PES 2011 Discussion thread

Yeah, but I'm not so sure about it. If this passing system truly is free, I doubt they'll force it on everyone. I might be wrong, but if FIFA only had manual passes, I don't think that many people would like it because it is way too hard to master for most people.

But we'll see.

Time will tell, but I remember Adam saying the d-pad was no more and that it was all about the analogue sticks from now on. It's needed if 360 degree movement and 'freer'passing/shooting is to be implemented properly. That doesn't necessarily mean manual passing is being forced on everyone. Full manual passing may not be in PES2011 at all, which would cause issues with player individuality. But for more freedom of movement and play you need the analogue sticks.
Nadie esperaba ingame como ver el menu y verlo desde como se ve cuando uno juega.

Es ingame en el sentido que los movimientos de la animacion seran asi en el juego.

Mi pregunta es, habra reaccion tardia cuando juegues como en el PES 2010?

el año pasado salio un teaser, tambien de messi, con imagenes en movimeinto hablando sobre su fluidez y sus movimientos, y al final todos acabasteis cabreados con el juego...

yo por lo que puedo saber, algunos movimientos que saldran son del tipo

- controles con el pecho, con el exterior del pie, nuevas fintas, nuevos giros con y sin manera humana, no 8 direcciones, lo cual es ya todo un avance para los que solo juegan a PES pero que tampoco sera una gran novedad para aquellos que ya juegan a la competencia

- ahora sera mas facil recrear comportamientos como los de xavi hernandez del barcelona o cesc fabregas, ya que el jugador tendra mas posibilidades de giros y mejoras en las respuesta de pase.
"The physicality between players is also improved, which was a priority requested in PES forums"

Please don't turn this into a FIFA strength/pressure fest though.
Wow. Haven't posted on the PES side of this place for years, mainly because since the debacle that was PES2008, nothing has been worth mentioning.

But that announcement is pure, wonderful music to footie fans' ears. Konami have, in theory anyway, answered the question of whether or not they're going to get serious about FIFA's recent dominance.

I guess the only question now is whether or not they can build an AI that is good enough to be challenging without cheating in such a manual environment.

Can't wait.
Total Control.
So is this going to mean that PES will play like Fifa does on full manual for everything? Every pass and the direction you're aiming is will be 100% controlled by the player? That sounds like it could be bloody rock hard to play the game. Unless this is just an added optional way of playing the game like Fifa has semi, assisted and manual controls.

I'd like to have at least some help in certain areas where I struggle on Fifa's full manual controls. Like at times when crossing the ball in from the wing. As you're main concentration is on running down the wing and that's where your sticks will be pointed. I often find my crosses going off at strange angles as I can't guarantee my aim is where I want it as I press the button to cross. As you have to do both at the same time to do a cross into the box, otherwise you hoof it forwards into the crowd because you pressed cross before a split second you changed your aim. And you can't aim before pressing your cross button because you often end up turning into a defender you is chasing you and blocking you and gifting them the ball.

Another problem area is shooting at close or awkward close angles. Fifa's controls at close range to the goal make hitting the target rock hard and you end up aiming at the corner flag instead. If you run to the area near back post and get the ball it should be a simple angled tap in but Manual controls make it ridiculously difficult to aim it on target. If they can get these 2 area's working well then it should be great.

Shot & Stamina Gauge
Sounds awesome - very awesome.

New Defender AI
Let's wait and see.

Animation and Player Physics
Great stuff. I love those kinds of small touches and hopefully as they're working on these areas they've also fixed the kick off animations where the players standing around are jogging on the spot or twisting their hips and then as soon as you kick off the animations SNAP back into 'on the pitch' mode. It looks messy.

Speed of Play
The best part of that news was the line It is harder to make long runs from midfield. Hopefully meaning that speed demons won't be as big of a problem especially when you combine it with the new stamina system.

Sounds nice but one part does bother me.
The way players speed up and slow down is also more natural
I hope this doesn't mean the delay between pressing a button and action happening is still in there. Just because with the animation for the players slowing and speeding up, could that mean the delay is still there to allow the game to animate these things in between your button presses? Like a strong sense of inertia. You run and then you release run to stop but the game animates an extra step or 2 as your man slows down?

I hate pressing a button of PES 2010 and thinking that the games not registered it so I press it again and end up doing a double powered shot or a cancelled pass or something else unintentional. Or worse you press a button, assume the game hasn't registered but then stop yourself from hitting the button again to avoid the above and then it turns out the game HASN'T registered your press and your man's stood like a lemon with the ball ready to be tackled by the advancing men.

Tactical and Strategy
Sounds nice.

Feint settings
So skill moves can be pulled off a lot easier now? I'm not sure what to think of that yet. could be nice because I've hardly used any skill moves or feints in PES 2010 because they're so awkward to attempt. But making it easier could open them up for abuse online. Hopefully the stamina system blocks skill moves spamming.

