PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Hmmm,I have to admit I'm worried about the number of goals from outside the box. I really hope they make it much harder than that to score from range, otherwise there's no need to try and get into the box at all.
Guy's I've been making a site for all the PES 2012 returners. It will feature league play with promotion and regulation for all the club teams, but only one team per player. Check it out.

I will have a proper adress ready tomorrow. For now it's at =)

You may move this if you feel it is inapropriate.
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Guy's I've been making a site for all the PES 2012 returners. It will feature league play with promotion and regulation for all the club teams, but only one team per player. Check it out.

I will have a proper adress ready tomorrow. For now it's at =)

You may move this if you feel it is inapropriate.

Caniggia what are your impressions of the game,have you got the review code yet?
Hmmm,I have to admit I'm worried about the number of goals from outside the box. I really hope they make it much harder than that to score from range, otherwise there's no need to try and get into the box at all.

I think it's clearly too high, but then that's at least half due to the keepers isn't it? Still, would be nice to see a little more inaccuracy perhaps, maybe a little more dependence on player stats too.
Yeah tell me about it. You never know what the CPU will do next, it's like playing against a human with a great football brain. I posted this CPU goal in the goal thread before, I think it's an awesome goal. The touch from Berba, so realistic and intelligent.
YouTube - Sexy CPU goal

Wow that goal was really sexy... the CPU-attacking-AI is capable of some seriously intelligent stuff, some of it unrealistically fast thought out and precise but awe inspiring nevertheless.:BEER:
Hmmm,I have to admit I'm worried about the number of goals from outside the box. I really hope they make it much harder than that to score from range, otherwise there's no need to try and get into the box at all.

I'm not too worried that they happen, more that you get enough space to do them. Scored a real beauty with Carrick earlier today, from 30+ meters, but it was only possible because once I get on the last third of the pitch the defense forms a "block" near the area trying to prevent me to break through it with short passing, constantly leaving my DMF and MC's with enough time and space on the ball to shoot on target from there.

Of course I usually try to hit it from there, knowing that a) I can't break through the defense easily and b) If I get closer my shot will be blocked.
So far I feel that PES 2011 is better than this demo. This 1st demo is improved, but the feeling of PES 2011 is gone. Even though it doesn't play like FIFA, when I play this demo I feel like I do when I play FIFA. When I concede a goal in the demo I feel as if I got cheated by the CPU and more could have been done, whereas in PES 2011 when I concede I don't mind since I get the feeling, and I know, that it was something that I did wrong. Could be due to the piss poor goalkeepers and unfinished game so I'll decide if Im going to get this after playing the second demo.
Got some new goals for ya!
YouTube - PES2012 Demo goals #2

Boom! Day 2, goal compilation 2! in full 1080P!

One question Spooky, is this a PC version of the Demo? I noticed that there is a section for PC vids on this forum. I am hoping this is an Xbox360 Demo however since that hasn't come out yet, I assume this is a PC version. Am I correct?

Question 2: If this is a PC Demo, what parts in this vid patched? Are the goal/nets and pitch in Old Trafford patched?

The game just looks so beautiful graphically in your video. Especially, the green pitch and solid white square nets in Old Trafford.

I hope the Xbox version of the game's pitches and square nets look this good.
A lot of praise going for the CPU, but like I said in an earlier post, the CPU needs to be given an unfair advantage in order to do what it does, like the automated defending for the human player.

I hope making the keeper much better than they are now and making jockeying more effective won't take away from the difficulty.
I spent tonight playing Fixed cursor local multiplayer. It was an absolutely fantastic experience. I probably had even more fun playing it than 1 v 1.

The AI is so vastly improved from 2011. Be a pro (Fifa equivalent) really has nothing on PES' version if this demo is anything to go by. It's brilliant not being able to affect the decisions of the computer (minus the keeper) and having to work to receive the ball. It makes the game completely anti-go up front to try to score as people i know who play the Fifa equivalent solely do. As Evra, Moutinho, Anderson and Gattuso i was most concerned with trying to defend and cover and left the attacking work to my friend who played as wingers and strikers. Also brilliantly i put on the CPU to make late substitutions and the person i was playing with said he kept his finger on the run button all game and as such he was taken off around the 60th minute after i noticed his stamina gauge had gone into the red.

Shame player ratings at the end of the match are so basic and have little bearing on how well you actually played for your position. They never go above 7.5 or below 5.5 either i'm sure.

The PS3 demo has such intense slowdown though. What is up with that?

