PES 2011 Discussion thread

This manifests itself most clearly in passing, which, in tandem with a reworked shot power gauge, affords "unlimited freedom of passing" according to its creator.

Every pass or shot performed in PES 2011 brings up a power gauge on screen, which is situated in open play directly beneath the player so it is always in focus. Making use of this while holding L2 and pressing a pass button, the ball can theoretically be sent wherever you want it to go."

What they actually mean is you can aim wherever you want due to the new freedom in passing. That does not in any way suggest that every pass will go where you aim and stats are irrelevant.

Just that you are now no longer locked to 16 directions or however many and that there is no more auto locked passing to the man next to you on your right even if you press direction top right and pass.
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@Radiation you can see that wright: TV,PES 2011,and right pic is 2010...

Oh yeah I know - but people were saying that the two images above on or the last page now - were both real tv. and it was the 3rd image that was actually pes 2011. So they're saying we shouldn't be looking at those images and saying 'that looks great'.
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Sounds like online Master League is like online franchise in Madden.

In response to the alleged disappearance of stats based gameplay, its not a direct response but it covers the area.

"We are always challenged to make a change," he says, speaking through a translator. "In order to make the game feel like PES, this perhaps became an excuse for not making enough changes. This time our hidden slogan is 'break what is PES' - we wanted to take the change much further and we wanted to make the next step." To avoid misunderstanding, he adds: "We get asked if we'll lose the feeling of PES. I assure you this feeling will never be lost."

Online gaming sucks ass because even tiny amounts of lag ruin the game compared to local multiplayer.

But it's definitely what's hot.

Online gaming is overrated. About Pes 2011 though. Like any other game I have to play it before I can give a solid opinion.
In your opinion.

in mine too

If the ball can theoretically be sent wherever you want it to go...the player stats go bananas...especially on will be able to pass with whatever player.

thats ur thinking, stats still will be there to decide how timing is still needed and how precise it will be or however it will be in the game, they wont delete player stats based gameplay thats their major pro, cmon think first before posting such BS here
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Playing online against arsenal is nothing like playing against arsenal, it is the experience of playing against kids that doesn't understand football. Offline is the only way you can possible get a realistic experience of professional football. That's why it's so important that they keep working on the AI.

Playing against other people can be fun, but you do that with your friends in your couch, not against random 12 year olds around the world :SMUG:
Playing online against arsenal is nothing like playing against arsenal, it is the experience of playing against kids that doesn't understand football. Offline is the only way you can possible get a realistic experience of professional football. That's why it's so important that they keep working on the AI.

Playing against other people can be fun, but you do that with your friends in your couch, not against random 12 year olds around the world :SMUG:

well thats the kids problem not konamis, good online game always favours good players and players with aspiration, they need to mange it somehow

sure last titles only bugusers and runners online... sadly
After reading all those previews and QA's i am ready to make my own comments. First of all i'd like to say that i am one of those people that gave up the series from PES 08 (which was horrible imo) and until our days. In the meantime i played Fifa 09 , Fifa 10 and the WC 10 games. I've only tried the PES 09 and 10 demos which i didn't like at all. As most of the people i expected much more from a company like Konami. One of the few reasons that Fifa draw my attention was that it require from the player (i play with only MANUAL controls) a more tactical good passing game (on 1v1 matches), gave me the opportunity to play 2v2,5v5,10v10 (on manual controls because when u play on assisted its like an ugly arcade game ) and also had a nearly flawless online experience without any trace of lag (this is a huge plus for me). Even though i enjoyed Fifa much i prayed for a PES comeback and as it seems the comeback is closer than ever. Generally speaking i can say that after reading all those stuff about PES 11 my enthusiasm level is about 7+ out of 10 which mean cautious optimism.
I want to make some points using bullet point style.

Extremely positive stuff

- The way that they understand the tactical face of real football. I like all the things that they try to implement like the drag and drop system and the fact that now the game plays at a much slower speed. Also i like the fact that we will be given the opportunity to play the game at an even slower pace.

