PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

PES is the bollocks this year. It took me a hundred games or so on the first demo to 'get it', and around twelve games as Inter to beat Bayern, all on Top Player, one bar assistance. Although I have to say, I can only play demo 2 on -1 speed setting, the CPU responsiveness with players like Ribbery and Robben are just too much for me at the moment.

-1 feels like 0 did on the first demo.

I played both games yesterday, FIFA and PES. I won my first game on World Class on FIFA with Barce v Milan. Same old exploits same way of playing. After playing PES first, the FIFA demo and AI now feel so stale there's no turning back. FIFA have changed their pitch this year to negate the problem with playing it like 22 rabbits in a hutch, but all that's done to be honest is give more space to hit the overpowered through ball, this seems like this years exploit - you heard it here first.

PES - so far - doens't have any soft points. It took me over forty (yes 4-0) games against Porto just to get a system to beat them more than not. Yesterday it took ages to beat Bayern. Then I tried to play Rangers and was dicked by their big target man Jelavic or something who was immense, he was deadly from corners and set plays. Then I played Spurs who hit cross after cross into the box using their speedy wingers.

It's f'kin brilliant. Master League this year should be one gigantic mother. The depth and thought that now goes into my gameplan screen is huge. The defence is a joy, I hardly press anything I just rely more or less totally on movement and positioning. I got not joy whatsoever winning 2-0 as Barce yesterday on FIFA. I got huge joy losing 3-1 to Rangers as Inter when I had just beaten Bayern 2-1.

I have a slight concern still with the keepers, who seem to pull off some saves that I think wow that's a worldy, but then let in something which I feel should have been easily stopped. But I'm no keeper. Overall though, I'm very pleased - Now it's over to KONAMI to completely fk it up for release and give the noobs something to cheer, remember kids just hold the pressure buttons - (facepalm) hope not!

I feel U. Those are exactly my thoughts. Feel the same. Pes is that what i needed for past 4 years.
Is anybody else finding that when the AI takes a corner there is no variation? time after time they keep putting it into the same spot in the centre of the box.

Not played it enough to notice yet Buzz, I'm sure an issue like that would be sorted for full release.

We need to keep in mind, again, that this is just a demo. Even more so after experiencing the differences between Demo 1 and Demo 2.
The demo is retail code though. Unless they're working on a patch, then this is the game we'll be playing. Or did I read that Jon Murphy said they are working on keepers for a patch?
Not if he keeps changing IP's I'm afraid...

they could always ban his ip range however this may cause issues for legit people falling within that range and then he can also register somewhere else on a completely different ip/network

mods could set registration to be approved first before they can post etc. this way they could potentially screen idiots, also based on their email address etc to narrow down dodgey people who are usually on open free public accounts
The demo is retail code though. Unless they're working on a patch, then this is the game we'll be playing. Or did I read that Jon Murphy said they are working on keepers for a patch?

Yeah i heard that to. but if this AI corner taking is a problem then maybe it needs bringing to their attention, so then maybe they could patch it like last year with the jogging bug.

I must say i noticed it last night on pro setting so i will now go and try it out and see if top player is different.
Surprised people are finding it easy. That seems to be the main complaint from my FIFA supporting mate. How is it that I, who played PES 2011 to death, is struggling immensely on Top Player, while they supposedly find it a walk in the park?
Surprised people are finding it easy. That seems to be the main complaint from my FIFA supporting mate. How is it that I, who played PES 2011 to death, is struggling immensely on Top Player, while they supposedly find it a walk in the park?

I used to win games comfortably on Top Player in 2011, struggling on Professional in 2012 :LOL:
Something clicked yesterday, LMF and RMF is the new Wing Back according to Konami.

I'm not happy about this at all, it can potentially ruin ML and BAL.

Hands up who thinks Disco Benny (BAE) can play LMF?

Crazy decision.
The demo is retail code though. Unless they're working on a patch, then this is the game we'll be playing. Or did I read that Jon Murphy said they are working on keepers for a patch?

We get that line every year Dags, I've stopped buying it, it's nonsense. The final release code will be different again. I'll guarantee it.

Surprised people are finding it easy. That seems to be the main complaint from my FIFA supporting mate. How is it that I, who played PES 2011 to death, is struggling immensely on Top Player, while they supposedly find it a walk in the park?

That's easy, your still drilled with the older philosophy, it's totally natural. Old habits die hard. People that do not have PES 11 engrained into them are starting fresh. That said, this game is anything but easy.
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Yes just tested it again on top player & pro and there is some variation there but it seems a random choice thing, so i think last night i must have been stuck in a moment where there was no change. Pheww!
I think I'll stick with playing on professional. It's still a challenge to me but not in a frustrating way. You guys have to remember that the average PES player is most likely not as good as you lot, so they don't find professional and top player to be easy.

