PES 2011 Discussion thread

Off topic but I just bought a vuvuzela to annoy the hell out of everyone in the streets during the World Cup! :BOP:

PES 2011 needs vuvuzela noise effects when playing in African stadiums. Someone tell Jon Murphy stat.
Well, the problem with PES sounds are that they're always the same. I guess by funeral sounds people are mostly referring to the silent crowd after away goals. As it happens, it's just taken out from a wrong match. And this generic "silence" isn't really representative in most venues or in average contexts in this world, although I can give you a great identical example from a real match: CSKA Moscow's away goals at Old Trafford in the UCL group phase. Now that was a pure PES-esque silence.

Basically Konami have sampled the sfx to make the game sound like a televised match and in that sense they're quite realistic. Always the same, but realistic.

Mostly the sfx have been sort of right, only near miss sample is really out of place, a very cheap synthesized effect, surely not taken from the telly. Also the ball hitting the post is slightly wrong, as it seems to be recorded at an empty training field and not in a stadium atmosphere (at least sounds like it).

Of course, what people may want is the feeling as if they were sitting in the crowd themselves. And there's nothing wrong with that. But for that they'd have to record everything with totally new mindset. And it's going to be extremely expensive.

Can't believe I wrote all this drivel. :)
Off topic but I just bought a vuvuzela to annoy the hell out of everyone in the streets during the World Cup! :BOP:

PES 2011 needs vuvuzela noise effects when playing in African stadiums. Someone tell Jon Murphy stat.

Lmao I have 2 it annoys the hell out of everyone. It's a bit like a fart it sucks when it's someone elses but its cool if it's you cutting loose. :D
I'm surprised that not many really brought the issue of the A.I's approach to play.

I've been playing ML for a couple of seasons now, and each team I play the A.I's game has always been about one-touch passes, running towards the wing and most of the goals I've conceded have come from crosses. The A.I doesn't seem to have the ability to pump up the ball from their defensive area, even when they're trailing in a game and time's running out.

I think they really need to fix this up, because you won't see a team like Blackburn pass the ball about confidently like Barca.

The other gripe I'm having is the accuracy of the crosses. I hate the fact that's its almost fully automatic now, tap once to aim at far post, twice for/near post and middle. There's rarely any over-hit cross whatsoever.(Even the more skilled players in real life will overhit a cross if the angle is against him).

I also realized a bug that's quite minor but annoying. Shots that hit the posts are not shown in replays, but shots that hit the bar are shown. Weird, innit?
The crosses are too easy for sure. It's also worth noting that if you're turning diagonally away from goal and towards the sideline, the crosses will actually be better. How that makes sense I can not guess. Also a weak footed cross is usually pretty good, while real life pro players usually send those to the stands.
Got this (thanks to Jjoseca) from a Mexican's magazine editor. Didn't had the time to translate it yet, so here it goes in Spanish first.

Nuevos movimientos como defensa, una forma más sencilla de administrar tus estrategias, un nuevos sitema de fintas

La master league online, la Copa Libertadores, un nuevo sistema de edición con una "Sorpresa" que no nos quisieron decir...

Es mucho más difícil pues ahora se deshabilitaron las ayudas de IA y entre 15 y 20 jugadores tendrán una habilidad llamada Speed Star...

Q: Por cierto, dicen si les ha gustado el juego?

A: A mi si, pero porque soy veterano, sin embargo otros novatos sufrieron mucho, porque ahora es más difícil

Q: Pero, te voy a preguntar otra cosa, es un cambio radical? es mucho mejor q todos los next gen y los de ps2? gracias

A: No, para nada, aún estamos esperando ese PES, lo siento, pero no es asi...

Q: pero porque dices que no es bueno?

A: No, no es que no sea bueno, sólo que no será el PES diferente que de el salto que tanto esperamos.

Q: Las animaciones seran buenas almenos? o la han vuelto a cagar? y el tiempo de reaccion?

A: Pues las animaciones lucen bien y el tiempo de reacción es raro al principio, porque no tienes ayudas extras, pero te acostumbras. para los veteranos será bueno volver a las raíces, pero los novatos van a sufrir mucho al principio.

Q: Que tal los porteros y la fisica del balon y de los jugadores?

A: Los porteros estaban mal, pero lo que vimos estaba en un 70% asi que espero que los mejores, porque estaban bien bestias. La física del balón es parecida a la del 2010 y la de los jugadores si fue mejorada, sobre todo el cuerpo a cuerpo.

Q: Han hecho algo parecido a los ultimos FIFA? o no tiene nada q ver?

