PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

lol can't you take a bit of joke? I mean come the guy set himself up. basically saying its perfect. Not even FIFA 12 will be perfect :)
No PC demo?

Good one Konami. The sad thing is if they had a team devoted to development on PC rather than ports from their console development team they would have so much more room to work with.

Well, Konami's main PES development is on the PC this generation and they internally port it to PS3/Xbox.

Which format is leading the development?

IGN said:
Seabass: In the past we focused on the PS2 version of PES first but with the switch to next-gen everything is now led on PC and then moved across onto Xbox 360 and PS3, so the formats are now treated very equally. As for the DS and PSP, we're not attempting to squeeze the full version of the game on handheld because it wouldn't work. Instead the game will have the same simplicity of PES1 and PES2 but we'll add all of the new features to make it play like the latest versions on the other consoles.
How is everyone finding the new Teammate Controls?
I'm struggling with the manual setting, but on assisted pulling off some unbelievable moves. It works really well when sending an attacker on a run, then playing a lofted through ball over the top to send him in. Beautiful when it comes off.
On in comments they say there won`t be 2nd PC demo :/

I can tell why:
Microsoft has an approvement-policy to protect their own Xbox-live-products and one of the rules is that demo's should be released simultaneously with other formats.

Microsoft made problems that the first demo did not show up simultaneously, because the PC version is leaked and was therefore out too early.
Because of that the Xbox version was not approved.

To make sure that the PC version will not be leaked again, Konami decided not to release a second demo for the PC at all....
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I can tell why:
Microsoft has an approvement-policy to protect their own Xbox-live-products and one of the rules is that demo's should be released simultaneously with other formats.

Microsoft made problems that the first demo did not show up simultaneously, because the PC version is leaked and was therefore out too early.
Because of that the Xbox version was not approved.

To make sure that the PC version will not be leaked again, Konami decided not to release a second demo for the PC at all....

guys this is from pesfan

It has just been announced that the next demo installment for PES 2012 will be available on the 14th September for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

In the second demo you will be able to play as the following teams:

Tottenham Hotspurs
Bayern Munich
Inter Milan
Club America

Konami have been taking note of your feedback from the first demo and have made improvements to the goal keepers, defensive AI to work more efficiently on the field and the difficulty to score - you will now have to build up, plan and organise your attack in order to score.

In the meantime, if you haven't already, you can download the first demo for PSN or PC here.
im not happy with 3.12 into the 1st vid,look at the defensive line for the 1st pedro goal,the defender actually goes back to play him onside instead of holding his line to play him off

I agree. If this is not fixed for the final version then the game would be almost unplayable for me. This is footballing basics 101. I know that sometimes defenders make mistakes...particularly SBs, but it happens way to often in the demo, and it looks like it hasn't been fixed yet. The defence seems to drop back way too far way too often(Cbs standing at the 6 year box for no reason???).
I can tell why:
Microsoft has an approvement-policy to protect their own Xbox-live-products and one of the rules is that demo's should be released simultaneously with other formats.

Microsoft made problems that the first demo did not show up simultaneously, because the PC version is leaked and was therefore out too early.
Because of that the Xbox version was not approved.

To make sure that the PC version will not be leaked again, Konami decided not to release a second demo for the PC at all....

lazy excuse...release the 2nd pc demo a week later, no danger of an early leak...
I'll wait until the second demo and decide whether I'm going to buy PES or not. If the problems from the first demo stay, then it's going to be an absolute pass from me. Passing, player switching, player individuality would be my main gripes.

PS: Is it true that there are is no 2nd PC demo? I can't find it anywhere on the facebook page.
Um... so they made it harder to score now in demo 2...? Well i hope its not impossible to score now on top player -_-
The only real thing im worried about now are the keepers... if they are PES 2011 level i wont be too upset Please god dont let them be worse..
Oh well, I'm glad I've got a PS3 so I can play the 2nd demo on there, bit annoyed about their being no 2nd demo for PC though, have to wonder if Konami pulled it because of the possibility of more modding to it?
Oh well, I'm glad I've got a PS3 so I can play the 2nd demo on there, bit annoyed about their being no 2nd demo for PC though, have to wonder if Konami pulled it because of the possibility of more modding to it?
I heard it was down to Microsoft's delightful way of doing business. You know, the kind they're famous for. Not releasing the first demo because the PC guys "had it first", when really it just leaked. Comes round to the second demo, Konami have to choose between giving the PC users more to masturbate over, or face alienating the Xbox 360 audience if the second PC demo was to leak. I'm not fussed by the way, PS3 available here too!