Also, I need to do a compare and contrast between the 360 & PS3 demos. If the 360 version is graphically better I could be tempted to cancel my PS3 pre-order. There are some good option files on the 360 so that's no longer a reason to play on the PS3.
So after playing the fifa demo quite a bit since release I can't fully comment on that til the full game due to such lack of movement and the lack of inertia.
But had a good session of pes2012 last night and wow what a difference from the first demo. So much joy and fun a free flowing game of football that doesn't come without it's faults. Dribbling in terms of running with the ball seems a bit odd but on the flipside dribbling is great it feels so good to wrong foot a defender and leave him for dust. Won two penalties by commiting the defender.

Just love the movement from all over the pitch, one thing I liked when playing as bayern twice had robben come off the right go central and then to the left to find the ball and start attacks. Scored some fantastic goals with him despite losing the games.

There are nice little things popping up every game, nice to see a variety of animations especially players reactions now. So far the keepers have been 2011 standard which is good enough. Individualism really stand
I think I'll stick with playing on professional. It's still a challenge to me but not in a frustrating way. You guys have to remember that the average PES player is most likely not as good as you lot, so they don't find professional and top player to be easy.

Also, I need to do a compare and contrast between the 360 & PS3 demos. If the 360 version is graphically better I could be tempted to cancel my PS3 pre-order. There are some good option files on the 360 so that's no longer a reason to play on the PS3.

Agree, i started to play PES2012 with Professional ended up year later with Top Player, not sure if i choose Superstar as it might be waaaay too tight..:BRMM:
If it's multiplat it'll play better on the 360. 2011 looked a lot better on the 360 last year too.

Anyway i've been without the internet for a couple of days. I just downloaded the Pes and Fifa demos in 8 minutes combined. I wish i still lived on campus. I'll try them when i get home.
I haven't won a single match on professional...
Despite all the sloppyness of PES (the stuttering on Xbox is terrible at times) and the fact that FIFA is very good, what i like about PES is that you definitely feel that it is 'easier' (i had a draw) to play against Rangers than Bayern of Inter...(i play with Spurs, my favourite team in PES, but i never seem able to play decent with them...).
It's strange, I've noticed no stuttering on my xbox version at all. Gonna try the PS3 version tonight, some on here have mentioned it looks worse but I'll check it out. I hope not because I do like the sound of playing PES in 3D!

I'm finding Professional to be manageable, I'm dominating most games a bit like in PES2011 then getting caught on the counter by one of the AI's few shots at goal :(
It's strange, I've noticed no stuttering on my xbox version at all. Gonna try the PS3 version tonight, some on here have mentioned it looks worse but I'll check it out. I hope not because I do like the sound of playing PES in 3D!

I'm finding Professional to be manageable, I'm dominating most games a bit like in PES2011 then getting caught on the counter by one of the AI's few shots at goal :(

I'm going to give the 360 version a try shortly as I remember PES2010 looked awesome and that was the last PES I bought for the 360. Then again it was noted that the graphical quality dropped between PES 2010 and 2011 anyway. As Northzzz said, multi-platform games generally look better on the 360.
I haven't won a single match on professional...
Despite all the sloppyness of PES (the stuttering on Xbox is terrible at times) and the fact that FIFA is very good, what i like about PES is that you definitely feel that it is 'easier' (i had a draw) to play against Rangers than Bayern of Inter...(i play with Spurs, my favourite team in PES, but i never seem able to play decent with them...).

Move Bale to LB, he isn't as agile as Lennon, he is more dangerous coming from deep.
I was having a pretty bad time with this demo to begin with. Most of the flaws in Demo 1 had been addressed (not necessarily fixed, but improved), apart from the way the game gets stupidly frantic when the speed of play rises slightly... but it just felt a bit chaotic to me, both attacking and defending a bit random. As did results: first game I won 3-0, cpu had 1 shot on goal (off target). Went off for something to eat, came back and lost three games on the trot. Passes constantly went ahead of or behind the intended player, couldn't get the weighting right at all. Really infuriating, because in PES2011 passing was my main strength - I'd developed the Barca/Villarreal/Arsenal style to the point where I'd massively dominate possession in pretty much every game, even ones I lost. Suddenly I could barely find the target with a 10 yard pass. Long passages of play that just looked like kids running around the playground. Grim.