A: Pues quizá el nuevo sistema de fintas es un poco parecido al FIFA, pero de ahi en adelante, no, no se parecen
Thank you _anderson
here is the translated one

Q: By the way, say if they liked the game?

A: I have, but because I am a veteran, but other rookies suffered a lot because it is more difficult

Q: But, I'll ask something else, is a radical change? q is much better all the next gen and the ps2? thanks

A: Not at all, we are still waiting for this PES, sorry, but it is not so ...

Q: But because you say it is not good?

A: No, not that is not good, just not the PES will be different than the jump that much hope.

Q: The animations will be good at least? or have gone to shit? and reaction time?

A: Well, the animations look good and the reaction time is weird at first, because you have no extra help, but you get used. for veterans will be good to go back to the roots, but novices will suffer much at first.

Q: What about the janitors and the physics of ball and players?

A: The gatekeepers were wrong, but what we saw was 70% so I hope the best, because they were good horses. The ball physics is like that of 2010 and the players if it was improved, especially melee.

Q: Have you done anything like the last Cup? q or not has nothing to see?

A: Well, maybe the new dribbling system is a bit like FIFA, but thereafter, no, do not seem
Thank you _anderson
here is the translated one

Q: By the way, say if they liked the game?

A: I have, but because I am a veteran, but other rookies suffered a lot because it is more difficult

Q: But, I'll ask something else, is a radical change? q is much better all the next gen and the ps2? thanks

A: Not at all, we are still waiting for this PES, sorry, but it is not so ...

Q: But because you say it is not good?

A: No, not that is not good, just not the PES will be different than the jump that much hope.

Q: The animations will be good at least? or have gone to shit? and reaction time?

A: Well, the animations look good and the reaction time is weird at first, because you have no extra help, but you get used. for veterans will be good to go back to the roots, but novices will suffer much at first.

Q: What about the janitors and the physics of ball and players?

A: The gatekeepers were wrong, but what we saw was 70% so I hope the best, because they were good horses. The ball physics is like that of 2010 and the players if it was improved, especially melee.

Q: Have you done anything like the last Cup? q or not has nothing to see?

A: Well, maybe the new dribbling system is a bit like FIFA, but thereafter, no, do not seem

Ugh, Google Translate. Sorry I don't have time to translate it properly right now. If anyone can do it.
Q: But, I'll ask something else, is a radical change? q is much better all the next gen and the ps2? thanks

A: Not at all, we are still waiting for this PES, sorry, but it is not so ...

That worrys me :(
sorry, something I forgot to translate

New movements such as defense, an easier way to manage your strategies, a new system of feints
The online master league, Copa Libertadores, a new editing system with a "Surprise" we do not want to say ...
sorry, something I forgot to translate

New movements such as defense, an easier way to manage your strategies, a new system of feints
The online master league, Copa Libertadores, a new editing system with a "Surprise" we do not want to say ...

Can you link us scans?
Bullshit!!! Mexican, spanish... didn't the aliens say something for crying out loud! Cut the crap and wait for the damn Tuesday!!! Mexican... magazines... jeeezzz....:FAIL:
How can you all believe in every word that someone says! Ronaldihno, now this Mexican fella... no offense to them, but guys cmon wait 3 more days and than judge and do your stuff!!! If Obama says that PES is bollocks you will believe him???

It's actually a jornalist, from a magazine, published today.

Either way, it's an opinion, just one of the many reports there will be.
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to all this new freedom and manual passing etc. it all givs u nothin if they finally cant stop this easy running on the wings or any unreal movements (wich shud lead to easy turnovers)

or this fuckin early bug crosses...

010 online is destroyd by this jerks

huge pace slowdown on players with the ball is needed, by huge i mean huge lol, like twice that slow as messi runs with the ball in 010 :BLEH:
Again, if this was all positive then it would have been lapped up as almost definitely true.

That said, it does seem odd that a press release this early in the day would be as reserved in it's praise as this. Usually mags this early on are in that nothing-but-praise stage - that phenomenon of perfect previews and 7/10 reviews.

I think it's more likely for the above and Van Persie's comments (don't expect PES to be so drastically different in one year etc) than not. Whether they are true is another matter (though as Anderson says apparently it's real), but even so, football games can't be completely overhauled from the roots up in one go. Making major technological changes to the gameplay needs a hell of a lot of QA to get it working, let alone perfectly balanced.

This whole Blue Sky thing is being romanticised an awful lot (considering they're named after management speak!), and it's leading to almost impossibly high expectations from what is still only one year's work. Don't forget what the E stands for...
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So, the translation, for those still interested on a proper one:

- New moves, on the defense, a new way to deal with tactics, new trick system (this we already know).

