PES 2011 Discussion thread

Messi in PES2010 is the worst running animation in game when sprinting.

You can do all the mocaps in the world, but then you have to put them in game. Otherwise time wasted.

I see you are one of those wenbish people that need to defend konami all the time.

Waste of time to talk to people like you really. get lost.
I was in the last five months exactly one time there to write a post, so another wrong assumption of you.
Seems like a good discussion is not spended to you, which is a pitty.
Messi in PES2010 is the worst running animation in game when sprinting.

You can do all the mocaps in the world, but then you have to put them in game. Otherwise time wasted.

I see you are one of those wenbish people that need to defend konami all the time.

Waste of time to talk to people like you really. get lost.

Your a fool.

Messi's running animation in PES 2010 is definitely not the worst.

Obviously the motion capture sessions are going to be used in the game. What a stupid statement to make. What are they going to do with it? Spend thousands of pounds on it and then just stare at it?

And Han is most definitely not one of those 'wenbish people'. Are we going to start grouping people into which forums they subscribe to or their defence of a game now?! He has been here a lot longer than you and has been involved in lots of intelligent discussions regarding the series.
Only slightly related, but this has inspired me to give PES2010 a chance - is there any disadvantage to getting it for the PC? Figure with kitserver and all the patching would be mighty easy relative to X360.

I wouldn't really bother, Their stressing PES 2011 will be like a "new" game compared to 10 which is a good thing.
Messi in PES2010 is the worst running animation in game when sprinting.

You can do all the mocaps in the world, but then you have to put them in game. Otherwise time wasted.

I see you are one of those wenbish people that need to defend konami all the time.

Waste of time to talk to people like you really. get lost.

No flaming. I don't want this place to turn into a handbag showdown.

Your a fool.

Messi's running animation in PES 2010 is definitely not the worst.

Obviously the motion capture sessions are going to be used in the game. What a stupid statement to make. What are they going to do with it? Spend thousands of pounds on it and then just stare at it?

And Han is most definitely not one of those 'wenbish people'. Are we going to start grouping people into which forums they subscribe to or their defence of a game now?! He has been here a lot longer than you and has been involved in lots of intelligent discussions regarding the series.

I'm not here to defend him or anything, but I think what he means is that they can make all the mo-cap sessions they like but putting them all in the game and make them work together smoothly and make them life-like isn't as easy.
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PES 2011: Football Evolved

Speed of Play:.....and successful play will depend on making quick passes to make room.

I hope this doesn't mean ping-pong passing is the order of the day, and every team plays like Barca.

fallos en las mangas
fallos en el dorsal y en el numero.
sombras sospechosas en el borde del brazo..
fallos en el cuello
Ronaldinho, what's wrong with it? I do not see it.

Maybe you can translate your text using a translation site before posting it?
Would be nice for the people of this English forum ;)
Konami have made an amendment to the official press release. It has been updated with a section which was left out yesterday. The full press release is available at the official website:

Improved Goalkeepers: In keeping with the basis of total freedom of movement, players now have more control over their keeper. This greater control allows for quick roll-outs, instinctive saves, pinpoint accuracy with goal kicks, and precision ball distribution to make quicker breaks or playing down the clock easier.
It well and truly sounds like PES is back, hopefully Konami can deliver on the monster-like wishlist they've given us.
It well and truly sounds like PES is back, hopefully Konami can deliver on the monster-like wishlist they've given us.

Hopefully they can YoungGun. Obviously due to the last 3 years of average efforts most people are sceptical about the series. What Konami need to do is back up their press release with more information, screenshots, videos and most importantly perhaps comparison videos highlighting the major changes they have made from previous years. From the sound of it, this year looks like the revolution we have been waiting for.
Konami have made an amendment to the official press release. It has been updated with a section which was left out yesterday. The full press release is available at the official website:

Improved Goalkeepers: In keeping with the basis of total freedom of movement, players now have more control over their keeper. This greater control allows for quick roll-outs, instinctive saves, pinpoint accuracy with goal kicks, and precision ball distribution to make quicker breaks or playing down the clock easier.

I don't like when they say pinpoint accuracy because it sounds unrealistic. I hope they add error in accuracy depending on the keeper skills. Other than that I think it is great, I've always found it so annoying that you only kick the ball to certain areas.

