PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

I can't get anything to work on the damn thing, in motion joy nothing happens when you click enable, it's like something is not working on it properly. I have seen the youtube vids but i can't open motion joy the way they do on youtube. It says it works with vista so it shouldn't be a problem.
I can't get anything to work on the damn thing, in motion joy nothing happens when you click enable, it's like something is not working on it properly. I have seen the youtube vids but i can't open motion joy the way they do on youtube. It says it works with vista so it shouldn't be a problem.

Then you should download an earlier version.

the latest version doesn't always work.
I am really enjoying the demo. Moments that really get me out of my moment is the goalkeeper. I have had one instant where the ball went through his hands.

on a positive note the ball is more free. i love how 1on1 isn't scripted. the only thing that is still in is that sometimes i press the passing to the fullest and the pass doesn't move a inch. If i want to pass it hard it should go hard. this is something KONAMI needs to get out. no more scriptng please. the rest good job KONAMI
I'm just getting incredibly stoned.....

A. Playing PES 11 and pretending it's the PES 12 demo feels more believable.

B. I will end up up going to sleep quicker.

C. I've had a long, hard day and I fucking well deserve it.
If you're having trouble with defending do the challenges. Charging in will likely result in a foul. I prefer manually jockeying and just pressing A/X at the right time. The official method is fine but I like to control the distance and direction of my defenders. It's all about correct positioning and timing.
I feel like the only virgin in a friends group right now, listening to others telling stories f their experiences, whilst quitely thiking of a good lie if i am asked what ive done :/
Fuck sake PSN let the Demo come my way :'(
I'm just getting incredibly stoned.....

A. Playing PES 11 and pretending it's the PES 12 demo feels more believable.

B. I will end up up going to sleep quicker.

C. I've had a long, hard day and I fucking well deserve it.

Build a new gaming PC with all the hard earned cash!
Pressure success was a big flaw for me in PES 11, this is music to my ears, Sin. They half-promised last year, typical Konami to finish it properly the year after. The Jockey Retreat last year promised alot but failed to deliver due mainly to the success of the Pressure tactic, better late than never though I guess.
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Right, just played the demo as Porto v Man Utd. Then put 2011 on for comparison. I can't state enough how much of a difference there is between the two. MASSIVE puts it nicely.

2011 feels like I'm driving tanks compared to the freedom and fluidity of 2012. Trying to turn when running into a player or two? Got to wait for that second or two for the game to adjust whereas the reactions are so much faster in 2012.

2011 is a LOT more predictable with knowing how the AI will play, how to tackle it, whereas 2012 seem a lot more flexible with how they move the ball around the pitch. It might just be because 2012 is new but the AI completely blows 2011 out of the water by a huge margin.

Shooting is a bit better on 2011, more weight and power to it whereas 2012 feels a bit weak and lacks any zip really.

Again, might just be the newness, or even tactics, but 2011 CPU was pressing me an awful lot whereas I had a lot more time on the ball in 2012 and could spend time working the ball around looking for openings.

Like I said, I can't tell you enough how different they feel. 2012 players, do the same and see what you think. Try a set of teams in one game, then do the same teams in 2011 or 2012 and see how much of a difference there is.

You're playing 2011 now, Jimmy? You've got a big change coming. All the console players have if they're still playing 2011. And it's a brilliant change.

I really need to learn how to defend 1 v 1 though. My choice of distance away from the attacking player and the angles I think I'm shutting down are rubbish. Rooney etc are scoring for fun from 25-30 yards because I can't shut them down well enough and the keepers are probably League One standard.
Acquiring this Demo is bringing back memories of waiting an age for the 512kbps connection to download a WE image. :LOL:

Christ, I'm gonna have to go to bed and leave the laptop on at this stage. :(
sorry for the off topic, but i went thru a earthquake today, scary shit, johnny can you pm me on what to build for medium gaming system that i can play any pc game with

It's expensive. I've dropped about $850 to $1000 for my PC since I switched completely to pc gaming 2 years ago (Not including games :/ ). (May '09) It's done the deed, but I might need a new Graphics card, or I might just buy a whole new gaming computer in christmas.

TBH unless you want an awesome gaming computer that can play BF overclocked at 12o FPS, buy a bran computer and put in your own Graphics card.
Pressure success was a big flaw for me in PES 11, this is music to my ears, Sin. They half-promised last year, typical Konami to finish it properly the year after. The Jockey Retreat last year promised alot but failed to deliver due mainly to the success of the Pressure tactic, better late than never though I guess.

