PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Important thing guys! In the demo, the form arrows are set to RANDOM. It might seem like too easy, too difficult or it might just click or not click. Keep in mind that the form arrows could have an impact on how you're able to play the game.
Important thing guys! In the demo, the form arrows are set to RANDOM. It might seem like too easy, too difficult or it might just click or not click. Keep in mind that the form arrows could have an impact on how you're able to play the game.

It's not they "could" have an impact, they really do more than ever.Rooney on a purple arrow was truly useless for me for instance
stoke play like stoke

Will we get a free WWII tin hat with the new release?

Anyway, is it just me, but when a lot of players shoot with their "wrong foot", the shots are really crap? I love it.
I could get away with it in previous PES but not this.

PC Demo - There are quite a few clues as to what Football Life might be like in dt06/800 upwards using GGS
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according to reports Barca play like Barca & stoke play like stoke.

Good a cold wet monday at the brittania should send
shivers down the spines of Barca/Madrid online players :)

Pes 2011 is quite jarring to go back to with all it's flaws
that are basically gone in 2012, when the second demo arrives
that's the end for 2011 for me.
Been playing more this PC-demo lately and I like it a bit more than in my first few games, yes, it is not the jump from PES 2011 I had hoped and graphically actually it jumped backwards with smaller and less complex playermodels... nightgames look as awful as ever, goalkeepers are way worse than in PES 2011...

but I like the better control and that it is more difficult to tackle, it makes it feel more real. I hope they don't change the tackling-system too much.

It takes though still a lot of finetuning, going straight through good defenders should not be the first option for the CPU-AI nor for humans, it should be a last-resort-move with a low success-rate... but currently it has a very high successrate with defenders being like ghosts.

Shooting under pressure has become a bit too easy, while it was too difficult in PES 2011, there should be a mid-way here.

Speed while running and acceleration needs finetuning as well, currently there is too little difference between jogging and running, too little sense of acceleration, yes the players gets a different stance and his feet are moving faster but he doesn't really move faster, at least not enough and the acceleration is also too little... and the ball stays too close to the feet while running and remains just as controllable as while jogging...and it takes about the same time to stop and turn from a run than while jogging... It makes the game feel a bit undynamic right now.

AI is not that good or intelligent in moving free from defenders to offer pass-options, but I guess it's the demo-code in which the AI is subdued.

Can't wait for the second demo to see the improvements made for final code.
So, I'm finally able to play the demo now, on the PC. Would prefer to do it on the 360 but, well, you know the story. My thoughts are that it definitely is less appealing than the preview code, but not by a huge amount. The passing and goalies are a lot worse but the rest is fairly similar. I'm slightly struggling with the defending, something I didn't sense with the preview code so maybe that has changed too - though I'm fully confident I'll get used to it again. The referees are still dodgy in a variety of ways - some of which I'm not sure they were in the preview code.

Generally though it's working really well. The shooting seems to have improved if anything, it seems to have a lot more zip now, and the goalies can't even come close to deal with it. I do have a little concern with the way in which the CPU AI plays - it does seem to be very aggressive in attack but this could well be down to the 10-minute matches. I'd like to see them playing it around a little bit more, and maybe being a little less confident to try and dribble past me. It's great to see occasionally but football should certainly be more of a passing game than it is a 'taking on your man' game. I'm also finding the lack of analogue movement on the analogue stick (ie, half push = half speed) slightly jarring when defending. Often I want to be moving backwards at about half the pace the striker is coming on but I have to choose to either move backwards quicker than him or not at all. Obviously that can't be addressed for 2012, but it would be nice to see some form of even-lower-speed.

Still, enjoying it a lot, and very confident in the finished product.
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If I had to describe the demo in one sentence it would be: I DID NOT MEAN TO PASS THE BALL TO THAT PLAYER!
I don't mind that I get beat almost every game, I do not mind the defending, I will get used to that, I do not mind the shooting, seems fine to me but the passing! I don't get it.
After taking on peoples suggestion of using Penarol, I'm beginning to see sprinklings of individuality, but it's not enough in my book. For instance the big, lumpy CF they have on the bench does have bigger touches...but that level of control should be also given to better players, not just the technically worst player in the game. He was still very much competent on the ball, and could easily wriggle past challenges.

Passing is very much my biggest gripe though. Long balls especially are almost always inch perfect every time. There's no incentive to get your most creative player on the ball, as they have no advantage over any of the others....