- The depth of the new defensive routines. Despite the fact that these weren't available in this early build the journalists played, i like the way they explain its use. This is absolutely basic stuff for a football title to be considered next-gen. I hope that gone are the days of generic pressure fests using the X button pressure. Not that it doesn't need to be there , but such a challenge must be more riskier than other options such as close the space around the attacker or even follow the attacker until he losses the ball by himself due to bad dribbling or being tired etc.....

- The camera improvements. It is absolutely essential for a next-gen football title to have perfect camera views. It is one of my biggest gripes in Fifa also. The camera must adjust its hight, tilt and zoom according to the action on the pitch. I am not the expert to explain how it must behave but i found that the Konami team implemented a really great wide camera view.

- In the animations department I was really impresed about the way Messi's model was tracking the point on the screen. Really lifelike and that is the kind of animations needed for PES.

Slightly concerned about

- The animations are not so fluid as in Fifa and the transitions between animations are not done yet. The good thing is that they work on it but will they nail it until the release date? Not so easy imo.....

- Also i've read that the new defense system was not ready yet in the early build. Its good in theory but the same question as above applies here also.

- No one mentions some critical details about the game such as the role of the Super-Cancel which made PES what it is. I wanted to know more details on the gameplay.

- Goalkeepers need to behave as realistic as possible. I mean whats the point of improving the whole Defensive AI without doing the same for the goalkeepers. In fact i have a slight idea what could be the reason for not improving the keepers and i will be really angry if i discover that is true . They might be thinking (KONAMI) that if the keepers are behaving realistically then the game become too simulation and we are going to have many 0-0's or the keepers might actually act in favor of a bad player online so the game for them doesn't become frustrating. If any of the above are the case then it is a potential game-breaker for me. Actually making AI players play bad on purpose (players boost etc) in relation to the opponent players (whether it will be AI or Human opponent) can be very obvious and potential game-breaker. I'd rather lose all of my matches if i don't play good than there is no kind of AI intervention.

Very cautious about

- All the stuff concerning Online modes. There is only one thing mentioned about the Online Master League and nothing else. It is absolutely essential for PES to have an excellent Online system. Unfortunately in the PSM QA Seabass from what he says we can assume that there will not be any multiplayer (5v5, 10v10 for example) and thats quite depressing. Imo Fifa 11 has a big advantage here. I really hope PES 11 prove me wrong in that critical department of the game as it was one of the main reasons i changed camps going from PES fanatic to Fifa follower.

Phewww. Sorry for the long post.
I must admit I hate the fact they are taking all the technique bar the timing out of the feint system. I do not like that at all, for me its a more arcadish approach. To perform feints they should be hard and require technique. I also dont like the fact they are changing the invisible penalty system, I personally think 2010's is the most perfect and realistic way of replicating the spot kick.

I also dont like the visual power bar, it just looks very arcadey, but maybe I'll get over that. Manual passing sounds alot better, and I'm very happy with the new camera angles, I'm a lover of the Broadcasting Cameras on PES 2010, previous I had always been a 'Wide' man.

I have mixed opinons to be honest. But the trick stick is a killer for me. :(
plain right stick is good just body feints w/o the ball

u mean the right stick +L1, the feint sets right ?
after some time its off the screen anyways, im sure u can turn it off like radar etc.

maybe they change the design of the pass bar, just the first try for it..
- All the stuff concerning Online modes. There is only one thing mentioned about the Online Master League and nothing else. It is absolutely essential for PES to have an excellent Online system. Unfortunately in the PSM QA Seabass from what he says we can assume that there will not be any multiplayer (5v5, 10v10 for example) and thats quite depressing. Imo Fifa 11 has a big advantage here. I really hope PES 11 prove me wrong in that critical department of the game as it was one of the main reasons i changed camps going from PES fanatic to Fifa follower.

FIFA may have a good online experience but it has a terrible online community just like 99% of console games. I'm not sure how PES' will go, i'm pretty sure most of the 'kids' will stay with fifa but i'd put it out there that it'll still have it's fair share of exploiters if it happens to work online this time.

