PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

I've definitely not noticed any ping-pong passing. Then again I've played nearly every game on zero pass assistance. Even on higher assistance I found that passing required thought and concentration otherwise passes were going astray.

It's certainly easier to knock the ball about casually with the better passers, but ping-pong it is not.
Completely agree 100%
Completely agree 100%

I second that. I have yet to play on passing assistance. I will try this assistance on 4 and 2 bars and see. With manual passing though, I have a hard time connecting lovely through balls. Its hard work and a few times my passes go astray. I have to work more on applying just the right power on passes. We'll see.

I really wish I had an upgraded PC. The patched vids I see with beautifully white nets and greenish pitch really make me drool. I will be stuck with the Xbox version.
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i dare you to try this with pes 12 ;P, not talking about missing in front of goal :D
I've pulled off similar stuff a couple of times with Ribery, Modric and the likes. But I haven't managed to keep the ball down as well as that. Yet! :)
You deffo buying the game for PC this year mate yeah? I find the game annoying on ps3, the lack of editing for one, plus frame rate issues on cutscenes and replays piss me off too, plus the graphics look shit :(

btw, The Digital Blonde - Trina is a TUNE, dunno if u know that one :D
Hell yeah definitely getting it for PC. Though the WE demo on console is better than all demo versions (probably), I just don't enjoy it on PS3 as much as I used to. Laptop gaming for me this past year has been pioneered by PES2011.

Trina is awesome, yeah. Love the melodies! By the way I love "Gothica" too, featured it on a Halloween show I did for a radio station a few years back.

how bout Digital Blonde - Elektra Simcut?
I have that on vinyl, the Europa EP with "Optical" on it too. Ace.
Actually guys, at least in this demo, ping-pong passing is there if you simply tap X instead of holding it at all. At any degree of passing assistance, if you just tap the passing button it seems to "override" the passing assistance settings. Actually worried about this, as it can be exploitable online if it stays like this...
Actually guys, at least in this demo, ping-pong passing is there if you simply tap X instead of holding it at all. At any degree of passing assistance, if you just tap the passing button it seems to "override" the passing assistance settings. Actually worried about this, as it can be exploitable online if it stays like this...
I thought about that too. I think the 'override' has been there in every pes title, so you can play that type of football if you wish.
It's only now that we are starting to see more options with passing in the game because of the new settings. I can see online being a barrage of exploitation on this game with the passing setting being one of them.
Don't the Spanish and Barcelona play this type of football to a certain degree and call it tika taka? Or is that something different?
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You're entitled to your opinion but dismissing what I think is a well thought out post because you disagree with my initial (admittedly facetious) statement is borderline immature. If you're not having the same issues then good for you, PES 2012 should be your last footie game. It's not like I'm the only one with these issues.

Lol what you on about?
A well thought out post doesn't begin with a admittedly facetious statement. Then its not well thought out FFS.

Bah I'm getting to old for this crap.
Lol what you on about?
A well thought out post doesn't begin with a admittedly facetious statement. Then its not well thought out FFS.

Bah I'm getting to old for this crap.

Chalk it up to my sense of humor?
Regardless, I wasn't saying "PES suck!!1!", I presented my opinion and used supporting points. I really don't see why you got incensed. Anyway mate, to each their own. Let's bury the hatchet here and carry on :)
Had a few more games on the PC demo last night (stock standard - no mods). Loved it. Tried out 1 bar passing assistance and you get the occasional pass going behind the player, which looks cool. If I have one gripe it's that sometimes you can hold down a fair bit of power on the pass button and the ball goes to the nearer player instead. Like it's being over-ridden with too much assistance.

Had a couple of amazing passages of play with neat build up and a little one touch triangle (everyone was facing the right way so I wouldn't classify it as ping pong) and the final shot went just wide but my god was it sexy.

Hit a power driver that nearly killed the keeper with Van Bommel. Love the shooting animations this year. Also love how the defenders block more of your shots so you can't just try exploiting the long shots without at least finding a little space.