- Master League Online, Copa dos Libertadores, a new editing system with a surprise they didn't want to tell us (we also know already).

- It's much more harder, because there's no AI assistance, and about 15/20 players have a "new" ability called "Speed Star".

Q: Did you liked the game?
A: I did, because i'm a veteran, but without A.I assistance, newbies/casual gamers will suffer, because it's much harder.

Q: But, I'm going to ask you something. Are the changes radical? Is it much better than all the next gen and PS2 games?
A: No, not yet, we are still waiting for that PES. Sorry.

Q: Are you saying it isn't good?
A: No no, I'm not saying it isn't good, it's just that it won't be the "different" PES we are waiting for.

Q: Are the animations good at least? What about response times?
A: Animations look good, and the time of response is weird at first, because you have no AI help, but you'll get used to it (I think he is talking about something different than response times...). For the veterans it will be nice to get back to the roots, but newbies will suffer at the beggining.

Q: What the about the goalkeepers and ball and players physics?
A: Goalkeepers were bad, but what we have seen was at 70% so I expect them to improve, because they were too bad. Ball physic is similiar to PES 2010 and players physics was improved, especially on body-on-body collisions.

Q: Is the game similiar to last FIFA editions? Or nothing like it.
A: Well the new trick system is a bit like FIFA's one, but apart from that, no they aren't alike.

Questions are by Jjoseca.

So, like I said, nothing conclusive. We actually made more questions but the guy didn't answered. Let's see what we read on next weeks actual reports.
So, the translation, for those still interested on a proper one:

Questions are by Jjoseca.

So, like I said, nothing conclusive. We actually made more questions but the guy didn't answered. Let's see what we read on next weeks actual reports.

Now this is a much better translation. And its the news I wanted to hear tbh. PES going back to its roots, its still PES and nothing like Fifa, no AI assistance etc.

Thanks anderson.
Bullshit!!! Mexican, spanish... didn't the aliens say something for crying out loud! Cut the crap and wait for the damn Tuesday!!! Mexican... magazines... jeeezzz....:FAIL:

How can you all believe in every word that someone says! Ronaldihno, now this Mexican fella... no offense to them, but guys cmon wait 3 more days and than judge and do your stuff!!! If Obama says that PES is bollocks you will believe him???

That time of the month?

Calm down. If you don't like what they bring, don't read ;)
One thing that I hope they have worked on is the difficulty of the single player game. In master league it will usually take me 5 seasons to get promoted, that will include a few cup wins and very near misses at 2nd place. Once promoted I am able to finish in the top 6 with no problems in the first season, qualify for europe and do the double over teams like Chelsea. In my latest master league I am in my second season in the Premier league and in the top 5, I have just finished top in my Champions league group which consisted of Barcelona, A.C. Milian & Valencia, I only lost 1 game in that group and my team is still full of relatively crap players.
I even imposed a salary & transfer fee cap to try and make it harder but it is still too easy. I have had teams that have won the CL back to back for 5 years and gone unbeaten in the league twice along the way and I just have to give up and start over because there is no challenge, its ridiculous.
Hi guys nice too see you all,i dont post much in here anymore (after last year it makes my head hurt lol)And i have stopped reading a few posts back,but thought i would mention this(apologies if this has been mentioned since). Something was mentioned about a suprise in editing mode? well heres me going out on a limb but can you remember the questionaire that konami gave out asking people(maybe press?) to score certain features in order of importance? well i remember something about ability to edit/build stadiums.if thats the suprise well WOW! heres hoping. Rasunda type stadiums anyone?
So it appears that once again it will be the same old PES, no radical changes. I wonder if we'll ever see this game go back to being good.
Reading that interview, I don't think that he is saying that PES is bad, I think that he is commenting on the PES philosophy, he saying that this hasn't change.
Hi guys nice too see you all,i dont post much in here anymore (after last year it makes my head hurt lol)And i have stopped reading a few posts back,but thought i would mention this(apologies if this has been mentioned since). Something was mentioned about a suprise in editing mode? well heres me going out on a limb but can you remember the questionaire that konami gave out asking people(maybe press?) to score certain features in order of importance? well i remember something about ability to edit/build stadiums.if thats the suprise well WOW! heres hoping. Rasunda type stadiums anyone?
Yes I did that questionnaire/survey as well. Can't remember what was in it though..

Reading that interview, I don't think that he is saying that PES is bad, I think that he is commenting on the PES philosophy, he saying that this hasn't change.

Exactly what I wanted to be assured. Don't want 2 fifa games.
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