PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Strange, I never noticed any problems with headers before. Not one. Scored a few, conceded a few, but to be fair I've not actually conceded that many. The main way the AI is getting chances on goal against me is by through balls like last year, mainly chipped through balls. They're nigh on impossible to intercept.
I know I've been going on about this but has anyone else noticed on xbox (and maybe on PS3?) that crossing and shots don't have enough zip to them, even under perfect shooting conditions. But then on the replay they look to have a perfect amount of power.

I do think (personal opinion) there's a fair bit of tactical side of the game that has been left out or not activated for the demo which we will see come to light during proper gameplay. Fingers crossed anyway haha
Guys, don't you have a feeling that sometimes you're trying to shoot at different direction than it's actually performed by player? It looks like scripted thing and sometimes it feels scripted as hell. I would love to feel this shooting freedom that was in we2002 or titles up to PES6.

Ball is coming, we swing foot a bit to the left to shoot with outside foot, the ball is going to the right, yes ? :P

I dunno if PES 2012 has this kind of moment, don't you think ?
Should be getting my copy anytime soon now. If not today then hopefully Monday. I'll let you know how it plays etc.
Honestly, the more I play the game, the more I'm beginning to dislike it. As it stands now, there's just too many bugs. And from what we have seen, nothing has really been changed for the final. The fact that there is a patch coming just says it all really. Even then, I don't think it'll amount to much tbh...if history is any evidence. Some of these issues are fundamental to the gameplay and thus have no chance of being addressed.
Honestly, the more I play the game, the more I'm beginning to dislike it. As it stands now, there's just too many bugs. And from what we have seen, nothing has really been changed for the final. The fact that there is a patch coming just says it all really. Even then, I don't think it'll amount to much tbh...if history is any evidence. Some of these issues are fundamental to the gameplay and thus have no chance of being addressed.

May you say more about what issues are you talking about?
Had great game last night, buddy played Manchester United, I played Manchester City.

I won 4-2, great game, feels great, AI is good, but goalkeepers could be better.. Final version should make goalies better, if not KONAMI once again blew it for consoles. I play on PC so yair/jenkey will make gameplay patch to improve goalies (playing PES2011 ML with yair patch and goalies are wonderful!) but consoles don't have that luxury AFAIK. :/

Overall PES2012 multiplayer was great :)
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TalitaDaniel Talita e Daniel
@JonMurphy_PES Please Jon, try to fix in the online mode, the DC forced to not lose points. thks

Jon Murphy
@TalitaDaniel disconnects will be punished and bad players forced to play each other

someone who is well known that system?

how to prevent a negative vote us bad loser?
I'm not sure I get your question correctly, but why would you try to prevent a negative vote on bad losers? It's the least they deserve.

I smile just thinking of the two bad losers being forced to play one another - all games would disconnect as soon as someone would score the first goal :D
Hello first post here, just wanted to get in the discussion.

A brief intro of myself first:

I've been playing PES since PES3 and enjoyed more or less each edition excluding PES11 which I must admit I hated.

I was very sceptical about this year's game and was inclined to take the FIFA route if I didn't find a considerable improvement from last year.

I can now say very gladly that I enjoy PES again.. I did try the FIFA demo (my first go after about 8 years) and although it does look much better than PES, it just is not my cup of tea so that's that. Respect to the people who prefer FIFA, everyone has their preferences.

Now maybe my own review of PES12 DEMO(s):

I played DEMO1 on professional and play DEMO2 on top player.

Semi-assisted cursor and 2 bar passing assist. PS3
I play this mini challange where I choose a team and play 3 game play-offs against the other 3 teams, if I fail than I move on to another team and start again.

I can proudly announce now that I was able to complete this mini-challange (Top Player) with Inter after I tried about 30 times. I was usually beaten by Rangers (who are my first opponents).

There are some points I would like to mention which I believe are making this game less than its potential:

* Deflected Goals: Just too many, defenders seem to always wrongfoot their keeper, this happens way too many times for/against me, it is something that takes the feeling away.

* AI magicians: fist of all I must state that I enjoy this year's AI and it has improved miles and SEABASS and his team deserve a lot of credit for the way they have made the AI what it is. BUT: the amount of skills that some limited technique AI players use is a bit over the top, whenever they are surroended by the 2 (good) defenders they suddenly go into MESSI-mode and this somewhat makes it unrealistic.

*Keepers: you know.

*Shooting: It could be due to me and I will need to find out when I go through the Training-Challange but I find that usually I am not in control of the direction of my shots.

*One Touch Passing: The power of some of my one touch passes are too random, and I am talking about when my player is free of any challangers, this is not a very frequently occuring thing yet it does kill some of my breaks and can be annoying.

*CUrsor Change: Cursor is inclined to change to players at the destination of the ball, this causes some moments where a player who can easily intercept a ball to ignore it and let it through.

Excuse me for only mentioning my gripes so maybe I need to say that I really enjoy the game and really looking forward to the full-game.

My score would be 7.5/10 but if some of the things I mentioned are improved I think I would givet it a 9.

