. So seriously everyone, from now on just ignore him!
I've actually noticed that whenever the defenders pass the ball to their GK, he 9 out of 10 times passes the ball to another defender, instead of clearing it, even if under tight pressure. I was wondering if it was just me, but it appears you're experiencing it as well. I haven't been able to intercept one yet - but I trust I will, or I can at least keep hoping :)

You hit some points on the head, to be honest, but if we are going to be honest about it, I believe that most of them are seen as "not so positives" only because we had so many high hopes for the game.

I believe that, if we step out of that zone, we will be able to appreciate the game for what it is: a good game, with obvious areas of improvements (as most if not all games), but with the ability to make us scream of joy when we pull off those magical moves, score a last-minute comeback goal, or finding out new things months down the line that show how deep and rewarding the game really is, if you give it time.

That's PES for me, and it has always been :)


Paulo Tavares

Good post Paulo. I definitely already have had all those moments already, from scoring a last gasp winner, to losing 2-1 after leading 1-0 early on. I'm not saying there arent issues. Obviously there are. I do get frustrated sometimes about the game doing stupid things, but overall, its a positive experience for me.

About the interceptions, I think I have intercepted either the keeper or a defender in the box when they decided to play around, score from there and it was a great feeling, almost ended up thrash talking to the bloody computer! I think you can see it in one of the earlier gameplay vids I posted up. The CPU does make mistakes as well, like mis-hit passes, and passes going too long. As much as it is on rails sometimes, you also get the feeling that it's not all scripted. :BOP:
Sorry if I have missed this, but is the Passing Assistance levels visable at all Online ? Can you see what your opponent is using ? I very much doubt you can, but I can live in hope until somebody confirms this for definite.

Also, how are the L1 Chip shots ? Are the cute chips possible from just outside the box ? They didnt work for me on the Demo's, which was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. I love those cute finishes.
Mini review, after about a dozen matches with the full, NTSC PS3 version:
Firstly, I need to say that Konami definitely get some things about football. There's so much right about this game:

- Dribbling is nailed on. With skilled players you feel empowered, with unskilled you feel silly. It doesn't require 'fireball' esque button combinations to beat a man with a good dribbler, as it shouldn't.

- Shooting is solid, though occasionally seems to ignore where you tell it to shoot (left/right side of goal). But it is satisfying and you can score from anywhere (my biggest gripe about FIFA is that saves seem pre-determined).

- Player individuality for your team is great. I can 'feel' the difference between players easily, and even with the crap graphics tell who is who by their movements

- Randomness is beautiful. I missed a penalty that hit the cross bar twice, without going over the line (a la Bryan Ruiz against Chelsea). Had an own goal where the cross deflected off two players into another defenders standing leg and in. It looked perfect

- As always, Konami have nailed the faces, some staggeringly correct ones in there.

- ML is going to be crazy addictive, with one caveat as below. And generally, there are enough modes in here to keep me happy.

Now the bad bits

- The vs. CPU game has been broken for years, and is still broken. Just as an exercise, I counted, in 3 matches, the number of ‘loose’ headers that went to one of my players, or when my player was ‘allowed’ to get to a loose ball first. In 3, 15 minute matches there were 5 such moments. Probably upwards of 50 went to the CPU. It is scripted, it’s that simple. A 50/50 ball that is equidistant from your lightning quick striker and their lumbering defender will be reached by the big defender first.

- I’m actually quite good at defending now, but my tactic is to turn ‘auto’ tackle for your teammates, and block lanes. Because I can’t tackle the CPU. My CPU controlled teammates are good at it though. So I let them do it. It’s not the least bit satisfying, but hey, it works.

- Every team might as well be a random set of individuals wearing different kits. I’ve played all 12 matches against different teams, and every single one, regardless of player, position, skill level whatever – they all attack the same way. There are 2 strategies:
1. Pick up ball, run towards goal. If stopped, either perform unstoppable close control skill to skin defender (sometimes with the ball going THROUGH the defenders foot) or exploit the space left by the uncontrolled, idiotic CB who runs forward, leaving a man behind him.
2. Run down the wing. If challenged, 9/10 tackles result in a throw in to the CPU, who then keeps going down the wing. Eventually they isolate your full back, and they will get their cross in. It may take a few tries, but with bobbles always going to them, it will come.

Now yes, you can tell who their ‘fast’ players are, and from some of the misses I can tell who their ‘strikers’ are. But if I go in to tackle a centre back, he can just as easily ‘hop’ away from me as anyone else. This leads to another thing that pisses me off:

- The CPU knows it’s not going to lose the ball. Hence, the majority of time, the keeper/ defender will just pass to another CPU player in their box. Regardless of the conditions of the match, how much pressure they, how close one of my players is etc. Because they know that I will not be allowed to make a tackle.

