PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

One thing I noticed last night with both PES and FIFA demo's is that while you have to be patient with waiting for a team mate to present himself (more so in FIFA obviously) when your team mate does find space or calls for the ball you have to be quick in giving him the ball. Just like real life. Otherwise he gets closed down and the option is gone.

I kind of miss the thud the ball made when you whacked it last year lol
Ok lads, nuff of chit chat :D how about someone tells me where can I pre order Euro PES12 version and have the store ship the goods to USA? I'm not getting American version so lamers from South america can spoil the fu with superteams online. Europe most definitely offers better players online.
A question for those that have played BAL, can you still hear your players footsteps during matches?

Also are your team mates still obsessed with playing a through ball when a simple pass to feet would do?
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Anyone have any good tips for dribbling? I'm rubbish at tricks, I just can't remember the combinations to pull them off and I'm not quick enough to think what trick I'd want to do anyway. So if there's some good, basic tips for dribbling/tricks then I'd appreciate that!
Take it slow. Use R2 to dribble. Also, dribble with your better players. They have a higher chance of getting past players. Subtle movements of the left stick work very well in this game, to throw ur opponent off balance. Lastly, use R1 sparingly, but it can help you to get that extra edge to get past a guy. Hope these help!
Anyone have any good tips for dribbling? I'm rubbish at tricks, I just can't remember the combinations to pull them off and I'm not quick enough to think what trick I'd want to do anyway. So if there's some good, basic tips for dribbling/tricks then I'd appreciate that!

Im pretty average also, but I'd rather wait for the "training ground" challenges in Retail to get them up to scratch, should be fun trying to get your game up to par. R2 to face up to the defender is the best way and then shooting off in the direction you like is my method mostly.

Curdstar, Its not that Top Player is easy for me, teams are beating me and scoring 3+ a game but their just surrendering possession which takes you out the immersion when Rangers are dominating Bayern/Spurs/Inter on the ball.
Curdstar, Its not that Top Player is easy for me, teams are beating me and scoring 3+ a game but their just surrendering possession which takes you out the immersion when Rangers are dominating Bayern/Spurs/Inter on the ball.

Indeed that is annoying...

KONAMI talked alot about the smart AI and all, and it is indeed quite good but essentially its still RUSH FORWARD towards goal and try to score and nothing else, why do we even have tactics like posession football?
Don't bother with the feints Dags, they are not really massively important this year, due to the added increase in angles. I use R2 alot in conjuction with the left stick. R2 is brilliant for a quick change in direction whilst keeping ball in close control.

The dribbling is actually at its easiest when you keep it in it's simplest form. Try not to over accentuate your movements on the left stick, if you moving from left to right with a player straight in front of you, draw the lead as you move within tackling distance, then move the stick from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock. It's just a slight movement of the stick for the relevant direction. No sprint is required at that point. Once you come inside your player (after you have dropped your shouder with that slight movement), you can then tap sprint to gain a little momentum if the space is available, then rinse and repeat the 2 till 4 o'clock scenario, or which ever direction you need to turn into. Using R2 in with this will bring the ball back close for a quicker change of direction. Dribblers are given alot more artistic licence in this regard.

It is actually a very simplistic system, but it get's alot more complex the more you become familiar with it. R2 is the button though, slight taps of that will reap dividends. I'll post a goal I scored where the R2 button took out 3 players in the box. The R2 finish after it was sublime, the player even looked like had pulled a Ronaldhino cheeky 'look away' glance as he finished it. The whole move and goal was based on the exact mechanics I have just written, including a the litte burst of speed with a slight tap of the sprint button.

YouTube - R2 Dribble And R2 Finish

Also, check out the Elano Dribble on my YouTube account, that is the one that truly show's that simple relevant turns are enough to beat a man with a smooth change of direction. Nothing erratic here, just simple natural movements.
The quickest and the dirtiest trick - turn one into centerback.

No, I don't care about that.

I just want to instruct one fullback to play as wingback and make attacking runs, while the other not.

