PES 2011 Discussion thread

My god.. lol..

There are no similarities between the 2. The real-life valencia player is being hold from behind with much force, he'a almost running backwards, and he isn't touching the ball.

So again, how is it so "life-like"?
You are kidding me right!:RANT: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! If you expect while watching a football match on the TV to grab the PS3 controller and starting controlling the players, than you are in the wrong forum!!! PES is a video game for crying out loud not a real match, Konami are doing their best this year to bring something on the table and you are still dissatisfied!!!! GROW UP, WIll YA! I'm getting sick of people like you!!!:RANT:
You are kidding me right!:RANT: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! If you expect while watching a football match on the TV to grab the PS3 controller and starting controlling the players, than you are in the wrong forum!!! PES is a video game for crying out loud not a real match, Konami are doing their best this year to bring something on the table and you are still dissatisfied!!!! GROW UP, WIll YA! I'm getting sick of people like you!!!:RANT:

If you compare this video of Aimar's balance and the gif, PES 2011 physical play and the animations looks incredibly real!:SHOCK:


Well so much for it being "life-like" and realistic. Point haven't been proved, case closed.
You are kidding me right!:RANT: WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! If you expect while watching a football match on the TV to grab the PS3 controller and starting controlling the players, than you are in the wrong forum!!! PES is a video game for crying out loud not a real match, Konami are doing their best this year to bring something on the table and you are still dissatisfied!!!! GROW UP, WIll YA! I'm getting sick of people like you!!!:RANT:

We need to ignore him, because no matter what he will always "win", at least in his sad mind.
You can throw around as many :FAIL: emoticons as you want, CRiMSON, the only one being ridiculed here is you. I have to ask; what's your purpose on this thread? I could understand if what we've seen so far was total shite but it hasn't been, far from it in fact, yet the only thing you've done is try your hardest to undermine what cautious optimism there may be here with some incredibly pedantic nitpicking at arguably the best in-game footage Konami have shown. What are you looking to accomplish?
You can throw around as many :FAIL: emoticons as you want, CRiMSON, the only one being ridiculed here is you. I have to ask; what's your purpose on this thread? I could understand if what we've seen so far was total shite but it hasn't been, far from it in fact, yet the only thing you've done is try your hardest to undermine what cautious optimism there may be here with some incredibly pedantic nitpicking at arguably the best in-game footage Konami have shown. What are you looking to accomplish?

He's trying to win the internetz! Such a serious business that it is! He's nothing but a sad troll, he's probably one of those youtube trolls commenting "fake and gay" to every single video he sees. :LOL:

Tbh losers like him have the opposite effect on me, gets me more optimistic about PES 2011.
You can do the same. I'm merely arguing your points which you have yet to prove. I'm not being ridiculed by you, you're rather ridiculing yourselves, as ElvisSs here has just shown, a moment he says how "real" the animation looks when comparing it to the real thing, and a second later he says how it's "just a video a game and not the real thing". Well that's the point, it simply isn't realistic, it's comical. That's my point, if you can't accept that it's your problem.

The 2 above me can't argue very well as you can see. These petty attacks are pretty hilarious.

Ahahahaha, of course I'm right! What do you expect really!?!? PES 2011 jostling is by far the most real at this point! As i have said, if you expect a real match with the option to plug and play, you are really damaged!:FAIL:
Seriously guys, the last couple of pages of crap will be deleted in the morning if you carry on.

This thread doesn't need shitting up any further.
But I already know it will deleted. I wish I could control myself though. I'm just giving the guy what he wants by doing that :JAY: :COAT:

I know it's frustrating. Some people are seemingly willing PES to fail at every opportunity. Someone that is a true fan of PES wouldn't do that.
I know it's frustrating. Some people are seemingly willing PES to fail at every opportunity. Someone that is a true fan of PES wouldn't do that.

It's so frustrating, not because they are criticizing PES, but because they are doing it without respecting others, ignoring and dissing everything positive they might see, and really seem to enjoy doing that, and seeing PES fans overreact at them it's a "made day" for them. It's like a monster that feeds on our passion for the game, lol.
It's so frustrating, not because they are criticizing PES, but because they are doing it without respecting others, ignoring and dissing everything positive they might see, and really seem to enjoy doing that, and seeing PES fans overreact at them it's a "made day" for them. It's like a monster that feeds on our passion for the game, lol.

You're the one telling people to shut up and not to comment, now you're talking about "respect"? Shameful behaviour. Learn what respect is before uttering that word.

I know it's frustrating. Some people are seemingly willing PES to fail at every opportunity. Someone that is a true fan of PES wouldn't do that.

