PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

PES needs an option file sharing system like EA uses for its NCAA Football roster sharing, in which you just type in another person's gamertag and the game downloads that person's roster edits.
PES needs an option file sharing system like EA uses for its NCAA Football roster sharing, in which you just type in another person's gamertag and the game downloads that person's roster edits.

Ideally, yes. Though I think the logistics of getting the all clear for something like that would be a nightmare (assuming you mean kits and edited teams etc). Such a feature in PES would tread on a lot more legal toes than NCAA I imagine.
Ideally, yes. Though I think the logistics of getting the all clear for something like that would be a nightmare (assuming you mean kits and edited teams etc). Such a feature in PES would tread on a lot more legal toes than NCAA I imagine.

I just wish we could have the same option file for all. Having EU option files not work with North America sucks.
Seems like there's a very mixed consensus on this build. So aggravating to not be able to play it right now because of the 360 debacle, hard to know what's nitpicky, what's serious and what's not.

Oh Microsoft & Konami. Curse you. Fingers crossed that 'September' meant early September and not many weeks.
Ideally, yes. Though I think the logistics of getting the all clear for something like that would be a nightmare (assuming you mean kits and edited teams etc). Such a feature in PES would tread on a lot more legal toes than NCAA I imagine.

Yeah, I know, wishful thinking. Still, they could just start with the basics, like stats, team tactics and formations, and maybe build from there. Something to simplify the process is desperately needed.
Seems like there's a very mixed consensus on this build. So aggravating to not be able to play it right now because of the 360 debacle, hard to know what's nitpicky, what's serious and what's not.

Oh Microsoft & Konami. Curse you. Fingers crossed that 'September' meant early September and not many weeks.

Maybe some of us just have become more cynical when it comes to PES, fed up and frustrated over the last several years. In any case, for me at least, I can still see many of the elements that once made PES my football game of choice, but now, overall, when I consider PES I see a glass half empty, not a glass half full. Hopefully that'll change with the full retail release.
YouTube - PES2012 Demo goals #1

Hi guys! I have been on a holiday! But i am back and i have been playing a few hours of pes2012 demo!
These were the finest moments yet! be sure to expect more. Loving it so far.
And yes i added that Old trafford stadium, i think the pitch looks great on that.

1080p Full HD for xbox360 users viewing pleasures :lol: ! ENJOY!

nice video mate
"Resounding declaration of Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, the executive producer of Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which interviewed the digital life site about the imminent release of PES 2012 (now missing a month) has admitted that his chief rival FIFA 12 is definitely more realistic simulation than the game and Konami.

The producer of PES continues the interview justifying his decision to make the game more arcade saying that their goal is to live in 10 minutes 90 minutes of a real game and this would be impossible with a simulation game too, according Seabass, it would be boring.

Of the same opinion Jon Murphy, PES European Team Leader, says that in his interview with PES 2011, users were concerned about how the series was getting boring to play Konami.

And 'so the challenge over FIFA vs PES: football lovers will enjoy the realism and the EA Sports series, while those who want an arcade game more challenging and less able to move towards the series produced by Konami.

Recall that PES 2012 and FIFA 12 both come out September 29."

Will a Intel® Core™ i3-2310M Processor with 2,1 GHz with
2GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 540M enough to play this game flawlessly?
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Listened to the WENB podcast and wondered why they were all smug about this demo being prove that the run bug wasnt either a bug or had been fixed when this demo is Pre Gamescom code.
So surely we have to wait until the next demo to see if its been fixed, just thinking outloud.
"Resounding declaration of Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, the executive producer of Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which interviewed the digital life site about the imminent release of PES 2012 (now missing a month) has admitted that his chief rival FIFA 12 is definitely more realistic simulation than the game and Konami.

The producer of PES continues the interview justifying his decision to make the game more arcade saying that their goal is to live in 10 minutes 90 minutes of a real game and this would be impossible with a simulation game too, according Seabass, it would be boring.

Of the same opinion Jon Murphy, PES European Team Leader, says that in his interview with PES 2011, users were concerned about how the series was getting boring to play Konami.

And 'so the challenge over FIFA vs PES: football lovers will enjoy the realism and the EA Sports series, while those who want an arcade game more challenging and less able to move towards the series produced by Konami.

Recall that PES 2012 and FIFA 12 both come out September 29."


what....I....I don't even....


Cba with the demo anymore. Impressed with it generally, but not getting much joy from playing the CPU. Lack of individuality is annoying me an' all, gets pretty boring when there ain't a uniqueness about each team.
Dont worry about that article too much, its been misinterpreted badly, someone on another forum explained this and seabass is not saying the game is turning arcade but their looking to find a better balance or something along those lines.

Here's the original article btw...

Think it was rodalero who cleared this up for me when I was browsing fifa forum, seabass comments lost in translation maybe?
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LOL maybe he's not played fifa cause the AI in PES this year looks HARD to beat. The gamechangers played fifa12 and the AI was not something they could vouch for (at all). AI is gameplay and gamneplay is king.
There was another article quoting similar words from Seabass, where he said that FIFA looked more real. Well, it does, the animations do. But it does not play realistically. If anything, I'm pretty sure Seabass didn't say PES was arcade at all. Obviously lost in translation, since we had other interviews were Seabass said they didn't look to FIFA as a model for what PES should be.
Lack of individuality is annoying me an' all, gets pretty boring when there ain't a uniqueness about each team.

Check that the formation and team style tactics suit each team's players. Play to their strengths and you'll find plenty of individuality in the different teams as a whole.

Have to expand on what I said earlier in the PC demo thread about the dribbling, and its a long one:

While I appreciate the fact that they’ve tried to counter the prerssure abusers and make defending more about timing, including the use of the new delay function, I think they’ve gone too far and given the advantage too much to attacking play, surprise surprise, just like the transition from PES 5 to PES 6 when too many complained that 5 was too defensive.

