PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Don't complain too much, someone might listen and fix the problem, that'd be awful!

Just be happy with what you've got.



This isn't the 'lets lick PES 2012 Arse thread' its a discussion thread. Where people put forward their views from all angles and you discuss them.

When someone points out a bug, which imo this is. Then to just dismiss them is silly and to tell them not to keep mentioning it is silly.

I think most people are looking forward to the new PES, Gab himself is creaming himself over it. But he wants what he sees as being a bug to be fixed, because it shouldn't happen and he is right.

It will hopefully (and probably will) be fixed in the final game. But just because it might not effect the game too much, it still has no place in the game. Especially when they are so spot on with many of the tactical parts of Football and how it all comes together.

People need to stop thinking people are personally attacking them when they bring up a problem with PES, because that is what it feels like. People are making other people feel like they are being stupid for making valid points about the game and that isn't right.
The problem is Bobby, everyone that has actually played the game hasn't had any major concerns, in fact, even the most hardened (Rom + Rod), have had nothing but praise for the game.

Let's play the fricking demo and make up our own minds before we start burning my little Asian lover at the stake. That is all.
The problem is Bobby, everyone that has actually played the game hasn't had any major concerns, in fact, even the most hardened (Rom + Rod), have had nothing but praise for the game.

Let's play the fricking demo and make up our own minds before we start burning my little Asian lover at the stake. That is all.

:WORSHIP: first bit of sense in a little while!
The problem is Bobby, everyone that has actually played the game hasn't had any major concerns, in fact, even the most hardened (Rom + Rod), have had nothing but praise for the game.

Let's play the fricking demo and make up our own minds before we start burning my little Asian lover at the stake. That is all.

I agree, just felt that people were dismissing others for their valid opinions that is all :DD

EDIT: also Rom or Rod one of them did mention that the recent videos were different than what they played? and the running bug wasn't in their game, which is what Gab was going on about. Something had changed and for the worse. But wether it will be there in the final version we will wait and see. It was just a concern, that has been blown out of proportion by people dismissing others valid concerns.
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To be fair, I think it has been one particular person, rather than people, and his issue was actually something about dribbling animations.
Regarding the pass and run bug, I don't think anyone has blamed the playtesters for missing it. I and some others did ask them to think back just in case (arguement being it may be something more noticable when watching rather than playing), but there was no harshness or aggressiveness and we quickly came to the consensus that this is a bug that has crept into the Gamescom code only.

Just wanted to clear that up, as a lot of good posters here don't deserve being labled in the same group as one particular poster who has gone about sharing his views in a particularly poor way.

Fair enough. You are right, it was just one person in particular who was having an unfair attitude over the playtesters here (dont want to name, it's not necessry to bring this up again, let's move on).
Take a look guys, how incredible is this!:WORSHIP:

P.S. XcuToR-Me....
The problem is Bobby, everyone that has actually played the game hasn't had any major concerns, in fact, even the most hardened (Rom + Rod), have had nothing but praise for the game.

Let's play the fricking demo and make up our own minds before we start burning my little Asian lover at the stake. That is all.

Not really tbh.Yes they did praise the game but they also mentioned the things they didn't like or thought required improvements

This isn't the 'lets lick PES 2012 Arse thread' its a discussion thread. Where people put forward their views from all angles and you discuss them.

When someone points out a bug, which imo this is. Then to just dismiss them is silly and to tell them not to keep mentioning it is silly.

I think most people are looking forward to the new PES, Gab himself is creaming himself over it. But he wants what he sees as being a bug to be fixed, because it shouldn't happen and he is right.

It will hopefully (and probably will) be fixed in the final game. But just because it might not effect the game too much, it still has no place in the game. Especially when they are so spot on with many of the tactical parts of Football and how it all comes together.

People need to stop thinking people are personally attacking them when they bring up a problem with PES, because that is what it feels like. People are making other people feel like they are being stupid for making valid points about the game and that isn't right.

Hold up,its about looking at both sides of the argument and being objective.So everyone on the show floor is in denial?.How come know one has reported this back to konami at gamescom or highlighted this as a problem.Are we now saying everyone playing the game at gamescom hasnt got a clue about football or cant see whats right under there noses.

All this noise is based on video footage but hasnt been echoed by one person at gamescom,its coming from the internet from people watching poorly shot videos.

Im not in denial nor am i that blind that i havent seen the videos where CBs rush forward.However im not going to jump on the bandwagon or proclaim this to be some kind of bug or glitch until i have code in my hands and can experience the game first hand.Theres now four ways in which you can automatically iniate forward runs in pes2012 so the laws of probability suggest that the people playing in these videos whether accidently or deliberatly are triggering runs.

Its the same every year,last year it was the power bar along with rainbow flicks and look at the hysteria over that.Then there was the passing system and how people confidently proclaimed how that would destroy individuality.Before that it was 360 degree movement and the analog stick over the d-pad.

Same old shit different year,people fear change or what they dont really understand.
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Hold up,its about looking at both sides of the argument and being objective.So everyone on the show floor is in denial?.How how come know one has reported this back to konami at gamescom or highlighted this as a problem.Are we now saying everyone playing the game at gamescom hasnt got a clue about football or cant see whats right under there noses.

