PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

so just found out you CANNOT change clubs in FL master League im gutted and really really fuked off that Konami have yet to implement it, I swear loads of people asked for it to be put it but still it isnt there?
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so just found out you CANNOT change clubs in FL master League im gutted and really really fuked off that Konami have yet to implement it, I swear loads of people asked for it to be put it but still it isnt there?

Chill out pal, if you get bored at the team you do a Master League as in PES 12, then just re-start with a new team. To be honest, I never really want to leave Liverpool when I do one so it doesn't bother me really.
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it's really quite embarrassing that in the year EA delivering the impact engine with solid collision system and wonderful animations produced in real-time konami responds by these awful collisions on the pitch with pl
no please no fifa's comparison i'm just comparing pes 2011 to pes 2012
so true the collision system in the demo is just wierd
i agree and i hope it's improved in the final release
It's also quite embarrassing that in spite of these issues with PES, EA and their tech can't match them for depth in gameplay.
agree ,, IMO fifa's gameplay is nothing compared to pes

as i like the demo gameplay too much and again don't want to compare pes to fifa in terms of collision system as i always think that pes is miles ahead in terms on gamelay
also the so called impact engine added nothing to the gameplay IMO
but i just wanted to compare pes 2011 collision system to pes 2012 collision system and such great amount of collision issues in pes 2012 made be believe that pes 2012 is a downgrade from pes 2011 regarding the "collision system" , and the question is why ???
if pes 2011 had a minimal level of acceptable collision system and such clipping and overlapping issues were minimal in it , why konami allowed such naive collision issues that remind me of the funny fifa 10 pc , as long as pes 2012 is supposed to be a "tightened up" verion of pes 2011
Do you seriosuly think FIFA fans when played unfinished PES demo with bugs really want buy PES? I don't thik so. In my opinion 90% FIFA fans never buy PES in this genaration becasue they want to see mechanics standard the same as FIFA.

I understand what Jamez's response was to this but in my opinion you can't use evo-web forum members as a stratified version of fifa's audience. Not one single fifa fan out of the many i know would ever bothers to go on forums to talk about the game and i'd say the majority do not. They simply don't care enough about things to do so. Now i've played this demo with Fifa fans and believe me they're buying Fifa 2012 and not this and it's probably for exactly the reason you said because none of them seemed vehemently against the game. There isn't much pushing them to buy PES because what Fifa does it does so well. For a lot of people shine is a factor in their game purchase.

Those that don't care for PES will not change their opinion, but that's not Konami's target market anyway.

That's what i'm trying to get at.
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With PES 2012 there is no doubt that they are trying to reclaim the ground they lost with PES 2008 - and I think it will do a good job of that. It will start to turn the people who swapped to FIFA with FIFA 08 and 09 back onto PES.

PES 2013, perhaps, will go further.
The keepers do seem dodgy most of the time, but they seem to have very nice games at times. My keeper made a triple save in a match yesterday, one of which was a point blank save from a header (the AI player did shoot straight at him, but this would have been a goal 100% in PES 2011).

I noticed other issues fixed from PES 2011 as well. In 2011, I used to see shots hit the post, hit the keeper from behind (the keeper is unaware of the ball) and go in. I saw a moment the other day when the keeper saw the ball hit the post and parried away the rebound which was heading to an area filled with opposition players.

Also, the keeper rushes forward in one-on-one situations if the forward takes a heavy touch and the ball gets away from him.
Where's the logic of being able to be sacked(2 games to save your job) with most likely it being game over where instead we should be able to move to a new club within the existing save. It really hacks me off that konami waste time with implementing new modes and not fully give us the fundementals of the existing game modes. Not a gamebreaker but whoever is in charge of product development is doing an average job...
you can already see the shift on this board. They are winning back a lot of former PES players that went to FIFA 08. It's like the same 4 people writing in the FIFA thread these days. Around FIFA 09 it was extremely active with lots of people.

It starts with the "experts", then the mass will follow. 2-3 years and PES is huge again.

