PES 2011 Discussion thread

I have a tactics question. How do I stop cutback speed whores from winning despite playing the most unimaginative football around? I just lost 4-3 to an utter weapons grade cnut - Eto'o in the middle, Aguero on one side, Lavezzi on the other. 4-3-3 with a midfield triangle spread out pretty widely. When it came to actual football I smashed him, scoring a decent mix of goals and tormenting him with turns, good interplay and unpredictable dribbling. He scored three cutbacks, Eto'o just ran straight through Dunne for no apparent reason and fired it across the keeper, AND he had a penalty from a cutback (which I saved).

Has anyone tried the sweeper? Does that work? Or a CB just in front of the back four? Also my full backs are nothing like the standard of those three - Santon and Marco Rossi. I wonder if Ivan Cordoba would have had more of a say on the matter.

Yep, happens to me. When you discover this secret formula please let me know. It's much harder now because your defenders are much more ineffective. And when you're chasing down a "speedster" attacker, there seems to be no way you can win the challenge when you're the defending.. I've tried several tactics to avoid them from going on but they are always flawed in someway.

Only thing left for me to try is man-to-man marking. Doubt it will work out any differently.

Here's an article about the two things people struggle the most in this PES:
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Yep, happens to me. When you discover this secret formula please let me know. It's much harder now because your defenders are much more ineffective. And when you're chasing down a "speedster" attacker, there seems to be no way you can win the challenge when you're the defending.. I've tried several tactics to avoid them from going on but they are always flawed in someway.

Only thing left for me to try is man-to-man marking. Doubt it will work out any differently.

I managed to stem the tide to an extent by setting the man marking for the full backs, setting one of the CBs as a sweeper (both defenders have Covering and Dunne has DF Leader), squashing the defence right in, setting the defensive tactics to very compact and putting De Rossi as an anchorman to mark Eto'o. Oh, and I also set the pressuring to about 5/20, so the defenders wouldn't let the wingers in behind so easily. This also had the effect of hugely expanding the space on the pitch so that his midfield trio were stretched right out, meaning Milner, Montolivo and Adriano had room to pass around and twist and turn into space. I think I also put Cassano as AMF just so he could join in the interplay but I can't remember now - I did a fair bit of tweaking.
I managed to stem the tide to an extent by setting the man marking for the full backs, setting one of the CBs as a sweeper (both defenders have Covering and Dunne has DF Leader), squashing the defence right in, setting the defensive tactics to very compact and putting De Rossi as an anchorman to mark Eto'o. Oh, and I also set the pressuring to about 5/20, so the defenders wouldn't let the wingers in behind so easily. This also had the effect of hugely expanding the space on the pitch so that his midfield trio were stretched right out, meaning Milner, Montolivo and Adriano had room to pass around and twist and turn into space. I think I also put Cassano as AMF just so he could join in the interplay but I can't remember now - I did a fair bit of tweaking.

Those are some nice thought out tactics there Rom. To be honest, unless you have a couple of strong, intelligent and quick CB's or FB's, I think we will struggle. What we need to stop this is the defensive system that isnt in this code. We need to be able to track and cover with the retreat option. At least that way we can stop letting in spaces behind the back-line, and give us the option to stand our ground. I always look for a couple of big Nigerians CB's, they are usually competatively priced, have decent pace and are built like brick-shithouses, and do a job. They just cant pass for toffee. Top Player AI is the other must. It makes me sick when people play like this, thank lord for PEEL.

I have no doubt this tactic can be stopped, it stands to reason, and it was the main reason that Seabass implemented this new Cover/Retreat system, he said as much in the very early previews. To stop the likes of the Messi whores.

Also, I found another cracking buy last night, Bangoura, CF,SS,SMF, I paid £1.8 million, and he is worth double. He scored a hat-trick on his debut for a 3-2 win. The fans love him. Check him out.
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giggity giggity, giggity goo
I have a tactics question. How do I stop cutback speed whores from winning despite playing the most unimaginative football around? I just lost 4-3 to an utter weapons grade cnut - Eto'o in the middle, Aguero on one side, Lavezzi on the other. 4-3-3 with a midfield triangle spread out pretty widely. When it came to actual football I smashed him, scoring a decent mix of goals and tormenting him with turns, good interplay and unpredictable dribbling. He scored three cutbacks, Eto'o just ran straight through Dunne for no apparent reason and fired it across the keeper, AND he had a penalty from a cutback (which I saved).

I played that same guy. He's really good at cheesing.
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I have a tactics question. How do I stop cutback speed whores from winning despite playing the most unimaginative football around? I just lost 4-3 to an utter weapons grade cnut - Eto'o in the middle, Aguero on one side, Lavezzi on the other. 4-3-3 with a midfield triangle spread out pretty widely. When it came to actual football I smashed him, scoring a decent mix of goals and tormenting him with turns, good interplay and unpredictable dribbling. He scored three cutbacks, Eto'o just ran straight through Dunne for no apparent reason and fired it across the keeper, AND he had a penalty from a cutback (which I saved).