Enjoying it more now, and the main thing that's improved the game for me has been changing the pass assistance from 2 to 0 bars. I thought I'd try it out to see just how much harder it was to control the passing (people like Jimmy and Zee, who I play fairly regularly, have been using 0 or 1 so I didn't want to get left behind). I'd expected it to be much harder - to my surprise it was much easier, at least for me. The weighting now seems more like PES2011, and even though you have to be more precise with aiming - which is good, because it allows more freedom with more ambitious passes - I've stopped putting the ball ahead of/behind my players, and have been getting it to feet pretty consistently. Very odd. Don't understand this, but I'm not complaining.

Shooting seems even easier than before, in a way - yes the goalies have been improved (still nowhere near good enough, but improved), but instead of seeing shots sail slowly into the middle of the goal with the keeper flapping, I'm now seeing shots go much faster and more into the corners, without being aimed any more carefully than before. So it's still too easy to score from 20 yards, it's just that the goal which ensues looks less stupid than it would have done in Demo 1. Progress of a sort, I suppose. It seems that shot accuracy been boosted massively to balance the improved goalies, but then in turn it seems that shot blocking has also been boosted massively to balance the increased shot accuracy. Seems to have changed the whole feel of the game in attack.

Overall, that's probably an improvement over Demo 1 (albeit a quick and dirty fix), because the scores seem lower overall, and there are fewer silly 4-4 draws. Not every change is an improvement though. The speed has definitely gone up even further: in Demo 1 it was at least possible to slow the game right down, but now, perhaps because of the increased pressure, it seems to be more frantic all the time. The jerkiness of the animations is even worse than in the first demo - watching the highlights at half time, you can see all the players jittering slightly as they move in a straight line, and it really does look terrible. Turning is still too fast, and acceleration in tight spaces from a standing start is still too pronounced - and now we've got blokes like Robben, Lennon, Eto'o and Bale in this demo we can see all too clearly how bad that looks with players who are already really, really fast and/or agile. Christ knows what Messi or Ronaldo will look like in the full game. Not realistic, that's for sure.

Crossing is much easier, which again is good and bad. On the one hand, players running in to connect with a cross no longer sprint past the ball and end up in the net; on the other, we seem to be getting laser-guided crosses every time, while it's still quite hard to position the defender correctly (momentum taking him off-track too often), in multiplayer at least. Could see far too many easy goals from crosses once online is up and running.

Couple more obvious issues: when you're not in possession of the ball, your player's speed means nothing. Maicon was running down the wing, I got control of Bale and set off after him. Maicon (with the ball) stayed ahead of Bale (sprinting full-on without the ball) for about 40 yards. It's like the catch-up problem from 2011 in reverse. This is really, really bad. Also, I'm starting to think that this right-stick thing, where you select players to aim for at set pieces, is useless. Even top free kick takers don't seem to understand that they should be putting the ball slightly in front of the man at a corner, so he can make a run and attack the ball. They seem to either aim for his head where he's standing (which only works for Peter Crouch), or else just hoof it in his vague direction - and by the time the X appears on the ground to show where the ball's going, it's usually wrong, and if you've started running the player already, his momentum means he can't change direction in time. Alternatively, if you don't make the run until the X appears, it's too late to actually reach the ball. Whereas when I tried corners the old way (into the mixer with R2 and swerve) I had a lot more success, the computer selecting an appropriate player and allowing me to attack the ball properly. Done that way, corners are in fact much nicer than in 2011, but it seems a bit of a missed opportunity.

Don't know if it's just me, but the "active AI" seems a bit less pronounced, too. It's all very nice in midfield, but when you get into the final third (or when you're trying to break) you still get the same problem as before: you're there with the ball, three players ahead of you, and they're just standing there like idiots, being marked and offering barely any movement at all. Occasionally you see someone moving, and can hit them with the pass, but more often in the last third it's the same frustration as in PES2011. What happened to the diagonal runs, dummy runs, all that stuff we were promised in those super-duper preview vids? Konami went out of their way to boast about these, making individual videos to illustrate them in mouth-watering detail... and they're not there. What the fuck?

Basically Demo 2 seems more like PES2011 in every way. In some areas that's not a bad thing, in others it is. Not sure about this game yet, even though there's clearly something fantastic in there somewhere. Will persevere.
does anyone can explain me exactly the graphics differences between Xbox360 and PS3 version?
is it an antialiasng issue?

Off the top of my head. clearer and sharper. I reckon there is more detail. Better lighting. just looks nicer all round for me. PS3 seemed a bit washed out and not as vibrant. I've only played a couple of games on each but that's my impression
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