All this noise is based on video footage but hasnt been echoed by one person at gamescom,its coming from the internet from people watching poorly shot videos.

Im not in denial nor am i that blind that i havent seen the videos where CBs rush forward.However im not going to jump on the bandwagon or proclaim this to be some kind of bug or glitch until i have code in my hands and can experience the game first hand.Theres now four ways in which you can automatically iniate forward runs in pes2012 so the laws of probability suggest that the people playing in these videos whether accidently or deliberatly are triggering runs.

Its the same every year,last year it was the power bar along with rainbow flicks and look at the hysteria over that.Then there was the passing system and how people confidently proclaimed how that would destroy individuality.Before that it was 360 degree movement and the analog stick over the d-pad.

Same old shit different year,people fear change or what they dont really understand.

I'm not saying anything, just that everyone has their opinions that are valid and shouldn't be dismissed.

Your last sentance is what I am talking about aswell 'they don't really understand' which is very patronising and suggests that the people that can see the problem in the video and have a problem in it, aren't 'understanding' it.

Anyway it is silly going on, we need to play the demo and see what happens :DD we are all agreed with that, so lets leave it there.
Take a look guys, how incredible is this!:WORSHIP:

P.S. XcuToR-Me....
Looks great, you can do that on PES 2011 as well, just a slightly different animation for the shoulder feint.
Right analog stick held one way, left pushed the other.
I'm not saying anything, just that everyone has their opinions that are valid and shouldn't be dismissed.

Your last sentance is what I am talking about aswell 'they don't really understand' which is very patronising and suggests that the people that can see the problem in the video and have a problem in it, aren't 'understanding' it.

Anyway it is silly going on, we need to play the demo and see what happens :DD we are all agreed with that, so lets leave it there.

Im not patronising anyone,im just a great believer in seeing the whole picture not edited segments of a match that give you know idea of how a product plays out in real time during a match from begining to end.

Its jumping to conclusions and formulating ideas based on what?.The proofs always in the eating.:))
.Are we now saying everyone playing the game at gamescom hasnt got a clue about football or cant see whats right under there noses.

if they can't see the bug and won't even admit it's there when shown a video of it then I would say they don't have a clue about football (such as that asim guy)
Im not patronising anyone,im just a great believer in seeing the whole picture not edited segments of a match that give you know idea of how a product plays out in real time during a match from begining to end.

Its jumping to conclusions and formulating ideas based on what?.The proofs always in the eating.:))
Video evidence is quite good proof too.
Im not patronising anyone,im just a great believer in seeing the whole picture not edited segments of a match that give you know idea of how a product plays out in real time during a match from begining to end.

Its jumping to conclusions and formulating ideas based on what?.The proofs always in the eating.:))

I don't know, but unless those videos have been tampered with? then I think they are perfectly acceptable to make opinions and observations on.

The same way people are 'spunking' themselves over seeing the vids and what they see. We are seeing the AI players (not the human players). Making runs whenever they do a ground pass, including defenders (which is the most worrying part) and also the fact that people that have played previous codes have said wasn't in it? which means that it has changed from the reviews that Rom Rod and Lami gave us?

This is a bit worrying, but as you said people shouldn't go crazy until they play it and see. But I also don't think that people were going crazy about it, until they were being dismissed about commenting on what they are seeing in the videos. Then they had to keep stating, what was actually happening in the videos and then on and on it went.

We are going in circles again anyway, lets play the demo!
Oh, oh, I just read the first serious bashing PES 2012-gamescom-code:

An administrator of the german xboxfront-site, who is a big PES-fan wrote in their forum that PES 2012 were awesome in many gameplay-areas but crucially it were way too easy on Professional-level, namely that:

a) thanks to the pass-run-automatism of CB-defenders many counter-opportunities arised


b) that the shooting-system became too assisted and easy compared to PES 2011 and that in combination with the awful goalkeepers (worse than in PES 2011)...

a lot of easy goals could be achieved leading to unrealistically high results!

That is bothering, I hope that Konami fixed the gamescom-bug and improved considerably the goalkeepers and toned down shooting-success...
How could the CPU team forward runs be triggered by the human player? WHat are you talking about?
This is evo web my friend we only believe it when we see it so video please ( x-rated is acceptable, headshot not required ) oh yes we also believe Adam for some odd reason so unless you can get him to verify that I'll be waiting for the video

Fill your boots Zee .....

Easy gab,you press the right trigger down,l1+x,r2 or x after making a pass.I count that as four manual methods of triggering runs.

He is talking about the computer playing as a team (no human controlling them). They still make the forward runs, that is what we are talking about and what is worrying.
Gamescom code is obviously specially adapted for Gamescom 2011! Im pretty sure they will make a tuned up version for final release. After they release demo they will see players reaction and tune it up :) So no worries!
Easy gab,you press the right trigger down,l1+x,r2 or x after making a pass.I count that as four manual methods of triggering runs.

For your own team yes. Do you really think that was my question? Really?

Every CPU controlled team does the same thing in the videos from gamescom. You can not control the CPU team. Right? Herro?
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