PES 2011 Discussion thread

But Konami could afford to do shit like dog heads in PES5 because PES1-4 were all awesome and they had plenty of credit in the bank from the fans. When you're on top you can get away with it.

When I heard about shark heads in PES2011 a little part of me died. With the current state of the PES franchise every effort should be put towards getting the game back on track.

But they are. I doubt they had any real effort making the ball look like a pillow or sharkhead "hairstyles". That was probably a task for some newbie in the team that was always asking for stuff to do.

I agree there are some major features and details missing, but this doesn't mean Konami have lost their focus. They probably just lazy'ed out about stadiums since they were making an editor anyway, etc.

I also think (and hope) that many things of the current state are yet to change (slots and ML SA teams, slots and ML SA teams, slots and ML SA teams), and their focus up until preview code was the in-game, the really important
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But they are. I doubt they had any real effort making the ball look like a pillow or sharkhead "hairstyles". That was probably a task for some newbie in the team that was always asking for stuff to do.

I agree there are some major features and details missing, but this doesn't mean Konami have lost their focus. They probably just lazy'ed out about stadiums since they were making an editor anyway, etc.

I also think (and hope) than many things of the current state are yet to change (slots and ML SA teams, slots and ML SA teams, slots and ML SA teams), and their focus up until preview code was the in-game, the really important

i think they have to take stuff out just to balance up other stuff,like they had to take out the 2nd keeper kits from pes2010 to balance out the better graphics in it. how come fifa can add 1000 teams,50 stadiums and the game can run smoothly but konami struggle to get anywhere near that every year,how do they code their game that they cant get the best out of the space they have out of a bluray disc or xbox disc?
I echo Jamezinho's sentiments exactly. During the PS2 era when the PES series was very popular, content such as dog heads did not cause the reaction of disdain, because people were too engrossed in the gameplay to notice. I just left the novelty items untouched in PES Shop with no intention of unlocking them, because even then I found them utterly pointless. However now things are totally different. PES has been playing catchup for quite some time, and as for preview codes, how many times in the last few years have preview codes turned out to be virtually the same to the release code (apart from a couple of minor bug fixes)?

Why cut stadiums when there were some already there? Some real life stadiums have been in the game series before, even on the "current generation" consoles, with false names. If they have cut stadiums to make space for the stadium editor then they need to wake up and realise storage space is no longer a concern, it is not as if they are still developing for the PS2 is it?

If I was in charge of a game development division I wouldn't let a newbie wanting something to do to go and make novelty items for a game. I would personally find that rather embarassing!
Di stefano was always available in the classic Argentinian team. And some of the other Spanish players mentioned are available individually.

Lets not turn this thread about Spain now though.

Anyone noticed the extras for ML and BAL? Wonder what they are.

Also like the sound of having the 1954 ball. Can't wait to try it out :)
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why were they taken out then?
I wish I knew too. I could not understand why Konami took them out. Second choice goalkeeper kits were still in the AFS file for PES2010, and in the kit parameter files, but for some reason in the game code the parameters for the first choice goalkeeper kit was "forced" upon the second. Sometimes the second goalie kit image would be used, and if you played the same team against each other, the away team always used the second goalie kit image, even though the image itself was identical to the home team.

I know a lot of licenced teams had the first goalie kit repeated for the second (lack of time or research or just idleness?) but a lot of national teams, particularly Japan since time began, always had a second goalie kit in PES. Then they took it out, causing worse colour clashes than ever before.
I think it's down to issues that come up during development and instead of fixing stuff properly they just remove them from the game. Bear in mind that I'm talking about this generation only. They didn't "removed" stuff from PES 2008 when they were making it, they just didn't added the features present in PES 6.

Hopefully in 2012 they can concentrate on, somehow, getting everything they eventually removed from the game over the years back. It would surely be the most complete football game ever.

I can forgive stadiums, Gk kits, whatever. (because I believe their focus was in-game, pillow balls are what they are, extras). I can't however forgive slots and no copa dos libertadores teams in ML. Thinking about it makes me weep.
I can't forgive Konami taking anything out of the game to be honest, especially when EA are expanding on Fifa year on year. There's no logic to it.
Whoa! (that's English for "Stop a horse")

Unless I'm very much mistaken, at the community day we played in South American stadia which don't appear to be in that list.
Seriously. Wtf goes on in the PES production meeting rooms.
Seabass: "come on guys. What can we do to bring honour back to PES"
Konami programmer1: "Seabass san let's bring back dog heads"
Seabass: "No, that won't bring the hardcore fans back!"
Jon Murphy: " yeah we have limited development time so let's not look at things like nets! Why not pillows in place of footballs..
KP2: "I know let's put shark heads in"
Seabass: "yes that is perfect and pillows as footballs"
A few days later.....
KP3: "Seabass the shark heads are disrupting the frame rate in a few of the stadia"
Seabass: " you fool! Remove the stadia, the fans need their shark heads"

They did the consumer survey, they have Jon murphy in the loop, they have said that they have lost their way and want to bring the fans back then they pull shit like making keepers do rainbow flicks, remove teams, stadia, edit features and a plethora of other good aspects. The logic defies me.
Oh well, I'll obviously buy it and play it to death but jeez!
No idea why they still bother with the novelty items that no one uses. I think I read the sweet wrapper has its own physics. If you're going to spend time on physics for these things, it gives the net crowd more of a valid point.

