PES 2011 Discussion thread

Reading the last few pages back i find it hard to see why crimson has been given such a hard time - IMO he is the only one who has put his points across in a contructive manner.

Its has been anderson who has resorted to the most trash talk. If your such a proud memeber of wenb your not doing it any favours by conducting your self in such a manner are you?

If crimson wants to make issues with parts of the little bits of video we see then so be it - until we have a more substancial video, we can only look at and anaylise what we see.

Personlly for me it looks pretty great! for the last few years i have been waiting to see something like this from konami - at last the dull robotic animations look to have gone. I just hope it will play like it looks -

The on;y concerning thing from the video was the goal where the player ran into the box and scored from inside the box, but the keeper stayed glued to the line. although im sure it will be fixed

No need to defend him. Constructive? Go read his first post again that triggered all that nonsense. He blatantly called Konami both liars and incompetent, saying they still need to add a 1000 animations. Konami said that? When? If he's trying to show he's mr. intelligent then surely he knows they said they're adding a 1000 new animations for pes 2011. Instead, he played with the words implying Konami haven't done that yet and they still need to.

Then he goes on to challenge people. Then he was shown proof, yet he ignores it.

If that's not winding up, then I don't know what is.

He's banned now. I don't want people in here trying to defend a WUM. Pointless.

Lets move on now.
Reading the last few pages back i find it hard to see why crimson has been given such a hard time - IMO he is the only one who has put his points across in a contructive manner.

Its has been anderson who has resorted to the most trash talk. If your such a proud memeber of wenb your not doing it any favours by conducting your self in such a manner are you?

If crimson wants to make issues with parts of the little bits of video we see then so be it - until we have a more substancial video, we can only look at and anaylise what we see.

Personlly for me it looks pretty great! for the last few years i have been waiting to see something like this from konami - at last the dull robotic animations look to have gone. I just hope it will play like it looks -

The on;y concerning thing from the video was the goal where the player ran into the box and scored from inside the box, but the keeper stayed glued to the line. although im sure it will be fixed

you would hope the it was a demonstration and a low difficulty setting, as Puyol didn't even chase and even PES 2010 the keeper would come out for a one-on-one. But I agree even from that small clip the animations are much less robotic. Also I dont see what is wrong with the running animation, look at the player outside Totti, sprinting, looks good. And suggests decent AI as he is helping the attack.

Im pretty optimistic compared to when we 1st saw PES 2010 last year. We will always find faults as the game wont be perfect, but from what ive seen and read so far, this game has real potential, which PES 2010 never really had. Roll on E3 and Gamescom.

Also I read the psm3 article at my mates house. No new screens just impressions. Its a cautiously optimistic article. Not really worth £4.99.
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As long as they fix transition animations I'm a happy man, especially since this early vid is promising. FIFA went one up with the damage collision so it looked more realistic, so I hope PES will have something similar too.
Thx mate, didn't have a lot of time over the last couple of months, but I bought me a ticket for a journey on the hype-train once again:COOL:

Ah FreMM, how are your "contacts" doing?


Just kidding. Glad to see you and The Knight back here.
Also I read the psm3 article at my mates house. No new screens just impressions. Its a cautiously optimistic article. Not really worth £4.99.

Just impressions? The same that's on the website? Nothing more. Wow, I would have thought they would have something more lol. So also not worth to scan I suppose.
Just impressions? The same that's on the website? Nothing more. Wow, I would have thought they would have something more lol. So also not worth to scan I suppose.

Yeah nothing special. My issue with all the impressions is that if we, the fans were invited to the tour, we could give much deeper impressions. The only impressions which seemed to be written by fans, who no what improvements are needed, was the french Jeux impressions. Also not one mentioned the ball physics, i know its early but i expected more in depth previews.
My opinion, I think every popular PES forum known to Konami must be given the chance to pick someone to represent it, then all invited to Konami HQ. We can report what we all want and also report the right feedback to Konami.
My opinion, I think every popular PES forum known to Konami must be given the chance to pick someone to represent it, then all invited to Konami HQ. We can report what we all want and also report the right feedback to Konami.

There's an "closed online beta" planned, said Jon Murphy. Wonder how they pick people to test it.
Animations looks OK to me. I like the Busquets one, really looks like him when he receives the ball and turn.

What I don't like is that every touch is still perfect. We can still run in perfect straight lines with exact same speed and ball control it seems, with every touch being the same. In the Totti sequence it would be more realistic if he couldn't keep the same perfect touch all the time (go a little to the sides and so on). It's the same in FIFA too. It would add so much to individuality if every player had attributes for this.

Does anyone know if L2 + shoot is manual shooting? If not surely someone could ask one of the journalists on twitter if it was possible to trigger manual shots too?
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My opinion, I think every popular PES forum known to Konami must be given the chance to pick someone to represent it, then all invited to Konami HQ. We can report what we all want and also report the right feedback to Konami.

Let's start a collection for Lami's ticket to Tokyo.
Gab, I've wondered about whether dribbling should have error built in. I think it might be one of those things where you need a degree of certainty in order for the game to be playable. Unlike, say, passing or shooting, we don't have a lot of say in how good an individual touch is while dribbling. There's no power bar where we can end up overexerting ourselves and taking a loose touch or losing our player's rhythm.

