PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

You can only use it with players with an Explosive stat above 80, I think. Aguair can't do them. Hold R2, the sprint and a direction.

Oh right. Think I did that anyway in PES 2011. Tap R2 so he faces side on, then R2+R1+direction and he'll shift his weight, knock it on and sprint after it. Probably already done it in this one without noticing it was a move in itself.
HAHAH did he just head a player away!? In all honesty i'd love that engine in PES, just to enhance the sort of unpredictable occurrences that make it so enjoyable and alive.
David Rutter (FIFA 12's producer) should watch some of these videos. Truly revolutionary as he had claimed.

Nah come on, thousands of games are being played atm so obviously a few will throw up irregular gaffs like those videos showed. Could definitely do something similar with PES (like that striker clearence of Jimmys). Doesn't make it a poor game cause of that
Definitely feeling the individuality more in this version... and obviously the goalkeepers are much better.

is it really only my game having frame-rate issues (random freezing) ?
The FIFA 12 impact engine will throw up a lot of these strange collisions unfortunately. I guess it's difficult/time consuming to fully bug test something so complex, which is what I said when it was first announced.

Having said that, I would love something similar in PES but perhaps more toned down.
Hard to say after so few games, but I've had more free-kicks than usual... then again most of them were as Spurs vs Rangers and that might of been them struggling to cope with Modric and co.
Well I've only played one game Spurs v Rangers, and I frickin' love it. I played on -1 speed and for me it was perfect, and I genuinely think that the speed players can dribble has been toned down. Touches on the ball seem more deliberate more akin to PES2011 but with the same level of responsiveness. I think there's a little bit more individuality with dribbling, Lennon or Modric were noticeably quicker in their footwork on the ball than others, the likes of Bale for example is less precise when dribbling but you can use his pace to get the wrong side of defenders then cut across them. It all feels a little more deliberate, a bit more steady, and the game as a whole is a lot tighter and feels more 'solid' if that makes any sense at all.

I didn't notice the ref so I suppose that's a good sign. There were a fair few free kicks but all for nudges for and against the AI, so it seemed good to me. The game feels like it flows better because there's very little delay between a free kick being awarded and it being taken. In the whole game there wasn't a single replay shown of a free kick, so I assume Konami have reserved replays for fouls that draw a card or just for sliding tackles, which is awesome imo.

As for keepers, they seemed fine, Gomes punched a fair bit, made one decent save and didn't stand much chance with a close range header from a Rangers free kick, and the AI keeper seemed decent enough, probably around the PES2011 standard of keepers at a guess but I thought they were generally fine in that game anyways.

One major problem for me though, aside from gameplay, are the graphics. Konami haven't polished them at all. It's all looking fine, just really low resolution that's pretty jarring especially having just played the FIFA12 demo. That game looks miles ahead in the lighting/resolution department, but I think the PES demo is more fluid and the animations look great in PES in my opinion.

It's only an initial impression but I'm over the moon with the dribbling in demo 2. Given the first demo, you'd think that the likes of Lennon would be crazy fast, and they are compared to other players, but they also feel toned down compared to how I remember the players in demo 1. You can still beat players with lesser names, but it's definitely harder to keep the ball when doing so. I feel that maybe they've made dribbling past a player harder to do, though the 'stumble' animation that I love from demo 1 where you ride a challenge and keep the ball is still in evidence here. Which is great.
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just tried the 2nd demo on 360, verdict so far:

only needs improved animations and maybe very slight tweaks to passing and shooting otherwise it would be the best pes in the series
I'd go with the conclusion dribbling accuracy/speed has been toned down on all players. Which for me has improved the individuality of players, making the difference much more noticeable.
Awesome post LT, sounds as expected. It should be alot tighter all round and the Refs should be sound, it's a major core to the games structure and philosophy. The first Demo is great but feels loose in so many areas, loving it to bits though the more I'm uncovering. Can't wait till tomorrow.

Dan, also try pressing sprint and a direction just as you receive a pass to knock it out of your feet, space prevailing. Again Explosive stat relevant.

Aguiar just done it again, lovely R2 dribble and shot. Gonna miss this kid when Demo 2 drops. They can never take away the memories though. I'm building a shrine in my kitchen as we speak.
Well I've only played one game Spurs v Rangers, and I frickin' love it. I played on -1 speed and for me it was perfect, and I genuinely think that the speed players can dribble has been toned down. Touches on the ball seem more deliberate more akin to PES2011 but with the same level of responsiveness. I think there's a little bit more individuality with dribbling, Lennon or Modric were noticeably quicker in their footwork on the ball than others, the likes of Bale for example is less precise when dribbling but you can use his pace to get the wrong side of defenders then cut across them. It all feels a little more deliberate, a bit more steady, and the game as a whole is a lot tighter and feels more 'solid' if that makes any sense at all.

