PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

haha, now we have fremm and chris saying they both played it at gamescom yet reporting completely opposite things regarding the alleged bug.
One of you must be a EA/Konami agent spreading lies trying to make the game sound bad/good (JOKE before anyone misunderstands) but it is strange to get conflicting reports.
I think I'm going to turn off the internet, find a quiet corner and sit there rocking back and forth slowly until the demo is released.
FreMM says there is no bug, Chris00 says there is definitely a bug, both played the Gamescom-build...

who is right? The confusion reaches a new level...

C'mon this is already saturday in here :P . Well, guess i have let it out with reasoning thx to the wonder of communication tech we have :JAY:

Just being relaxed, hopefully the message has been conveyed/seen by whoever at Konami to re-check again this and the overall balance.
Anyway, is good to have freMM impressions, he is an old (?) member here and his opinions was balanced in the past. Thank you buddy!
Ok, the things that impressed me the most or things I paid attention to:
- No CB sprint bug at all
- Game plays slower then it looks on vids
- Game is more fluid then in the vids
- Lightening and turf is amazing
- Hard as F+CK

That pretty much sums it up
For me; on par(maybe even better after a time) then PES5

Speed is one of the things you can not judge from watching a video, and how it feels when you are playing will vary person to person.

But what you can see in the videos, and something that I feel is a change for the better, is a better sense of speed and acceleration.

2012 seems to have made it more punishing when you miss a tackle, but I am still not convinced that there is no assistance for a defender playing catch up.

In real life the time it takes to turn around and accelerate to beat a ball carrier running at full sprint is much longer than how it is in the game at the moment. It's clear that PES2012 is better in this department compared to 2011, but I don't understand why they continue to refuse to duplicate the physics more accurately.

If they can work on the different speed of the dribble and the running speed physics of the players, the game would drastically increase in realism.
CR on cover?
i tweeted john murphy about this bug many times and sent him some direct messages with this video included about the so called "run forward after every pass bug"
i think u all should do the same , or do u want to wait till the game come to retail and then we beg konami to make a patch after the game release ??
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i tweeted john murphy about this bug many times and sent him some direct messages with this video included about the so called "run forward after every pass bug"
i think u all should do the same , or do u want to wait till the game come to retail and then we beg konami to make a patch after the game release ??

That's too long, I prefer 'Run Bug' it's more catchy and you can sing along to the song 'Love Bug' with it.

FreMM is back, I love that guy!
That's too long, I prefer 'Run Bug' it's more catchy and you can sing along to the song 'Love Bug' with it.

FreMM is back, I love that guy!

yeah too long but a descriptive name so when he read the name he don't need to further read about the bug description
it sounds like fremm didnt fully understand what the bug was because he mentioned only CBs running forward, Chris00 sounds like he is the first person to play at Gamescom who knows what he is looking for and says it is definitely there, so I would go with his observations over anyone else.
Juve-MU above seems good overall. The actual "active ai" for off the ball team mate does work at least as advertised, pitch, lighting seems good enough. :WORSHIP: But the situation for ground pass between two player involved too much like one-two everytime :RANT: Doubt people play there press one-two every single time, no ? How if i want to pass back to same player.

Remember in PES 2011, like defender, sometimes move back after making pass, or just walk slowly just as it should be, hence it is nice for this particular moment for a CB to pass to LB then back again to the same CB in around his intial position. :))
Simulation of momentum looks really good. It's weird with the dribbling, sometimes it looks amazing, and sometimes it looks like rubber band. Matri looked very weird when dribbling for example.
why do i sometimes get the impression the players have too small collision hit boxes, often you see a player dribbling forward and they just sort of ghost through opponents who are close to them when there should at least be some shoulder to shoulder contact, in FIFA the hit boxes are the opposite (too big) where every situation results in rugby style physical tussle.
We can relax now. :COOL:

mrbamber Mark Bamber
Just played #PES2012 review code for the last hour - in 1 word fabulous.

mrbamber Mark Bamber
Tried to recreate everyone running forward and saw no problems, all as it should be

mrbamber Mark Bamber
Didn't see any keeper problems, shooting & crossing has more oomph, everything felt as it should, Can't say more til review.
By the way I played PES 2011 yesterday night on 25 minutes (imho it plays better on this setting than on shorter times) and it is still a good game despite many problems... but what I did was to get my CB's to act like in the gamescom-videos of PES 2012, to pass, run forward and then return to their positions after a few meters:

I merely had to press LB and A at the same time and they did exactly that!

Could it be that everyone in the videos and the AI :SHOCK: was using that? Or it is really a bug where this was accidentaly hardcoded in.
By the way I played PES 2011 yesterday night on 25 minutes (imho it plays better on this setting than on shorter times) and it is still a good game despite many problems... but what I did was to get my CB's to act like in the gamescom-videos of PES 2012, to pass, run forward and then return to their positions after a few meters:

I merely had to press LB and A at the same time and they did exactly that!

Could it be that everyone in the videos and the AI :SHOCK: was using that? Or it is really a bug where this was accidentaly hardcoded in.
As I said, it happened no matter wether you pressed L1 (one-two pass) or not.
Well,well,well.....graday the pesfan editor stated that both times he played the preview code players where making forward runs as well as CBs,but it never effected his passing game or was it exploited by his opponents.He said it is noticable but doesnt effect the balance of the game.

Asims videos where also meant to go up today on WENB but they seem to have been put on the back burner,and its also interesting to note that ever since this forward run lark was raised on WENB,no videos from gamescom have appeared on there front page.

I dont think its quite as extreme as what weve seen in some videos but this issue if you look back at previews of e3 code is mentioned by some if you looking for it.

I feel some what vindicated as i was clearly saying yesterday this isnt a bug nor does it effect the game or the balance and is related to the mechanics of the active ai.

Its there,it was there in preview and e3 code and adams code is the same.Is it as bad as some are stating.....personally i dont think it is and once we get the demo in are hands we will understand.

This is why so many at gamescom havent really noticed it because it doesnt effect the game and is more visual.
As I said, it happened no matter wether you pressed L1 (one-two pass) or not.

I thought the main issue was when players from the CPU controlled teams were doing it all the time.

FreMM and other playtesters that tried to re-create the situation didn't find anything wrong with A.I runs when it comes to human controlled teams.
Well, it kind of forces you into playing counter attacks all the time and it was kind of a gamebreaker for me at gamescom, tbh.

I thought the main issue was when players from the CPU controlled teams were doing it all the time.

FreMM and other playtesters that tried to re-create the situation didn't find anything wrong with A.I runs when it comes to human controlled teams.

Well, you for example can't pass the ball around at the back properly because all your players will run forward, even CBs. I mainly noticed it with the players I controlled, noting as "error", but it was the same with CPU teams as well.

Also, this leads to the other problem I noticed. Since players will run foward all the time and the defenders of the opposite team are tracking them all the time as well (not letting them run offside, don't ask me why, in 2011 it worked), they will be very close to the goal in an unrealistic way. You might be able to see it in some of the vids (it's also in the trailer and some noted it on here, too)
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