Yup, it works perfectly now. The responsiveness is also vastly improved, so consistency is a non issue. I've actually had the terrifying experience of Robinho and Hulk run at me full speed; rush in and get skinned or hold up and narrow the angles. By design it sort of forces you to emulate the real thing (against the CPU). I don't know how it'll play against the tards online, but I honestly don't care. I'm really looking forward to another 400 hrs of ML.
That's it. No more PC fucking gaming for me. Take my L2, L1 and Right analogue stick and you have successfully cut my penis off.


Man u keeps beating me senseless. I refuse to drop the difficulty to professional.

Just wait till I get the console version I'm breaking fucking fancy feet nanis legs. The bastard keeps beating 3-4 of my players at least once in a match and I am not pressuring.... that much.
Just had few games,

Impressions, at first the speed of the game hits at you instantly, its a much more refined, more realistic speed, but
when certain players have control of the ball (ROBINHO), i had to jump into panic mode a few times as the rush toward your goal like men on a mission.

I appreciate the effort made to make space a important factor in how one builds his or her attacks. I didnt really have any major issues with the passing, but i agree that a larger difference should be felt when setting passing assist levels. (hopefully it will remember my settings for every new game)

AI is extremely satisfying to play with and against, great movement and runs. Defensively its also quite an accomplishment, even though maybe tweaking the success rate of dispossesing ROBINHO(skilled dribblers) should increase only slightly. Training mode should help us to understand the defensive system, which I think is great but needs further in-depth tutorials which im sure will be available in the Full-Game.

Shooting seems fine, but I agree with the general concensus that the power behind shots is lacking sometimes, and if it is contextual, for example if i didnt time it right, it should be explained in the training mode or manual. It need to be refined and calibrated so when im placing 75% shot power into the shot, it should feel like i hit that ball pretty hard, whether it goes in or not obviously should depend on the stats and positioning of the player, the controller input and a bit of luck(randomness brings joy).

As for Goalkeepers, for me personally they werent making many mistakes but when I scored it felt rather cheap, because you know those keepers could do better with nearly each and every shot. Even if I smashed it into the top corner, I want that Keeper to reach for it like he was reaching for the behind of Jennifer Lopez, it would give me a greater satisfaction knowing that he barely missed that ball. Spilling slow shots is a no-no as-well, it happens in real life but nowhere near the amount that it happens in this game. Animations and general awareness about whats happening not only in the box but also further out for the keepers need to be re-worked, which im sure konami have already started dealing with. Keepers make mistakes, just tone the amount of mistakes down.

At the End of the day, for me
no-matter how fluid the build-up play(and it is), no matter how great everything looks(and it does) and no matter how Awesome this game hopefully will be and already is, its the Goalkeepers and Defenders that make good football games great, why? Because if im having trouble breaking defensive systems down without feeling cheated, I will be happy, and if I do break through and reach the Goalkeeper and he gives me a Hard time beating him without feeling cheated(FIFA goalkeeper read you too well) then I will be even happier, and the if manage to finally score because the goalkeeper had been outstanding the whole match, I will be in Heaven.

So people twitter and demand, for improvements to goalkeepers more than shooting, its the last big hurdle for this game. Well..

(as long as the run-bug is not present in the final code lol, which i didnt not see in the demo and it looked great)
One thing i am noticing is that low long shots when deflected by the keeper and then scored in second chance it feels cheap but it looks really realistic. so for some reason in pes 2012 i am not bothered by it. while in fifa 09 and all other pes games i would hate this. but this time i said to myself hey that looked awesome.
Is Nani the jesus to C.Ronaldo (am i the only one who pronounces his name as"Cronaldo"?!) Or is God still a mile ahead? I call him God but everyone knows IbrahimaGOD is truely the worlds best player. I state this now, and oppose anyone who says im wrong.
Right after a few more games I have this nagging feeling, controversial but....

Does anyone else feel there's been a loss in inertia and momentum as a compromise for increased responsiveness? Maybe I'm just not fully adjusted to the game, but it's not quite as 'connected' as in PES 2011. I don't feel as in control when I'm on the ball, sudden stops and starts don't seem to have the same impact as before, it's almost if it's suffering from the gliding effect that FIFA does, just not to the same extent... :II
it really does remind me of fifa, if you play with the pitch side camera and compare it to fifa telex camera

similarities man.....
How the hell do you trigger a player run? Doing that stupid training challenge (using a fully analogue PS3 controller) over and over again, and the player who's supposed to make the run ends up trotting back BEHIND my player. No matter how I flick/press the right analogue stick, it never selects the off-the-ball player. What am I doing wrong?
How the hell do you trigger a player run? Doing that stupid training challenge (using a fully analogue PS3 controller) over and over again, and the player who's supposed to make the run ends up trotting back BEHIND my player. No matter how I flick/press the right analogue stick, it never selects the off-the-ball player. What am I doing wrong?

You're meant to aim the RS at him, then click while still aiming.
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