PES 2011 Discussion thread

Having read a lot about it and seen first videos, I see some evolution at last in PES. I've been very quiet all this time watching it from a distance, after I really despised PES2010.

Most of the new features/tweaks are in the right direction for my taste. That said, my main concerns are about the technical implementation. Konami does NOT have the best programmers and they are trying to achieve in 1-2 years what EA did in 5. Last year the game was technically a turd, with many many glitches and bad implementations (mocap was very badly implemented, physicality and collision detection practically not working at all...).

That, and the AI that always seems to be the most overlooked thing in PES. And it's frankly bad as it is.

But that's a good step forward. Last year I feared about gameplay concepts and technical implementation. Now I'm only worried about the latest and AI. Let's see if they can really pull it off and have a game that, at least, can compete with Fifa. That would be great for us, gamers.
Can anyone upload it somewhere else? For some reason I can't download the HD version from any of the sites :(

EDIT: Nevermind megaupload finally decided to work.
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yeah i watched on my big tv, it looked superb. Also very promising with Riots news. He has been very critical of the next gen pes series. I remember him being pretty negative on podcast for PES 2010. Its these impressions which hold more value, hope more filter through from E3. I also agree that the trailer looked more washed out than Penpas's video of Man Utd vs Barcelona, the graphics there were superb. But I do remember Dan from PSM3 that the graphics looked good. Cant wait for a demo.

And it must have been on low difficulty, look when Lahm crosses, no pressure on the ball, even in PES 2010 there is more pressure.
Ehm. No. The goalkeeper and defense doesn't have to look retarded just because the opponents score.

It's probably set to low difficulty just to show some tricks, goals and movements.

Yes, the defeners looked far to casual! It was like they were on a sunday stroll! Hopefully thats 2 star gameplay :CONFUSE:

Ofcourse the CPU is set on low difficulty. How else are you going to show off all that stuff? That's pretty obvious...
I also agree that the trailer looked more washed out than Penpas's video of Man Utd vs Barcelona, the graphics there were superb. But I do remember Dan from PSM3 that the graphics looked good. Cant wait for a demo.

The colours in the video from Penpas look really vibrant and an improvement on PES2010, so I've got no worries there. I'm sure it's just the trailer that looks a bit under-saturated. The graphics, kits, player faces looked awesome in PES2010 so I have no worries about how PES2011 will look, it's the animations and AI where I want to see the work.

Edit: I can't stop watching the trailer!
The colours in the video from Penpas look really vibrant and an improvement on PES2010, so I've got no worries there. I'm sure it's just the trailer that looks a bit under-saturated. The graphics, kits, player faces looked awesome in PES2010 so I have no worries about how PES2011 will look, it's the animations and AI where I want to see the work.

Edit: I can't stop watching the trailer!

BTW, the demo will be released in August???
Ofcourse the CPU is set on low difficulty. How else are you going to show off all that stuff? That's pretty obvious...

Well, I'd bet Konami has some employee that would have no problem showing of similar gameplay against better CPU. Not very obvious to me - if I were to show anything I created I'd like all of it to be the best it can be.
Well, I'd bet Konami has some employee that would have no problem showing of similar gameplay against better CPU. Not very obvious to me - if I were to show anything I created I'd like all of it to be the best it can be.

Konami was never good at PR. Last year in their last trailer they showed a goalkeeper bug (goalkeeper missing the ball). Unbelievable, but they showed it in a trailer. The bug was gone in the final version (it was present in demo).
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Well, I'd bet Konami has some employee that would have no problem showing of similar gameplay against better CPU. Not very obvious to me - if I were to show anything I created I'd like all of it to be the best it can be.

If you're main point in the trailer is to show off the new animations, tricks, freedom of movement, passing, stamina bar, and shooting, don't you think the easiest way to do that is by putting CPU AI on lowest difficulty?

That trailer was intended for obvious reasons. Not for CPU AI's defensive quality.

If their next video is to show that off then I'm sure they'd do so, but tbh I don't see a reason why they'd want to show a video of how great the CPU's defensive AI is. That's kind of dull from a marketing point of view.

A proper gameplay video of a full game with a player vs cpu should be a better one to judge on. Or even better wait for the demo.
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Watched over the trailer in HD - looks very slick. How can you guys comment on the speed - most all of the shots look like replays of action and not open play?

Ok re watched again - the speed looked maybe a bit slow compared to real life (the footage with the passing bar being utilized) The gameplay footage looked a bit too staged for my liking but I guess that is the purpose of a trailer.

To me the best part is when the Dutch defender knocks the opponent away ie the jostling animation isnt just scripted for the same amount of time. Want to see some real gameplay footage and then the demo - need the months to roll on by.
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If you're main point in the trailer is to show off the new animations, tricks, freedom of movement, passing, stamina bar, and shooting, don't you think the easiest way to do that is by putting CPU AI on lowest difficulty?

Ehm, no, not really. It showed of some easy moves that could easily have been pulled of with better CPU, without making the AI look bad. It's like if DELL would show of their new computer with a blue screen (hey, it was the computer design we wanted to show of, not the software!).

If their next video is to show that off then I'm sure they'd do so, but tbh I don't see a reason why they'd want to show a video of how great the CPU's defensive AI is. That's kind of dull from a marketing point of view.

Not how great it is, but how realistic it is. To show of some lovely attacking football you don't have to, like I said, make the defense look bad (and unrealistic etc etc). I can only judge by what they show me. Right now the defense in what we've seen looks bad.
But again that is not what they're trying to show there. They're elaborating more on skills, moves and new animations etc. Nothing to do with defensive AI. It's not a gameplay video showing everything. It's just a video showing off the new fluff they added.
its defo not slower what the .. this riot is talkin about...

oh wait, for sure he has a newer build i forgot..
But again that is not what they're trying to show there. They're elaborating more on skills, moves and new animations etc. Nothing to do with defensive AI. It's not a gameplay video showing everything. It's just a video showing off the new fluff they added.

Yes, but then again there is no reason to make a very important part of the game look bad. They control what what you can see and judge the game upon. Apple wouldn't have the iPhone crash in a commercial about the new hardware (even though it's not what they're trying to show here). Microsoft wouldn't use the worlds ugliest computer while showing of the new Windows (even though it's not what they're trying to show here) etc etc etc.

And they DO show defensive AI (and goalkeepers etc) so people will notice it even if it's not what Konami want to focus the video on.
the game is slower..i just download the video on hd today and watch on my ps3 it's much better,smooth,fluid..
Not slower? Mate it looks spot on. You downloaded the original HD video and watched on your PC/media center? Because Youtube frame rate sucks.

maybe i wrote it a bit diffrently as i meant it, its not slow enuff

some animations are too fast, theyre not match the rest

and animations look jittery

e.g. the de rossi scene its hella fast, not to mention the dribbling itself wich is unreal for de rossi
or the scene with klose, the cross and in particular his finish
the movements of the player/leg does not match the strength of the pass/shoot..
especially the first touch passing/shooting
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