PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Is the demo up on the ps store yet.

Im reading that konami released demo #1 on the US store(for shame konami if true)

Hopefully Demo #2 is out soon, can anyone who is playing it confirm that there is larger noticable difference in the level of assist for passing, also does the demo save your settings.
Is the demo up on the ps store yet.

Im reading that konami released demo #1 on the US store(for shame konami if true)

Hopefully Demo #2 is out soon, can anyone who is playing it confirm that there is larger noticable difference in the level of assist for passing, also does the demo save your settings.

The 2nd demo saves settings apparently! I checked PSN a few mins ago, no 2nd demo on there yet.
We do to want to drag you away Rod, but how's about put the kettle on and type till your fingers smoke. Elaborate, preferably as quick as you can, and before the brew is due. Then you can get straight back to it, are you buying that for a dollar ? :)
how so? more detail pls ;)

Compared to the 1st PC demo:

Physics feel different
Shots need more power to get off the ground
Passing assistance is fixed
Pace feels slower (could be due to playing on a different screen but I don't think so)
Dribbling is less crisp
Tackling a little more easy (between the two of these, I'm much happier with the dribble-defence balance so far)
Individuality is at least a bit more pronounced
A lot fewer minor bugs and glitches

It feels like it's had so many little tweaks and it's really improved it

I'll be more lengthy after I've stopped playing. It's quite difficult to explain in a way - so much of it has changed that I kind of need to rethink my feelings on a lot of things.

Playing as Rangers v Inter and getting stuffed.
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The 2nd demo saves settings.....
.... causing gentle squirts of semen to appear from the phallus eruption point.

Looking forward to the PC version popping up, however will get this 2nd demo on PS3 tomorrow too, just for comparison. And the WE Demo 2, if such a thing exists.
The 2nd demo saves settings apparently! I checked PSN a few mins ago, no 2nd demo on there yet.

Thanks and great news about the setting being saved.

Sorry to ask all again, but the 'features video' included in the second demo can be skipped after being forced to watch it once. Right?

But if i reset the ps3 or quit the demo and run the demo again, im assuming i have to watch and then skip it the second time around aswell. Is that correct?
I'm going to be knackered for work tomorrow (get up at 6:30am...), but I just had three games on the demo. Not going to go too in-depth for that reason :P.

Initial impressions are that it's fantastic! I can't compare it to the first (PS3/PC) demo as I'm on the Xbox, but I enjoyed those matches a lot! :)

The obvious massive plus point over last year is the AI, it is incomparable - so SO much more alert and intelligent.

I absolutely love how you can now retain possession of the ball with simple turns, and the improved responsiveness means that you can avoid pressure much more effectively.

A couple of moments in particular impressed me - one playing as Inter where I cleared a corner, the ball fell to Nagatomo and my options were limited, but instead of just whacking the ball up the pitch first time, I calmly took the ball down and made a darting run (with the new "burst" move) between two opponents before playing a simple pass to Sneijder, who struck an inch-perfect long ball to set Eto'o on his way.
Looked so realistic, and you'd hardly see it in PES 2011, the tighter controls really give you the confidence to express yourself.

Another "wow!" moment was with D'Alessandro - I play the ball into his feet about 25 yards out, he takes a couple of touches and a body feint to slide past a defender before hitting an R2 shot towards the far corner, it had pace, dip and a bit of bend - it struck the inside of the post.
This type of shot was not possible last year, looked great.

More impressions over the coming days :).
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Yes - and that. Trailer is really long but you only have to watch it once after your first match. Just leave your console on the PES demo at all times and turn off the TV. Simples. I'll be interested to see what those who weren't that happy with the first demo think - certainly it's going to take me a couple of hours to assimilate this all in my brain.
Brilliant breakdown Rod, I more than trust your word and opinion,

By the way, I've just witnessed the most incredible piece of ingenuity I've ever seen in a football game in my life. The technique used and the situation and animation are beyond anything you would even dare to expect. It was an R2 Controlled shot where the player choose to stab the ball with the sole to lift the ricochet over the advancing keeper. The situation was perfect as was the technical execution and relevant animation. Honest, we have no right to expect that level of finish in a video game. I'm stunned. :CONFUSE:
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Brilliant breakdown Rod, I more than trust your word and opinion,

By the way, I've just witnessed the most incredible piece of ingenuity I've ever seen in a football game in my life. The technique used and the situation and animation are beyond anything you would even dare to expect. It was an R2 Controlled shot where the player choose to stab the ball with the sole to lift the ricochet over the advancing keeper. The situation was perfect as was the technical execution and relevant animation. Honest, we have no right to expect that level of finish in a video game. I'm stunned. :CONFUSE:

This sounds too horny, vid pls :)):))
I just started talking to myself - commentating the match (no commentary in the demo) between Bayern and Tottenham - ended 2-2. Carried on doing this into the Rangers v Inter match but then decided it wasn't helping me as I dropped 4-0 down.

