PES 2011 Discussion thread

maybe i wrote it a bit diffrently as i meant it, its not slow enuff

some animations are too fast, theyre not match the rest

and animations look jittery

e.g. the de rossi scene its hella fast, not to mention the dribbling itself wich is unreal for de rossi
or the scene with klose, the cross and in particular his finish
the movements of the player/leg does not match the strength of the pass/shoot..
especially the first touch passing/shooting

I don't see much of the stuff you mention lol.
Member of Evo Web for about 5 years, but this is probably my first post.
I have enjoyed reading the posts, but I was always been happy with the PS2 version, despite the minor gripes.
I have played all playstation versions since the PS1 games, plus PSP and even Wii.
But I feel now is the time to have my rant about the PS3 versions, so forgive me, as its 3 years of frustration I want vent.
Firstly I have been impressed by the recent pictures and videos of PES 2011, though I was impressed with PES 2010 this time last year.
They look like they have made some improvements with graphics, no more MASSIVE shorts, 1000 new animations compared to 200 last year. But apart from that you can’t really tell if it’s going to play better.
However this time last year all the press/media were saying how impressed they were with how things were developing on the playability side. I am sure everyone will agree PES 2010 was better than PES 2009; however it’s still more of a chore than a pleasure to play.
I even brought FIFA 10 to see if I could get my football fix from FIFA, however despite the big improvements since the PS2 days, it still does not have a sole and the graphical style is a bit too cartoon like for me. And despite ratings and comments I am not sure it’s much better than PES 2010.
These are my wishes for PES 2011, which is the 4th edition on the PS3, so I am hoping like PES 4 on the PS2, we will see a massive improvement in the game we saw back then.
I want Konami to improve the GAMEPLAY and basically bring back some of the features we have had in previous PES versions.
Improved Response Times, Improved Animations, General Game play improvements, Better goalie AI, Sort out the goalie gloves when in long sleeve (oven glove look), Freedom to pass in any direction from goal kick, The usual more licences, Low socks, Special hair editing, Base copy editing, Preset Faces, Facial Hair editing on preset faces & Return of Konami League & Cup with the additional ability to have two divisions.
I think the majority of PES fans are running out of patience. I think if Konami get it wrong this time, they have seriously got to think about a new approach. I reckon most PES fans would happy with PES 5 or 6 with better graphics and if Konami cannot produce a decent PS3 game, they should find a way of getting PES 5 or 6 of the PS2 on the PS3 with improved graphics. I would be willing to pay for it as I am sure others would.
Apologies for the long rant and being negative, but I hope Konami can finally deliver a game its loyal fan base deserves and worth the £45 we spend on it every year.
Apologies for the long rant and being negative.

Yep I agree with you on "this is Konamis last straw part". I think it´s pretty obvious at this point that it´s either do or die, and if Konami don´t do, then 4 years crap games will come down hard on them, they can´t live on past acomplishments anymore.

Here´s hoping that people who playtest the game before its release and the demo are openly critical on what they don´t like.
I also want more stadiums we had up to 40 on previous versions, so Konami should give us the same.
Even if there made up ones that would fine.

A stadium Editor of some sort would be great, and not just changing the name. Konami i would pay extra for a stadium editor even if available on as DLC.
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New screen:


and preview from italian site:

resume in english (thanks to Ghettorade of WENB):

- They found difficult to pass and defend, they said it was far too "heavy" the new mechanism of passing and defending, but they also said it's probably due to the lack of practice they had, since was first time they played the title.

- Really improved ball physics and animation, they said in their opinion 90% of animation are new or rewritten. Players move really fluidly and they found the new power bar to be really well implemented.

- Obvious presence of speed increasing and decreasing option.

- Graphically much improved from 2010 version. Much better player model and general details.

- Many framerate slowdowns during replays.

- In their opinion the stadium atmosphere is still "poor" and "lifeless"

- Great menu design, simple and effective strategy planning.

- Copa Libertadores (obviously) and they mention "UEFA Supercup" (I don't know what they exactly mean).

- They confirm the fact Seabass has some announcements to do concerning licenses! So stay tuned!
Hmmm the HD gameplay looks good(none youtube crap)
But i stil need to watch some more details of thegame....hope to see some more of PES2011 soon:P
i dunno if that posted before but here it's anyway
this is a picture to show the new Style of changing the kits ( home / away ) before the match


it's kinda cool i like it :D
Looks more like a Street Fighter VS screen.

EDIT: How are we going to make out what colour the socks are with that screen? :/

I assume there's probably a sub-screen(showing the whole kit) that pops up when we change the kits tho.
I still can't fully analyse a video that turns difficulty down in order to show more goals and tricks. I understand that it highlights the most exciting aspect of the game but it's annoying when trailers do it because it makes the game look like it'll be a fast paced, frantic goal fest. Let's be honest that seems to cover 2/3 of the issues people seem to have with it.

Trailers are always deceiving anyway. I just watched the Fifa 10 trailer again and it makes the game look great. In retrospect it's probably due to all the slow motion shots. Some things like the goalkeeper going down to ground and stumbling don't even happen in the game but they do in the trailer. Atleast PES 2010 had the decency to make the game look how it ended up, distinctly average :)

I do hope that they turn the ball noise down though in pes 2011. It doesn't sound realistic in the trailer (same as pes 2010) and i'm sure it's louder than actually standing there and kicking a ball yourself.
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We've seen it already mate.

Yep I agree with you on "this is Konamis last straw part". I think it´s pretty obvious at this point that it´s either do or die, and if Konami don´t do, then 4 years crap games will come down hard on them, they can´t live on past acomplishments anymore.