+ point for player switching too. They've done a great job considering how damn awful it was in PES 2011. The amount of goals i conceded because of non responsive switching was dreadful. I scored a goal earlier by quickly switching to a forward after i took a shot with a midfielder (which was going wide). He lunged for the ball and got the tiniest flick on the ball to guide it into the back of the net.

Other things i really like. 1) Corners. You have to switch to one player and aim for him. It's a neat touch because you really have to earn a goal. I found corners in PES 2011 so cheap and easy to score from. The whole right stick switching from set-pieces is so simplistic but it opens up so many more possibilities. 2) Heading. It is completely all about timing. Too early or too late and you'll miss it. The window of opportunity is often so small that you have to nail it. Mostly noticable when trying to score.
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So far I feel that PES 2011 is better than this demo. This 1st demo is improved, but the feeling of PES 2011 is gone. Even though it doesn't play like FIFA, when I play this demo I feel like I do when I play FIFA. When I concede a goal in the demo I feel as if I got cheated by the CPU and more could have been done, whereas in PES 2011 when I concede I don't mind since I get the feeling, and I know, that it was something that I did wrong. Could be due to the piss poor goalkeepers and unfinished game so I'll decide if Im going to get this after playing the second demo.

The keepers aren't finished.
Actually i will say something negative, they should work on deflection physics. Balls are way too powerful when you strike it hard and it rebounds off other players. I force so many own goals because of this. Hitting it off another player should slow the ball down. It does sometimes but a lot of the time it stays at the same speed or still ends up being really powerful. With the benefit of being deflected, and therefore meaning the keeper will struggle to get it, it means you get own goals so often.

It took the piss earlier when i headed the ball into Giggs' shoulder and the ball went rebounded into the net with a ferocious amount of power.
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One question Spooky, is this a PC version of the Demo? I noticed that there is a section for PC vids on this forum. I am hoping this is an Xbox360 Demo however since that hasn't come out yet, I assume this is a PC version. Am I correct?

Question 2: If this is a PC Demo, what parts in this vid patched? Are the goal/nets and pitch in Old Trafford patched?

The game just looks so beautiful graphically in your video. Especially, the green pitch and solid white square nets in Old Trafford.

I hope the Xbox version of the game's pitches and square nets look this good.

Yup, pitch is patched, The stadium is patched. So i guess the nets are within the stadium. and a team patch, thats all. on full 1960x1080 resolution. high quality, beauty :)
For me, the defending is genius, but slightly out of balance. It's the best defending system I've ever seen in a game by a mile, but it's just a smidgeon too hard. A small tweak and it's there.
That's actually a rephrase of what I said. ;)
Ok, don't post much. Been reading this thread for a while though. Having played the demo several times I have to say I'm excited! PES12 has the potential to be a fantastic game. At first I was unimpressed, lost a few times and had the CPU dribbling through my defense at will. But now I've adjusted and I'm getting used to the style of PES12. Absolutely loving it! Winning all the games now and I'm thrilled by the fact you can keep the ball so well on this game. In PES11, on Top Player at least, if you tried to keep the ball for too long the AI would come and barge you off it. But in the demo you can keep the ball so well, twist and turn away from players, win free kicks etc. I'm getting between 75-80% possession in most games, simply because it's so comfortable to pass the ball around. The feel of the game is great and the AI are considerably better than ever before, which is excellent. I haven't played in the BAL style yet, but I imagine it would be a much better experience this time around with smarter team mates.

They do need to smooth some issues out though. The goalkeepers are crap, the passing pace is inconsistant - sometimes it's soooo slow for no reason, players run past crossed balls too often - it's silly, 1-2s aren't as smooth as PES11 (still possible but not as effective), sometimes players trip over the ball when trying to pass, passing in general is not manual enough - still trying to pick out players I don't want to pass to. Fix some of these issues ahead of release and it will be an awesome game.
Yup, pitch is patched, The stadium is patched. So i guess the nets are within the stadium. and a team patch, thats all. on full 1960x1080 resolution. high quality, beauty :)

Thanks mate. I wish I had money to upgrade my PC so I can get the game patched like that. I really, really, hope the Xbox version at least has solid white square nets and beautiful lucious pitches like that.
Got some new goals for ya!
YouTube - PES2012 Demo goals #2

Boom! Day 2, goal compilation 2! in full 1080P!

Beautiful compilation mate. Just one thing that bugs me - I notice you can now hit some placed shots from outside the box (the animation looks nice :)) but take a look at that Berbatov shot towards the end of the video. If you watch it from wide cam it looks gorgeous. If you watch it from behind the player, you notice that it's "placed" rather than actually curling in an arc.