Finding that if you move forward too quickly and don't have enough support, you can pass it back and wait for a couple more players to fix their positioning, whereas in 11 you might have just tried hitting a through ball to a static forward because you had no other real choice.

And might I add - the pitch lighting is freakin beautiful. FIFA has tech central, but they can't make the pitches look anything other than oversaturated cartoon fests. Why EA, why!
I'm sure most people are aware of the new controls by now, but if not then Konami posted a list of new controls for 2012. Hope this helps some people;

About that new system for adding players to the wall thing as is mentioned here. I keep meaning to mention about it but i forget. I hate it for numerous reasons. Firstly when I try to jockey back with R2 like i naturally always do with my defender because it allows for greater control it adds players into the wall instead. Surely there's a better button system they could use to add players that doesn't coincide with another highly used control system in the game. Secondly it's so damn unfunctional. Players take an age to get into the wall and by the time the system lines them up and they they click into place the CPU has already taken the freekick. So as such i often i end up having no control of what said player does (i.e jumps) when i decide to add him to the wall because he hadn't 'clicked' into place. I prefer last year's system where they just appeared in place because it was functional even if it did look silly. I get what Konami are trying to do by making the have less cuts but it needs work.
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About that new system for adding players to the wall thing as is mentioned here. I keep meaning to mention about it but i forget. I hate it for numerous reasons. Firstly when I try to jockey back with R2 like i naturally always do with my defender because it allows for greater control it adds players into the wall instead. Surely there's a better button system they could use to add players that doesn't coincide with another highly used control system in the game. Secondly it's so damn unfunctional. Players take an age to get into the wall and by the time the system lines them up and they they click into place the CPU has already taken the freekick. So as such i often i end up having no control of what said player does (i.e jumps) when i decide to add him to the wall because he hadn't 'clicked' into place. I prefer last year's system where they just appeared in place because it was functional even if it did look silly. I get what Konami are trying to do by making the have less cuts but it needs work.

Also, having few players forming the wall makes it easy to score from free kicks, for some reason they reduced number of players forming the wall, you can just curl it easily around the wall.. add to that the silly method to add players to either side it wont help much.
The point is if you are finding ping pong passing within the game, then you are obviously not playing the game the way its meant to be played.

What a lame argument, as a matter of fact you agree with him: there is ping pong passing.

I've been reading the discussions in this thread with amusement. I haven't played the demo, but Konami said that this first demo was far from the finished product...most people in here treat it like it's the full game.

On top of that you are over-analyzing the demo...
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This game is hard against barcelona and im loving it!

Messi is just pure awsome in top player! he plays exactly like he does in real life! the guy in mor ethen one occasion skipped past 2-3 of my arsenal defenders and scored.

love this game. my defending is a bit shit and attacking wise im lucky to even have a sho in goal nowadays. need to master the off the ball run. its hard to do and without it my players dont seem to make much runs. Also need to practise on the skill buttons and speed bursts. im finding it VERY hard breaking down the defence just playing keep ball and waiting for an opening against top player level.
What a lame argument, as a matter of fact you agree with him: there is ping pong passing.

I've been reading the discussions in this thread with amusement. I haven't played the demo, but Konami said that this first demo was far from the finished product...most people in here treat it like it's the full game.

On top of that you are over-analyzing the demo...

No one has said there is no ping pomg passing. there is in FIFA too. what people are saying is that there is no ping pong pasing when u turn all assists off
Actually people have said there is ping pong passing whatever sliders you have, read back a good few posts and you'll find them.
Aguair did it again last night, this time a ferocious bending Free-kick, right in the top bag, and from 5 yards away from the Corner Flag !! :WOOT:

The Luis Aguair, 'God Amongst Men' compilation video will be coming soon .....
Aguair did it again last night, this time a ferocious bending Free-kick, right in the top bag, and from 5 yards away from the Corner Flag !! :WOOT:

The Luis Aguair, 'God Amongst Men' compilation video will be coming soon .....