Anyway, the 1954 World Cup ball looked like this:


I'm assuming it'll be like a brick to play with, another run out for PES2010 ball physics then.
Seriously. Wtf goes on in the PES production meeting rooms.
Seabass: "come on guys. What can we do to bring honour back to PES"
Konami programmer1: "Seabass san let's bring back dog heads"
Seabass: "No, that won't bring the hardcore fans back!"
Jon Murphy: " yeah we have limited development time so let's not look at things like nets! Why not pillows in place of footballs..
KP2: "I know let's put shark heads in"
Seabass: "yes that is perfect and pillows as footballs"
A few days later.....
KP3: "Seabass the shark heads are disrupting the frame rate in a few of the stadia"
Seabass: " you fool! Remove the stadia, the fans need their shark heads"

They did the consumer survey, they have Jon murphy in the loop, they have said that they have lost their way and want to bring the fans back then they pull shit like making keepers do rainbow flicks, remove teams, stadia, edit features and a plethora of other good aspects. The logic defies me.
Oh well, I'll obviously buy it and play it to death but jeez!

Woah calm it cowgirls.

I'm assuming they just needed (quick, cheap and stupid) content for PESSHOP to serve a purpose. Could have picked some better things but as i suggested things like shark heads are quick and cheap to make.

The stadiums are an issue though, i'm going to assume it's licensing issues especially with the likes of Liverpool's team license probably being removed this year. They are losing anfield too as a direct result of that. After all Manchester United are a licensed team this year and they have a licensed Old Trafford.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to put some stadiums back in like Anfield and call it Red Cauldron again but are in the middle of checking whether or not they actually are allowed to do it. They may have checked already and found out it's not possible though.

Either Stade De Sagittere or Nuevo Estadio del Triunfo could be that Maracana looking stadium. I just hope the stadium editor is powerful enough to make decent stadia. They certainly seem to be putting much faith in it.

Also it says current list, doesn't say confirmed. So yeah take that how you will.
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I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to put some stadiums back in like Anfield and call it Red Cauldron again but are in the middle of checking whether or not they actually are allowed to do it. They may have checked already and found out it's not possible though.

Don't see why it wouldn't be possible. It always was in the past.
Gragra, I think the one in game will be inflated.

I hope it's hard enough to break Fairy Ronaldo's twinkle toes, separate the men from the players of today.

It is together with bernabeu and camp nou, so it is a spanish stadium. Nuevo means "new", therefore it is a new spanish stadium.

From this clue and from the look , 2 main tier and 1 small corporare tier in between and blu seats, it should be the "NEW STADIUM DEL PRAT/CORNELLA", HOMEGROUND OF THE RCD ESPANYOL, in Barcelona, completed last year. very beautiful venue, propably the best in spain for mid size stadia.

i hope i have been helpful!!!!
Seems there is 24 stadiums on PES 11 at the moment.

Adam Bhatti
Guys, just checked, prorevo missed out 6 stadiums from their list: Estadio De Escorpiao, Estadio Amazonas, El Monumental...

...Estadio De Palenque, Saitama Stadium 2002 & Mohamed Lewis Stadium. 25 altogether. So far.
I just can't agree with you on this, the only people which are practicaly running the same (not everyone) are the sprinters. Their technique is the same, so their running styles are are almost the same.
When a person is running, almost every single part of his body is working. From the tip of your toe to the end of the hair, people are different, so are their running styles. Weight, height, Body physics these are the main key features which are affecting the running style of a person.
200cm and 100 kilos guy is running the same way as a 160 and 50 kilos?
Agree, the running and movement off the ball, just the small idiosyncratic movements add masses to the atmosphere of the game...
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Although I may not fully agree with you, your post makes sense to a certain extent. The part where you say Konami needs to mo-cap people from different countries/regions to give us a variety of both movement and technique should be done. Regardless of stats, this should add more to the individuality.

But to say this:

This is just wrong.

How can you agree with saying that "Konami needs to mo-cap people from different countries/regions to give us a variety of both movement and technique" and then think I'm wrong for saying they shouldn't use just Japanese people? That was my point.

Besides, I didn't say their animations are wrong BECAUSE they use Japanese people. I think their animations are bad for a number of reasons, their taste in animations is just off, and I have at least four years of the game to back this up.

I also think that ONE of the reasons might just be their limited choice in mo-cap. Read again. I think pretty much everybody so far agreed with this.
On stadium editor Adam has said:

I've made 26 (just generic to test space) and still no issue about slots. I presume it's limited to your hard drive space.

And Konami are big on sharing, as there's an import feature too. So someone could make an epic stamford bridge, and then put it online to download. And I could import it - zero to do with OF's, just a separate single file.
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