PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

I don't want to annoy you but, for the first time in years, FIFA graphics are better. Even I love the facial expressions shown in these images but, in the other side, I HATE the glow, it's too much and it is completely unrealistic. And, in the same image where you can see Robinho's anger you can also see a PS2 face (is that Van Bommel?)

That's all for the graphics. I hope the GAME will be fantastic.
I don't want to annoy you but, for the first time in years, FIFA graphics are better. Even I love the facial expressions shown in these images but, in the other side, I HATE the glow, it's too much and it is completely unrealistic. And, in the same image where you can see Robinho's anger you can also see a PS2 face (is that Van Bommel?)

That's all for the graphics. I hope the GAME will be fantastic.

I REALLY doubt the game will be glowing like that all the time lol, either an effect from the replay thing or added after most likely. not sure.

Looks good though, but can't say until we really see the game in motion.
I personally couldn't care less about graphics in general. They're at a decent enough level for both games and that's all that matters. There's no point in arguing which are better.

One thing that people should care though about is application of faces both in quality and perhaps more importantly quantity. Somebody said it on the Fifa board and it is true, you can't even identify half the players on the default camera because they all look so similar. That's because Fifa seems to put such a high effort into specific big players (somebody used the phrase commercially known players) rather than attempt to put effort into making a lot of players faces. It leaves a feeling of too many generic faces.

On the other hand PES may not put such emphasis into specific players but it does a fantastic job of giving half decent and importantly recognisable faces to a really high amount of players in the game. For the most part you can identify players in the default cam. I used to happily turn off the name bar at the bottom. You can't do that in FIFA, both in terms of the fact it doesn't allow you and the way you wouldn't know who you were controlling unless you were playing with 5 star teams.

Basically what i'm saying is that Van Bommel can have a ps2 face because it still looks a lot like him even now. I'd rather they didn't waste time that could be spent elsewhere tuning him up.
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Van Bommel doesn't have a PS2 face, it's just a bit old, been around since PES 2009 i think, they can still update it anyway.
Guys, come on, graphics is not a problem in pes. Most of these aspects can be easily patched, at least in the PC version.
Sure graphics aren't a major standpoint but we can only comment on what's presented before us. The graphics are decent enough I guess, these screens look fairly similar to what we've seen the last two years. Disappointed to see they've still got that Alonso emergency break in there. Here we go ...
The player faces and models look stunning in my opinion.

The great thing about PES is the ability to add new faces to players. The G.T.M Pro World option file I use adds a shit-ton of new faces to the game for lesser known and up and coming players, adding to the huge roster of player faces the game already has.
I personally couldn't care less about graphics in general. They're at a decent enough level for both games and that's all that matters. There's no point in arguing which are better.

One thing that people should care though about is application of faces both in quality and perhaps more importantly quantity. Somebody said it on the Fifa board and it is true, you can't even identify half the players on the default camera because they all look so similar. That's because Fifa seems to put such a high effort into specific big players (somebody used the phrase commercially known players) rather than attempt to put effort into making a lot of players faces. It leaves a feeling of too many generic faces.

On the other hand PES may not put such emphasis into specific players but it does a fantastic job of giving half decent and importantly recognisable faces to a really high amount of players in the game. For the most part you can identify players in the default cam. I used to happily turn off the name bar at the bottom. You can't do that in FIFA, both in terms of the fact it doesn't allow you and the way you wouldn't know who you were controlling unless you were playing with 5 star teams.

Basically what i'm saying is that Van Bommel can have a ps2 face because it still looks a lot like him even now. I'd rather they didn't waste time that could be spent elsewhere tuning him up.
I agree 100%.
PES and Fifa do not share the same vision about faces.

PES systematically make faces for all the licensed national teams they have, even the 3rd goalkeeper of Australia or Croatia, which is a good thing IMO. It shows they care about licenses respect (for national teams). They also try to make faces for all the star players (or players who join Chelsea, Manchester, Inter etc.) and future good players which is also a good thing. I remember Benzema and Nasri already had their real face in PES..2008 !