Has anyone tried the sweeper? Does that work? Or a CB just in front of the back four? Also my full backs are nothing like the standard of those three - Santon and Marco Rossi. I wonder if Ivan Cordoba would have had more of a say on the matter.

Have the same problem roma. I am pretty successful at stopping these kids with El Moubarki and co. Try as much as possible to jockey by running alongside them while pressing the direction towards your own goal back and x. It's a matter of waiting for the right moment then pushing your direction towards the ball once the ball is presented which is usually after a turn or change in direction.
Also try as much as possible to pull your midfield back so that your defenders are covering rather than committing. Also I have much success when I am in fornt of his strikers and just hold R2 to do the jockey from the front. Lastly keep cool and don't panic I used to do that and commit to tackles which just left me snapping at heels. It requires a lot of concentration at first but becomes second nature eventually.
Is there a specific card to look out for when buying forwards?

I've got Kerrison and Quagarella (?) as my forward options and I'm obsessed with playing one upfront. I set ny team up in a way that Payet is my outlet on the LW and the other midfielders and SS except for my DM are responsible for creating chances. The problem I'm having (just like PES 2010) is that my striker/s hardly make off the ball runs.

I have two players with the Passer card yet the strikers will just stand still and do nothing, this forces me to hold onto the ball for a bit longer and this bugs me.
Is there a specific card to look out for when buying forwards?

I've got Kerrison and Quagarella (?) as my forward options and I'm obsessed with playing one upfront. I set ny team up in a way that Payet is my outlet on the LW and the other midfielders and SS except for my DM are responsible for creating chances. The problem I'm having (just like PES 2010) is that my striker/s hardly make off the ball runs.

I have two players with the Passer card yet the strikers will just stand still and do nothing, this forces me to hold onto the ball for a bit longer and this bugs me.

You just have to wait for the runs, your attacker will peel off the back four, but even on Regular AI, they do keep a high tight back line. I really love that movements off the ball, I think there are very clever. If you miss the initial run of your striker, it is a waiting game until the next chance arises for that killer pass. Most of my goals are off patient build up play, waiting for that split second for Suarez to thread in Baptista. It's all about split second timing with the throughballs, it's very realistic in my book, a very small window of opportunity, which is exactly what you get with those slide-rule passes.


Are you saying that that defensive retreat option is in this code ? Can you make your defenders retreat on the backfoot with back and X ? I've tried, and after reading what Mart assumed, I figured this system wasnt in place yet ?

I cant find the video from work at the minute to show you what I mean.
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Yep, happens to me. When you discover this secret formula please let me know. It's much harder now because your defenders are much more ineffective. And when you're chasing down a "speedster" attacker, there seems to be no way you can win the challenge when you're the defending.. I've tried several tactics to avoid them from going on but they are always flawed in someway.

Only thing left for me to try is man-to-man marking. Doubt it will work out any differently.

Here's an article about the two things people struggle the most in this PES:

Make sure your defensive line in team style is set to deep if they are getting through too much.

Man mark in numbers. Double up or triple up on the most dangerous players. For example If I am playing a 4-3-3, and they are playing a 4-3-3, My two full backs will mark the two support strikers. My fastest centreback will mark the centre forward. My DMF will mark their most prominent attacking midfielder if he is central. My two CMF's will also mark the two SS's. And if you're having real trouble you can set your two support strikers to track back and mark their two Support Strikers.

It was made easier in PES 2010 because you still had the options for loose and tight marking, an each individual player could be set to a player index of attack/balanced/defensive.
Make sure your defensive line in team style is set to deep if they are getting through too much.

Man mark in numbers. Double up or triple up on the most dangerous players. For example If I am playing a 4-3-3, and they are playing a 4-3-3, My two full backs will mark the two support strikers. My fastest centreback will mark the centre forward. My DMF will mark their most prominent attacking midfielder if he is central. My two CMF's will also mark the two SS's. And if you're having real trouble you can set your two support strikers to track back and mark their two Support Strikers.

It was made easier in PES 2010 because you still had the options for loose and tight marking, an each individual player could be set to a player index of attack/balanced/defensive.

I miss this, I hope it's back in the full release.
I miss this, I hope it's back in the full release.

Not sure if anyone noticed, but they're still there. When searching for players you can see if he's more OFF/BAL/DEF minded. You can't set them, but they're there as a part of player's attributes.
I have been focusing on gameplay since I don't see myself playing much MLO in the future, but one thing that will be going on my report is that you can buy superstars to fast! Not that I have, I haven't bought anyone, but when I compete against someone who has the default team apart from David Villa up front, something is wrong. There is no way Villa would join that team, you should have to gradually step up your squad, as I felt was very much the case in PES 2010. I could buy guys like Crouch and Bullard pretty soon, but someone like Villa? No way. Of course he won the match pretty much by himself. In the old Iss games you could just buy whoever you wanted if you had enough points, I would hate to see the game going back to that.

