PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

I still love it, just want the polish and slightly better keepers, let the mod community tweak like mad and we have stunningly fun game this year.
PES 2011 keepers made mistakes and there was the odd moment when they were absolutely laughable but that's pretty much how they behave IRL sometimes so it was no biggie. Demo keepers are just plain broken, no stat tweaking will fix them, hopefully Konami will get them sorted before release.
Uurgh I can't play PES2011 the continuous sprinting and R1 pressure is killing me.
I played this game religiously for almost a year and now I am forcing myself to get my games played for PEEL.
Passing is just boring as the ball is lifeless. Dribbling is shocking compared to PES2012 demo and the responsiveness is very bad.
I have been poisoned by that damn demo LOL. I'm staying away from it for the time being as I want demo 2 now but its soo hard. PES2011 cannot fill this void.
Listening to WENB Podcast, will update with the main points.

- Adam: Keepers are massively better, but there is an issue with the way this scales to their skill level. It seems to be a case where the really good keepers (~85+) are great, and then as soon as you get below a certain point they suddenly become much much worse.

- Suffwan: keepers are now 'acceptable' and better than demo. Adamant that the keepers need to be completely redone for next year though.

- Suffwan: AI is very sharp in review code. Complements your style of play, and tries to mimic the football of the team you are using. AI is improved from demo again.

- Adam: Really good variety in terms of teams you play.

- Suffwan: Won't probably get the accolades it deserves [from the mainstream/average joes] because it's improving the deeper stuff, rather than the surface aesthetics. Really is a game for a hardcore.

- Adam: Confident to say it's the best PES ever.

- Suffwan: Agrees that it's the best PES they've ever made.

- Adam: If it looked comparable to FIFA on an aesthetic level, this would be seen as one of the best sports games of all time.

- Suffwan: Graphics & Animations really really need work - thinks this will be a focus for next year probably. They are acceptable, but that's all.
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Thanks for that :)

Well I hope they can still take on that feedback about the lower rated keepers and improve it still.

Whoever mentioned the other day about keepers needing more side stepping animations I think was onto something. I've noticed in PES 2011 that sometimes a keeper just falls on his side, as if his feet were in cement shoes. It's not always that he should save the shot but more how it looks like he hasn't even tried to get across and he's lying on side waiting while the ball trickles over the line.

Any news on shooting - speficically, how has it improved?
- Adam: Confident to say it's the best PES ever.

- Suffwan: Agrees that it's the best PES they've ever made.

Listening to WENB Podcast, will update with the main points.

- Adam: Keepers are massively better, but there is an issue with the way this scales to their skill level. It seems to be a case where the really good keepers (~85+) are great, and then as soon as you get below a certain point they suddenly become much much worse.

- Suffwan: keepers are now 'acceptable' and better than demo. Adamant that the keepers need to be completely redone for next year though.

- Suffwan: AI is very sharp in review code. Complements your style of play, and tries to mimic the football of the team you are using. AI is improved from demo again.

- Adam: Really good variety in terms of teams you play.

- Suffwan: Won't probably get the accolades it deserves [from the mainstream/average joes] because it's improving the deeper stuff, rather than the surface aesthetics. Really is a game for a hardcore.

- Adam: Confident to say it's the best PES ever.

- Suffwan: Agrees that it's the best PES they've ever made.

- Adam: If it looked comparable to FIFA on an aesthetic level, this would be seen as one of the best sports games of all time.

- Suffwan: Graphics & Animations really really need work - thinks this will be a focus for next year probably. They are acceptable, but that's all.