Fifa have chosen to use a new method for faces, very effective one because it leads to very realistic faces. But their method leads to a deadlock : if they do the face capture on February, they won't get the missing star players who would have joined the team on July for example. They also have to move if they want to use their face technology which involves many difficulties (time, money, logistics etc.).
Sure graphics aren't a major standpoint but we can only comment on what's presented before us. The graphics are decent enough I guess, these screens look fairly similar to what we've seen the last two years. Disappointed to see they've still got that Alonso emergency break in there. Here we go ...

Aright mate it's klashman (couldn' be arsed to get my password back :LOL:)

Tbh the Alonso stop is fine, I'm more worried about Casillas's animation from that screenshot. Please no more bend arm/rigid saves! I hope there is a huge amount of work on Keeper animations.

it's frustrating since their function is actually great. it's the lack of animations which make them so, well.. AGGGHHH!
I agree 100%.
PES and Fifa do not share the same vision about faces.

PES systematically make faces for all the licensed national teams they have, even the 3rd goalkeeper of Australia or Croatia, which is a good thing IMO. It shows they care about licenses respect (for national teams). They also try to make faces for all the star players (or players who join Chelsea, Manchester, Inter etc.) and future good players which is also a good thing. I remember Benzema and Nasri already had their real face in PES..2008 !

Fifa have chosen to use a new method for faces, very effective one because it leads to very realistic faces. But their method leads to a deadlock : if they do the face capture on February, they won't get the missing star players who would have joined the team on July for example. They also have to move if they want to use their face technology which involves many difficulties (time, money, logistics etc.).

PES system is much the better! My problems with FIFA's faces is that they only look good on a High end PC or with a super high definition TV an when you zoom up close. The problem is even from medium distance they just look like cartoons even with the new capture method. The generic ones are horrific, they look like monsters.

I also love how PES really respect their licenses and give every licensed national team player a face, they do this for some of their rest of the world teams as well (not the reserve goalie but most of the players)

Even their generic faces fro some players look good. I brought Edu (the Brazilian who played for Betis) it's a generic face but it sure looks a lot like him.
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PES 2011 is the first PES I bought since PES 6. Big improvement, but they really need to work on the passing, and shooting, and make it so you can make it completely manual. Also, 360 degree movement is nice, but you still can't make small movements like in Fifa, which sucks. Fix these 2 problems, and the game would be so much better.
PES system is much the better! My problems with FIFA's faces is that they only look good on a High end PC or with a super high defintion TV an when you zoom up close, even from medium distace they just look like cartoon,s even the new capture method. The genric ones are horrific, they look like mosnters.

I also love how PES really respect their licenses and give every licensed national team player a face, they do this for some f their rest of the world teams as well (not the reserve goalie but most of the players)

Even their generic faces fro some players look good. I brought Edu (the Brazilian who played for Betis) it's a generic face but it sure looks a lot like him
Exactly, I agree totally with your post !
360 degree movement is nice, but you still can't make small movements like in Fifa,

Now here's a point i see everyone talk about. No offense to you mate, it's not you. This goes for a large number of people it's just when somebody say this is i automatically know they are playing PES as if it's fifa and expecting it to move like FIFA.

This is understandable since most of use have played FIFA 08, 09 and especially 10 rigorously and you so used to everyone moving the same way and moving at 360 degree when sprinting. Not just that, you can still do pretty well in PES 2011 without even knowing this.

My friend who only plays FIFA had a huge culture shock when he played PES 2011 and i had to explain to him. Most players move differently,

With PES, you can move in 360 at a fast pace only do this with a few players due to stats.

Basically Messi, Ratface, Robben, Ribery, and others such as Donovan(Dotan) Nani etc.. all can move pretty much in 360 degrees at a fast and slow pace. Messi especially. So yes, not many players.

Still however..

Iniesta, Xavi, Schweinstiger, Snijder, Riquelme and others of that ability, even those such as Jadson, Nene, D'Alessandro, Ramsey etc.. can move freely at 360 but mainly at jogging pace. There no point sprinting with them, they are pretty slow and don't have that speed merchant card which gives them freedom at pace.

