PES 2011 Discussion thread

i dont think anyone here who is bitching about sliders has actually used them in a game.... when going online they usually are always the same, in 2k games you can set the sliders in the online leagues so everyone is using the same ones.. it is awesome, speed slider is an awesome feature, if you dont like it, dont use it

So if someone doesn't like something then they're "bitching"? I thought that was an opinion...
Meh I don't like the speed slider idea either.
In my opinion game speed should be variable depending on pitch condition (remember moaninhos antics at Stamford bridge when we purposefully left the pitch for a few weeks to hamper Barcelona's passing game) or the weather if the pitch is wet and of course pitch condition in terms of a heavy field etc.

Player speed must be stat based of course but the acceleration variables must be more pronounced. In PES it has been there but not enough IMO.
As much as I'd give game sliders a thumbs up (adding an option) I don't see them being absolutely necessary.

PES 2010 was the perfect pace for me. It was dynamic and switched according to how you played the game or which mentality you switched to. For instance, attacking with Messi or Aaron Lennon attacking on the wing, it would be a much faster pace to wrong foot and catch out defenders. Whereas controlling the midfield with Fabregas or Xavi I'd slow down the pace and look for the killer pass.
I found PES 2010 a bit too quick. I think it should be slowed down slightly.
But apparently I'm going to look like an idiot if this turns out to be fake anyway so what can I say.

I wouldn't say you looked like an idiot. You're simply not dismissing it because it hasn't been conclusively proved as false. The people who think that it is false are using similar logic to yours but obviously with the premises opposite.

I understand your point but either way our opinions on the matter are always going to be subjective and just because you seem to be in the minority who doesn't believe it is fake doesn't mean you're wrong.

Well technically one group of thought is in the wrong but we don't know it yet.

We'll see in the coming weeks i guess, we can't do much else.
PES 2010 was a tad too quick.

A parcial problem for that is because there's no real way to slow the ball down. You're either jogging quite quickly, running or standing still. It'd be great for them to add a slow jog feature.

Plus acceleration should play a bigger part for me, not crucial but it does feel like the pace was fast because every player got up to their top speed too quickly in addition to the point above. That may be changed with my point below.

You remember the Rooney sprint against Arsenal? Well that wasn't akin to his level of top speed presumably, i'd never seen him run that fast before. With the new stamina feature sure to lower players speed when they get more tired do you think it'll work the other way as well? Kind of like adding burst runs (sounds a bit arcadey like nitrous or something) but players do usually run in bursts and not continuously at full speed.
Well, as i see some people think that sliders are a bad thing but, for me, it´s the only way to make the game good for all the people taste.

Some prople say the game is too quick, other that the passes are too quick, other that the acceleration is too high, others that shots are too accurated. So, that´s exactly what sliders are for, to adjust the game to personal preferences. If you want to play online of course you´ll use the default sliders, but for offline gameplay you can adjust the game to the best settings depending on the way you play.

All the sports games have sliders, at least all the ones that tries to simulate a realistic sport gameplay, and the reason for that is simply: the default settings will never please everyone, it´s impossoble, so with sliders everyone can adjust the gameplay the way they want.

It´s just a matter of time since we have this on football games, and i am 100% sure that sliders will be avaiable for PES or FIFA on 2011 or 2012. And i´m sure that the same people saying sliders are a bad thing will change their mind once they can adjust the gameplay to their own taste.
PES doesn't need sliders to balance gameplay anywhere near as much as FIFA does for instance but if it does add them then i wouldn't say it was a bad thing at all.
PES doesn't need sliders to balance gameplay anywhere near as much as FIFA does for instance but if it does add them then i wouldn't say it was a bad thing at all.

Well, for you PES2010 don´t need adjustments, but for me it needs, i would love to see less accurated crosses, less accurated shots, slower passes, slower speed. and all of those little things could be easily adjusted by sliders.
I wouldn't say you looked like an idiot. You're simply not dismissing it because it hasn't been conclusively proved as false. The people who think that it is false are using similar logic to yours but obviously with the premises opposite.

I understand your point but either way our opinions on the matter are always going to be subjective and just because you seem to be in the minority who doesn't believe it is fake doesn't mean you're wrong.

Well technically one group of thought is in the wrong but we don't know it yet.

We'll see in the coming weeks i guess, we can't do much else.

Well I actually was told that I'll look like an idiot come June when we all get to see the game simply because I hadn't jumped around shouting 'fake fake fake'.