Master League Online
I've no idea how this all works. I assume something like Madden's online franchise mode where you have to form a league yourself and then you play from there. That could be freaking awesome.

The closing thoughts sound good too. I hope as they've upped the difficulty that also means they've bridged that gap between each one too. Because I find certain difficulties to be far too easy and then on the next step up you find the AI can suddenly pass the ball around perfectly over and over and dominate you by possession. You go from thrashing everyone 8-0 to not being able to tackle anyone or keep the ball for longer than a few seconds as the AI can tackle and intercept your play with ease.

Good they got this info out before Fifa 11 info as well because everything won't be crapped on with the 'copying Fifa as usual' lines.
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KOnami never showed non in-game footages in their videos, that time I am 100% sure we will finally discuss things other than ugly animations of PES, finally :)
If they do everything they have said, plus add a static wide camera that doesn't shoot out to the middle of the pitch, i'm in.

The passing sounds like it might be full manual which would be amazing but i'm sure there will be assisted type of options too.
If that was the case then why doesn't this Lionel Messi move exactly like his real life counterpart?

From what I can see, he has absolutely perfect foot planting even when receiving the ball. I doubt they could ever pull that off in the game. FIFA have really good smooth animations but they're not even close to perfect foot planting, they cheat a lot.

Personally I can't judge if that is really Messi running around (he probably moves a lot different when in a real game and when "acting") and it really doesn't have to be messi to begin with.
There is no way PES 2011 can be fully manual. I dont believe it for a second. This would ruin the series. Please God, NO !!.

I dont want this bullshit FIFA arcade shit.
There is no way PES 2011 can be fully manual. I dont believe it for a second. This would ruin the series. Please God, NO !!.

I dont want this bullshit FIFA arcade shit.

But manual controls as in manual aim with the result depending on the quality of the player, isn't that good? You can try to cross it to a specific place, but then it is up to the player you're controlling to pull it off.

I think that would be great, you wouldn't lose any individuality but gain more control.
There is no way PES 2011 can be fully manual. I dont believe it for a second. This would ruin the series. Please God, NO !!.

I dont want this bullshit FIFA arcade shit.

Wouldn't you think that by making the controls manual you step away from an arcadey style?

Non manual would make it arcadey, having the game do it all for you.
But manual controls as in manual aim with the result depending on the quality of the player, isn't that good? You can try to cross it to a specific place, but then it is up to the player you're controlling to pull it off.

I think that would be great, you wouldn't lose any individuality but gain more control.

Yep, true... Plus they wouldn't have to resort to making top players faster just to make sure they are better. ie. Scholes isn't lightning quick but his passing would do exactly what you asked... Plus some div 1 players would be fast but not great at passing etc.
Konami give no information until after the PES saldi world in japan

Some of the innovations of the new PES as I have been told:
- Implantation of 360 degrees
- New collision system
- Copa Libertadores (not fully licensed kits)
- New system Tricks
- Estadio Mestalla, Valencia

Once you know something else, ire informing them as I did a year ago

Sorry for my poor english

ya os lo dije hace unos dias...
Well Jon Murphy now says the video is in-game so I guess I have to take his word for it. Congrats Konami for implementing perfect foot planting, that alone is an amazing achievement. Absolutely no ice skating or jitter in the foot when receiving the ball...
From what I can see, he has absolutely perfect foot planting even when receiving the ball. I doubt they could ever pull that off in the game. FIFA have really good smooth animations but they're not even close to perfect foot planting, they cheat a lot.

Personally I can't judge if that is really Messi running around (he probably moves a lot different when in a real game and when "acting") and it really doesn't have to be messi to begin with.

Fair point, however its still given me reason to believe they've compltely overhauled the animations.
Wouldn't you think that by making the controls manual you step away from an arcadey style?

Non manual would make it arcadey, having the game do it all for you.

Of course it wouldnt ???? , PES, if you know and understand how to play the game relies on your judgement of the individual player and his specific attributes. Choosing to make the 40 yard lofted throughball with a player noted for his passing ability is the skill. Fully Manual and power bars takes all this away. It's bullshit. Unless of course the accuracy of the pass is made up of players stats and the correct weight.

Otherwise its like Fifa is now, 11 players v 11 players, no characters, no individualism, fuck all. Just a case of pressing a button for the correct amount of time. Thats not football. Or at least it's not my idea of football.
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Fair point, however its still given me reason to believe they've compltely overhauled the animations.

I agree, animations will probably look really good. I just doubt they can pull of perfect foot planting. This is not that hard to pull of if you only have a guy running around. But when you add a ball to the equation it gets really complicated. Because the animations have to adjust to the ball all the time.

The animations will probably look very similar to the video, but with maybe a little ice skating from time to time like in FIFA.
Of course it would, PES, if you know and understand how to play the game relies on your judgement of the individual player and his specific attributes. Choosing to make the 40 yard lofted throughball with a player noted for his passing ability is the skill. Fully Manual and power bars takes all this away. It's bullshit. Unless of course the accuracy of the pass is made up of players stats and the correct weight.