On the plus side there are some clear benefits of increased reponsiveness. For instance I struck a freekick that slammed against the wall, but was able to then hit a subsequent follow up volley from the rebound. Looked nice, as in past games that the rebound would of bounced past your player before he would begin to lift his foot.
Rod if you're playing on PC then you should download Yair's 0.6 update patch and Jenkey's extra 30 teams. The improvements to the GK's and the physics help tremendously and i do hope it's something that will be more akin to how the final release plays. The extra teams just allows you to sample the style of play that other clubs have. AC Milan and Napoli are too grossly overrated in the vanilla demo to appreciate. I therefore only get to understand how the game plays with outdated Porto and Man United teams and then there's Penarol and Santos whom i have no previous established knowledge of the type of football they play.
Does Yair's patch still play extremely fast? I tried one version and it was like setting the game to +2. It was just constant pressure and sprinting forward, didn't like it.
I too played an earlier version, i think it was 0.2, and i thought it was far too responsive/fast so i went back to the default game settings. With his latest patch I play on -1 and it doesn't seem that fast but i wouldn't describe it as slow. I believe that it is a decent balance for a 10 minute game. It just makes the demo more playable. I haven't seen any mistakes/errors/general terribleness by keepers that i did on the demo's default settings and i appreciate the adjustment to the physics which stop the ball acting floaty. I swear there's less fouls too, which whilst i admit should sound like a bad thing, in reality it really isn't. I can't quite put my finger on it because it's not like i ever see any tackles that should be fouls either. Placebo effect? Maybe but i definitely see less fouls.
Last edited: must be reading different forums to me. Many FIFA fans are genuinely impressed with PES this year on it's own merit. It's nothing to do with their frustrations at FIFA. The two games always have appealed to different crowds - PES has always put the emphasis on the football, individuality and tactics, FIFA concentrates on the televisual experience and neglects the depth. The two games have always been this way and nothing has changed.

PES is evolving what it does so well and that's what has captured people this year.

It's not about PES giving EA a run for it's money - PES will never push FIFA for sales - it's more about public and media perception and PES getting back the respect it once had as the purist's choice. From what I've seen of the demo Konami and the reaction around the internet, Konami will do just that.

Yeah, I didn't mean compete with EA in sales as much as compete in quality (though it's not news that FIFA currently has higher sales in some markets that PES once dominated).

The way I look at it, both Konami and EA simply have different visions for how to make football games, with neither approach necessarily being better than the other, but what separates the two games is that the quality of Konami's implementation of its vision is substantially lower than EA's or other top-rated games this console generation.

I never felt this way on PS2 - I always thought FIFA before 08 was a joke - and when I say I'd love to be proved wrong, I mean that I'd like to see Konami produce a game that fulfills the potential of this console generation. It's clear from this forum and others that I'm not the only PES fan who feels this way.

And no, PES and EA have always appealed to the same crowd - football fans. It's not like you must choose one or the other - FIFA and PES are not mutually exclusive - and I imagine most of us would buy both if each's quality compelled us to do so.

FIFA did not come to prominence in recent years because their was a massive shift in preferences - it's not as if more people all of the sudden decided they wanted a game that emphasizes, like you say, "televisual experience and neglects the depth" instead of "football, individuality and tactics"; the preferences of the market, reviewers, and "the hardcore" didn't radically shift. No, what changed was the quality of the two games.

I'm just hoping that the quality of the final release is substantially better than the demo, because clearly many of us are not impressed. And it is absolutely NOT because we take issue with Konami's emphasis on "football, individuality, and tactics."
Proved wrong?

Seriously, who cares?

Um, I do. Because I really want to like PES like I once did. And judging from the clear split in how this first demo has been received among the PES community, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
After taking on peoples suggestion of using Penarol, I'm beginning to see sprinklings of individuality, but it's not enough in my book. For instance the big, lumpy CF they have on the bench does have bigger touches...but that level of control should be also given to better players, not just the technically worst player in the game. He was still very much competent on the ball, and could easily wriggle past challenges.

Passing is very much my biggest gripe though. Long balls especially are almost always inch perfect every time. There's no incentive to get your most creative player on the ball, as they have no advantage over any of the others....

On the plus side there are some clear benefits of increased reponsiveness. For instance I struck a freekick that slammed against the wall, but was able to then hit a subsequent follow up volley from the rebound. Looked nice, as in past games that the rebound would of bounced past your player before he would begin to lift his foot.