Edit: Well it started with PES 2011, so it's only 1-2 years.
It's also quite embarrassing that in spite of these issues with PES, EA and their tech can't match them for depth in gameplay.

Guess it is about what you consider important. for me it is depth in gameplay but that doesn't mean I don't Konami to look to offer depth in tech in future. I'm just glad Konami went with their strengths this year instead of picking a tech fight they weren't going to win.

For me depth in gameplay is important too.

But when a striker runs trhough my defenders body like a ghost and scores has everything to do with gameplay. In fact, its wrecking up gameplay.

Keepers, collisions, scripted passes and run interfering.

If they could ''fix'' these, then we havea brilliant pes. Now its fun for a while at max.

I cant wait to get the full game, i hope its better then the demo, which i already like 1000 more then any other next gen pes.
For me depth in gameplay is important too.

But when a striker runs trhough my defenders body like a ghost and scores has everything to do with gameplay. In fact, its wrecking up gameplay.

in fact after i spotted some clipping issues in pes 2012 demo and posted the videos here
i decided to investigate fifa 11 to see if it suffers the same , and it was an easy job indeed as in the 1st tackle i faced while playing , when replayed it i see that fifa 11 has the same serious clipping issues but masked by it's fluidity and eye-candy animations
"i was expecting to take a long time to spot one clipping issue , but it really didn't take more than 30 seconds to spot a clipping issue" which was quite disappointing to me

it seems that all games on current generation are not immunized against these clipping issues "unless this year's impact engine make the difference in fifa 12" which may do a good benefit for the gaming industry generally for the future gaming production regarding this point
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in fact after i spotted some clipping issues in pes 2012 demo and posted the videos here
i decided to investigate fifa 11 to see if it suffers the same , and it was an easy job indeed as in the 1st tackle i faced while playing , when replayed it i see that fifa 11 has the same serious clipping issues but masked by it's fluidity and eye-candy animations
"i was expecting to take a long time to spot one clipping issue , but it really didn't take more than 30 seconds to spot a clipping issue" which was quite disappointing to me

it seems that all games on current generation are not immunized against these clipping issues "unless this year's impact engine make the difference in fifa 12" which may do a good benefit for the gaming industry generally for the future gaming production regarding this point

That's what me and other people have been saying for ages now, but people insist it's a "stupid Konami" thing.
I think graphically they weren't comparing it to FIFA but sports games in general and they do have a point. it's the wide camera which loses a lot of quality which is the problem.

Podcast was decent if only slightly disappointed they didn't really tell us anything other than saying the "gameplay is amazing" without specifics about how it's better than Demo 1. They did mention the embargo hadn't lifted but then it seemed a bit pointless to do a podcast this week.

Just out of curiosity Rod and Rom what are your thought's on Preview Code V Demo 1. WENB feel the demo was worse what are your thoughts on the differences or even if you thought their were any.

Yes, that was exactly what I said. Konami are trying to win back the former PES players and from what I can see they are doing a decent job of it.

Fifa fanboys will never play PES whatever it does so why should Konami care about them? I don't think they ever have, and while Seabass is in charge they never will.

Ok but you have to know that time is changed. Former PES players who made switch to FIFA liked old PES games but at the time of release. Right now many of them want something more. Do you know what i mean? They want typical next gen game with animations, collision like in FIFA or NBA 2K. In this moment they look for technically aspect of the game. If they see how FIFA is superior in these aspects and than compare to PES their opinion is negative about PES. Many of them don't think about past. They don't want old PES with HD. They want something new, fresh, game from scratch. This is the main problem with former Pes players.
Ok but you have to know that time is changed. Former PES players who made switch to FIFA liked old PES games but at the time of release. Right now many of them want something more. Do you know what i mean? They want typical next gen game with animations, collision like in FIFA or NBA 2K. In this moment they look for technically aspect of the game. If they see how FIFA is superior in these aspects and than compare to PES their opinion is negative about PES. Many of them don't think about past. They don't want old PES with HD. They want something new, fresh, game from scratch. This is the main problem with former Pes players.