- And overall, that’s my problem with the game. It feels on rails. Not all the time, not like 8 way directional rails or something. But it feels like there are 1 in 10 interactions with the game that are pre-determined a few steps in advance.


- I’ll keep playing it because I can’t stand FIFA 10 or 11. I’d imagine that around Christmas I’ll give 12 a try, but this is still the best way to get your footie fix.
- If the community can make CPU controlled teams feel different, then I’ll start to like it. At the moment the ML is useless to me because not only do you feel like every match is the same, but Wigan are sometimes harder to play against then City.
- Konami need to take a year out or something. This game isn’t finished, it’s sloppy, buggy and while some will find that endearing video games are big business now. It’s irresponsible to release something that requires a few patches to make it playable. Especially something that, ironically, has evolved so little in the last 10 years.

I agree with most what you wrote, this is the biggest issue so far, teams have absolutely no individuality, it really drains all the fun from the game.

Alltho I don't agree that dribbling is spot on I feel that its too overpowered at times but mostly from the CPU side, I mean even defenders time it perfectly always and can dribble like they are world class dribblers.

I think the game would benefit from a drop in some certain stats like dribbling acc., shooting acc., passing acc. .. but I have no clue how we could fix this lifeless no individuality from all the teams.
High praise for doing that Lami :) We have some proof for what we basically already knew... though obviously it still won't shut the guy up. So seriously everyone, from now on just ignore him!

We can't really ignore him totally mate. Maybe different versions, PC, 360, PS3 full or demo, etc differ. I hope he's genuine regarding his settings though and not just desperately proving a point the wrong way.
Shutting who up? :)

I have to praise Konami for the amount of names they added to the Commentary this year, there are lots more than I expected there would be!

By the way, PES Edit 2012 Patch for PC is being uploaded right now! :)
Thanks for the offer mate, but Konami doesn't give us the tools, since there are no such instructions.

Making experiments in a vague, trial and error system is not my idea of a proper tactical engine.?

So you can't be bothered to test settings out and simply assume it's total crap :| You just want konami to provide you a bib and an huge baby step guide to which is the golden tactic?

The only issue with tactics is the Latin/Japanesee language mis-translations.

I mean, i've just done an experiment now on the game and good news, Barca can play possession football on this game :))

This was just using the old settings from PES 2011 that i made, now i need to tweak them, also the possession tactic like i assumed is a general one for teams playing football on the ground.
I've actually noticed that whenever the defenders pass the ball to their GK, he 9 out of 10 times passes the ball to another defender, instead of clearing it, even if under tight pressure. I was wondering if it was just me, but it appears you're experiencing it as well. I haven't been able to intercept one yet - but I trust I will, or I can at least keep hoping :)

You hit some points on the head, to be honest, but if we are going to be honest about it, I believe that most of them are seen as "not so positives" only because we had so many high hopes for the game.

I believe that, if we step out of that zone, we will be able to appreciate the game for what it is: a good game, with obvious areas of improvements (as most if not all games), but with the ability to make us scream of joy when we pull off those magical moves, score a last-minute comeback goal, or finding out new things months down the line that show how deep and rewarding the game really is, if you give it time.

That's PES for me, and it has always been :)


Paulo Tavares

Well said Paulo, it usually takes months for me to come to terms with the issues, but once I do, they don't really bother me anymore. I'm still in the first phase right now though (rage).

Shutting who up? :)

I have to praise Konami for the amount of names they added to the Commentary this year, there are lots more than I expected there would be!

By the way, PES Edit 2012 Patch for PC is being uploaded right now! :)

Oh happy day!!:DANCE::DANCE::DANCE:
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In my game and the results I posted all they did was play short passes, Barca style. Never long balls. I'm not sure if it makes any difference but I'm playing the full UK PS3 version. Used the exact settings he posted too.

Im using the full PC version so not sure if there is any difference? I'll give it another go now with the same teams that he used but on a 20min match. Have you edited Barca's tactics at all mate?
Im using the full PC version so not sure if there is any difference? I'll give it another go now with the same teams that he used but on a 20min match. Have you edited Barca's tactics at all mate?

Oh not at all. Just went straight into the game.

Oh yea, the one thing I've done is put both team forms on green. Had to make sure they're on equal terms and playing to their exact stats.

Also just fired up PES now and found a 1.01 patch ready to download. No idea what this is.
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I'd be absolutely stunned if he's not a complete fraud/troll. I'm all for voicing gripes (I do it all the time) but his screenshots are way too fishy.
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