PES 2011 Discussion thread

It was a strange picture to introduce the stadium editor thats for sure, they should have showed some silhouettes of different stands etc to add to a template rather than some sort of sticker album.

If that was EA they would have had a detailed blog by now, whether it actually worked well or not would be a different matter (manager mode).

Yes, I was about to say that. EA would have released a little developer video showing how the feature works. No chance of Konami doing anything like this. Their press releases always seem to be designed to raise more questions than answers.
I agree that it's annoying how they've nicked stuff from the trailer we've already seen. Tere's only really 3 minutes of new stuff actually in there, if you cut out the new angles of old stuff.

It's only really the hardcore that are obsessive enough to just watch a full match from the standard camera angle. We're never going to get that from Konami/EA. It's people who turn up to public events with cameras who give us these (at the expense of any sort of aptitude to show the gameplay off).
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Far too many sceptics who are just saying negative stuff for the sake of it. Its like its turned into a repetitive based syndrome. If you have criticisms then back it up. Don't just say 'it looks crap just like the last 3 years, Konami have blown it again' because your a bit of a retard then. Lets be a bit optimistic.

They have shown a lot more than previous years and are far more confident this time around,

I agree with this, we have been very, very lucky to see so many previews and screens so early. There was pretty much nothing but minor glossy videos last year at this time, they still have what? 2 months to sort out some of the nitpicking issues people have talked about.

I just understand why people seem to be disregarding the huge improvements in the key area's that made PES 2010 so average? PES 2008 and 2009 were total shit so it was going to take time for PES to get back to it's best again. PES 2010 was the halfway point. This is the revolution.
What we see in 1 months time at Gamescom will be pretty much the final game we get our hands on in October. I would assume it would be around 90% complete then and the only real changes will be removing bugs and a bit of polishing up.
PES 2010 wasnt the half way was a total shitfest just like all before that besides PES6 and below.

This however is shaping up to be what PES should have been ages ago
I didn't feel that at all. PES2010 was a slightly smoother PES2009 with a huge graphical update. But the two games essentially played the same.

What about the first touch ?

The less responsive nature of a lesser technical player ?

What about the fact you need to alot more aware of player posture before attempting a pass ?

Varying strategies and Player Cards that require understanding to be able utilise properly ?

The 2010 Trick System ?

For me it was very different to PES 2009, but then again I play the game at least 30 hours per week, so maybe I'm seeing something you are not bud.
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The download video is excellent, don't know how 6 minutes take up over 600mb but whatever. It really brings out nice detail, the closeup of Ozil's feet is awesome, looks like the real thing. I was checking out the Halos (I know they are not actually halos) above the players heads, at first I thought the African teams had some really poor stamina but then I realised the teams had different colored halos. There is a really tiny halo under the top one, so I wonder what they do? One must be for stamina, but if the big halo is only used to identify the player under control, it shouldn't be so big.
What about the first touch ?

The less responsive nature of a lesser technical player ?

What about the fact you need to alot more aware of player posture before attempting a pass ?

Varying strategies and Player Cards that require understanding to be able utilise properly ?

The 201o Trick System ?

For me it was very different to PES 2009, but then again I play the game at least 30 hours per week, so maybe I'm seeing something you are not bud.

Come on Jimmy, the things you've mentioned have always been part of PES in one way or another.

What's the highlighted bit supposed to mean?:THINK:
PES 2010 wasnt the half way was a total shitfest just like all before that besides PES6 and below.

Should i just send this in a PM?

At gamescom it was, the demo wasan't much better but the full game was decent and the after the 1.03 it was a decent game imo. The individuality and player personality made it for me, along with the master league.

PES 2008 WAS shit really imo because of PES 6, PES 6 was good but it was very much a dubbed down PES 5 and it just attracted too many of these 'fluid football' people who just wanted to win 6-0 all the time playing sexy football with the big teams. At the time these people sem to believe the game was perfect and didn't help konami in showing what needed to be improved.

Konami thought going down the arcade route was the way forward and that silly 'famcom' philosophy was just a recipe for disaster.

No wonder most of these people love the latest FIFA, i find it a huge irony most of these people didn't even play the best FIFA which was FIFA 08, i've been playing that game again today since i brought it for 1.98 off ebay (my last one broke) EA shouldn't never got rid of Joe Booth!

PES 2009 was fun at times, but i agree it was terrible :) was easily beaten by the rather average and arcade game FIFA 09
I love this gif of the Özil dribble posted at WENB (courtesy of jmcorp)


Almost looks real.
Come on Jimmy, the things you've mentioned have always been part of PES in one way or another.

Nah, give it to Jimmy, he's right there. The responsiveness of bad players in PES 2010 was 100% different to PES 2009.

In 2009 with bad players i could still run at players and just about get away with beating them using the fake shot. There was a difference but they were easy to control.