Graphics and animations won't be improved in time for the PS3 cycle. The game plays better than 2011 but I wonder what these guys are doing for 6 months or however long they work on the game. TBH this game isn't much more than a good tweak on 2011. I presume they are already working on next year's edition?
Is anyone else still not sold? After dozens of demo matches, I still come back to the fundamental PES issues (for single player experience)

1. Player switching sucks, and results in both missed opportunities and conceding goals

2. The AI has an advantage over the human in all 'loose' balls - they just seem to lock on better than it's possible for you too

3. I like a challenge, but half the goals I concede are just ridiculous - either the token unstoppable combination of 'lucky' bobbling balls going straight to their open striker, or a midfielder taking on half my team and shooting from range, through my kepper

4. Only the CPU defenders can make your strong, quick winger stumble as they run in from behind, gifting them the ball as you take 15 steps to steady yourself

5. Your players can't stop and turn without the ball, the CPU can

6. Keepers suck

Now maybe the last one will be fixed, but I just find the other 5 crazy. Surely Konami can make a challenging game without having to dumb down your players? I just find it so infuriating that the same 'exploits' the CPU has used since PES on the PS1 are still in place, and no one seems the least bit bothered.
I've seen some keepers clear the ball under normal situations and it travels nearly to the other penalty box.

It's exactly what I meant.Some keepers even scored from kicking the ball.It just shows you how much power they have.PES has never represented that aspect of the game realistically
Oh - I thought you meant you wanted to see it in the game but never did lol.

Well Jon Murphy or Seabass said they had spent 4 times as much time on the AI this time around and it sounded like he had been working on the AI even while PES 2011 was out or being made.

I still look forward to a good game this year and a different gaming experience to FIFA 12. If they can focus on graphics / animations next year and leave the AI as is with some refinements, it could be even better still. But it might be pretty special still this year.
Suffwan: Graphics & Animations really really need work - thinks this will be a focus for next year probably. They are acceptable, but that's all.

Calling the graphics 'acceptable' is a bit off the mark. For me the graphics are far superior to that of its competitor.

We all know that the animations need a major overhaul but I actually think the graphics are pretty good.

Maybe Suff was just speaking in general terms.

Thanks Rod for putting up the summary of the poddy. I can't access them from work so cheers.
To me PES graphics has ALWAYS been top drawer.

They just need to get their priorities straight. Its painful to me that they keep wasting their energy on re-working what already were perfect faces for famous players from version to version. The lesser known players therefore are sacrificed due to time constraints, just slapped on with bland generic faces. (e.g. Christiano Lucarelli was top scorer in Seria A for two consecutive seasons yet never had a preset face)
heh Lami, i think you misinterpreted my meaning.

Konami (or at least certain communities) CLAIM thats what they've focused on in PES2011, but I'm with you, it was rather underwhelming if that's what they could churn out.
Is anyone else still not sold? After dozens of demo matches, I still come back to the fundamental PES issues (for single player experience)

1. Player switching sucks, and results in both missed opportunities and conceding goals

2. The AI has an advantage over the human in all 'loose' balls - they just seem to lock on better than it's possible for you too

3. I like a challenge, but half the goals I concede are just ridiculous - either the token unstoppable combination of 'lucky' bobbling balls going straight to their open striker, or a midfielder taking on half my team and shooting from range, through my kepper

4. Only the CPU defenders can make your strong, quick winger stumble as they run in from behind, gifting them the ball as you take 15 steps to steady yourself

5. Your players can't stop and turn without the ball, the CPU can

6. Keepers suck

Now maybe the last one will be fixed, but I just find the other 5 crazy. Surely Konami can make a challenging game without having to dumb down your players? I just find it so infuriating that the same 'exploits' the CPU has used since PES on the PS1 are still in place, and no one seems the least bit bothered.
Hi. I experienced your first 4 points constantly in PES2011, but not in the new demo. Are you using assisted cursor-switching? I never have any problems now that you can flick the right-stick towards who you want to control when defending. It's miles better. Regarding the loose balls and tedious goals conceded - I win more loose balls by far than in PES2011 and the defending being harder has meant I've got better as I play more games. Do you feel like you've improved in the time you've played? Stumbling happens much less.

I know what you mean about the CPU being able to stop & turn in ways that we can't though. It would be nice to have more equality. And the keepers are yeah, definitely taking tips from the ancient journal I like to call The Diary Of David James. Hope they really are improved in the full release.
Hi. I experienced your first 4 points constantly in PES2011, but not in the new demo. Are you using assisted cursor-switching? I never have any problems now that you can flick the right-stick towards who you want to control when defending. It's miles better. Regarding the loose balls and tedious goals conceded - I win more loose balls by far than in PES2011 and the defending being harder has meant I've got better as I play more games. Do you feel like you've improved in the time you've played? Stumbling happens much less.

