Premier League
When will we get some more news and videos Ronaldinho_23?
I wrote this a few days ago
el año pasado salio un teaser, tambien de messi, con imagenes en movimeinto hablando sobre su fluidez y sus movimientos, y al final todos acabasteis cabreados con el juego...
yo por lo que puedo saber, algunos movimientos que saldran son del tipo
- controles con el pecho, con el exterior del pie, nuevas fintas, nuevos giros con y sin manera humana, no 8 direcciones, lo cual es ya todo un avance para los que solo juegan a PES pero que tampoco sera una gran novedad para aquellos que ya juegan a la competencia
- ahora sera mas facil recrear comportamientos como los de xavi hernandez del barcelona o cesc fabregas, ya que el jugador tendra mas posibilidades de giros y mejoras en las respuesta de pase.
last year came a teaser, also of messi, with images in movimeinto talking about their fluency and their movements, and eventually we all end up pissed off with the game ...
I so I can know, some movements that are of the type will
- Controls the chest, with the outside foot, new feints, new turns with and without ball .. humanely, not eight directions, which is already a step forward for those who just play PES but neither will be a great news for those who already play competition
- Now will be easier to recreate behaviors such as Barcelona's Xavi Hernandez and Cesc Fabregas as the player turns will have more opportunities and improvements in the response pass
For the final of the champions, I suppose there will be information, but the big blow (some video, more pictures) or with the world