In 2010, i just don't bother even running with players who's dribble acc, sprint speed and technique are below 80. Your going nowhere :) . Thats the best thing about PES 2010. Also the player cards did make players feel a lot more unique in behavior off the ball especially compared to any pes game even the great PES 5
That ozil video does look awesome but overall it's still thumbs down from me which I'm annoyed about :(

Gameplay just looks so wooden and clunky really needs a good demo. The off the field stuff actually looks pretty good.
This year more than ever I'm willing to keep an open mind.I haven't properly played (like own them) the last 2 PES cause the demo put me off both time as I've started to be more of a FIFA player.
However I like the direction this PES has taken (both game are using each other ideas) and if they can sort out the animation like it appears to be then yeah I'll buy it.
I just hope the gameplay will be worth cause things like authenticity from kits and shoes is the least of my concern.I even wish FIFA would stop adding more and more licensed teams so that they could really focus on the gameplay.
Despite the demo, I'll rent PES2011 and maybe purchase it altogether.Here is hoping they can even overtake FIFA this year so the competition will force both companies to keep on improving their game
They're just showing off that you can edit the ad boarding areas, so why not throw in some good old Gradius bits.


Create your own stadium sounds great especially if we can actually make and save more than 1. I hate taking a team in ML from nothing and making them into something amazing and having to either have a amazing stadium to start with (which makes no sense as we're rubbish) or have a rubbish stadium at the start and end up stuck with that when you're ranked 1 in the world.

Great to see some gameplay coming and I like the tactics and how the teams play differently. Hopefully that will mean that not only will play stats be felt still but tactics will add a whole new feel to the game. So a team of great players will play more like a team of great players than just 'the same as every other 11, but they will hit the target more and save more shots'.

Just wanted to ask a question as I am a little confused, is it possible to create a stadium or just edit it?? etc.) :?(below is statement):

Konami has also released a number of new screens to accompany the trailer,
and these reveal for the first time the new 'Stadium Edit' mode, that allows
users to create their own home ground for use in the game
, and the first
screens for the massively reworked Become a Legend mode, where players are
cast as an upcoming starlet and strive to earn major honours and become the
world's greatest player. More information about Become a Legend enhancements
will be released in the coming months.

If it is just the ability to add to billboards etc. then not impressive but if its something on the lines of choosing how the stadium looks by having the ability to pick what kind of stands, press box, shape (Oval or Boxed) etc. then that would be excellent but doubt that
I'd happily play PES2010 more if it was more responsive, apparently PES2011 IS more responsive, but we'll never be able to tell this from videos, so I look forward to the demo. (Edit: I'm not talking about all players being able to dribble like Messi either, I want slower/clumsy dribbles, just don't want what currently to me feels like a little delay)

In a perfect world I'd like a Fifa/PES hybrid, but in a world with 2 football games, they should at least offer something different, so I hope PES doesn't become too Fifa-esque.
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Just wanted to ask a question as I am a little confused, is it possible to create a stadium or just edit it?? etc.) :?(below is statement):

Konami has also released a number of new screens to accompany the trailer,
and these reveal for the first time the new 'Stadium Edit' mode, that allows
users to create their own home ground for use in the game
, and the first
screens for the massively reworked Become a Legend mode, where players are
cast as an upcoming starlet and strive to earn major honours and become the
world's greatest player. More information about Become a Legend enhancements
will be released in the coming months.

If it is just the ability to add to billboards etc. then not impressive but if its something on the lines of choosing how the stadium looks by having the ability to pick what kind of stands, press box, shape (Oval or Boxed) etc. then that would be excellent but doubt that

You can create your own stadium.
I just hope the new refs play advantage but go back and book players after an awful foul...I've made some late tackles on PES2010 and got away with it every time :EMB:
What's with everything going stat-based? I'd better watch a match on TV then!! Stats should influence my decision not decide for me!! I want to pull off those wonderful passes myself not click a button and forget about what happens next.
What's with everything going stat-based? I'd better watch a match on TV then!! Stats should influence my decision not decide for me!! I want to pull off those wonderful passes myself not click a button and forget about what happens next.

Oh dear. Your in the wrong thread. Again. :COAT:

Now I read that as you can edit the ad boards and the stand tier fronts etc..
As they show in the image I know it does say create your home ground but I think that means through customising of those items!...

I may have missed something but an editor tool is not creator tool...:CONFUSE:

I don't want to come across as negative but I also don't want to be disappointed, it will be a nice touch even if we can only a edit those bits...
I may have missed something but an editor tool is not creator tool...:CONFUSE:

I know what you mean and hopefully someone will clarify what the stadium editor is all about in due course. But remember you can 'create' players in the editor, so perhaps don't take the term 'editor' too literally.;)
I know what you mean and hopefully someone will clarify what the stadium editor is all about in due course. But remember you can 'create' players in the editor, so perhaps don't take the term 'editor' too literally.;)

Nope, I hope I'm wrong, I'd like both to go down this route especially if they can stick in maybe 8-10 base grounds to work from; it would be too big or crazy to expect a ground up system...

This would be great for the smaller teams who get over looked and lumped with a couple or three grounds that even come close...
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