Your definition of a true fan must be accepting everything that's being thrown at you and deem it positive and never question it.

This place is for discussion, not for agreeing with each other.
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Your definition of a true fan must be accepting everything that's being thrown at you and deem it positive and never question it.

This place is for discussion, not for agreeing with each other.

There's plenty of reasoned and balanced discussion in this thread. When you're up for it feel free to join in.

Constructive criticism is welcome, but your posting history in this thread is none too clever.
What do you prefer:



or This?


Come on Jamez. That's silly. You get even tussles for the ball in FIFA all the time. You can even see one starting to happen with Rooney there but it gets cut out. All you're doing is comparing two different scenarios - one is the beginning of a tussle (PES), the other is the end of a tussle in which one player pushes the other away.

Which sounds remarkably similar to this:

If you were meant to be making a statement about FIFA favouring the shoulder barge too much, then fine - but you don't have the faintest idea whether PES will get this aspect right either, or whether FIFA 11 will build on what it had. You literally have that gif and nothing else.
You're the one telling people to shut up and not to comment, now you're talking about "respect"? Shameful behaviour. Learn what respect is before uttering that word.

Your definition of a true fan must be accepting everything that's being thrown at you and deem it positive and never question it.

This place is for discussion, not for agreeing with each other.

The "shut up" was that overreaction that I talked about, because:
First: No one said there were 1000 animations yet to add. I don't know how on hell you came with something like that.
Second: Your arguments to call Konami incompetents is what you see on a Gif taken from a video showing "proof of concept" stuff. I bet you didn't even saw the original video, and don't know why people were so excited about this. Of course you wouldn't know, you don't care about that.

You had no idea what you're talking about, you just came here, saw the GIF, looked solely on stuff to pick on, found some, made a post about that saying Konami is incompetent and they are lying to us, and that we're all stupid for being excited about it.

It's like you came here solely with the intention to trash everyone's positive views about the Gif/video, secretely saying that we're all blind and you're the one who's right. You're the only one who can ever be right.

And it's not like you ever respected anyone's opinions on the past, none of what you say/said is reasoned, it's pure
"empty" criticism.
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Regarding the manual passing,this is the bit of a report i saw about manual passing,although not properly implamented yet it will be.This seems to me that when you are knocking the ball around with short passes say in midfield it will be like its always been (unless you want total control that is)but when it say comes to a 30 yard upfield/crossfield pass then you are gonna want to use manual so then (and justifiably)you will see the pass gauge.This must be the case otherwise the rest of the time the gauge being on screen would be totally irrelavent.


I thought there'd be some PSM3 scans here. If anyone knows where they're hiding on the internet, please PM me. Thank you.

Crimson, crawl back under your stone. You lost badly.
Hope the "unfinished animations" don't end up like the "60% build" of the last couple of years. I really can't wait to play a proper PES after 2 years of starvation.
Why have I had to just read through 3 pages of someone angrily telling others 'never to tell him what to do, ever'... and then go on to tell others what they should do... Just to be able to read some pes news?

Very silly.

Gifs looks nice though.
I understand people who don't like PES since 2008. It's normal because PES was bad in this time. On the other hand i hate people who don't want see difference between Pes 2008/9/10 and 2011. They are ridiculous. I'm not fanboy because all the time i say next-gen PES was crap! but in PES 2011 i see progress BIG progress in technicall aspect of the game. I hate some people because is no matter how will PES for them it will be always bad, bad and bad! I like constructive criticism but not silly.
Look the game is still in an early build. There is at tleast 3-4 months of development time.

We can nitpick to the nth degree. Yes there are problems in there ie Busquets gliding across the turf. Buit as for the sprinting animation it looks reasonably lifelike and that sort of jostling can occur (though in kinematics the right arm should just come up as a counterweight,not the punching motion it adopts).

But there is no need for this ridiculous flaming. Grow up.
Reading the last few pages back i find it hard to see why crimson has been given such a hard time - IMO he is the only one who has put his points across in a contructive manner.

Its has been anderson who has resorted to the most trash talk. If your such a proud memeber of wenb your not doing it any favours by conducting your self in such a manner are you?

If crimson wants to make issues with parts of the little bits of video we see then so be it - until we have a more substancial video, we can only look at and anaylise what we see.

Personlly for me it looks pretty great! for the last few years i have been waiting to see something like this from konami - at last the dull robotic animations look to have gone. I just hope it will play like it looks -

The on;y concerning thing from the video was the goal where the player ran into the box and scored from inside the box, but the keeper stayed glued to the line. although im sure it will be fixed
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