Ranting a bit more, I feel there is a slight advantage to whoever has a kick-off. Maybe it's my imagination but I did have a thing going with my old formation where I could have an open man up the flank for a cross pretty much when I wanted.
I feel I'm getting better to grips with clearing the ball but the defenders seem to lack urgency, when there is a loose ball in the box they kind of just stand around when they should be rushing to clear it. Also I got murdered from behind on a fast break, yellow card. And the ball seems to have oddly varying physics. Sometimes floaty, sometimes like a rocket (goal kicks)
I do love the speed of the game, and there has been little or no lag for me.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but they're still there. When searching for players you can see if he's more OFF/BAL/DEF minded. You can't set them, but they're there as a part of player's attributes.

I suppose that this way is more realistic. Then you need to buy players that have a more attacking mentality, rather than making an out and out DMF do something he isnt naturally suited to. Also, we can still up the attacking mentality of the team I guess.
I have been focusing on gameplay since I don't see myself playing much MLO in the future, but one thing that will be going on my report is that you can buy superstars to fast! Not that I have, I haven't bought anyone, but when I compete against someone who has the default team apart from David Villa up front, something is wrong. There is no way Villa would join that team, you should have to gradually step up your squad, as I felt was very much the case in PES 2010. I could buy guys like Crouch and Bullard pretty soon, but someone like Villa? No way. Of course he won the match pretty much by himself. In the old Iss games you could just buy whoever you wanted if you had enough points, I would hate to see the game going back to that.

Ranting a bit more, I feel there is a slight advantage to whoever has a kick-off. Maybe it's my imagination but I did have a thing going with my old formation where I could have an open man up the flank for a cross pretty much when I wanted.
I feel I'm getting better to grips with clearing the ball but the defenders seem to lack urgency, when there is a loose ball in the box they kind of just stand around when they should be rushing to clear it. Also I got murdered from behind on a fast break, yellow card. And the ball seems to have oddly varying physics. Sometimes floaty, sometimes like a rocket (goal kicks)
I do love the speed of the game, and there has been little or no lag for me.

The last few days I have had slowdown lag, two games last night were bad, then after that pretty much flawless.
Cheers Jimmy, I'm going to tweak my tactics and swap Quagarella for Huntelaar.

I only used the man mark feature in PES 5, I'll try it out today.

I'm looking forward to spraying passes around with The Hudd in the full game with -2 game setting.
Me too. The marking options and player indexes were powerful weapons if used well.
I think the strategy-things will not be changed anymore for PES 2011.
If player indexes isn't there, it will not be there in the retail version.
I do not have the demo, but I am sure there must be some alternative in the new system. They worked really hard to improve the strategy-part; it must be hidden in there :)

You will be surprised the amount of people that does not play online currently. Some of us still have a real life with friends in the house to play a game. Some of us still want to see a rival when playing PES/FIFA... for me online is an add-on that is well received, but nothing more.

I have a Xbox360 Jtagged and I dont have Live. Not interested at all, in any case I have PS3 for online.

Online is important, but it is not the most important part of the game. Not a chance.
FIFA sells more than PES, even in the days when online it was not a popular option. I dont see the point. FIFA seels more because is more popular, licenses, better gameplay last 3 years, etc. Not only because the online is good.

Last OT message from me and rant over!
Maturity please.

I did not find immaturity in Putuco Malo's post.
Still I do not agree with him. Gaming has developed from the past and online plays a major role in it. Think about Blizzard-titles, like Starcraft.
Most people like to challenge each other and online is the ultimate place to do that.
EA did understand that very well and made a lot of online modes since FIFA 8.
It is true that FIFA always selled better, but the reason they did well in the past was because of Konami's bad marketing at that time. I needed to buy ISS Pro evo 2 in Asia, as I couldn't find it in European shops. Still that game outclassed the FIFA-series.
I am surprised that PES 2011 still uses peer to peer ( from what I understood from the ML-online players ) and no dedicated servers. The gameplay is good enough to win the battle against FIFA, but online is under-developed and here Konami will loose that part from EA.
Konami, put dedicated servers in it, make a similar mode like clubs in FIFA and you have won it :)
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I think it's inevitable like all online games not just football, after a few weeks every team will be wall to wall superstars...

Of course they will, but they should have to buy some lesser players first and work their way up. This guy had only one bought player, and that was Villa.

I'd like to add since I sad I was lag free, I have one game where connection was lost in game, this was late, when I had paused the game and put fresh legs on. The game seemed to be starting again but then the message came up and I got a 3-0 win (was up 1-0) I have had this message coming up after a few games but this hasn't changed the results in any way.
Well superstars are bought to fast because there are only 100 people playing the game online. so the values of players stay low.

That's what I'm trying to say, it shouldn't just be values, the default ML team is very poor, Villa shouldn't give it a second thought, even if you offered him obscene amounts of money.

That's a sweet trailer, Spooky!

edit: I meant to post all this in the MLO feedback thread. Oh, well.
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Cheers Jimmy, I'm going to tweak my tactics and swap Quagarella for Huntelaar.

I only used the man mark feature in PES 5, I'll try it out today.

I'm looking forward to spraying passes around with The Hudd in the full game with -2 game setting.

Good decision, Huntelaar is class. Scored two hattricks with him already.
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