I hope they've fixed the keeper so they don't rotate to always face the ball too. At the moment they rotate perfectly always looking at the ball with the whole body, looks really weird, especially when they don't try to save the ball and just rotate when the ball goes by them. The keepers aren't that good in PES, but at least they're not scripted like FIFA. I don't mind soft goals as long as anything can happen, they do some crazy saves too.
They probably mean pinpoint like how Reina lofts his goal kicks right outside the opposing penalty box. I've seen a few goals scored by LFC in such a fashion, with defenders letting the ball bounce and a resulting goal.
I'm not here to defend him or anything, but I think what he means is that they can make all the mo-cap sessions they like but putting them all in the game and make them work together smoothly and make them life-like isn't as easy.

Motion capture is harder to blend than keyframe animation.

In fact I'm sick of some of you guys having a go at the Animations - I work as a 3D Animator - a great job, but it's NOT easy...!

Please bear in mind that Konami is a studio with real life budget and time constraints. If you guys think the Artists and Programmers have all day, every day, to tweak their work to perfection, you are delusional...

On the whole, Konami produce a level of quality I'd expect and I respect that even while it's not perfect, the nature of Software Development means it rarely is perfect.
this all sounds like welcome news and i hope that pes is finally back . I jumped ship to ea when fifa 08 came but still check in on pes from time to time because fifa as good as it is lacks what drew me to football games in the first place player individuality. pes had always that but they somehow managed to break the game if all these changes that they're making actually get pulled of properly then we have one hell of a game on our hands . graphics have never bothered me in a game but pes has the better graphics anyway now it seems like they have the animations to match and the hip hop shorts are gone which is a major plus for me and in closing i would just like to say if they deliver on their promises and retain the editing features and pull of the online masterleague then we definately have something special to look forward fingers crossed
How come most games have fantastic animations and the last 3 pes have crap animations??

How come that guy always come here to defend konami at this time of the year? coincidence?? or maybe he has some private interests like wenb?
How come most games have fantastic animations and the last 3 pes have crap animations??

How come that guy always come here to defend konami at this time of the year? coincidence?? or maybe he has some private interests like wenb?

Alright, can we please stop the trolling now? Thanks.
How come most games have fantastic animations and the last 3 pes have crap animations??

I thought the animations were alright. Running looked a little robotic in that they basically used the same few frames over and over for everyone and the speed of the game made it look a little funny, but it hardly ruined the game for me.

Where was the rest of the crap?

How come that guy always come here to defend konami at this time of the year? coincidence?? or maybe he has some private interests like wenb?

The obvious answer is the rest of the year negative people aren't posting over and over and over. So those people who aren't pessimistic and can see that the 'news' shows promise. They will respond to those who say 'same old shit' by pointing out how it might not be as bad as they're making out. It's called a discussion and you're supposed to contribute with a real opinion rather than silly little troll like comments.

If you turn your point around,
How come those guys always come here to trash konami at this time of the year? coincidence?? or maybe they are Fifa fanboys?

It's not about brown nosing Konami or putting Fifa down or having some other ulterior motive. It's about wanting a great game of football no matter who makes it, and getting interested in the news and commenting on a public forum.

Really if you look at the promises they're making this year. They are far bigger than any of the previous steps forward they've made. Manual gameplay is something people are hyping up on Fifa as the next big thing and yet when PES really go for it and attempt to re-write the book by building their game around the manual side of gameplay it's seen as 'same old same old'. Sure you can doubt them based on their history for certain areas but it seems silly to doubt everything they're promising. Also that doesn't mean you should force those doubts onto everyone else and resort to "Waste of time to talk to people like you really. get lost." So what if they like what they're reading, what difference does that make to you?

From the news it sounds like what we will get is something different to both PES (as we currently know it) and Fifa. I fail to see why anyone would write that off just because of the last few years. After all Fifa was of varying quality until a few years ago and they proved you can turn anything around in a short space of time if you really rebuild the gameplay and add lots of changes that the fans are actually asking for.
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everytime you shoot in pes 2010 there is a horrible adjusting animation that really ruins the beauty of the game. Contact physics is also poorly implemented. Other stuff is pretty basic.

If you check some of my previuos posts i said i really love pes 2010 and i had great fun with it.

But some people here just come once the first trailer is announced and keep talking PR crap for the next 5 months. That's a fact.
I've probably noticed what you're talking about... it's hard to say because for the most part the animations of PES2010 don't bother me. Or they don't annoy me enough to make me dislike the game or feel detached from it to the point where it actually starts to pain me to see certain animations trigger over and over.

