PES 2011 Discussion thread

Let us not forget,we are all mostly seasoned digital football players,how much can this genre really offer us apart from better graphics,animation,physics and more control of are digital protaganists on the pitch and how we the end user have a greater influence on the play with are stick and buttons.

Lets all keep it real,its been less then a year since pes2010 which is nothing in the game development world of today.

Superb definition man!! :APPLAUD:
1000 extra frames of animation is not a big number in terms of todays games,and lets not forget games like ISS on the n64 had 17,000 frames of animation which has always put PESs pultry number to shame and that includes the limited number on the current platforms.

It's actually 1000 new complete animations, not frames of animation.
I hope not. That would be a waste.
Just do the important animations first, I would say.

How do you know, Fernando, or is it a wild guess?
We will see the game when we will play it. Not from KONAMI's videos...My friend played the game...And he isnt a fanboy like you..

I searched for PES 2011 presentations pictures...


Sorry for my bad english...They recorded not they are record..

And that's in Athens? And they are friends of you? And they played PES 2010 before? And why does every single report says exactly the opposite of what you said (about the animations being the same, and the game being "the same" as PES 2010)? They played the game too... I wonder if those "friends" of you also played 5 minutes and left like IGN Pros...

We had way too many people like you here already... Sounds like complete BS if you ask me.
I hope not. That would be a waste.
Just do the important animations first, I would say.

How do you know, Fernando, or is it a wild guess?

Im just guessing. When i see the "head knock" over and over and over i cant understand why is it there. So im not sure this time will change too much. I hope im wrong.

Maybe someone should ask Konami if those 1000 new animations are for gameplay. Seems a too high number to me. :/
I hope not. That would be a waste.
Just do the important animations first, I would say.

How do you know, Fernando, or is it a wild guess?

It's a guess. But obviously not all 1000 are going to be 'important'. I'd expect 100 or so to be purely aesthetic rather than directly related to gameplay.
The Power doesn't know what on Earth he is taking about so just ignore his posts.
I've had to go through all of this WENB bullcrap again. Enough already. Stop relating PES to WENB or any other fansite like they're the ones who created it and to blame. It's not like people are going out blindly buying the game based on them. If you are, then you are one sad person. There are gameplay videos, pictures, and DEMOS for you to see and try for YOURSELF fgs.

These types of posts will be deleted.
I've had to go through all of this WENB bullcrap again. Enough already. Stop relating PES to WENB or any other fansite like they're the ones who created it and to blame. It's not like people are going out blindly buying the game based on them. If you are, then you are one sad person. There are gameplay videos, pictures, and DEMOS for you to see and try for YOURSELF fgs.

These types of posts will be deleted.

There was no WENB in these posts. Just saying. But one more reason he was being pointless lol.
Except that Expander has played PES and said that 'Greek Power has some merit'. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but the reason given for him not telling the truth is because he doesn't agree with other sites. Is that enough to disprove him? Or can someone have a different opinion?
Aah god grant strength to our mods!

So when do we get our next fix. I'm thinking gamescon or is it gamescom?

Still feel short changed from our last "info explosion" with the revamped video and few pics.
There was no WENB in these posts. Just saying. But one more reason he was being pointless lol.

Except that Expander has played PES and said that 'Greek Power has some merit'. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but the reason given for him not telling the truth is because he doesn't agree with other sites. Is that enough to disprove him? Or can someone have a different opinion?


You still beliebe in those positive previews? In the last 3 years they (weblog,pesfan,ign ...) promise " the pes comeback" and every year it was a huge gameplay disappointment.

On this point I gonna quote one good post:

Wenb,pesfan and pesgaming need pes2011 to be a success this year and win back the hearts and minds of the hardcore otherwise there nothing more then pes on the ps2 memorial sites.Plus they all have affiliations with konami whether they admit it or not and do recieve perks(early code and ps3 de-buggers)for talking pes2011 up in a positive light as do the media.

Strong words i know,but wenb has crossed the line so many times it doesnt know where the line is anymore and shares the same dirty water as the rest of the sharks in the media.

Case closed.

And no one play that "everyone's entitled to an opinion" bull. Look through this thread again and you'll know everyone is more than entitled to one.

My words are quite clear. Stop blaming other pes fansites and dragging it. We are only that, fansites. If you blindly follow any and feel let down then you have only yourself to blame. You have your own brain to make up your minds.

For the last time, feel free to post your opinion that you are totally entitled to about PES and Konami without flaming, because it adds nothing to the discussion and drags it down to unwanted region.
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Wow hard to believe that ISS3 actually has better moves and animations than pes 2010 :CONFUSE:
WTF have Konami been doing since PES 6? prlly eating sushi, drinking sake and banging japanese hookers ..
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Case closed.

And no one play that "everyone's entitled to an opinion" bull. Look through this thread again and you'll know everyone is more than entitled to one.

My words are quite clear. Stop blaming other pes fansites and dragging it.

ok sorry i gonna post my opinion again without mention those pes sites :)

Why should we believe again positive previews? In the last years positive previews promise a comeback of pes but we got an an huge disappointment.

YouTube - PES 2011 (gameplay)E3 NEW (HD)

We have only one gameplayvideo so far and it doenst look like the new pes which promise the comeback of pes.

Its a E3 beta (60%) yes, but if you take a look in the last 3 years there was not a huge difference between beta and final. SO why should we believe positive previews and not the one greek and this gameplayvideo?

One word @BillyBoy

Look @my reg date. (2003) .I played the pes/ISS series since 1994/1995 on snes. I know what i am talking about...