Imo mate, I don't think this argument exists anymore, specially that we've been hearing/reading it since 2008-2009. Some people have been saying it every summer since then. Konami are still going and still making games and will always do. There is no last straw.
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Changing formations and strategies on the fly is a new system ? WTF ? What game have they been playing,( or not as the case maybe ) for the last few years ? :CONFUSE:

I love the E3 video, looks stunning. I obviously hate the Rainbow Flick, I just hope it's a really difficult skill to pull off. And it should be only available to hand-full of players at most. The animations look alot better overall. Those are just eye-candy for me anyway, it's the gameplay that dictates simulation, not animations. If I want to see amazing animations I'll watch Toy Story 3.

I think the way Konami put huge emphasis on the simulated approach, will always mean that some animations will always look a little rigid in some areas, it's the only way to create the angles and replicate posture. It's also more noticable with players with lesser technique. Fifa doesnt have this concern as it doesnt address posture or balance in regards it's shooting, passing, and first touch variables. Therefore silky smoothness are much easier, as it's one style fits all. Of course EA have a superior Mo-Cap technology, but the lack of the need to implement such diverse and random body postures to recreate real life technique ensures optimum focus on stunning animated visuals. If you understand football and technique, this argument isnt even open for debate.

Very happy so far with what I have seen, roll on October. I have to say the player faces on Fifa are unbelievable, about time to.
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We've seen it already mate.

Imo mate, I don't think this argument exists anymore, specially that we've been hearing/reading it since 2008-2009. Some people have been saying it every summer since then. Konami are still going and still making games and will always do. There is no last straw.

there will never be a last straw because even in its darkest days Pes continued to sell four-five millions in a year
Changing formations and strategies on the fly is a new system ? WTF ? What game have they been playing,( or not as the case maybe ) for the last few years ? :CONFUSE:

I love the E3 video, looks stunning. I obviously hate the Rainbow Flick, I just hope it's a really difficult skill to pull off. And it should be only available to hand-full of players at most. The animations look alot better overall. Those are just eye-candy for me anyway, it's the gameplay that dictates simulation, not animations. If I want to see amazing animations I'll watch Toy Story 3.

I think the way Konami put huge emphasis on the simulated approach, will always mean that some animations will always look a little rigid in some areas, it's the only way to create the angles and replicate posture. It's also more noticable with players with lesser technique. Fifa doesnt have this concern as it doesnt address posture or balance in regards it's shooting, passing, and first touch variables. Therefore silky smoothness is much easier, as it's one style fits all. Of course EA have a superior Mo-Cap technology, but the lack of the need to implement such diverse and random body postures to recreate real life technique ensures optimum focus on stunning animated visuals.

Very happy so far with what I have seen, roll on October. I have to say the player faces on Fifa are unbelievable, about time to.

in fifa its a bit of a hack job changing formations and stratagy but in PES its alot easier. no need to go down the route of going to the editor secion of the game and editing each teams tactics before a match.

in PES you can simply setup a match and BEFORE kick off setup your tactics and save and reuse them right their.

in fifa you cant do this, you have to do it out of a match setup.

say for example i play a match with u in fifa against some random team. i now wish to tweak my tactics and formations on the formation screen loaded just before kick off and behold, i cant. i can only choose default tactics/formations. no tweaking allowed,.

Now in PES i CAN create my own tactics and formations and can even save them right then and their.

PES beats fifa in terms of tactics easily and always has been.
Everithing is great but I don't like this
"Players are now significantly more responsive, and while it's possible to perform tricks and feints (and even to link feints together), you're unlikely to need them very often because you can beat opponents simply by turning quickly with the ball or by passing intelligently"
That reminds me on stupidity of PES 2009 where for example you could take any fast player and drible everyone from start to end of the pitch and score a goal.
Everithing is great but I don't like this
"Players are now significantly more responsive, and while it's possible to perform tricks and feints (and even to link feints together), you're unlikely to need them very often because you can beat opponents simply by turning quickly with the ball or by passing intelligently"
That reminds me on stupidity of PES 2009 where for example you could take any fast player and drible everyone from start to end of the pitch and score a goal.

Again, they are talking about angles, which is what football is based on. By the sound of it, they probably play Fifa, and the lack of angles in that game means that you only beat players 1 on 1 with the trick stick. PES has always been this way angle-wise, nothing new here. It's just the animations will feel smoother creating the illusion it's better.
Hope you are right. I hated that in 2009, it was enough just to take Drenthe and turn left or right like he has no ball in his legs what so ever.
I still have concerns over this whole Engineered for Freedom Buzz Word. It sounds great in principle, but I just cant get my head around how its effects the whole passing speed and passing accuracy statistic of each player ?

My worst nightmare for me personally, is that those stats are taken out of the equation in preference of a more manual Fifa-style approach. I appreciate the ability to be able to put the ball exactly where you want, but I dont want that luxury determined by me, it has to be by the player making the pass.

A good example is I played 4 games online last night with Peru, who are not very good to be fair. You need to keep it very simple with them, play your percentages. The amount of underhit passes, overhit passes, and lack of zip in the pass was completely relevant to the statistics of the players. I then played with Uruaguay and the difference was dramatic. Passes that were falling short or over-hit were now finding their respective targets. Also any passes attempted with less than favourable body postures were now still finding their respectible targets more often than not. Now as frustrating at times as it was with Peru, I welcomed the challenge and really appreciated the different levels in passing technique between the two teams. I just hope this power gauge doesnt take away the magic of the stat based simulation.

Player individuality is everything. I dont want to sacrifice this system for anything.
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