PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Yeah it's not bad, I prefer Carmen Electra though ;) I've always preferred Legato, such a beast of a tune! :WORSHIP:

Nice to see more people with decent taste in music on here! :D

Yeah Carmen hahaha
I didn't know Legato, actually only know like 2 tracks by Digital Blonde

I'm Dutch so yeah i know a thing or two :P
Is that you calling him a 'Pussy' as well Buzz ? :CONFUSE: :LOL:

:LOL: Ping pong my arse, just had a game not even an hint of it. Thinking back to how some of the players on them Gamescom videos played you could say that looked a bit ping pong so it must be how you play the game. No patience = Ping pong, also passing assistance as mentioned is going to be a factor.
I've always played Aguair in the default DMF role, but since tweaking Penarol's formation and moving him to the AMF role, he's been a sensation. What a player. I'll be making a compilation video of him at this rate. :)

I now play a 4 - 2 - 3 - 1, with the default SMFs as SBs, Aguilar & Pacheo as AMFs & Estoyanoff as a winger for the 3 with one of the big CFs as a target man. I use possession game or tweak the standard settings and find that the movement between the 3 playing off the CF is brilliant. You can play some Barca-esque stuff when it all goes right.
Great to see more love for those Penarol players :D

Estoyanoff & Aguiar dont play for Penarol anymore, Estoyanoff is now at Panionios in Greece & Aguiar is playing for Sporting Lisbon :o

We'll be able to buy Aguiar for ML after all (once Konami release a DLC update)
buzzy what system specs do you have just for the record

AMD 7750 dual core 2.7 ghz (Black edition o/c to 3.2 ghz)

3.0ghz Ram

Nvidia Geforce GT9600 (1GB)

Nvidia Physx Mobo with Hybrid SLi (my current card doesnt support SLi)

Windows Vista 32bit.
Wait a second. On Default settings, the pass assistance is 3/4 bars. Ping-pong is definitely there. So is flair passing. So is accurate passing when the passer completely out of balance.

The default settings is what online games are going to be played with. Your arguments are void.
Have to agree, there is definitely an element of Ping-pong football with passing assistance at higher levels.
Those celebrations are not funny they're ridiculous. I hope they're optional to unlock in the shop. BTW hopefully 2nd demo is on this week.
Funny how people on this forum bashed FIFA 10 over ping-pong passing, rightly so but in PES the problem is in fact much worse than that of FIFA's and you hear nothing about it. Can't believe the *intelligent* people here don't see it. Or let's say they don't want to see it being on the honeymoon.

Wait a second. On Default settings, the pass assistance is 3/4 bars. Ping-pong is definitely there. So is flair passing. So is accurate passing when the passer completely out of balance.

The default settings is what online games are going to be played with. Your arguments are void.

You never said anything about online at first. So for offline players like me there is no problem anyway.
Funny how people on this forum bashed FIFA 10 over ping-pong passing, rightly so but in PES the problem is in fact much worse than that of FIFA's and you hear nothing about it. Can't believe the *intelligent* people here don't see it. Or let's say they don't want to see it being on the honeymoon.

Wait a second. On Default settings, the pass assistance is 3/4 bars. Ping-pong is definitely there. So is flair passing. So is accurate passing when the passer completely out of balance.

The default settings is what online games are going to be played with. Your arguments are void.
Now compare both of your posts. Spot the difference? You generalized in the first one then was specific in the second. You voided your own argument, man.
Have to agree, there is definitely an element of Ping-pong football with passing assistance at higher levels.

Well obviously. That's why its there ;)
Wait a second. On Default settings, the pass assistance is 3/4 bars. Ping-pong is definitely there. So is flair passing. So is accurate passing when the passer completely out of balance.

The default settings is what online games are going to be played with. Your arguments are void.

That has never been confirmed. Have you just pulled that out of your arse ?

I've played MLO matches where the Host had the Game-Speed settings at +2.