I know what you mean about the CPU being able to stop & turn in ways that we can't though. It would be nice to have more equality. And the keepers are yeah, definitely taking tips from the ancient journal I like to call The Diary Of David James. Hope they really are improved in the full release.

+1 Totally agree. Especially cursor switching, mass improvenment on last years debacle.
Is anyone else still not sold? After dozens of demo matches, I still come back to the fundamental PES issues (for single player experience)

1. Player switching sucks, and results in both missed opportunities and conceding goals

2. The AI has an advantage over the human in all 'loose' balls - they just seem to lock on better than it's possible for you too

3. I like a challenge, but half the goals I concede are just ridiculous - either the token unstoppable combination of 'lucky' bobbling balls going straight to their open striker, or a midfielder taking on half my team and shooting from range, through my keeper

4. Only the CPU defenders can make your strong, quick winger stumble as they run in from behind, gifting them the ball as you take 15 steps to steady yourself

5. Your players can't stop and turn without the ball, the CPU can

6. Keepers suck

Now maybe the last one will be fixed, but I just find the other 5 crazy. Surely Konami can make a challenging game without having to dumb down your players? I just find it so infuriating that the same 'exploits' the CPU has used since PES on the PS1 are still in place, and no one seems the least bit bothered.

It is far easier to cripple players stats than to program decent A.I.
In PES 2011 the same things happened when you are playing Barcelona or Real Madrid, or when you are on line and you are playing players from division 5 or players with 400 points when I have 600.

7. When the ball rebounds off your opponents goalie the ball will hardly ever go to your striker but when the ball rebounds off your goalie 9 times out of 10 it will go to your opponent.

8. The CPU can do 20 to 30 yard headers with pin point accuracy with players with 60 heading while you can only head to the nearest CPU player.

9. The CPU can do slide tackle passes of 10 yards or more while you can't do anything.

10. Sometimes your striker will freeze if the ball comes to him after a goalie rebound.

11. When you nick the ball off the CPU player and the CPU player then runs into you , you will give up a free-kick.

12. The CPU player can tackle you by running into the back of you and you will looses the ball but when you do it you will give up a free-kick.

13. The CPU player can play a physical game while you cannot.

14. Most loose passes is a pass to the side the CPU player is on. If the CPU player is on the receivers left hand side, the loose pass will go to the left hand side.

15. My players with high boy balance can easily be pushed off the ball by small players like Iniesta.
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pes 2012 demo suffers from many clipping and body overlapping issues most of them are obvious in one-on-one situations where some may consider these poor collision isses , some sort of cheating like when the attacker beat the defender by walking through his body , or a defender clears the ball by heading it through the attacker's head
i don't remember pes 2011 suffers from such great number of clipping and overlapping issues whether between the players themselves or between the players and the ball "feet-ball" collsions
this poor player-player collisions or feet-ball collisions sometimes make me think if pes 2012 collision system is a downgrade from the last year's collision system ??

i just hope konami is aware of these issues and to remove them "or at least decrease their frequencies in-game"
Calling the graphics 'acceptable' is a bit off the mark. For me the graphics are far superior to that of its competitor.

We all know that the animations need a major overhaul but I actually think the graphics are pretty good.

To me PES graphics has ALWAYS been top drawer.

What these chaps said.

Maybe with the exception of PES2008/09, I've always preferred the look of PES to FIFA. I genuinely don't have a big issue with the graphics. The demo has most likely been compressed down so some graphical clarity has been lost, but even if the demo is representative of final quality, I'm happy.

The player faces and kits look great, the pitch surfaces green and lush, the stadia and fans are nicely detailed, and I love the pitchside movement from the cameramen, ground staff and managers. A little bit of detail is lost in wide cam, and I'm not a fan of the blur effect, but otherwise Konami have done a good job.

PES2010 was the game that focused on the graphics, so I think Konami have already done their overhaul on this gen. I think we'll have to wait for the next gen of consoles for any kind of step-up.

Animations on the other hand.......they should have been given a bigger focus these last couple of years.
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