Looking forward to that Video Jimmy.
That is the beauty of PES: had you ever heard about this player? One discovers unknown litle gems in the all time favourite PES player is Andres D'Alessandro...i had him in a Wolfsburg ML and last year he was the star of the demo. Before all that i bought him in a ML from River Plate...he was totally unknown to and in a way still is, because I actually never saw the guy play IRL...
But what a shame you can't "use" those Coppa Libertadores players in the ML...that is also typically Konami: capable of the best and the worst.
Love the new demo, a few thoughts...

I love the emphasis on close control and passing, shielding the ball and retaining it, and latching on to the balls/player selection is so much better now.

I know it's a demo, but all I hope for in the full game is:

- Looser running (ie holding r2 with r1 loosens you from the 'path' of the run and you can set your approach before you latch on to the ball/shoot
- Better shooting (ie less floaty shots/tame dribblers - all footballers can crack it)
- Better goalkeepers, to stop the better shots. Hopefully the goalkeepers will get something on to the low shots more often, and struggle a bit more with the higher balls/shots.
- The refs are kept exactly as strict - I remember last year they were good in the demo and pathetic in the game!

But overall really happy and surprised at the improvements seen so far!
What a lame argument, as a matter of fact you agree with him: there is ping pong passing.

Why? i dont experience it because i dont play that way, whats the problem? i couldnt give a rats arse if the whole world & their mother thought it was ping pong. Its my opinion. Why should i care if people have a problem they can always do a million and one other things. FFS! didnt realize this was the very good argument competition. And then you to jump in on & debate having not even having played the demo, its laughable. But whatever......Done with this its boring. :YAWN:
With all this talk of ping-pong passing, I had to do a little test. Kept the default setting (Passing Assistance +3)(Difficulty: Professional) and chose Milan to re-create the MLO super team I'll inevitably face. This is me attempting to play like an idiot, this isn't my usual PES style and neither was it when I played Fifa, but online people are obviously more competitive and will use the most exploitative method possible.

YouTube - PES 2012 - Ping Pong?

I really hope it is toned down, off be default or at the very least there is the possibility of filtering people who use the assistance. Hell, I actually hope they remove it... The prospect of what Online will be is really worrying me this year.
I thought it would only be a matter of time before certain individuals would start to claim the individuality of pes has some how been lost this year or that pes has sold out and gone in the fifa direction.

Based on my own experience of the WE DEMO over the last two weeks,the above couldnt be further from the truth and if anything pes has now managed to encompass and bridge the gap between star players and weaker players using a much more versatile stat and grading system system,that better reflects the differences between players.

Whats clear is that for some animation and graphics as well as total realism seems to be more important then gameplay and playabilty and finding that perfect middle ground between replicating the sport we all love and still producing something that works on more then one level.

Take the passing for example,because in all honesty i dont think some really realise how deep and sophisticated the system in pes2012 is,or how to really get the most out of it using the energy and inertai in the ball.

Then we have this constant obsession with tech,when its clear from fifa that great tech doesnt equal great gameplay,and that you can have somehting that moves fantastically and looks great but plays a very superficial game of football.

Pes2012 is total football,its has the most advanced AI system ever to grace a football game,and for those willing to embrace the new era of pes,they will be rewarded with one of the deepest and most layered football games ever made.
With all this talk of ping-pong passing, I had to do a little test. Kept the default setting (Passing Assistance +3)(Difficulty: Professional) and chose Milan to re-create the MLO super team I'll inevitably face. This is me attempting to play like an idiot, this isn't my usual PES style and neither was it when I played Fifa, but online people are obviously more competitive and will use the most exploitative method possible.

This is my point, yes ok maybe ping pong passing can be created,but if you want to play with an high assisted passing level & increased gamespeed & constantly bash the pass button, then in my book you shouldnt be allowed anywhere near the game. Its like me playing a racing game then turning the car around and going the wrong way around the track & then slagging the game off about it, ya get me.

About the Highlighted bit in the quote - Yes i can see there would be some concerns for online gamers, but as usual you can always add the fair players to your contacts or if on ps3 join peel. Simples.
@JonMurphy_PES Robben has his own unique running style in #FIFA12.

@xboxpes We've replicated Robben's running style for sometime

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