PES 2011 Discussion thread


and what is the sense in that its your offensive to others. I'm a pessimist when it comes to the Lord Seabasssss and Konami ,need to curb your optimism
This is my final word and wont post till restriction Konami has said.

PES2011 is a great game Konami have worked so hard and their Marketing is much improved even better than Fifa. They have welcomed me and respected me as well. So i dont want to break connection however i feel for you guys waiting for pes news I was in this position and now I have played the game I try to share with you guys without showing disrespect to Konami.Gameplay videos and images will release but the reason why Konami has not decides is for timing for those that studied Marketing like me (if any in here)now that timing plays a big role its not because Konami is being ego but its because for timing.


Van_Persie, una pregunta (en claro español), las animaciones de messi mostradas en el teaser, realmente se ven expresadas en el gameplay? en ese departamento (animaciones) se puede decir que esta a la altura de los otros gigantes en juegos de deportes (2K / EA)?

Y la ultima, no precisamente del juego en sí, pero si quiero saber tu opinión. Me parece que la "total libertad" que vende konami seria un error si se plasmase en un 100%, si ok, controlar la energía de pase y mas direcciones para mandarlos, pero si no existiese un mínimo "carril invisible" para guiar los pases, en mi opinión, todo seria medio desprolijo y para ciertos jugadores "casuales" hasta fastidioso (millones de pases serian errados). A lo que voy, poner pases a la sola libertad de la dirección y la potencia sin una mínima asistencia en el traslado seria dificilísimo de jugar. No te parece?
U are right nicetoknwyou , if total liberty it's 100% accurate it's more dificult to play i think , we must have a little assistence or most of the passes will go wrong.
Van_Persie, una pregunta (en claro español), las animaciones de messi mostradas en el teaser, realmente se ven expresadas en el gameplay? en ese departamento (animaciones) se puede decir que esta a la altura de los otros gigantes en juegos de deportes (2K / EA)?

Y la ultima, no precisamente del juego en sí, pero si quiero saber tu opinión. Me parece que la "total libertad" que vende konami seria un error si se plasmase en un 100%, si ok, controlar la energía de pase y mas direcciones para mandarlos, pero si no existiese un mínimo "carril invisible" para guiar los pases, en mi opinión, todo seria medio desprolijo y para ciertos jugadores "casuales" hasta fastidioso (millones de pases serian errados). A lo que voy, poner pases a la sola libertad de la dirección y la potencia sin una mínima asistencia en el traslado seria dificilísimo de jugar. No te parece?

I am really looking forward in answering your question, but not now at the end of week. Meanwhile if someone could translate it in English or Dutch that would be a great favour.

I am really looking forward in answering your question, but not now at the end of week. Meanwhile if someone could translate it in English or Dutch that would be a great favour.


second paragraph summary ...

And last, not just the game itself, but if you want to know your opinion. I think the "total freedom at 100%" that sells konami would be a mistake.
ok, energy control pass and more addresses to send them, but at least must be a "invisible rail" to guide/assist passes. if not millions of passes would be wrong. Dont you think?
Van_Persie, una pregunta (en claro español), las animaciones de messi mostradas en el teaser, realmente se ven expresadas en el gameplay? en ese departamento (animaciones) se puede decir que esta a la altura de los otros gigantes en juegos de deportes (2K / EA)?

translation of the first paragraph

Van_Persie, i ask you question (in spanish of course), the animations of messi showed in the teaser, are really in the gameplay?
and can we say that the animations are in pair with the top sport games (2K / EA)?

i'm italian, so it's not perfect.
AI assistance = Player stats coming into play


That would be logical, otherwise it'd be useless for a human player.

Just one week to go and we'll have more info about pes11, can't wait :COOL: !

By the way, did anyone try to ask the German soccer league about the Bundesliga in Pes ??
I wish I could make it by myself, but unfortunately, I don't speak German :( (only french, english and spanish).

In fact I'd just need someone to translate my text from english to german, but it would be better if the person could send the e-mail directly to the Bundesliga responsibles, from a native German there will be more chances to get an answer from them.

For those interested, here's the contact page , I think the person we should ask is "Andy Meyer", the responsible for licensing issues. Oh and if people who are on WENB forums (adamneaves, anderson, maybe others) could relay this "request" over there that would be nice indeed, maybe some German member on WENB would be willing to send a mail to the DFL ;). It's important that we (I mean the whole community, even those who don't need the bundesliga) can get an answer about this issue, otherwise there'll be always rumours about it.
Halleluja, to that I don't want a 100 % manual passing it must have a level of player stats affecting it.

Indeed, PES would cease to be PES if the player has total freedom. I want more freedom but something similar to semi-manual passing/shooting on Fifa, nothing more than that.
I really dont mind the passes on a "rail" that much as long as I can pinpoint balls with Xavi/Pirlo types - I just dont want any rail feeling once the pass/shot is made; from the time I touch the controller I shouldnt have to fight the CPU to decide where I want to take my player.
translation of the first paragraph

Van_Persie, i ask you question (in spanish of course), the animations of messi showed in the teaser, are really in the gameplay?
and can we say that the animations are in pair with the top sport games (2K / EA)?

i'm italian, so it's not perfect.

The animation of messi showed in the teaser is indeed the same as the gameplay, however the animation in PES2011 is way better than Fifa10/World Cup, its because Fifa is soulless e.g. it feels empty and cartoonish. When you play PES2011 it feels real individualty of each player is much improved than PES2010, messi animations in PES2011 is also better than 2010. Let me give you a situation I was in when playing PES2011, I did some tricks and it was quite difficult to go trough defenders and tricks animation are also very smooth and attractive/realistic.( almost as good as fifa or even better). Hopefully ill play fifa 11 and the new version of PES2011, as the one I played had small differces of PES2010. I would not be suprised if PES2011 outperformed Fifa 11 but its way too early to judge as I didnt even play fifa 11 yet.

Edit: I would say that Konami is going to right direction. Personally I see them as the 2K Sports of soccer in the future, unless EA step their game up.
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Indeed, PES would cease to be PES if the player has total freedom. I want more freedom but something similar to semi-manual passing/shooting on Fifa, nothing more than that.

Bull. It needs to move on now. we are stuck with an old engine that needs to be replaced with a new next gen engine. Get rid of the on rails and the assisted passing. Have a pass gauge.
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