Here is your answer. Quite a good read actually. People tend to think programming is as easy as Magic. Well, its not.

the reason why people think programming is easy cause they see other sport games and their animations/moves. It doenst matter EA or 2k Series...all top sport games have better animations as pes nexgen. So you see for other big sports companys it is easy as magic to create and include nice animations.
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One word @BillyBoy

Look @my reg date. (2003) .I played the pes/ISS series since 1994/1995 on snes. I know what i am talking about...

No you dont know what you are talking about. Your points are utterly stupid and dont give me that crap of I was a member since 2003 and I have played since ISS, I have heard it all before. Nonsense. Look at what your posting. Firstly your basing these invalid assumptions on a small gameplay clip from pre E3 code, not E3 code as you thought since this came from the Tokyo trip in early May. That video was only being used for sound and audio purposes. It was never meant to be used as an indicator for what the quality of gameplay would be like. Why dont you take a look at the proper E3 trailer released by Konami and last weeks one. It seems to me your selecting what to see and what not to see and then saying that your opinion is right. I know what I will be doing and thats basing my judgement off the playtests, Gamescom videos, reviews and ultimately the demo and my own personal opinion which is the most important.
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Why dont you take a look at the proper E3 trailer released by Konami and last weeks one. .

Those trailers tells nothing about the gameplay....You cant hide nagtive points about a game in gameplayvideo which is not created/recorded by developers. We should wait for more gameplayvideos to see how the game is....trailers are useless and only used to show good points of a game.

I know what I will be doing and thats basing my judgement off the playtests, Gamescom videos, reviews and ultimately the demo and my own personal opinion which is the most important.

agree. but after 3 years of disappointment you should stop believe konami (trailers) and promises in previews. wait and see for gameplayvideos.
...and look @ my post again..i didnt give my opinion about pes2011. I only ask you some question...due to last years.
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Those trailers tells nothing about the gameplay....You cant hide nagtive points about a game in gameplayvideo which is not created/recorded by developers. We should wait for more gameplayvideos to see how the game is....trailers are useless and only used to show good points of a game.

Bloody hell its like talking to a remedial. Of course its telling you about the gameplay! They were both gameplay trailers! You don't want to see the positives only the negatives and are trying to find them from a video that wasn't even intended to demonstrate gameplay in the first instance! It was for an audio demonstration to show the chants the journalists had just made. And even then you can see from that small segment of video that the game looks considerably different from PES 2010. Just because people were wrong for the last 3 years (thats your opinion I actually liked PES 2010 as do many on this site) doesn't mean that PES 2011 is guaranteed to fail. Wait for the demo before you pass judgement.
That video posted above was not from E3 though, it was recorded at Konami studios in May and it was only to show the journalists who had recorded custom chants in the audio studio how they could then fit them into the game. Have a read of the news thread which does actually show real gameplay from the Wide camera, it is clearly a different game, but you sound like you have made your mind up already.
Bloody hell its like talking to a remedial. Of course its telling you about the gameplay! They were both gameplay trailers! You don't want to see the positives only the negatives

I want see both..but a trailer will never show you negative points of the game....the greek guy told you some points about the gameplay but you ignore them. so you see you are the one who want read negative points about the game.

and are trying to find them from a video that wasn't even intended to demonstrate gameplay in the first instance!

Ok i gonna wait and post in a few mounts to compare gamescom and this short gameplayvideo. we will see.

And even then you can see from that small segment of video that the game looks considerably different from PES 2010.


Have a read of the news thread which does actually show real gameplay from the Wide camera, it is clearly a different game, but you sound like you have made your mind up already.

Link? (pls dont give me a link to the Konamit gameplay trailer.)
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I want see both..but a trailer will never show you negative points of the game....the greek guy told you some points about the gameplay but you ignore them. so you see you are the one who want read negative points about the game.

Ok i gonna wait and post in a few mounts to compare gamescom and the short gameplayvideo. we will see.


I never said anything about the 'Greek guy'. Im sure there will be some bad things in PES 2011 just as there are in PES 2010. I always look at something from a balanced viewpoint. If something looks crap I will say it. If something looks good I will say it too and in regards to PES 2011 I think its looking quite good. However your just talking nonsense and only looking at the negatives, that PES 2011 is destined to fail due to the past history and one random persons views.
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I never said anything about the 'Greek guy'

as i said you ingored him.

something looks good I will say it too and in regards to PES 2011 I think its looking quite good. However your just talking nonsense.

what about to accept other opinions? You think the game looks good - why? Cause the Konami trailers show you the good things about the game? ..what are the main reasons? ..due to the previews?

However your just talking nonsense and only looking at the negatives, that PES 2011 is destined to fail due to the past history and one random persons views.

wrong! i love the new manual passing, some of new animations and proportion of the new player models but i dont believe all the previews and konamitrailers.....cause i know how marketing works...and i know what konami did in the last 3 years to the pes series.I am only critically due to last 3 years....every year previews promise the comeback of pes and every year konami show those trailers which are look good..but after the first gameplayvideos from gamescom or gameconvetion it became a huge dispointement for me.
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Your right the marketing is always crap and SOME of those previews will be hyped, because thats what journalists do but what your completely and utterly wrong about is that ALL those previews are wrong. Their not all going to be wrong. We will share some of their views be it positive or negative. Thats why we are here on this forum. We all share similar views. But what you will do is as soon as a negative preview or negative opinion is out you will jump on it as if its Gospel, completely ignoring the fact that lots of other people have said good things. Why? Because your a pessimist. You only see the glass half empty while I see it half full. I understand where your coming from. I was pessimistic with previous versions too. PES 2008 and 2009 were awful in my opinion but you must challenge these historic mindsets and trends and look at it with a fresh and clear mind. At the end of the day you will only form your ultimate opinion with the demo.
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