However even very good players such as Gerrard, Barry, etc.. you can move in 360 but it's not easy and instant like FIFA. It's mainly with a very slow jog, just giving you freedom.

I mean i have a Sunderland ML, with cattermolde, he's great at covering, good passer, and tackling but i rarely if ever try to do a cryuff turn even, because he more often than not losses the ball.

Keep it simple with those players. Do the fancy stuff with players with dribble accuracy and technique at 80 or AT LEAST 75.
PES system is much the better! My problems with FIFA's faces is that they only look good on a High end PC or with a super high definition TV an when you zoom up close. The problem is even from medium distance they just look like cartoons even with the new capture method. The generic ones are horrific, they look like monsters.

I also love how PES really respect their licenses and give every licensed national team player a face, they do this for some of their rest of the world teams as well (not the reserve goalie but most of the players)

Even their generic faces fro some players look good. I brought Edu (the Brazilian who played for Betis) it's a generic face but it sure looks a lot like him.

totally wrong and unfair comparison. and in some parts untrue. players in fifa don't look cartoonish. maybe you have a weak pc and that's the impression you have. with modern pc, players look fine. but i could agree that some generic faces look bad.

and never forget one thing - how much licenced teams (and leagues) pes has and how much fifa? do you have that in mind?
Aright mate it's klashman (couldn' be arsed to get my password back :LOL:)

Tbh the Alonso stop is fine, I'm more worried about Casillas's animation from that screenshot. Please no more bend arm/rigid saves! I hope there is a huge amount of work on Keeper animations.

it's frustrating since their function is actually great. it's the lack of animations which make them so, well.. AGGGHHH!

cheers Klash (or is it Koba now?), yeah ... I figured one critique was enough before I get some PES nazis on my back but good spot on the goalies there ;). Looks just like yesteryear but as always lets see it move (heck, even play) but it's a safe assumption not much will have changed.
totally wrong and unfair comparison. and in some parts untrue. players in fifa don't look cartoonish. maybe you have a weak pc and that's the impression you have.

Nope, I'm basing that on my HD TV at home i use sometimes and mainly my friends 40 inch full HD TV i play FIFA 11 xbox 360 on!

And the previous games i played on HD 08, 09 and 10. Close up they look great but from medium distance they look like cartoons because of the lighting system really. The shadows on their faces and skin texture needs looking into! looks very plastic.

and never forget one thing - how much licensed teams (and leagues) pes has and how much fifa? do you have that in mind?

No excuse, It's not like the Portugesee, Irish, Korean, North American Austrian leagues etc.. have many faces if any at all in some leagues. It's not like i expect the reserve goalie for DC united to have a face. It's the lack in quantity of them for teams like Porto etc.. If you compared them team by team level (teams that appear in both games) the amount of star faces in PES to FIFA I'm sure PES has more.
I hope a walking animation is in this year, BAL in particular could do with it.
Looks very stylised and a little bit cartoony, looks nice, but I'm not sure it looks... real? Obviously it's only the graphics, so it's secondary to everything else really.
The tactical positioning of the players & the awareness of defoe to find space makes this THE football simulation game of all time ever, Seabass is back


Looks very stylised and a little bit cartoony, looks nice, but I'm not sure it looks... real? Obviously it's only the graphics, so it's secondary to everything else really.

If it looks cartoony then PES 2011 did too. If anything, the sweat and glow make everything a little bit more realistic.
I want to see improved AI across the board with the multitude of bugs fixed - We get nothing from a few pictures that have been given the business in photoshop.

edit: Also anyone who buys Fifa now is sticking a knife into the heart and soul of football.

Get Blatter and Warner on the cover next year with one giving the other a reach around.
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If it looks cartoony then PES 2011 did too. If anything, the sweat and glow make everything a little bit more realistic.

I stand by what I said based on those screenshots, but it's an opinion formed on 3 screenshots, so it's quite possible I'll change my mind when more are released.

Ain't going to stop me buying the game either way.
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