PES 2011 Discussion thread

kit logos ask for a slot when saving a logo in pes 2010
tried yesterday

Kit logos (Chest logo) don't, emblems do. Emblems need to be saved to a slot, limited to 40 slots. Kit logos don't need slots, they are directly saved to the HDD. Apparently like goalgerd said, it keeps doing so til it says its full.

Hope that ain't the case in 2011.
Not all big black guys walk the same and surely not all short white skinny guys do as well. It just doesn't work that way. It's got to do with build and many other things, nothing to do with race or ethnicity.

Well I wasn't saying their is truth to the argument that your race = your walking style. Just that different body types walk differently. Yes we all don't walk the same and two people of the same build will walk differently.... but on the whole... asians are genrally shorter in height than other areas of the world. It's all down to their genes, as well as by the environmental conditions that they have grown up in and tons of other things. But if you take that into account... just like not all big black guys walk the same. It makes no sense that Konami then use 1 single type of build to do all of their motion capping.
- Note - I don't actually know if that is true but I'm assuming it is, as other than the few times they've signed a star like Messi and done capping on him to make just him walk and move like his real life counterpart does. I've never seen videos of them recording the motions of lots of different builds and player types.

I don't think it makes a huge huge difference as we're not going from man to woman. But at the same time, if you go a bit further on. Things like footballing technique that people pick up from their surroundings, training, culture, attitude etc... are going to be different the world over. To attempt to recreate all of those styles just by using a few Japanese motion capture people seems wrong.

They should be getting groups of people from different footballing parts of the world to do their own style of capture. So they will actually be able to recreate the right sort of mannerisms. Not just a few stars but a group of players who all have the same style of play so they can create a new base group of animations for those types of players.
The typical old style English CF that Alan shearer had for example is completely different to say Fernando Torres. They both trap the ball, shoot, move and run differently. But really if you put the stats for both men so they match up. When you use Torres and Shearer (if he was in the game) they would be using the same animations and end up feeling the same.

On Pes 2009 I think when Newcastle were a licensed team - Michaels Owen's face and body type were so wrong that it never actually felt like you were playing as him. But really it should have had the right sort of feel no matter how he looked.

If they did motion capture for a range of people from different countries, they could capture the real techniques and motions that south American footballers use which you just don't see English guys doing and so on. At the moment you have the big stars looking about right but then the rest of the team will all share the same style of movements so they all have a sort of generic style to them.

When you create a player you have something like a 'player type' or 'technique type' or something option so the base animations are set to the style of football that person actually uses. I think that would mix up the animations enough to stop everyone running along with the same style giving the game that robotic feel.
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Although I may not fully agree with you, your post makes sense to a certain extent. The part where you say Konami needs to mo-cap people from different countries/regions to give us a variety of both movement and technique should be done. Regardless of stats, this should add more to the individuality.

But to say this:
These guys just don't know what a good animation look like. I guess one of the reasons is they use Japanese people to do the mo-cap.

This is just wrong.
I think the animations are ok. Still not the best possible, but you can't even compare it to PES 2010.

They will surely improve in the following years. I don't really think it's because they are Japanese. Surely the guys doing the mocap know how to play football. They are humans, we all move and run practically the same.

I think one of the main problems with the animations this is year is that they feel a bit... "contracted". One of the reasons I think this happens is because their in-house motion capture studio is way too small (remember the tokyo tour? Was I the only one thinking it was too small? They couldn't run freely enough...).
They should have spent some money and got a couple of real players in.Maybe Neil Rudduck and jan Molby, shit they would just be walking...:P
They should have spent some money and got a couple of real players in.Maybe Neil Rudduck and jan Molby, shit they would just be walking...:P

I think the guys they use are real football players from lower Japanese leagues (which don't actually need to be "lower" since we wouldn't know them anyway).
Kit logos (Chest logo) don't, emblems do. Emblems need to be saved to a slot, limited to 40 slots. Kit logos don't need slots, they are directly saved to the HDD. Apparently like goalgerd said, it keeps doing so til it says its full.

Hope that ain't the case in 2011.

Well, i swear i saved a chest logo into one of the 200 slots
if you want i can take a video
emblems need a slot, but chest logo too
I think the animations are ok. Still not the best possible, but you can't even compare it to PES 2010.

They will surely improve in the following years. I don't really think it's because they are Japanese. Surely the guys doing the mocap know how to play football. They are humans, we all move and run practically the same.

I think one of the main problems with the animations this is year is that they feel a bit... "contracted". One of the reasons I think this happens is because their in-house motion capture studio is way too small (remember the tokyo tour? Was I the only one thinking it was too small? They couldn't run freely enough...).

I just can't agree with you on this, the only people which are practicaly running the same (not everyone) are the sprinters. Their technique is the same, so their running styles are are almost the same.
When a person is running, almost every single part of his body is working. From the tip of your toe to the end of the hair, people are different, so are their running styles. Weight, height, Body physics these are the main key features which are affecting the running style of a person.
200cm and 100 kilos guy is running the same way as a 160 and 50 kilos?
Adam just said that the A.I. ain't very good at throw ins. Exactly as we saw in the second trailer... still not a game breaker.
That's just good. In fact real players aren't good at throw ins either. How many times do you see a player landing a throw in confotably into their opponent's chest/forehead?
That's just good. In fact real players aren't good at throw ins either. How many times do you see a player landing a throw in confotably into their opponent's chest/forehead?

Not often. It's difficult especially when you're being challenged from behind. You won't be able to control it everytime after all a throw in inevitably will bounce in front of you which is why half the time they pass it back to the thrower.

Not well replicated in games IMO. Fifa is even quicker when turning so it's worse. You barely have to trap the ball. I wouldn't be surprised if PES 2011 is like that this year because it's smoother.
'This ability at first made the game’s defensive side feel broken, as trying to rush in and muscle the player off the ball (ala FIFA) is impossible to do if they are in full control of the ball. The idea is to back off until an excessive movement is made to beat you, giving you the opportunity to tackle. Again, just like real life.'

You guys better stick to Fifa, this sounds like it requires some thought processing.
Only 18 stadiums?:SHOCK: What's the fu.cking going on!

FIFA have 50:COAT:

It just about balances itself out side FIFA don't have stadium editor and don't even have a nightmode ready for al of it's stadiums, some of them are only ready in 1 weather and time setting. Still not good enough at all from Konami. Yes, it's hard with the liscences but what the hell happened to the Rasunda stadium? Stadio Olimpico di Torino?

Fair enough you lost the license for Liverpool but still what happened? At least update some of the old PS2 ones you had, is it so hard?
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