It's a pretty simple and common instruction in real football.

How can I do it here?
Tapping R2? I've just been holding it down as I approach a player and just ... kinda shaking the left stick about hoping to get some space and then sprinting passed if it works.
It is a tap, but use it as you change opposite direction like in the video. It's slight taps rather then any hold. It pulls the ball into your feet removing the risk of dispossesion as your not showing your opponent much of the ball. Moving off from an R2 tap is enough to get you passed your opponent.
Does it have a 100% success rate? It's a valid question you ask in all honesty.

I am not saying it isn't a potential exploit but I will say I personally haven't felt crossing to be an exploit. Does that mean it doesn't exist at all? Of course not. There are a few on PESFan saying that crosses don't work at all; a complete contrast to what is being said by some here and elsewhere and something I certainly disagree with but it does show that the impact of this exploit isn't been felt by all which can only be a good thing as at the very least it isn't a gamebreaker as a gamebreaker is something that completely destroys the game.

If it's there I want it addressed. I'll consider myself no more than lucky for the moment that I am not getting the impression that it is an exploit. Again, I am not ruling it out.

No it doesn't have 100% success rate. The header could be saved or it can hit the post. Also the exploit don't work on all crosses, if you cross the ball and you not even deep inside the wing it wont work, if you are too close to the outside line there is also less chance for the exploit to work.

This game is full of cheap cross goals and yes once we buy the game and play it online you will see how many goals people will score on you from crosses and then you see replay... Oh... look my defenders aren't even there to defend! LOL. This should only happen if you send your defenders forward and they weren't there to defend, that i can understand, but when you see that they are there letting the strikers free... WTF?

I tried everything, man marking, putting my defense all the way back, nothing work, the computer can still do it to me, friends can still do it to me, i can do it. It's a joke.
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No, I don't care about that.

I just want to instruct one fullback to play as wingback and make attacking runs, while the other not.

It's a pretty simple and common instruction in real football.

How can I do it here?

I've found that just by placing him deeper on the formation screen makes him stay back. Using Man City I pushed Kolarov up near the halfway line and kept Zabaleta pretty much in line with the centre backs, but still as a fullback.

During the game Kolarov was constantly making runs while Zabaleta stayed deep and very rarely moved forward.
I've found that just by placing him deeper on the formation screen makes him stay back. Using Man City I pushed Kolarov up near the halfway line and kept Zabaleta pretty much in line with the centre backs, but still as a fullback.

During the game Kolarov was constantly making runs while Zabaleta stayed deep and very rarely moved forward.

Many thanks. :)
Does anyone else have this problem when you try to pass the ball to a player and theres a player between you will pass it to the player between ( the one closer ) even if you ramp up the power to full.

Like this:

.............................................. X 2
....................... X 1
... o
... X

you want to pass to nr2 but because nr1 is between you will pass to him, even if you ramp up the power to the max.
No, I don't care about that.

I just want to instruct one fullback to play as wingback and make attacking runs, while the other not.

It's a pretty simple and common instruction in real football.

How can I do it here?

As mentioned, moving further back helps a bit Or pick a more defensive minded full back. Look for someone with high defense and low attack value and low attacking aggression (1 lowest, 2 medium, 3 very attacking).

I always change my Club America right backs around depending on how attacking or defensive I want to be.

Has anyone played about with the CB overlap tactic? One of the tactics you can assign to the D-pad.

Was playing Spurs vs Rangers and Rangers only had 1 striker and a defensive formation. Perfect time to use the CB overlap tactic. Couldn't decide if I should have Gallas or Dawson overlap and join in the attack, neither are that technically impressive. Then I had a moment of inspiration, remembering that Huddlestone has played a few games at CB. Had a look and yes, Konami have CB as one of his positions. So, I decided that for this game it was worth sacrificing a stronger defender for a player who would be more suitable to overlapping from CB.
It worked a treat as Thudd was a constant presence in attack giving me more options than usual. I totally dominated the game and was never in danger at the back. Unfortunately I'm rubbish at attacking and Rangers parked the bus so it ended up 0-0 but I was still happy that my tactical tweaking worked just as I wanted.
Does anyone else have this problem when you try to pass the ball to a player and theres a player between you will pass it to the player between ( the one closer ) even if you ramp up the power to full.