That is probably how it will happen. It's giving you the freedom to aim wherever you want now without having the ball locked the the man nearest to you or the guy just to the left slightly of where you are aiming for (the guy behind him running down the wing). The stats like cross speed/accuracy could determine whether the ball will get to the man you're aiming at or if it will go beyond him or wide.

I imagine it will work like when shooting at goal. Some players with high shooting stats can still get shots on target with full or near full power gauges. Crap players struggle to keep the ball down low and on target at anything near over over half.

They seem to just be mixing that with the ability to pin point where you are actually aiming your passes and cross and shots.
The ONLY way this system will work is if they implement a Semi-Auto system. A single press of the pass button will use the players stats which has always been what PES is respected for by footballers, and the essence of Konami's philosophy. Then add the ability to hold the pass for a more precise power induced delivery. Much in the same way Romagnoli stated in another thread. I'm still not sold on the idea, but then again, bar PES 2008, Konami have always delivered the goods, so I guess I should have faith, after all, they are the masters of the simulation.
That is probably how it will happen. It's giving you the freedom to aim wherever you want now without having the ball locked the the man nearest to you or the guy just to the left slightly of where you are aiming for (the guy behind him running down the wing). The stats like cross speed/accuracy could determine whether the ball will get to the man you're aiming at or if it will go beyond him or wide.

I imagine it will work like when shooting at goal. Some players with high shooting stats can still get shots on target with full or near full power gauges. Crap players struggle to keep the ball down low and on target at anything near over over half.

They seem to just be mixing that with the ability to pin point where you are actually aiming your passes and cross and shots.

Totally agree. The current system needs tweaking forsure. But I love shit passes just as much as I love great passes. It creates the complete unpredictability that is PES. Stat driven. I hate the sound of the right trick stick as well, it's perfect as it is now, fluid and representive of the motion used to pull off the feint based on the trick itself.
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Of course it would, PES, if you know and understand how to play the game relies on your judgement of the individual player and his specific attributes. Choosing to make the 40 yard lofted throughball with a player noted for his passing ability is the skill. Fully Manual and power bars takes all this away. It's bullshit. Unless of course the accuracy of the pass is made up of players stats and the correct weight.

Otherwise its like Fifa is now, 11 players v 11 players, no characters, no individualism, fuck all. Just a case of pressing a button for the correct amount of time. Thats not football. Or at least it's not my idea of football.

I don't think you have anything to worry about Jimmy. Player individuality is one of the things PES has built it's reputation on, Konami would not be stupid enough to cast it to one side.
Of course it would, PES, if you know and understand how to play the game relies on your judgement of the individual player and his specific attributes. Choosing to make the 40 yard lofted throughball with a player noted for his passing ability is the skill. Fully Manual and power bars takes all this away. It's bullshit. Unless of course the accuracy of the pass is made up of players stats and the correct weight.

Otherwise its like Fifa is now, 11 players v 11 players, no characters, no individualism, fuck all. Just a case of pressing a button for the correct amount of time. Thats not football. Or at least it's not my idea of football.

I agree with this, for me I will never go manual, the reason I loved pes games of old was buying that special player in Master League after reading his stats, ie midfield playmaker and see them be able to control the midfield more effectively and also adding that bit more pace to the team on the wings or that strong player up front who can hold the ball up more.
I just wonken up for a long nite out :lol: ok the news does look fantatsic from what i have seen :)

Also like how the player moel of messi looks far better than the one in PES 2010 and the kits themselves look similar so i won't have to remake all my kit's for PES2 2010

I'm concered about 2 issues.

Physical play!
: I like how they have reworked this to make i more fluid BUT please, lets not have that broken system from fifa thank you :)

Manual controls: Passing accuracy plays a big part in this game like it has in every pes game. Difference between passing accuracy is the very essance of PES, i don't want this fully manual game forced on us like we have with FIFA where Emile Heskey can pass as well as Xavi.

Yes, more freedom to make more passes that we can in PES 2010 is great! But, the game is a very balanced one and full manual will be a exploit in many ways imo.

Let's hope that they have both the old system and this new reworked manual pass woven in toghether :)
Fully manual as in you are in full control of every pass and shot? I don't want that at all because it would mean that stats have no say.

I want the stats to always have the say, because it adds that player uniqueness, plus manual controls.
The ONLY way this system will work is if they implement a Semi-Auto system. A single press of the pass button will use the players stats which has always been what PES is respected for by footballers, and the essence of Konami's philosophy. Then add the ability to hold the pass for a more precise power induced delivery. Much in the same way Romagnoli stated in another thread. I'm still not sold on the idea, but then again, bar PES 2008, Konami have always delivered the goods, so I guess I should have faith, after all, they are the masters of the simulation.

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