One way to put that in could be to put sprinting on R2/RT and make it analog, so that the size of the touch at 100% is more erratic... But even then, with dribbling at only 16 directions the straightness of the dribbling is more apparent than FIFA, where fairly small thumb movements make a difference onscreen.
Gab, I've wondered about whether dribbling should have error built in. I think it might be one of those things where you need a degree of certainty in order for the game to be playable. Unlike, say, passing or shooting, we don't have a lot of say in how good an individual touch is while dribbling. There's no power bar where we can end up overexerting ourselves and taking a loose touch or losing our player's rhythm.

One way to put that in could be to put sprinting on R2/RT and make it analog, so that the size of the touch at 100% is more erratic... But even then, with dribbling at only 16 directions the straightness of the dribbling is more apparent than FIFA, where fairly small thumb movements make a difference onscreen.

Maybe, but I don't think this is something the player should have control over. It should just as accuracy in passing, completely stat based.

And you still have perfect touches that goes exactly the same direction and length you hold down even if you can go in any direction you want in FIFA, that's what makes it so unrealistic. There is no difference between players, they're all clones in this aspect. Ball control while jogging or running is one of the biggest things that separate players in real life. I think it's absurd that it's not reflected at all in any of the two games.
I don't think it'd be feasible to just put dribbling error in without giving you a means of controlling whether you're at risk of it or not, and that means being able to control how much effort you're putting into your dribbling at speed. Neither game is sophisticated enough to give us that level of control yet - you can't even walk in PES.
I don't think it'd be feasible to just put dribbling error in without giving you a means of controlling whether you're at risk of it or not, and that means being able to control how much effort you're putting into your dribbling at speed. Neither game is sophisticated enough to give us that level of control yet - you can't even walk in PES.

But I don't see why you need to have control over it. Even if you are giving a bad player the perfect situation for a pass, the pass will still not be perfect most of the times because of his stats.

I shouldn't be able to run with the ball control of CRonaldo with bad players, even if I'm a good "gamer", it should be impossible in a football simulation game.

Individuality like this makes you play different depending on what player you are controlling. Just like you shouldn't keep playing hard long through balls with Busquets, you would pass it to Xavi because his stats are more suited for it.

Pedro and Messi are probably as fast as another, but running with Pedro should be like in real life, uncertainty in how every touch of the ball is compared to Messi's almost perfect touch even when he's running. So instead of learning how to master Pedro to be as Messi, you simply wouldn't try to play him like Messi because it's just not realistic. It doesn't mean the players have constantly bad touches that makes it impossible to move forward, it's just that they're not 100% perfect all the time.
I don't think it'd be feasible to just put dribbling error in without giving you a means of controlling whether you're at risk of it or not, and that means being able to control how much effort you're putting into your dribbling at speed. Neither game is sophisticated enough to give us that level of control yet - you can't even walk in PES.

Pretty much, Its a generation to early for that.

Saying that It could simply be implemented with running at full speed how close the ball is at the players feet with every touch being the starting point.

This is the problem with players like Walcott and Ronaldo for example. both extremely quick players but the latter when at full pelt still is in total control while the former has a lot of poor touches so forcing him to slow down on the sprint to keep the control percentage higher.
I'd say there's such a thing as not being quite ready to handle that level of realism. It will happen one day, definitely.
Gab you've misunderstood. Nobody is asking that you should dribble like Ronaldo. Besides which, good dribblers in both games already have tighter turning circles, take more touches per second and are more responsive to requests to suddenly change direction.

What you're asking for is greater inconsistency from each touch. In real life this is more likely to happen if the player involved is overexerting himself. At the moment you can't really tell players to run at anything between 50% and 100% with the ball, and being able to take several consistently great touches at higher speed is what makes the likes of Messi and Ronaldo special. If a player isn't capable of running at 100% in tight spaces like them, then they still run at 70% or so, not 50% as with R2 dribbling in PES.
Gab you've misunderstood. Nobody is asking that you should dribble like Ronaldo. Besides which, good dribblers in both games already have tighter turning circles, take more touches per second and are more responsive to requests to suddenly change direction.

What you're asking for is greater inconsistency from each touch. In real life this is more likely to happen if the player involved is overexerting himself. At the moment you can't really tell players to run at anything between 50% and 100% with the ball, and being able to take several consistently great touches at higher speed is what makes the likes of Messi and Ronaldo special. If a player isn't capable of running at 100% in tight spaces like them, then they still run at 70% or so, not 50% as with R2 dribbling in PES.

I still say inconsistency happens all the time, no matter what speed you have, just bigger difference in the errors while sprinting. But I think we can leave it there, we both made our points.
I think PES 5 had the correct balance in dribbling. It really made you appreciate those with good control and dribbling stats. It had a lovely difference between your speed dribblers like Ronaldo and you tight control ball manipulating dribblers such as Zidane. Making them both as deadly as each other in different ways. This has been lost on next-gen, it has become about signing the fastest players.

From what we know about PES 2011, i hope the slowing down of the game and only 15-20 players have a speed star, makes the game more challenging and rewards us signing players like Xavi, Prilo etc, who can dictate the game.
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