100% agree, and i can't say they are completely wrong
they search for something more advanced than Pes animations that give you the feeling to be like ps2,5, not really ps3 level
no one cares mate

I understand what Jamez's response was to this but in my opinion you can't use evo-web forum members as a stratified version of fifa's audience. Not one single fifa fan out of the many i know would ever bothers to go on forums to talk about the game and i'd say the majority do not. They simply don't care enough about things to do so. Now i've played this demo with Fifa fans and believe me they're buying Fifa 2012 and not this and it's probably for exactly the reason you said because none of them seemed vehemently against the game. There isn't much pushing them to buy PES because what Fifa does it does so well. For a lot of people shine is a factor in their game purchase.

To be fair I wasn't just using Evo-Web as a barometer for feeling towards the demo. I was talking about the general response on a few forums I visit, and in the main it's positive.

A huge hardcore of people play Fifa because they love the presentation, the licences, the fluidity, the animations - and those people are not going to be swayed at all by PES2012. However I believe Konami have gone after the people that appreciate gameplay above all else. The same people that used to play PES back in the day when Fifa was the mainstream option.

As Gab said, get the community figures believing in the game again and the rest will take care of itself.
Heading animations could be more varied, i would like to see my player attacking the ball instead of just waiting for it to drop on his noggin!
This game is a Masterpiece, if the retail code is infact better than this then it will be incredible.

I just played 2 games as Penarol v Santos, lost both 0 - 1 but they could not of been any different and this variety is one of the things that makes the game special.

First game I had loads of the first 11 in poor form, usually I would just play them but I decided to use the squad players(they are terrible). The match was 90 mins of defending and it was absolutley thrilling. I could not pass out of my half, I would begin to build up and bring my players out and as soon as things got a bit tight and I had to try a pass that wasnt straight forward I would lose the ball. My only goto player, Estoyanoff a tricky winger on the right, was never in the game and the times I caught his runs in behind my long ball over the top was woefully inacurrate. As a result I faced attack after attack and really had to concentrate on my player positioning using secondary pressure and the new right stick switching. They got through plenty of times but my keeper and some luck kept it at 0 - 0. At one point they mananged to break through and hit a shot which my defender blocked, it fell to another attacker who hit a shot at the post, this rebounded to another santos player who struck it on goal only for my keeper to save, this fell for another shot hit into the post and then I managed to clear it. This was the most manic moment I can recall playing a football game, totally unscripted and it filled me with a sense of urgency, impending doom, amazement, joy and relief that I imagine would accompany a similar situation in real life. In the end they knicked a goal, I thought I was going to hold on but after creating 16 chances to my 0 they deserved it and I was happy to lose.

Second game I only had Aguilar in poor form so I swapped him for Domingo, switched Estoyanoff to the left wing, put the usual left winger back as a WB and put Pacheo as a SS instead of having 2 CFs like the previous game. The difference was immediate. I created a chance in the first few mins which required the keeper to make a great save. The movement was now brilliant, Esoyanoff on the left kept coming deep for the ball, the original LMF now at side back was bombing forward at every chance which was letting Estoyanoff come inside and many times I caught him making a diagonal run infield. Pacheo was dropping deep for the ball and filling the hole between the 2 DMFs and the CF. With this movement, the passing ability of my 2 DMFs and Pacheo and the dribbling of Estoyanoff who I was now able to constantly pick out, I was able to pull Santos all over the place. I battered them in the first half and it seemed like everytime I went forward it would result in a chance on goal, but it remained 0 - 0. Second half was a bit more even and both keepers were superb, especially mine who pulled off atleast 3 saves that I swore were in. If the keepers were in the usual form I think the score would of been around 3 or 4 all. Towards the end my boys started to tire, turns were a bit heavier, passes were wayward and the movement seemed to dry up and this is where Santos began to edge me out. They dominated the last 10 mins and got a goal but again they deserved it, I gave them my best in the first half and they held out.

I can never remember playing the AI in PES and being happy losing games, but not only being happy that I was beat fair and square but actually really enjoying the games despite losing.

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