And no it's not just FIFA's finesse shots that I'm comparing it against. Look at Young's double overnight for Man United, they CURL! Even if it's just a subtle movement off the straight line, it's still how a curler should look.

I understand "R2 shooting" is back from what I hear - I do hope this adds some actual curl to those shots because they look great...but I don't want the animation to kill the joy for me :P
I haven't played in the BAL style yet, but I imagine it would be a much better experience this time around with smarter team mates.

It's amazing. You need to try out a few games on fixed cursor, the AI is so good you cant believe your own eyes most of the time. It's such a joy to play and I really look forward to BAL. Seems like they have worked a bit on the BAL mode too which is great news. Happy days for offline players.
BAL is turning out to be my favourite mode. It gives you the ability to change clubs as some people want in Master League - you get to build up your various attributes. It gives you a sense of achievement. You can work yourself into some space behind the defense by timing your run. Really good fun!

Given the increase in AI intelligence I imagine it will be very good this year!
I've just realised they've removed the arching run players did last year as they ran after a pass. I'm going to miss that.

Also noticed that the games tackling and player movement feels a lot like last years MLO beta. Did they ever explain why they patched and destroyed all that last year?
Loving the demo at the moment although i have slightly mixed feelings about it. The AI is very impressive added to that the assisted teammate controls and this game plays really well,almost like a real football match. Defending has become a lot more difficult, which it should be. I've read some previous posts that some are having real problems defending and so was i at first. Holding up play with R2 doesn't really do it for me. I prefer to use a bit of pressure to get me close to the player then time the tackle properly. This might not always work in the midfield area but 9 times out of ten i will get a block in or perform a clean tackle in defence. If Konami sort out the issues with goalkeepers, shooting etc i think we are going to have a game on our hands. Looking forward to the next demo then of course the final game. Real football is definitely back.
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Yeah tell me about it. You never know what the CPU will do next, it's like playing against a human with a great football brain. I posted this CPU goal in the goal thread before, I think it's an awesome goal. The touch from Berba, so realistic and intelligent.
YouTube - Sexy CPU goal

Exactly. I've been blown away with what I've seen the CPU conjure up. There was an instance last night where they calmly played triangles out of their own area with such high level of technical awareness and composure, it literally left me gobsmacked. :CONFUSE:

Also, those who believe PES 12 is going down an arcade route because of the added responsiveness, in my opinion, will be proved to be so far off the mark it will be laughable. There is so much more to this games core, than anything that has gone before. But I'll leave it at that for now as I cant be bothered debating it with those who cannot see it.

There was an instance last night in a game, that gave me the opportunity to try the R2 Controlled Shot from distance. The ball was punched clear by the Milan keeper out to the wing. With the keeper off his line, I maxed out the power and pressed R2, low and behold, the player 'clipped' one towards the target. The strike itself was different from your standard long range attempt. Technically, it was clipped, think of a Beckham 50 yard pass where he strikes through the centre of the ball to keep the line true. Although it beat the keeper, the centre-back ruined my improvisation with a clearing header. Twat.

YouTube - R2 Long Distance Control Shot
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That's the PES animations for you Nerf, not always technically correct. The theory is perfect though, and so is the line of travel. And it wasnt a toe-poke at all, he didnt slice through the ball like Beckham, he used the middle of the instep. That isnt what I'm highlighting though, the theory is whats relevant. PES is notorious on occasions for getting the animations wrong, I've said it many times. Nothing more so than curling shots that go the wrong way based on the technique of the strike on show.

The bottom-line is, and what I was highlighting, was the fact this new feature is a great addition, and relevant to the game. We never had this option before. Think of Beckhams goal against Wimbledon from the half-way line. The technique involved in that strike wasnt your typical shot technique, it was basically a long pass. That's all it was. And this is exactly the same.

YouTube - R2 Controlled Shot 2
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I get what you mean. It's just that the anims detract from these things sometimes. Like you say, from that angle you could never generate that sort of power or lift with the instep. Ideally you really ought to have to either shift the ball with an extra touch, or take an extra moment to shape around it like a tennis player moving around for a forehand, or perhaps attempt a floatier one with the outside of the boot.

I do still wish that they'd use professional athletes for their mo-capping, there really is such a glaring difference between that and some ungainly software dev. The flap of the arms, the swing and lift of the standing foot, the lack of follow-through with the kicking leg, the unnecessary forward momentum... it's a bit like my 5 yr old nephew in the garden.
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