I didn't notice the ref so I suppose that's a good sign. There were a fair few free kicks but all for nudges for and against the AI, so it seemed good to me. The game feels like it flows better because there's very little delay between a free kick being awarded and it being taken. In the whole game there wasn't a single replay shown of a free kick, so I assume Konami have reserved replays for fouls that draw a card or just for sliding tackles, which is awesome imo.

As for keepers, they seemed fine, Gomes punched a fair bit, made one decent save and didn't stand much chance with a close range header from a Rangers free kick, and the AI keeper seemed decent enough, probably around the PES2011 standard of keepers at a guess but I thought they were generally fine in that game anyways.

One major problem for me though, aside from gameplay, are the graphics. Konami haven't polished them at all. It's all looking fine, just really low resolution that's pretty jarring especially having just played the FIFA12 demo. That game looks miles ahead in the lighting/resolution department, but I think the PES demo is more fluid and the animations look great in PES in my opinion.

It's only an initial impression but I'm over the moon with the dribbling in demo 2. Given the first demo, you'd think that the likes of Lennon would be crazy fast, and they are compared to other players, but they also feel toned down compared to how I remember the players in demo 1. You can still beat players with lesser names, but it's definitely harder to keep the ball when doing so. I feel that maybe they've made dribbling past a player harder to do, though the 'stumble' animation that I love from demo 1 where you ride a challenge and keep the ball is still in evidence here. Which is great.


How is crossing/long balls btw? They were really easy to perform with pretty much everyone even with weaker feet they were dead accurate.
just noticed this demo was on marketplace due to you posting daytripper, thanks for that, WHOOP.

@Lami: are you a fan of dave chappelle?
Glad to hear someone thinks so and it's not just me :)

I think this will be the best PES in the series hands down. In the game I played, I was able to use specific player's strengths perfectly and that was amazing fun. I used Bale to drive down the line and cut inside, Santos mopped up in midfield and passed square most of the time (I tried dribbling with him and didn't get very far) and Modric could weave between players, without even doing anything but dribbling from left to right, he skinned a player by doing some random deft touch on the ball that threw a defender's balance. I love that, though I didn't do anything except a simple dribble, it will add so much more to ML this year when building a team knowing that certain players are capable of doing this over others.
Danyjr, I crossed mainly with the full backs and wingers and I didn't find my men in the box a whole lot so it's hard to say without more games, but my goal came from a Van Der Vaart header from the edge of the box off the underside of the bar from a Bale cross. Plenty of crosses however were intercepted. In my next game, Ribery put in some awesome crosses but the defenders always got a head to it to do just enough to prevent a goal, so for me it's all good.

As for long balls, I found them hard, particularly lofted through passes which I tried a couple of times but were really weak. I think it'll be again more stat based around who is performing the pass, or at least I hope so.

Haha just tried an experiement with dribbling, Lahm is lightning fast, ran rings around Eto'o, then I gave the ball to Badstuber and tried the same thing and his turning circle was massive in comparison. Eto'o nailed him instantly with a tackle, ran through and scored......but yeah there's a definite difference between dedicated dribblers and regular players compared to demo 1. Robben is insane, he can turn 360 degrees and knock it away from two defenders just by moving the direction stick, whereas Muller up front can maybe dribble past one player but his comparative lack of speed on the ball means he gets swamped out by defenders really quickly. Looking at it, there's not a great deal of difference in the reactions of players initially when turning on the ball in one direction, but the difference comes when using players to twist and turn in different directions. Only the top dribblers seem to have that ability to perform several dribble maneuvers at speed and get away with it.

As for graphics, one thing that others have complained about visually are nets in those night matches. Well for some reason they're still an odd grey colour. As much as I love the game the visuals are worse than 2011 and that's not good enough really :(
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Danyjr, I crossed mainly with the full backs and wingers and I didn't find my men in the box a whole lot so it's hard to say without more games, but my goal came from a Van Der Vaart header from the edge of the box off the underside of the bar from a Bale cross. Plenty of crosses however were intercepted.

As for long balls, I found them hard, particularly lofted through passes which I tried a couple of times but were really weak. I think it'll be again more stat based around who is performing the pass, or at least I hope so.

I just hope they are stat based because in the first demo they certainly weren't i.e. everyone could perform them.
Wish the goalies would fully extend their arms trying to make some saves, looks as if they are actually pulling away.

Players do feel different now when dribbling, dominated Rangers with Inter but had more trouble playing them with Spurs, Bale does feel a bit overpowered though and they don't seem to want to tackle him, seems like an easy cross each time.

Defoe was bullied too against Weir so bringing on Pav was much more effective.

Sometimes it feels too easy to create and play in front of the opposition.

I like it alot but would need to get Master League going to decide if its up there with the very best.

Animations are not as far away as you think, just need better transitional movements as what looks weird in wide cam normally looks ok in a replay up close, keepers need a full makeover animation wise though
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