PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Players running forward after every pass is not a "subtle problem", but you are right, PES has a much more positive vibe this time around with a lot less to complain about - this time last year I hadn't even bothered taking a look at PES. I tried the demo and got hooked, this is the first year I've had of actually looking forward to a PES game since the build up to PES6 (which I thought was a disappointing game).
what about the 'inertia'sp
how the players turn speed is
i hope it not like fifa
if that is the case then it will be uncomfortable
one step forward,one step back

some other forum member posted about it earlier in week
what about the 'inertia'sp
how the players turn speed is
i hope it not like fifa
if that is the case then it will be uncomfortable
one step forward,one step back

some other forum member posted about it earlier in week

Inertia's been toned down for responsiveness I guess, but dribbling still has a satisfying feel and look to it from what I can see.
Fill your boots Zee .....


Punching well above your weight, Jim.
summary of last 18 pages

- wtf cb run
- cb run wtf
- run wtf cb
- bug run cb wtf
- wtf run bug cb
- cb wtf bug run
- seabass cb run bug wtf
- adam run bug cb wtf
- gamescom playtester run bug
- playtester run gamescom bug
- demo early build bug run
I like the critical analysis this year. its clutching a straws. looking for little things then blowing them out of proportion,blind to the quality on show.

for the last 4 years (not last year) MAJORITY of people have been tearing the game to pieces at this stage "look at how fuckin shite it is" "if Hitler made a game this would be it" etc.. and they were right but they were going over the top. as these people do.

so when PES looks as good as it does this year, and people who have played it are saying its a great game and the usual haters can find only subtle problems???

that means its gonna be a great game. (and I remember the slagging off of PES 5 before release - this has that type of feel)


Funny thing is im not even defending pes,just saying what i see and not blowing something into something bigger then what it is.

I think people are in for a shock if they dont think SBs,midfielders and forwards arent going to surge forward after nearly every pass looking for a quick forward pass or through ball,long ball into space,especially while chasing the game or when space opens up for a counter.

I think its very clear konami have dropped this poo faced simulation lark and are trying to inject a little bit more emotion,pace,playability and excitement back into pes.Lets be honest most of the time your wrestling pes2011 and its static ornate AI.

Even adam on wenb clearly stated yesterday that even in preview code defenders generally are always moving forward as is the rest of your team but this changes and is dependent on the score,the teams,and the changing dynamics of the match.


In answer to your question earlier,yes,i do think this will be something thats evident in the demo as well as the final code as imo its not a bug its the active ai and the way it works.Whether its all the time,like you imply is a different matter,however imo the play of pes2012 and the ai will be alot more direct as we are seeing at gamescom.
From the videos that I have seen there is a problem with this running forward bug, it is most of the videos from Gamescom.

Surely, everyone can see this? I see that the so called PES-Messiah is failing to acknowledge this issue and is shouting down anyone who raises it on WENB.

Hopefully the final version will have this problem sorted, because other than that the game looks superb.
From the videos that I have seen there is a problem with this running forward bug, it is most of the videos from Gamescom.

Surely, everyone can see this? I see that the so called PES-Messiah is failing to acknowledge this issue and is shouting down anyone who raises it on WENB.

Hopefully the final version will have this problem sorted, because other than that the game looks superb.

totally agree...
It will be interesting to see what all the deniers say, when the full release is out, and this forward sprinting isn't there. Will you be disappointed that the glitch has been fixed? Will you beg Seabass to insert the automatic pass-and-go again?

Really? Quite frankly, if it isn't there, I wouldn't give a shit, would just be GLAD (aka relieved) it wasn't anywhere to be seen! The problem will be IF it is there on final code and people STILL say it's not a problem. I mean, cmon...

But I do agree that, for the time being, we should all just shut up about it, you know, for the sake of everyone's sanity.
Personally, I see it as a bug which is in this particular build. That's what I get from watching the videos and referring it to the other videos and hours of playing/watching an earlier build. I'm slightly confused by how the people who were at gamescom say it isn't a problem/wasn't a problem, and also that they can't see what people mean by the video, because you can look on that in two ways. Either they're right, there is no problem, and the videos are playing serious tricks... or there is a problem and they don't agree it is a problem for whatever reason. Either way, I'm confident it will be fixed for the demos and full game, and I really want to stop thinking about it because it's making me paranoid, sheerly because I so want it to be great.
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kamy, could you take your EA paycheck and leave this thread!!!!123123

why should he leave the thread? this is forums, everyone has right to his own opinion.

just look at the fifa thread. same old members bashing out fifa. did anyone say to them to leave that thread?

come on guys, keep it cool.
Look everyone can believe the evidence before their eyes...or not. It's up to the individual as to their level of concern, but I cannot quite get my head around people thinking the auto-run 'feature/bug/whatever' is not there. I see it in all those videos.

But the demo is out very shortly and the full game pretty soon so everyone can judge for themselves. There is a spectrum of views from 'Konami can do no wrong (and PES2008 was a classic)' to 'Konami cannot do anything well'. We shall see.