But I'm guessing the best example of what I have seen would be if you're attempting a shot and then hold R2 to control shoot and your player does a sort of double adjust to side foot the ball rather than just flow into the side foot motion. Sometimes it looks ridiculous as your player attempts a laced shot, then adjusts and side foots the ball. Usually the keeper is on his backside already from the first laced animation triggering something and then you side foot it right at him because the game had already decided that it was going to be aimed in that direction and be saved.

Another would be sometimes when crossing your player will kick the ball with say a toe poke and it will fly into the box and then to make matters worse start to curl as if it had been swiped at like a Beckham free kick.

But again - I don't think I've seen this happen often enough to make me hate crossing in case that animations happens to trigger. And hopefully the promise of 1000 all-new animations will fix some of those problems.

The only 2 parts of PES that really and truly piss me off are

1) Player switching. Because without fail it will switch to someone who is chasing BEHIND the opposing player with the ball so it makes trying to control your defender impossible.

And that then leads to 2) Some times when you swap it makes the player you suddenly start to control change direction. so the ai will have been moving to the left and then as you swap to him the player suddenly steps up or right or down and then eventually after an adjustment will start running left as you are holding. It look terrible and often costs you goals as you swap to the last defender who then jutters around allowing the attack to walk past him and score.


I wasn't trying to say you're a full on hater of PES. But just that you can't brush away the promises and tell others that they are basically wrong for believing in or saying that they like the sound of some of the news/promises. You're basing your assumption that it will be terrible or a let down on the poor jumps from PES to PES and let down promises through the last few years. Sure there are some people who just repeat what they are told or what they see in the press releases but not everyone is wearing blinkers and marching forwards without an opinion of their own or without at least a little sense of reality, that the game could still turn out to be quite bad. I think most people know the pros and cons and know that Konami could just be talking rubbish. But why focus on just the bad when you can talk about how good the news sounds along with what your concerns and worries are at the same time.

Like I said, this years list of changes sound like a real full rebuild for PES rather than just 'new animations' 'improved generic areas' and 'team vision 3.0'. EA showed that you can turn the games around easily so Konami can just as easily do the same. They managed to take an ISS game and turn it into PES once before with the original Pro Evo.
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Motion capture is harder to blend than keyframe animation.

In fact I'm sick of some of you guys having a go at the Animations - I work as a 3D Animator - a great job, but it's NOT easy...!

Please bear in mind that Konami is a studio with real life budget and time constraints. If you guys think the Artists and Programmers have all day, every day, to tweak their work to perfection, you are delusional...

On the whole, Konami produce a level of quality I'd expect and I respect that even while it's not perfect, the nature of Software Development means it rarely is perfect.

Animations are not easy to make, okay, but they now worked 2 years on it and I assume that at least a part of the Blue Sky Team ( the force of 200 new people ) worked on it. That would explain how they managed to make 1000 new animations in the last 2 years.
Konami have made an amendment to the official press release. It has been updated with a section which was left out yesterday. The full press release is available at the official website:

Improved Goalkeepers: In keeping with the basis of total freedom of movement, players now have more control over their keeper. This greater control allows for quick roll-outs, instinctive saves, pinpoint accuracy with goal kicks, and precision ball distribution to make quicker breaks or playing down the clock easier.

Thanks Billy :)
Excellent news today but I must admit the fully manual thing is making me nervous.

I want PES to evolve but it is absolutely vital that Konami keep the player and team individuality that the series is loved for.

Perfection for me would be the combination between manual and player stat based that we discussed ad nauseum last year......or was it the year before?
Ronaldinho, what's wrong with it? I do not see it.

Maybe you can translate your text using a translation site before posting it?
Would be nice for the people of this English forum ;)


I write in English I say to write in Spanish, and when I write in Spanish, tell me otherwise xD

The picture if you look for errors

- Number and the name are very small
- The sleeves seem painted on his arm (this turn is unreal)
- You see a very ugly shadow between the arm and shirt

I write in English I say to write in Spanish, and when I write in Spanish, tell me otherwise xD

The picture if you look for errors

- Number and the name are very small
- The sleeves seem painted on his arm (this turn is unreal)
- You see a very ugly shadow between the arm and shirt

When will we get some more news and videos Ronaldinho_23?

I write in English I say to write in Spanish, and when I write in Spanish, tell me otherwise xD

The picture if you look for errors

- Number and the name are very small
- The sleeves seem painted on his arm (this turn is unreal)
- You see a very ugly shadow between the arm and shirt
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