Now excuse me whilst I observe what toys left the pram.
I heard it was down to Microsoft's delightful way of doing business. You know, the kind they're famous for. Not releasing the first demo because the PC guys "had it first", when really it just leaked. Comes round to the second demo, Konami have to choose between giving the PC users more to masturbate over, or face alienating the Xbox 360 audience if the second PC demo was to leak. I'm not fussed by the way, PS3 available here too!

Now excuse me whilst I observe what toys left the pram.
Microsoft can be real dicks when it comes to things like exclusives. Apparently if a game is released anywhere else exclusively first, like a PSN exclusive, they will not be allowed on XBLA afterwards. Bastards.
The press release from Konami is too thin. Why not add some further comments?
It was too complicated or too difficult?
They unfortunately have never had this feeling to talk to their fans
And so the doubts arise
So, it seems it will be much more difficult to score in 2d demo..
Translated in Konami gameplay, unfortunately, I fear there will simply much more pressing by the defense AI..
It 's Konami simplistic way to prevent anyone saying the game is too easy..
But what about floating ball, and other issues physics related?
As someone said I can only wait and pray, but I'm not optimistic.
Last minute changes, after months of testing, always create troubles
and can not be changed as time is short before the game go gold.
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If it's from a different BLES version then it won't work mate. But who knows, maybe Konami surprises us and we can finally use OFs from different regions, even though its highly unlikely. Just keep them til the games released just to be on the safe side.

Maybe you are able to play all these people because the have the US version? I'm not sure about this tbh. I just remember people complaining that they can't play people in the US because of the different BLES versions.
I'm quite sure the several players I played in places like Thailand, Hong Kong, Chile, UAE, Japan, and yes, the UK and EU, Italy, even Bosnia, would not be using the US version. Again, I'll say it probably has more to do with timezone rather than BLES; most of the time when most US players play it would be either during the evening or later at night, which would be early morning in the UK. This is why I seem to get a lot more Latin American players and Brazilians than Europeans, as it's the same timezone (and vice versa for people from other timezones), but I still do get to play them eventually.

I am having trouble understanding why exactly they would enact such a frankly stupid restriction though, as you don't get this either with other games on PSN, so I'm not sure how they got that. Either way, we won't know definitively unless Jon Murphy posts about it, but I'm pretty sure online has no region restrictions.

On that note, looking at the online review code video posted, there's an option for Home Region or Home Country or something in the game? So even if you did get the US version, you could still set the UK to be your home region. I don't know whether that has any effect on matchmaking though, it probably is just a nation-based community hub or something. Maybe some of the community based communication things Jon was talking about.
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I'm quite sure the several players I played in places like Thailand, Hong Kong, Chile, UAE, Japan, and yes, the UK and EU, Italy, even Bosnia, would not be using the US version. Again, I'll say it probably has more to do with timezone rather than BLES; most of the time when most US players play it would be either during the evening or later at night, which would be early morning in the UK. This is why I seem to get a lot more Latin American players and Brazilians than Europeans, as it's the same timezone (and vice versa for people from other timezones), but I still do get to play them eventually.

I am having trouble understanding why exactly they would enact such a frankly stupid restriction though, as you don't get this either with other games on PSN, so I'm not sure how they got that. Either way, we won't know definitively unless Jon Murphy posts about it, but I'm pretty sure online has no region restrictions.

On that note, looking at the online review code video posted, there's an option for Home Region or Home Country or something in the game? So even if you did get the US version, you could still set the UK to be your home region. I don't know whether that has any effect on matchmaking though, it probably is just a nation-based community hub or something. Maybe some of the community based communication things Jon was talking about.

server restriction occurs only in the Pro Evolution ... not a problem restricting Internet ... PS2 and before that did not happen ... Konami Pes implemented it in this generation.
The Extra Content video has 'funny' images.
Obviously, they were such a roaring success last year, it looks like they have been included again...:CENSOR:
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