At the end of the day it's a product that you can buy or not buy. It really isn't that important.
why should he leave the thread? this is forums, everyone has right to his own opinion.

just look at the fifa thread. same old members bashing out fifa. did anyone say to them to leave that thread?

come on guys, keep it cool.

He is joking :ROLL:
Expander, I've played PES 2012, and the AI was not doing what those videos show. Perhaps the same thing could have happened under certain circumstances which I never experienced, but, I never experienced it, or saw it happen in many hours of watching.

This is not me 'hating' on PES 2012, it's just a comparison to the build I played and what I see in the videos. That is NOT the active AI. The active AI is genuinely a lot cleverer than it seeming like the L1 button is taped down.

There you go, thank you!
Expander, I've played PES 2012, and the AI was not doing what those videos show. Perhaps the same thing could have happened under certain circumstances which I never experienced, but, I never experienced it, or saw it happen in many hours of watching.

This is not me 'hating' on PES 2012, it's just a comparison to the build I played and what I see in the videos. That is NOT the active AI. The active AI is genuinely a lot cleverer than it seeming like the L1 button is taped down.

Bingo, the main reason why it is indeed, a bug. Surely Konami wouldn't want to screw up their own efforts on purpose with something like this? Hope they spotted it before the game went gold (which it did already), and fixed. In fact, if Mr Bamber is sure of what we were all talking about, it's not a problem in review code :) All we need now is evidence of it!
Bingo, the main reason why it is indeed, a bug. Surely Konami wouldn't want to screw up their own efforts on purpose with something like this? Hope they spotted it before the game went gold (which it did already), and fixed. In fact, if Mr Bamber is sure of what we were all talking about, it's not a problem in review code :) All we need now is evidence of it!

But did Mr Bamber understand it? from what I read it was very ambigous the response he gave back?

He said he tested it and the way he worded it made me think he tried it with a team, not looking at the computer team AI?

But we will never know until it all gets released.
Yup, I also have the habit of holding the L1/LB button while making a pass. Even the goalie will go forward if you do that, conceded stupid goals a dozen of times because of this. :p

If Rom/Rod/Lami didn't have any problems regarding player runs during their playtest, I figure this is most likely the case with what we're seeing in these videos.
Anyone got something good to say about the new game? Yeah, im trying this again seeing as the same shit keeps coming up! Yes its there everyone has seen this! But you know it will be fixed! So happy days rejoice whatever, anyone who has joined simply to moan about it crawl back to that hole you came from, and anyne elae who has been here awhile lets try saying something we like! I feel like a primary school teacher!
But did Mr Bamber understand it? from what I read it was very ambigous the response he gave back?

He said he tested it and the way he worded it made me think he tried it with a team, not looking at the computer team AI?

But we will never know until it all gets released.

I think he did understand, otherwise he wouldn't know how to "recreate it", what other way is there to recreate it? It's supposed to happen if you press L1 or R2, if it's happening without pressing it, then it's there, if it doesn't, then it isn't. Should be simple imo.
Anyone got something good to say about the new game? Yeah, im trying this again seeing as the same shit keeps coming up! Yes its there everyone has seen this! But you know it will be fixed! So happy days rejoice whatever, anyone who has joined simply to moan about it crawl back to that hole you came from, and anyne elae who has been here awhile lets try saying something we like! I feel like a primary school teacher!

'Discussion thread' friend, not 'say what you like about PES thread'. You can make one of those threads if you like?

'Crawl back to the hole you came from' and the 'Primary School teacher' remark is totally hypocritical of what I think you are trying to say. As you are now acting like a child and putting people down.

Everyone that has mentioned the 'run bug' is looking forward to the game. they have seen Rod,Rom and Lami's reviews and they feel it is going to be a fantastic game.

But then we had the Gamescon videos and there is a big bug in there, now the people that were getting excited want to make sure that this bug is going to get sorted out, to make sure all of the earlier play test reviews come to fruition and it can be the best it can be.

Shutting your eyes and ears and saying it will be sorted out, when you haven't got a clue is just silly.

To say these people are being childish and just looking for things to moan about is just utterly ridiculous!! and Narrow minded it is unreal.

Anyway hopefully the run bug isn't there, then everything will be fine and there won't be anything to moan about :DD
I think he did understand, otherwise he wouldn't know how to "recreate it", what other way is there to recreate it? It's supposed to happen if you press L1 or R2, if it's happening without pressing it, then it's there, if it doesn't, then it isn't. Should be simple imo.

this is what I am saying, he doesn't need to recreate anything, this is the first thing that leads me to believe he doesn't understand what we are talking about.

The second thing is exactly what you have said about pressing L1 R2, this is what alot of people are getting confused about. It has nothing to do with that, it is to do with the Computer team (team not controlled by a human at all) doing these runs when they pass the ball.

See it seems to be confusing alot of people, I think people are defending something they haven't got a clue about, this is what is worrying me.
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