I suspect it's fake just like everyone else... but I was just saying it could just as easily be be real as the reasons people had listed for being fake were pretty flimsy. The guy has been very careful not to upload something or say something that is 100% clearly faked like many of the other have done in the past.

PES 2010 was a tad too quick.

A parcial problem for that is because there's no real way to slow the ball down. You're either jogging quite quickly, running or standing still. It'd be great for them to add a slow jog feature.

How about putting run onto the trigger buttons!
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Thing is though why he'd go and say something like a member of a popular PES forum is asking him to take them down so they can have the exclusive come June?

That's pretty smart tbh. He knows very much how to keep people hooked.
Agreed. The passing in particular needs to be slowed down a touch. Hopefully with the new power bar there will be a greater range of passing speeds.

The power bars for passing, crossing, shooting etc coupled with the new animations and 360 degree system is what I am most looking forward to. If done right it will create a new level of freedom and control in football games.
If the WEP team can pick a bunch of PES players, not mags, and provide them with a beta every now and then for feedback, it would be much better for them.
The power bars for passing, crossing, shooting etc coupled with the new animations and 360 degree system is what I am most looking forward to. If done right it will create a new level of freedom and control in football games.

absolutely agreed. especially the animation and the AI, make them smarter, not more passing whore, and every lose ball seems magnetically bounce to their player. :JAY:
Also, put training back in the ML and make it a very integral part as well. A player's stamina should rise and drop depending on that, not rising automatically and endlessly until a certain age. That should also make people pick players based on fitness levels.
If the WEP team can pick a bunch of PES players, not mags, and provide them with a beta every now and then for feedback, it would be much better for them.

Damn straight with our luck they'll pull in a bunch of kids that are more interested on, boots, balls and tricks.
They need to focus on the gameplay intricacies. Fuck I hope konami nail this I need a next gen football game. I don't feel like any franchise has evolved to the levels of true next gen sports games.
The power bars for passing, crossing, shooting etc coupled with the new animations and 360 degree system is what I am most looking forward to. If done right it will create a new level of freedom and control in football games.

The penalty animations were rubbish but the concept itself was very good i thought. Even FIFA went for a similar type of style for the World Cup game albeit adding a new composure bar (i haven't played the game but that does look like it is very easy to get in the green and therefore basically the same as PES).

Also GK's could save with their feet which is also pretty good.

I mean if the penalties didn't look so damn unrealistic they'd be alright.
I tried the pens on world cup on saturday and they're horrific. I think I scored 1 out of 5 and that was only because i smashed it right down the middle. Every other shot went flying all over the place and it was so much screwing around just to kick a ball forwards. It was like trying to spin a plate on a pole while juggling and trying to tightrope walk.
I'm watching the tutorial video now, if anything they look too easy to blast them top corner still just like fifas old system. It's stupid, how many penalties do you see going top corner in real life.

I liked PES 2010's style simply because penalties weren't easy and there was still this unpredictability factor.

Edit: Actually i'll be honest they look gash. I wanted PES 2011 to take a simiar approach to FIFA's but now i'd rather they stuck with their own system and just made better animations. YouTube - Fifa world cup 2010 X360 - New Video - Penalties

At 1.30 he gets it in the green and subsequently it looks impossible to miss the target. How can you have a bar that affects composure? That should definitely be an already established mental attribute which is set. Again it looks so easy.

Maybe somebody else who has played the game can give their take on these and suggets whether PES should adopt a similar approach?
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I'd welcome a speed slider with open arms, its amazing the difference decreasing the game speed to 45 makes in NBA 2K.

Its the difference between simulation and arcade.
I think the new penalty-taking system in PES2010 is a nice concept, but is poorly executed and needs a lot of refining. I'm not keen on the penalty-taking system in WC2010, either. The composure bar is a load of bollocks (I'd rather players have a composure & PK stat) and I don't like having a physical target superimposed over the goal showing where the ball will go.
You don't get that blue circle when in an actual game. It's only there in training mode to help you understand how it all works. when you're in a match it's kinda like PEs's pens in that you aim without knowing if you've aimed too far etc and then it gets complicated when you have to time pressing shoot with the swinging bar under your players name and also get the power of your shot right.
You don't get that blue circle when in an actual game. It's only there in training mode to help you understand how it all works. when you're in a match it's kinda like PEs's pens in that you aim without knowing if you've aimed too far etc and then it gets complicated when you have to time pressing shoot with the swinging bar under your players name and also get the power of your shot right.

That's better then, I've not yet had a penalty in a match. Still not sure about the composure bar.
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