Cheers :BYE:
Should be getting my copy anytime soon now. If not today then hopefully Monday. I'll let you know how it plays etc.

ps3 or xbox mate? could you check the import pes 2011 option file setting,id love to know how it will work this year and i heard we can import 1 team at a time which will be the best new feature for editing this year,means we can "borrow" any team we want from other filemakers too and add them to our files. il have the full championship on pes 2012 now without doing any work:BOP:
I believe he was asking what will prevent bad losers from giving negative ratings to decent players.

Ah, I see - sorry about the misinterpretation.

Well, I read Jon's comment as it all being automatic. I don't know anything more about that.


i think with the new import function we can copy them from pes 2011

I hope so but there are still many players that should have been in the game and won't be because of Konami's nonsense. For example : Reus, Gündogan, Holtby, Tiffert, Babel, Firmino... A great, a real disgrace!
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Welcome to the Forum Danun. :TU:

Ok, so after I turned a huge corner the other day, I somehow got lost again. I played another 6 games last night, lost all of them, and didnt even score one goal. :COAT:

I then proceeded to slap myself around my face a couple of times, called myself worse than muck, gave my head a real good shake, and talked myself through the basics till it was clear. Basically remembering what I'd done a couple of days before.

I then realised what I was doing wrong with regards the passing on Zero Pass Assistance. I was holding the pass power too long even for shorter passes. You cannot do this with lesser players. If anything, just keep it to a very small tap of pass, less is more, and there is alot less error with a minimum press. That tactic worked wonders, as I stopped over-hitting easy passes. Also, a slight tap of through-ball had more success when looking to put in a player down the wing, better than a simple aim and X. Also, keeping hold of the ball, not sprinting, but just taking my time, letting the players get a good feel for it before keeping it simple with passes to feet.

The very next game I played so much better, and managed a 1-1 draw. Progress, thank fuck.

The next game was just beautiful, I made sure everything went through D'Alessandro and what an astonishing 90 minutes he had. He scored two truly stunning goals, one of which was a tight dribble and an R1 dink. The other was the best R2 'First Touch control' I have ever seen on any football game. I clipped the ball into him, as the ball was coming thigh-height, I tapped R2 and pushed the left stick in the direction I wanted him to take it. It worked perfect, as it left the CB for dead with one of the most stunning first-touches you will ever see. And all done with our friend, R2. The finish then matched the first-touch, as he used the outside of his left foot to power/place the ball into the top corner with R2 again. It truly was my most favourite goal yet, I love a great first-touch, and exactly what I had attempted to do, worked. Perfectly.

Before this match I'd reset up my Link Feints. I stopped with Demo 1 as it never saved and it was proving to be a ball-ache to do it again everytime. I set up my Feints to use for specific situations, and I use them in the Player View Config. This means that each Feint is relevant to the player and his position. I much prefer that is it's more organic and easier to learn.

For those who wish to give this system a try, I will list my Feint List Set-up for you to replicate. Each trick/feint is relevant for the given situation. You will find these feel natural to the players posture and position.

Player View Forward -

1. Front Flick (to the Right)
2. Roulette ( to the Left)

I picked these as when your coming straight on to your opponent, it feels natural. Your player with flick the ball to his right then perform a 360 to the left. It may sound flambuoyant, but I dont feel it is. In real-life if you were to flick the ball to the right initially, your body-posture and angle for a right-footed player is perfect for this combo, as your natural body-weight is pefectly set for the 360'. This feint is excellent for changing direction twice in a close space, especially just outside the box. It's also a very easy combo to pull off in real-life.

Player View - Right -

1. Outside Step-Over ( to the Right)

This is my favourite trick, very easy to pull off and it gives you a brilliant change of direction with a drop of the shoulder. A great feint to buy time.

Player View - Backwards -

1. Drag Through ( To the Right)
2. Reverse Step-Over (To the Left)
3. Drag Through (To the Left)
4. Heel-Flick Follow Through (To the Right) This is the 3rd Trick down from the top I believe, I will need to check it's proper name.

This Feint-Link may sound very flash, it isnt. The idea of this combo is to bait an opponent into the tackle. You should only use this combo when stationary. Your player will drag the ball to his right, he will then fake to go to his left but he doesnt. He will then drag the ball to his left before going back to the right with his heel-flick. Every part of this combo is realistically balanced with body-weight. D'Alessandro used it in the video I will be posting later to great effect. In fact, the heel-flick 'megged' the CPU defender. The theory behind this combo worked perfect, exactly how I'd designed it to work. It's also a great combo to use with tricky wingers from the byline when in a stationary position.

Player View - Left -

1. Outside Step-Over ( To the left )

I have used this feint again to balance to out the left and right side. It also means that by having for the player left or right, even if you get confused, it will always work. Again, in the video I will post of D'Alessandro, he performs this to 'hoodwink' three CPU players in a tight space. He then 'megs' a player with a tap of R2, before picking out a stunning lobbed through-ball.

Hope this helps, I will upload the D'Alessandro Encore later. It includes those two goals mentioned, and some of those Feint Examples. :)
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