PES 2011 Discussion thread

That's not bad. But they should get the gameplay right first. That should be their priority. These faces won't stop me from selling the game a week later.

If all EA/Konami worked on was the gameplay then the artists they already employ would have nothing to do. A minute ago the complaint lodged against FIFA was that the faces were bad!
Absolute dog shit. Was that PES 2010? And where are all the promised animations? I've hardly seen any there.. oh wait, they still need to be implemented right? :YAWN:

The jostling is absolutely hilarious. Imagine doing that awful animation everytime you come into contact with a player LOL!

Don't worry because the gimmick that is the Copa Libertadores (like CL was for PES 2009) won't make PES sales rise any higher either. :LOL:

Dunno where you're coming from; animations look fine to me ( albeit not great), jostling looks cool to me too and the Copa Libertadores is showing that they are expanding in the licensing department.
Think you are going a bit over the top there mate
looks alright,messis animations look better because he mocapped fully this time around

some baywatch running animations in those copa libertadores pics
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That's a different matter. The point was that FIFA uses better technologies than PES in faces/models. Don't know what's holding KONAMI from doing the same!

Money and time amigo. You can´t go up against the western monsters, especially not something like EA.

Honestly I think the only saving grace of PES 11 is the fact that it may just feel so different from Fifa that people will either love it or hate it.
After the first gameplay vid i was super impressed, but this one has me concerned again -

First of all i dont think the animations are that good, just looks like they have really upped the frame rate.

Also the animations on the skills look absolutely atrocious(sp) ball looks completelyy glued -
Konami have a locker full of issues that need fixing before they can think of improving faces that already look decent enough.


Faces/graphics in PES look decent enough and they have already worked on it in PES 2010. Let them work on other issues for 2011. I won't even bother with posts like "my face is prettier than yours". Pointless really.

Fifa, again, can have all the fluff it wants, but it will never win me with the shit gameplay it delivers. Improve on the faces, nets, whatever, that's all fluff that shouldn't be a worry. They should get the priorities done first. Now I'm not really sure what their priorities are...
I´m honest to god trying, but I just can´t see what the critics are all b*tching about? What did they expect? I guess the only people who can appreciate this are the ones who didn´t put the controller down after 5 mins of PES 2010.
If all EA/Konami worked on was the gameplay then the artists they already employ would have nothing to do. A minute ago the complaint lodged against FIFA was that the faces were bad!

Did I say ALL their staff should work on gameplay? No. What I'm clearly saying is, both should get their priorities straightened. Gameplay comes first, then all that fluff second. I seriously couldn't give a flying poop how good Messi looks like. I won't be pausing in replay and sit there doing nothing but staring at his picture and go "awesomeness!". Then resume to play the game only to be disappointed.

I want to PLAY the game, and ENJOY it. Get that right first, and keep that your priority. The rest is just good extras to me.

Thing is its a football game, gameplay must be almost perfect, specially when a game claims to be a simulation of the real thing.
Also the animations on the skills look absolutely atrocious(sp) ball looks completelyy glued -

That's what I thought as well, specially in the Ronaldo part.

Dunno where you're coming from; animations look fine to me ( albeit not great), jostling looks cool to me too and the Copa Libertadores is showing that they are expanding in the licensing department.
Think you are going a bit over the top there mate

Nevermind him. He's a troll. Banned. As usual..
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The faces in PES2010 look pretty special in my opinion. Those that think the Fifa11 faces look good should load up PES2010 and zoom in to the players. Konami already have it nailed, primitive tech or not.

Not that all this matters, it's about the gameplay, innit?
Did I say ALL their staff should work on gameplay? No. What I'm clearly saying is, both should get their priorities straightened. Gameplay comes first, then all that fluff second. I seriously couldn't give a flying poop how good Messi looks like. I won't be pausing in replay and sit there doing nothing but staring at his picture and go "awesomeness!". Then resume to play the game only to be disappointed.

I want to PLAY the game, and ENJOY it. Get that right first, and keep that your priority. The rest is just good extras to me.

Thing is its a football game, gameplay must be almost perfect, specially when a game claims to be a simulation of the real thing.

But that's still nonsense to be fair. On the one hand you say that you never implied that all devs are working on graphics/details etc, but on the other you say your point is that both sides need to get their priorities straight. Yet if details like improved faces aren't holding the gameplay devs back from their work in any way, then where is there a priority clash?

It's idealist armchair rhetoric to say it doesn't matter what the game looks like etc, because it works both ways. It doesn't matter to you in terms of importance because you value gameplay - and it doesn't impact on gameplay because it isn't coded by the devs in charge of gameplay.

Both sides ARE clearly working on how their games play. Both sides ARE treating gameplay as a priority, with fluff second. All that's being shown so far is tiny tidbits like selectively edited gameplay highlights from PES and some behind-the-scenes pre-E3 stuff from FIFA. We all want to play these games but the gameplay is the bit that requires the most care and attention. It's exactly this reason why it tends to be the last thing we see.

is fifa gameplay really that bad??

FIFA 10? Pretty much. It can be good but it's such a fragile experience that you just can't play randoms and get a deep game of football. A few serious flaws spoil everything.

FIFA 11? That's another story.
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But that's still nonsense to be fair. On the one hand you say that you never implied that all devs are working on graphics/details etc, but on the other you say your point is that both sides need to get their priorities straight. Yet if details like improved faces aren't holding the gameplay devs back from their work in any way, then where is there a priority clash?
The priority clash happens when either company decides its priority lies in departments other than gameplay, obviously.

Fifa's priorities until Fifa 10 weren't simulating real football imo. Year after year they relied on other things to sell. If Fifa 11 wasn't any different and its the same old PR then I can't see myself playing it longer than a week.

I would love it if game companies do their utmost effort in ensuring delivery of top quality products, specially when they demand so much from our hard earned cash. If they want to sell us PR instead, then I suggest they start selling games for peanuts.

I miss the old days...
dont like the e3 vid

the first touch passing and shooting is too fast, the game speed is too fast, players too fast...

de rossi can dribble like a god, he never did such stuff
i presume all this feints presets abusing online gameplay where players can do things they cant do in real life

so basicaly as far as i can say at this point 011 will be a 010 with polished animations and manual passing
thats defo not enuff
Also the animations on the skills look absolutely atrocious(sp) ball looks completelyy glued -
However, what matters is how the game actually plays in your hands. I want it to feel good and smooth so I can enjoy it like old PES's.
To me personally video looks fine, quite an improvement, hope it will be better. But anyone who is now saying that this looks bad, rubbish etc. will play it anyway and they will be saying the same thing when we see first PES 2012 video, so it's all going into circles.
Looks like PES is back in competition... I have to agree with Aqua, gameplay looks pretty fast, but pretty fluid also...
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