It now feels like dribbling (although with improvements in fluidity which can create some great flowing attacking moves) is far too easy for pretty much all the players when it should only be for the technically gifted ones. When I’ve got technically limited players like Flamini dribbling past me in an unrealistic way you know something’s wrong.

In PES 2011 you could really feel the difference between clunky, clumsy dribblers and good dribblers, and it was a great feeling to utilize a really good dribbler, but also being forced utilize the other strengths of the poor dribblers, such as body balance, heading, positioning etc..

Although there are still slight differences for some players with poor ball control in PES 2012, it seems the call for more responsiveness has pushed it too far, making too many average players easy to control.

I hope there is more balance and more player individuality in the later builds, because unfortunately its coming across as floaty and too easy if too many players can dribble in this way :(

I have been experimenting with defending, playing dozens and dozens of games, trying to perfect my timing, using the new R2 + x or just R2 delay function judiciously when the time is right (in addition to normal pressing), especially for last ditch defending on the edge of the box, inside the box or to block wingers from making crosses on the flanks, and have only had limited success. It feels far too random, and it feels far too easy for attackers to skip past defenders, and for defenders to be off balance.

I’m sorry but at this moment whilst I like the demo which has a lot of improvements, I think defending is borked and much prefer 2011’s defending. I’d rather they stuck to that and balanced it out for the pressure abusers, and those complaining of easy tackling and slide tackling. I’ve played countless online games with lower ranked teams against the Real and Barca whores and have been able to defend well, sometimes shutting up shop and counter attacking effectively. With 2011 I could really defend as a team and feel more in control of 1-on-1’s as a defender, here it is too arbitrary, random and easy for attackers…in this build.

As I said hope the next build redresses some of the balance, otherwise online will be like PES 6 all over again, extreme dribble accuracy and dribble speed making for an unrealistic arcade attacking spamming paradise, rather than the tactical balance of PES 2011, 5, and imo even PES 2010.
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That's exactly what I wanted to say.

Edit: I think top player difficulty will be toned down in final version.

Why on earth would Konami do something like this?

Keep in mind that a big part of PES fans complain about how easy and predictable the AI was in previous versions...
I don't agree entirely. Their is a very definite difference when dribbling with Flamini when compared to robinho. I crap myself when the CPU has the ball with the latter especially. Your defence has to be tip top and in high alert mode. I am also dispossesing the AI regularly now and getting dispossesed. I think full retail version is going to be an extrordinary game.

The speed though needs to be made more consistent between passing and dribbling.

The long pass is a mess.Playing on 1 bar if you put full power on it even from the opposite side of the pitch it is inch perfect. Infact you can go about blasting the ball upfield from one side to the other without losing the ball or over kicking it. Getting a little annoyed with this demo now because of the glaring flaws.
Also they removed the pass fake shot? Grrrrr I loved that.

There is a rule in football on a high level (I have been told) don't lunge in! If you run like a headless chicken trying to disposses your opponent even though you talking about a average player in the EPL. He will turn you inside out and get passed you. This needs to be reenacted in PES imo.
It's not that there is no difference at all between the likes of Flamini and Robinho, you can easily tell that Robinho is an exceptional dribbler. It's that the difference isn't great enough. There are still far too many average players who seem to have artificially increased in their dribble accuracy and speed due to the game engine, rather than a true reflection of their stats.
For me the best example of how broken the defense is is in the training mode. If you do the individual test, the second one is using your teammate, and the idea is that you hold up the attacker using L2, and then use square to get your teammate to disposess the attacker.

I've been playing PES since PES 2, and am very good at sports video games. I managed to succeed in the 'bronze' challenge twice in twenty tries. An experienced, PES loving gamer who can only succeed in defending a 1 on 2 situation 10% of the time...that's not quite right Konami.

The defense is broken. It is incredibly unrealistic how easy it is for any CPU player to simply cut straight through upwards of 4 defenders. The only people disagreeing are simply ridiculous at the game already or seeing what they want to see.
I think that's a bit misleading. Ok, the balance may need tweaking slightly but to call it broken is not right in my opinion, but either way I don't think you can use the 2nd defensive training challenge as proof.

Thing is, you only get a medal if your team mate wins the ball from the CPU attacker. You don't pass the challenge if you yourself win the ball by double teaming the CPU or if the computer runs out of time before getting a shot off because you've used your 2 players to stop the attacker from getting into a dangerous area. Yet in both these cases, I would say you've also used the defensive system to defend successfully. If you judged it on how often you stopped the CPU from getting a shot off, your 10% would probably look more like 70%

Uhm, I considered myself to be a very average PES player, and I've played the game since ISS Pro '98 on the PSone. I managed those challenges eventually, and didn't find them more difficult than they should be. The defence isn't broken, but it's harder than it used to be.

Maybe you're not as good as you think you are? It's funny how it's always those who sees themselves as "very good" players are the ones who complaints the loudest about difficulties.
Defence is totally unrealistic and makes the game look ridiculous, with every cpu player in the game is now able to dribble through packs of players in a way that Messi can only achieve occassionally.

When your get a pack of your players around the attacker, and you are of course only able to control one of them, the rest literally stand and watch even if you get a tackle in a clip the ball away from the attacker. The ball can be right there waiting for one of your team mates to take it, but they just stand and wait until the attacker gets it again. They may as well be playing for the opposition.

It's a different defending system than they use in FIFA, but it's equally poor.
Why on earth would Konami do something like this?

Keep in mind that a big part of PES fans complain about how easy and predictable the AI was in previous versions...
Because there is no point in making the AI score so many cheap goals and getting all rebounds and all that.
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