Playing Rangers v Inter is a nightmare - difference in quality is astounding and I'm totally lost for ideas. Sneijder has mashed me to pieces - 3 assists and the shot which lead to a deflected own goal!

I still find that the AI plays a little too aggressively - I'm sure it's down to the 10 minute length but I'd like to see it conserve possession a little more.
I just started talking to myself - commentating the match (no commentary in the demo) between Bayern and Tottenham - ended 2-2. Carried on doing this into the Rangers v Inter match but then decided it wasn't helping me as I dropped 4-0 down.

Playing Rangers v Inter is a nightmare - difference in quality is astounding and I'm totally lost for ideas. Sneijder has mashed me to pieces - 3 assists and the shot which lead to a deflected own goal!

I still find that the AI plays a little too aggressively - I'm sure it's down to the 10 minute length but I'd like to see it conserve possession a little more.
This sounds blumming great. Regarding the commentary, I think we should all record vids of this demo over the next couple of weeks with our own serious attempts at commentary. :))
Both games sound good this year, probably getting both, Fifa and Pes Union is possible lol plus im quite adept at both so it doesnt diminish my 'skill' if i play both all the time.
I just started talking to myself - commentating the match (no commentary in the demo) between Bayern and Tottenham - ended 2-2. Carried on doing this into the Rangers v Inter match but then decided it wasn't helping me as I dropped 4-0 down.

Playing Rangers v Inter is a nightmare - difference in quality is astounding and I'm totally lost for ideas. Sneijder has mashed me to pieces - 3 assists and the shot which lead to a deflected own goal!

I still find that the AI plays a little too aggressively - I'm sure it's down to the 10 minute length but I'd like to see it conserve possession a little more.

It's the 10 mins that's the problem, coded like that in all PES games to an extent. 15 mins should feel more composed as usual.
Are you holding lofted through pass down though for extra power ?

Probably not enough to be fair, still getting used to them as they're thankfully vastly different to PES2011. More practice needed! :)

I just lost 2-0 as Bayern to Inter on Professional, but their second goal was another 'wow' moment. The Inter striker was through on goal, but my keeper and two defenders narrowed the angle and closed him down. Instead, he did a feint, taking all three players out, before slotting into an empty net. Made me look like a right pilchard!

Tonight's been interesting to say the least, both demos of PES and FIFA coming out earlier than I thought and making me decide already what to buy and what not. FIFA's out the window, awful, awful mess. It literally resembles ice hockey more than football these days. Sad, but at least it saves me £40. But back on topic, PES2012 will be the best yet I think.
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Lovely goal Jimmy :)

I'm very happy to see more shots bounce before they reach the keeper/goal line this year. Annoyed me last year as the shots looked too similar. Now there is more weight and variety and it's fantastic.
Lofted through ball is great in Demo 1, is different compared to PES 2011. Personalluy, i like it being not that high in the air and a bit more powerful to fall in front of any player. The way it can choose direction is better as well. If i want to make a lofted through pass as in 2011. I'll just use O (with 0 passing assistance) or L2 + O. Great more passing variety this year
i'm really happy with the work konami have done, the keepers aren't great but imo there realistic, there not superman but there about what they should be, playing my first game as tottenham as gareth bales sprint bursts are too much

What is the size of demo for the consoles.?...please be less than 1.5GB...

1.88 i'm sure
i'm really happy with the work konami have done, the keepers aren't great but imo there realistic, there not superman but there about what they should be, playing my first game as tottenham as gareth bales sprint bursts are too much

1.88 i'm sure

Thanks and my dear lord 1.88GB ....i wonder how much of it is the video...

I played pc 1st demo with unlocked team patch, i don't know what it makes to player stats and default gameplay but although can see GK making lazy jump in one or two occassion, but i remember having one great save by De Gea. It's FK, he is standing more to the right. Ball is well placed/powerful by the FK taker to very left top corner. But hey De Gea is running then make fantastic save for that. I was torn if it is him or the bar. Zoom in, it's him. I wish i recorded it last night.
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