Also it worries me when people don't acknowledge that Fifa online has lag. It hides the lag well but in truth there is always going to be slight lag which in FIFA results in advantages given to whoever isn't feeling the wrath of it (i'm not really sure of the technical details). If you've been to the fifa forum there's about 6 billion threads about 'momentum' or advantages given to one player and it seemed to come to the conclusion that it was due to lag factors. Well that is unless EA aren't just lieing about purposely putting it in, which ofcourse nobody knows.

Still atleast it technically is playable if you pretend that those aren't problems, unlike PES.

Maybe i'm a bit biased, i used to play online all the time in football games and then just stopped because it felt so unenjoyable compared to local multiplayer.
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plain right stick is good just body feints w/o the ball

u mean the right stick +L1, the feint sets right ?

Just read in the Eurogamer Hands on that you can choose to use the old system or the new right stick option. That makes me feel a little better as I'd stick to the older method. The only thing that still bothers me is that anybody you play against can pull of the trick, or at least easily attempt it using the new method. Which is far too easy really, no technique required. It penalises the player that uses real technique.
I also dont like the fact they are changing the invisible penalty system, I personally think 2010's is the most perfect and realistic way of replicating the spot kick.

I didn't see that news, that's rubbish. I liked the penalty system it needed tightening up but it was much better without the power bar because it felt like you had to get a feel for where you were going to put it and how powerful that'd be.
Dissapointed by the amount of news, WENB claimed that their would be videos,images and a shedload of information.

We've had about 5-6 screens and a crap video and 3-4 impressions. Shocking stuff.

regarding what we have actually received im still very optimistic. The screens do look very good (The Totti one and wide-cam being the main two). The defence system sounds fantastic, hopefully they can make it work. Im a huge fan of FIFA's dribbling system and if the tricks are used in a similar manner then brilliant (obviously with tweaks in some areas of it).

The animations are still my main worry, I can see them still bodging them up but hopefully they can make it work along with making sure the goalkeepers don't palm everything. I'm not sure about the "15 stars" either with them possibly being able to dribble better thans who aren't stars.

Sounds good hopefully we can get some gameplay footage to either give it thumps up or down know.
Did WENB promise videos?

They delivered on the images they promised, they said there was one wide angle shot which there has been.
Dissapointed by the amount of news, WENB claimed that their would be videos,images and a shedload of information.

We've had about 5-6 screens and a crap video and 3-4 impressions. Shocking stuff.

regarding what we have actually received im still very optimistic. The screens do look very good (The Totti one and wide-cam being the main two). The defence system sounds fantastic, hopefully they can make it work. Im a huge fan of FIFA's dribbling system and if the tricks are used in a similar manner then brilliant (obviously with tweaks in some areas of it).

The animations are still my main worry, I can see them still bodging them up but hopefully they can make it work along with making sure the goalkeepers don't palm everything. I'm not sure about the "15 stars" either with them possibly being able to dribble better thans who aren't stars.

Sounds good hopefully we can get some gameplay footage to either give it thumps up or down know.

There is supposed to be more videos from the tour still coming, but WENB said there won't be any gameplay video. We had 10 screens plus some caps from the tour with other kind of stuff. And i've seen 10+ impressions in different languages.
Online play is for kids. I am mostly an offline multiplayer with friends...

Why's it for kids? Playing online with people you know is just like playing offline with friends, bar the lag. I'd love playing you guys online and lag-free.
I've only just realised what the defending's about. I thought that pushing towards the opponent meant we had to manually aim the defender correctly at the ball. Rereading it though, it seems as if pressing towards the ball is the same as the current pressuring system, except there's more chance of error. If that's true then the only completely new thing about this defending system is that you can stand still and hold X? Cos we've had the tracking jockey option for a while on FIFA - It's L2+X, or L2+R2+X.

In which case it's a question of how Konami balance the three pressuring types.

Edit: Online play was the best thing about PES 5 and 6. It was second to none. Getting a really good team ethic with a random dutch bloke in 2v2 PES 6 remains one of my best game experiences ever. Some of the imaginative goals we conjured were simply disgusting.
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I dont know why hate power bar when u never try it...What maybe that will be one better thing in pes,who knows,lets try or see how works then talk its crap etc...
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