The whole million dollar question, and my biggest concern is how this Pass Assistance will be managed/segregated Online. As far as I was aware, Fifa has Assisted players playing against Manual players. So how does this differ ?
It will be at our discretion Si, that's why it's in the Personal set-up, the same as Other Assists and Button Configs. He's talking rubbish. The only worry is others playing on full Pass Assist when we are using 0 or 1. At present it's hidden, so we wont know.
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In my opinion, playing on full assisted will rather be a disadvantage...
I don't really care if I play against someone who is on assisted, as long as not assisted passing isn't buggy.
In my opinion, playing on full assisted will rather be a disadvantage...
I don't really care if I play against someone who is on assisted, as long as not assisted passing isn't buggy.

Yeah I get where your coming from with that. I just prefer a level playing field, we already have the Madrid and Barca whores, which I suppose will play like fully assisted regardless. :CONFUSE:
"Pass assistance" shouldn't have an effect on "Pass error".

It's a bit worrying to hear that ping-pong is possible with high pass assistance - even if the game assists you in where you want to aim, blind passes, first time passes or otherwise awkward (body shape, incoming ball speed/angle etc.) passes should be inaccurate, and also the passing/technique attributes of the passer and recipient should have an impact too to prevent "ping-pong".

I'd put my money on pass assistance being up to you, even online. So you'll have people with low and high assistance against one another.
I know it's a bit different, but semi-assisted and assisted cursor switch players were matched against one another in PES 2011, as were people in MLO who had World XIs against the ML defaults.

Just a prediction of course, but Konami have never been good at providing a fair matchmaking system online.
Re the assistance settings.............

What should I put everything on to make the best game? From passing bars to the ai decisions, button config (semi etc) etc please let me know, so I can have a consistent, balanced and fun game.

Re the assistance settings.............

What should I put everything on to make the best game? From passing bars to the ai decisions, button config (semi etc) etc please let me know, so I can have a consistent, balanced and fun game.


Try Assisted Cursor Change, Pass Assistance 1 and all the AI Decisions off. That's what I use Dave, with the Copa teams, and it feels very balanced.
:LOL: Ping pong my arse, just had a game not even an hint of it. Thinking back to how some of the players on them Gamescom videos played you could say that looked a bit ping pong so it must be how you play the game. No patience = Ping pong, also passing assistance as mentioned is going to be a factor.

That makes absolutely no sense as an argument. Ping-pong passing doesn't exist....but only if you play a patient build-up? That's like saying too accurate dribbling with weaker players isn't a problem if you just don't dribble with them....

WENB seem confident passing is a lot worse in the demo so I'm staying positive, but at the moment it's a step back from PES 11 in my eyes. Far too accurate and not enough variation between players, and that's from playing on 1/4 settings.

It's fairly obvious all the abusive morons on ML will have it ramped up to 4/4 as well, anything to gain an advantage to boost their insignificant pointless ranking....
can't seem to enjoy this demo im not gona force myself like i did with pes 2011, konami mentioned of a second demo in september, maybe if it goes like this we can ask for more demos until me make our minds up with which pes game is the correct one, im spoiling the game that konami messed up, fair enough the animations are there but how do we play this game?

Does anyone ever know what this guy is on about? :CONFUSE:
I did for PES 11 Rob, but it was the only real way to deal with the through-balls and the poor cursor-switching. Now the cursor-switching is quick and responsive, you also have alot more control with the right stick in that regard as well. I'm actually still a little torn as to which is going to be the best way to learn going forward. The Assisted option lets me get close and quick to the ball-carrier to contain him, it's a different world this time around when it comes to defending, and at the moment, Assisted feels the most complete and consistent option.

Guess I will have to give Assisted a go. Semi seems fine to me though.
Guess I will have to give Assisted a go. Semi seems fine to me though.

If your using Semi and happy with it, stick with it. I keep trying to go back to Semi, but I last a couple of minutes then switch it back. There are no issues with Assisted at the moment for me personally, probably why I'm content to stick as I am.
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