The individuality, as is the case in every PES imo, takes a while to really come to the surface. I am now at the point with Penarol where I feel a big difference between most of the players. Now that I have adjusted to the speed of the game, the ball control and agility is night and day between someone like Estoyanoff and any of the back 4, its like pes2011 levels of difference but with 2012 responses.

What pass assistance are you using? I am now seeing a big difference between say 2 and 0. When I use 0 it takes much more thought depending on the player, the amount of bad passes I have played with Olivera at CF is frustrating, many good opportunities missed. I also have yet to get used to the greater variation of power available and the vast majority of my long balls are very short, when i do get them right though it is ver satisfying. Give 0 assistance a try if you arenot already using it. Also stick with Penarol, I think the depth of the individuality will come through for you eventually. I tried using santos for a few games the other day and it was a radically different experience.
One thing i noticed that should be sorted that is left over from PES11 is if you take a shot and it deflects off a defenders legs the keeper will not pick the ball up, it's like it reads it as a back pass. Which cost me a goal and should be sorted. Also if AC Milan are this good in the final game then what the hell are Barca going to be like?

It took 235 pages and our little engine has made its traditional appearance


No you re wrong, 235 pages ago demo was not out , It did in a fact took me just 10 games of this "new" unfinished PES 2008 add on to find out :-)
One thing i noticed that should be sorted that is left over from PES11 is if you take a shot and it deflects off a defenders legs the keeper will not pick the ball up, it's like it reads it as a back pass. Which cost me a goal and should be sorted. Also if AC Milan are this good in the final game then what the hell are Barca going to be like?

Good but not as good as AC Milan if the stats stay the same. Both in terms of feel and the fact AC Milan are AAAAAA and Barca are AAAAAB but that's still a very basic method of assessing how good a team is at current. I used a program to check how players are rated as the demo currently has stats for every team/player in the game.

AC Milan are only good because players like Robinho, Ibra and Seedorf have such stupidly high dribbling ability stats which means you the ball sticks to their feet both when you and the computer are in control of them and to add Ibra has something like 94 for shot accuracy. Only Messi acts this way for Barcelona and if anything he plays very similarly to Robinho.
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Hey Spooky, damn your videos come out in really nice quality man, the game looks so much better graphically than mine does, dont understand it, like the player names look much clearer etc! What do you use to record the video? Fraps? if so, what settings, and what do you use to edit the video afterwards, sony vegas?
Hey Spooky, damn your videos come out in really nice quality man, the game looks so much better graphically than mine does, dont understand it, like the player names look much clearer etc! What do you use to record the video? Fraps? if so, what settings, and what do you use to edit the video afterwards, sony vegas?

Yup! Fraps, 1960x1080 resolution full size recording
And afterwards in sony vegas i render it as a 1080p wmv movie.
Rod if you're playing on PC then you should download Yair's 0.6 update patch and Jenkey's extra 30 teams. The improvements to the GK's and the physics help tremendously and i do hope it's something that will be more akin to how the final release plays. The extra teams just allows you to sample the style of play that other clubs have. AC Milan and Napoli are too grossly overrated in the vanilla demo to appreciate. I therefore only get to understand how the game plays with outdated Porto and Man United teams and then there's Penarol and Santos whom i have no previous established knowledge of the type of football they play.

I've downloaded extra teams - but I don't want to change the gameplay because I'll be playing the game on the 360 in future and don't want to have "it was better in a demo patch" in my mind! Hopefully that won't happen but I'd prefer not to give it a chance of happening because it would be pretty crushing.
I've downloaded extra teams - but I don't want to change the gameplay because I'll be playing the game on the 360 in future and don't want to have "it was better in a demo patch" in my mind! Hopefully that won't happen but I'd prefer not to give it a chance of happening because it would be pretty crushing.

Yeah i know that feeling. I'll play the PC version but when i play with others it'll be on their Xboxs. It's why i hope Konami release a damn good vanilla version of the game.
Secondly, after not winning the league, he was given 2 games of the new season in which to save his job. He had to win them both. Due to the fact that he managed to do it, I haven't a clue what would happen if he didn't - Game Over screen?

This is quite stupid.. if the game is over..

Is it sure that we can't change clubs?

Anyone have write a week ago that we can change clubs.

What is now? Can we change or can't we change?
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