Like this:

.............................................. X 2
....................... X 1
... o
... X

you want to pass to nr2 but because nr1 is between you will pass to him, even if you ramp up the power to the max.

Switch to Zero Pass Assistance, I don't have that problem. Or, try using L2 with X, that should work as well.
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R2 works really well when you tap it to nudge the ball in another direction just when the defender goes in to take it. It's very much like it used to work and not like in PES 2011 where it more often just made your player do this close control thing. If you hold R2 down you just risk to get into "sidestep mode". tapping and then in combination with R2+R1 burst can be lethal.

I love it when the defender starts to back off and it's a battle of reacting to the other player. Who draws first, you or him. And if he makes the first move, you have to be very quick to counter it. Love it.

Also a tip when dribbling around with the ball. Since the inertia is so wonderfully realistic in this game, take advantage off it! If a player move in from the side towards you, you can often just turn towards him, making him "run pass you" if you know what I mean. Always pay attention to how the opponent move and look if you can use your momentum at your advantage. If someone is moving towards you from the front, try R2 tap to the side or burst just when he's close to you.

Edit: Also Super Cancel works great in this version. Use it all the time when battling for a loose ball. It's great for taking more control over your player so you can try to push the opponent.

Another tip is to trick your opponent by moving towards a high ball, pulling him with you so it goes over both heads and then you make a run for it! I love to trick the CPU.
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No way am I hearing this from the Original Joga Bonito trickster himself!!!


I'll still be using them bud, or at least the odd couple that are relevant and effective. For Dag's though, he may as well concentrate first on the dribbling side, it's much more effective and realistic in my opinion. Once your able to walk, then we can talk about running. :TU:
played the game a few times, and i`ve never did this before but turning every assistance to manual, and passing assistance to 0 is much more realistic especially the way i like to play pes (the Dutch way with build up play and a lot of passing), with sneijder i can land through passes the way i imagine, it feels great, and to be honest i can not wait for the superstar level to make it even harder, it would just challenge your precision in passing and after all the most bespoken subject, defending.

i also wanted to add a counter word to those who are just criticizing the a.i and such, i believe there are several non game related circumstances that are relevant too, for instance if you play 60 minutes almost non stop, of course you`ll get the feeling the a.i. is cheating or stuff like that, i think this is due to concentration bow which is of course not constant, i suppose the moments you are not passing the ball well, you lose a lot of ball possession its also due to these kind of elements.

Another thing is the tactics, for instance i perform the best when i have 1 centre forward 2 wingers like robben/quaresma type, not nasri/silva (which are midfielders offcourse) and 1 attacking midfielder like sneijder/boussoufa they don`t have to b quick but should be able to pass precise. Behind the nr10, 1 cmf and a dmf, and a normal defence line 2 cbs and lb and rb, and not to forget a gk. in short a 4-3-3 system, but if i play with another system, i have to adept to the system which of course can not be good, it`s not that i can not perform at all, but it won`t feel right. thus it will effect how you`ll play.

i have been playing pro evo since the first one, i think it had another name then, still, since pes 6, this is the most appealing to me.
Anyone have any good tips for dribbling? I'm rubbish at tricks, I just can't remember the combinations to pull them off and I'm not quick enough to think what trick I'd want to do anyway. So if there's some good, basic tips for dribbling/tricks then I'd appreciate that!

If you have a really good dribbler, like say Lennon, you can just use the left stick to dance around players, jinking left and right. Sometimes a tap of R2 for more close control. The odd stepover/shimmy with the right stick together with an additional change of direction (spin it 360 degrees or just tap it) can work as well.

Its not an exact science though!
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